

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 38 av 124


The thesis work has been carried out at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC) in Trollhättan. VAC has entered a partnership as developing and producing partner with engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney and is currently at the starting phase of producing the turbine rear frame (TEC) to the engine PW1000.The purpose of this study was to create a report on process level that describes the conditions and the potential with PW1000 TEC to reach the product cost calculation taking into account lead times and describe alternative method solutions.The report describes a comparison between the present flow (2012), a flow based on product cost calculation (2016) and a potential flow (2016). The work has mainly been based on acquiring the knowledge and information available to inspect the present flow; this has been done by workshop observations, meetings and gathering of the information that is available on the work site for the PW1000 TEC.The information obtained has been merged into an Excel document, called Roadmap. It serves as a roadmap with current situation as the start and the potential flow for 2016 as the goal. With the roadmap as a tool, assumptions have been taken considering the flow and how it will change, where processes have been eliminated, reduced or marked as a problem..

Språk- och kunskapsfrämjande arbetssätt

En förutsättning att lyckas i skolan är att behärska undervisningsspråket vilket även är en av faktorerna som påverkar andraspråkselevers framgång i skolan. Det kan framkomma att en andraspråkselev behärskar undervisningsspråket i samband med samtal med sina kamrater men när eleven väl sätter sig med en text med obekanta ord så vet eleven inte hur den ska gå tillväga för att ta sig igenom texten. Utifrån problematiken kring andraspråkselevers språkutveckling valde jag att undersöka vilka arbetssätt som främjar andraspråkselevers språkutveckling. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur verksamma klasslärare går tillväga för att främja andraspråkselevers språkutveckling och vilka arbetssätt de föredrar. För att nå syftet använde jag mig av kvalitativa intervjuer och observationer för att se hur två verksamma klasslärare arbetar.

Elektroniska konossement - ?r Sverige med p? b?ten? En studie av m?jligheterna till inf?rande av elektroniska konossement i Sverige

This paper aims to analyze the legal functions and characteristics of bills of lading in their basic form to examine the legal framework for the adoption of electronic bills of lading under Swedish law. With a comparative analysis against English law, particular attention is given to the 'document of title' function. This has been claimed to pose challenges in the transition to electronic bills of lading. While Swedish law presents potential parallels, critical aspects like negotiability and indirect possession require resolution. It analyzes international regulations such as the Rotterdam Rules and Model Law, addressing challenges and potential solutions for digitalization.

Biblioteken som glöder. En studie av ideellt drivna bibliotek i Uppsala kommun och eldsjälarna bakom dem

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study, describe andimprove the understanding of voluntary driven libraries. How doesthe library staff view their role? How is the library operationworking in respect of economy, organization structure and systemsof rules? Research methods I used were semistructured interviewsand document research.The theoretical framework was based on Joacim Hansson´sdiscussion about libraries in a local community, Henning Bang´sdiscussion about organization culture and the Swedishgovernment´s non- profit advisory group`s discussion aboutvoluntary work.The results of this study shows that the library staff are enthusiastsmotivated by a wish to spread literature to people who find itdifficult to visit municipal libraries. Other motives for theirvoluntary work is the opportunity for being a part of a socialcommunity, to be surrounded by books and to activate body andsenses. The results of this study also shows that the voluntarylibrary system differ from the traditional, municipal library systemconcerning economy, organization structure and set of rules..

?Roll up! Roll up for The Magical Mystery Tour!? : om upplevelseindustrin i The Beatles Liverpool

During the 19th centaury Liverpool was an industrial city of great magnitude owing to the well-established communication and infrastructure in the area. During the 1950?s the industry decrease swiftly - and although Liverpool as a city gain interest as a result of the sensation of the Merseybeat and The Beatles - the reduction continued through the 70?s and during the 80?s the people of Liverpool suffered from great unemployment. Today Liverpool is a post-industrial city with a growing experience economy that mainly benefits from The Beatles tourism and the Merseybeat-era. The focus of these studies is the experience economy in Liverpool as a result of globalization and production in the late modernity.

Tolkningar av begreppet "tillgänglighet" på Värmlandsarkiv

This survey examines how a regional archive, Värmland Archives, interprets and works from the departure point of national cultural accessibility goal ?Everyone should have the opportunity to participate in cultural life?. And it is also a comporative study of discourse regarding accessibility between Värmland Archives and some other actors in the archival cultural system. Critical discourse analysis, according to Norman Fairclough, is used as a theory method. A discourse analysis is made on empirical data based on document study and qualitative research interviews. My conclusion is that if the term Accessibility is seen as a focal point the accessibility discourse in the documents of Värmland Archives and of the other actors studied can not be clearly discerned. Värmland Archives´s interpretation of terms regarding accessibility analyzed in the survey, varies among the staff regarding how the archives and its services should be accessible, and what accessibility means in the context of the archives.

De uteblivna möjligheterna? intressegruppers diskursiva hållning vid en stadsomvandling

Although being recognized as holding great cultural-historical significance by local officials, numerous parts of the functionalistic development along Friggagatan became demolished in 2008.This bachelor thesis have surveyed how the planning process proceeded through various municipal committees, and moreover, how different interest groups gathered around certain discursive attitudes. As a consequence of various paradigm shifts in society, e.g. that local government gradually are depending on private economic initiatives, there are to some extent a fear among politicians that cultural-historical demands can risk economic growth.Nevertheless, a building or a development are in fact bearing different value-perspectives, such as economic, functional and cultural-historical. Due to the fact that the heritage-sector has limited resources, in combination with sometimes vaguely and obsolete conservation documents, the sector have difficulties of responding common economic arguments, which leads that the real estate-owner gets total interpretative prerogative.However, despite a sometimes suspicious political attitude towards an improved conservation document, e.g. with continuously updates concerning a building?s technical and economic status, there are some political initiatives working towards it..

Barns inflytande, delaktighet och intresse : En studie om samspel och förhållningssätt i förskolans vardag

The aim with this study was to give and receive an insight of children?s participation during one day in a preschool. Answers we were interested in finding out were how pedagogues act in relation to children´s influence, participation and interests and how this shows in the pedagogical context. Our own interest of children´s participation was influenced by the new revised curriculum that took place in 2010. Nowadays the pedagogues? have to be more active and reflect and document children´s influence and participation, and therefore we wanted to use this opportunity to create a picture of how pedagogues deal with these new guidelines.We have with an ethnographic inspired approach performed a qualitative study with data collected during one day with focus on children´s influence, participation and interest in one preschool section.According to the result children?s participation and influence this day were controlled by the pedagogue.

Samtalsterapi på vårdcentral ? varför, hur och för vem?

Approximately one third of all patients in primary care have a psychosocial component to their illness that requires adequate professional treatment. However, primary care is insufficiently prepared for these patients. The aim of this case-study was to evaluate a pilot project in primary care offering psychotherapy as a treatment alternative. The data collected includes 1) data from 352 referred patients regarding demographics, diagnosis, treatment duration and pre- and post health status, 2) a patient-satisfaction questionnaire and 3) interviews with six therapists and five medical doctors. The treated patients improved significantly and showed a high degree of satisfaction.

Vandenbergh 9: Kontorskomplex till moderna bostäder

Stockholm är en växande stad och för att bemöta det behov av bostäder som expansionen medför, krävs att befintliga fastigheter utvecklas och får nya, bättre anpassade ändamål. Det är framförallt viktigt att utveckla de fastigheter som är belägna i attraktiva områden med pågående stadsutveckling eller goda möjligheter för ny stadsutveckling.Denna rapport behandlar utvecklingen av Vandenbergh 9, ett kontorskomplex från tidigt 1970-tal till ett modernt bostadshus. Rapporten resulterar i förslagshandlingar över hur den invändiga gestaltningen kan komma att se ut. Förslaget följer alla de lagar, stadgar och rekommendationer som idag ställs för byggnation i Sverige.Detta resulterade i sex individuella plan, men för att främja hållbart och rationellt byggande har ett stort fokus lagts på modulbyggande. Rapporten redogör för hur en fastighet i en stor skala kan utvecklas och erhålla ett nytt syfte..


This document is a summary of my work to create a project management system for a small firm working with computer graphics. The intention is to manage customers, projects, images and invoices in the easiest possible way. To make the system as flexible as possible a web-interface was chosen which makes it possible to access the system from any computer, making it independent of any particular operating system. The only requirement on the user environment is that the computer must have a connection to the Internet to be able to access the system. The different techniques that have been used to develop the project management system is primarily Ruby on Rails and a MySQL database.

På spaning efter drivkrafter och rötter: En motivanalys av drivkrafter inom Sveriges Pensionärers Intresseparti samt om inspirationskällor vid partiets uppkomst

One aim of this thesis has been to trace the driving forces among active members of the Swedish Pensioners? Interest Party (SPI), but also to render how party values and ideas are connected to the concepts of is-sue space, distrust, and New Party Politics (mainly populism). Since there are several pensioners? parties in other countries, my second aim has been to investigate whether the party is a result of a diffusion proc-ess of copying a successful equivalent party; in other words to find out whether a master frame has inspired the forming of a Swedish pension-ers? party. Through interviews and document analysis, I have found seven issue dimensions explaining the motives behind my respondents? engagement in the party.

?Vi läkare är inte utbytbara!?: - en studie om identitetsskapandevid fusioner i sjukvården

During the last 20 years, the Swedish health care system has faced major changes. One of them is the increasing pressure to generate economic profit due to private businesses entering the market. Health care units are forced to make some structural changes in order to become effective and efficient. As a result merger and acquisitions has become a part of the health care sector, and seems to be an increasing phenomenon. Mergers and acquisitions have mainly been studied in the industry.

Posthuset blir hotell En studie av Centralposthuset i Göteborg och dess omvandling

This essay in Art History treats the former Central Post Office in Gothenburg, Sweden, and its recent transformation into a luxury hotel. The magnificent original building in neo-classical style, inaugurated in 1925, has been supplemented by a twelve stories high tower in postmodern style containing hotel rooms and suites, creating a complex architecture. The approach of this essay is that of ?lived architecture?, that is, how people experience and act in relation to the building. It is argued that the history of the building is rewritten in the marketing of the hotel and the management?s concept of creating a comfortable ?mini-world?for its guests.

Pedagogisk dokumentation

In July 2010 the curriculum Lpfö 98 was readjusted and was enhanced with new chapter, and the purpose of this essay is to study how preschool teachers discuss and describe how their conduction to the new chapter 2.6 of the readjust Curriculum Lpfö 98. I want to understand how they experience their work with the documentation.My question formulations are:How do three pre-school teachers reason around what they document in the pre-school?Which practical conditions do the pree-school teachers claiming to have on the pre-school to perform the documentation?How do they describe that they use the documentation to advance the tutoring in the preschool?In order to find out more, I interviewed three pre-school teachers, and analyzed the results I got based on prior research on documentation, and quality in preschool. My results show that the main focuses for documentations are how the children interact with each other, how they react and behave with new materials or activities. My informers emphasize that the main purpose of documentation are to be able to show the children their own process of learning.The practical conditions differ among my informers, which can lead to consequences when they want to make documentation and/or use the documentation for its purpose.  My results also indicates that the documentations are used to plan the pedagogical activities in regard to the children?s interests and according to the curriculum Lpfö98 rev.2010.

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