

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 10 av 124

Nyhetens behag: En kvantitativ studie av möjligheter och risker med produktplacering på modebloggar

The advantages with product placement in blogs compared to traditional media is shown in earlier empirical findings where consumers found blog posts more credible and informative than a corresponding article in a web paper. It can therefore be argued that the informal structure and personal tonality of the blog reinforces the effects of product placement on brand attitude and intention to buy as the consumer has no persuasion knowledge and does not detect the rewriting of the product as commercial.This paper?s overall aim is to provide concrete implications for how to manage product placement on fashion blogs. The purpose of the essay is therefore to investigate the communicative effects of product placement in fashion blogs as well as to examine if a revelation of commercial interest behind a blog posts about a certain brand effects the consumers? attitude towards the blog and/or brand attitude and intention to buy.

Slut eller början? - en studie av före detta soldaters reintegration i Sierra Leone

The aim of this study about post-conflict economic, social and political reintegration of ex-combatants is to understand how such a process should be prepared for in order to help as many traumatized and sometimes destructive or disabled soldiers as possible to re-establish themselves as functioning civilians as well as preparing communities for their return. In order to do this I have focused on Africa and in particular the DDR-process of post war Sierra Leone. My study concludes that the relation between ex-combatants and civilians and the prospect of a positive future are crucial to a successful reintegration process..

Skolkvalitetens lokala bakgrunder : -En explorativ fallstudie av fyra svenska kommuner för att kartlägga anledningar till deras olika placering i lärarförbundets undersökning ?Bästa skolkommun 2011?

Torstensson, Niklas (2012): Anledningar till olikheter mellan Svenska kommuners skolkvalitet (Causes behind the differences in Swedish municipality´s quality of school) Örebro University.This essay is an explorative case study that will compare four Swedish municipalities quality of local school system against the municipality ´s backgrounddata and a governing document: Skolplan. This study begins in a previous benchmarking study made by one of Sweden?s teachers unions Lärarförbundet. This is a statistical study that ranked the Swedish municipalities against each other?s according to their accomplishments in a number of areas related to their school systems.

Kompetensutvecklingens förutsättningar : En studie av hur en intern kompetensmodell uppfattas och används på Gruvöns Bruk

AbstractThis report is made in cooperation with the municipality of Vasteras and technical committeestaff. The report addresses several topics that affect fuel stations in Vasteras. The reportcontains two parts, first is a inventory that review all stations in the area to be addressed. Theinventory is made with consideration to various things that geographic situation, whatcompanies are represented and what level of service stations have. And the second part of thereport, is done with the analysis of how it looks in daily situations review.

"Det går inte att lita på föräldrarna" : Hur skildras omsorgsbristande föräldrar i LVU-rättsfall?

The aim of this study was to, with a social constructivistic approach, examine how parents,regarded as neglecting their children, are depicted in 12 LVU-legal cases from the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden. By using a document analysis influenced by discourse analytical tools, we found that there are repeated descriptions of the parents, which constructs an image of parents as shortcoming in the care of their children. The categories lack of emotions, mental disorder, substance abuse and physical maltreatment were the main reasons for child neglect that the parents were described from. Attitudes towards authority, aggression and immaturity, lack of insight, and deficiencies in the home were repeated in the description of the parent. We further found that mothers were regarded as more responsible of the children compared to fathers.

Övervakning av ston i sen dräktighet genom transrektal ultraljudsundersökning av placentan :

Abortion during late gestation is often caused by placental dysfunction such as placentitis. To prevent this from happening the placenta can be monitored pre partum so treatment can be started at an early stage. Methods for monitoring the placenta include hormonal monitoring, presence of clinical signs of placental dysfunction and ultrasonographic evaluation of the fetus and the placenta. Transrectal ultrasonography provides a very good image of the caudal portion of the allantochorion where an ascending placentitis normally establishes. An increased combined thickness of the uterus and the placenta, CTUP, has been associated with placental failure. This study included ten Swedish standardbred trotter mares in late gestation. They were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography of the placenta two times with approximately a month in between. CTUP was measured on each examination.

IT:s betydelse för sjuksköterskans omvårdnad

Bakgrund och problemformuleringDå frågor kring informationsteknikens (IT) användning inom vården ofta handlar om ekonomisk effektivitet och medicinsk nytta finns ett behov av att sätta ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv på frågan om nyttan eller effekterna av IT. Utifrån en teoretisk definition av IT respektive omvårdnad är det möjligt att se att IT kan ha betydelse för sjuksköterskans omvårdnad på åtminstone tre sätt; som informationsbärare av vårdvetenskaplig information, som medium för interaktion med patienten och som påverkan på arbetsinnehåll och sjuksköterskans yrkesroll. Studien avser därför belysa hur sjuksköterskor uppfattar IT:s betydelse för omvårdnaden av patienten.SyfteStudien syftar till att belysa IT:s betydelse för sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av patienten. Kunskap om denna betydelse är en förutsättning för att omvårdnad som en viktig del i patientens vård, främjas av den IT-användning som införs och används inom hälso- och sjukvården.MetodSex intervjuer inom två forskningsfält gjordes och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat och diskussionResultatet visar att IT i praktiken har liten betydelse ifråga om att stödja sjuksköterskans teoretiska omvårdnadskunskap. Genom att vården erbjuder kommunikation via e-post är det möjligt att patienters olika behov av kontakt med vården tillgodoses.

Andlig skräck : Världsbilder i Hellraiser och Huset som Gud glömde

Denna uppsats kommer behandla skräckfilmerna Hellraiser och Huset som Gud glömde och hur dessa presenterar en viss världsbild. Filmerna är utvalda utifrån deras övernaturliga inslag. I uppsatsen knyts analyser av filmerna ihop med Mary Douglas Renhet och fara. Utifrån tre aspekter, andlighet, gott och ont och världsstruktur, analyseras filmernas innehåll. Denna analys visar på en stark religionskritik, men samtidigt visar de att det övernaturliga existerar.

Influence of providing objects to piglets before and after weaning on behaviour and weight gain

Barren rearing environment and early weaning of piglets can lead to a high level of distress, behavioural disturbances and reduction in weight gain. The main aim of this thesis was to study the effects of potential enrichment objects on piglet?s behaviour and weight gain during the pre- and post-weaning period. The second aim was to examine what type of object stimulated the highest frequency of interaction. The study was carried out at the Swedish Livestock Research Centre in Lövsta where a batch of litters from 10 first-parity Yorkshire sows were used.

Från krisen in i framtiden ? uppsökande verksamhet för barn och ungdomar

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the outreach services for children and youths in a specific area, in this case Västra Götalandsregionen. In particular this thesis will examine the development in the outreach services for children and youths from 1990-2010. Our thesis will also examine if the financial crises affected the outreach services for children and youths, and how control documents influence the work of the librarians. This study is based on interviews, document and literature studies. For the analyses we used Torgil Persson?s theoretical model.

The Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift - PÅ den svenska marknaden

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: The Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift - På den svenska marknaden. Seminariedatum: 2008-06-02 Ämne/Kurs: NEKM01 ? Examensarbete magisternivå 15hp Författare: Stefan Setterlund Handledare: Hossein Asgharian Fem nyckelord: The Post-Earnings-Announcement-Drift, earnings momentum, anomalier, oförväntade vinster, likviditet. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om fenomenet the postearnings-announcement-drift (PEAD), eller earnings momentumsom det också brukar benämnas som, finns på den svenskaaktiemarknaden. Detta för att se om man eventuellt kan bilda envinstgivande lång/kort strategi genom att utnyttja dessa välkändaanomalier.

Att möta fördomar : En kvalitativ studie om några finska och utomnordiska romers upplevelser på bostads- och arbetsmarknaden

The aim of this study has been to examine how a few members of the Finnish and non- Scandinavian Romani subgroups experience their own, and their groups, situation on the Housing- and Labour Market. We´ve studied our respondents? experiences of discrimination, which difficulties they think there are, what strategies can be used to deal with these difficulties and also their own ideas on how to improve the situation for the Romani people in the Swedish society. This has been done by six individual structured interviews which have been analyzed with concepts from Symbolic Interactionism, including Goffman?s Dramaturgical Role Theory, definition of Stigma and Kelly?s theory of Personal Constructions.

handel med utsläppsrätter : en del av lösningen på koldioxidproblematiken?

In Rio De Janeiro, 1992, was the first document signed that meant a responsibility for industrial countries to decrease their emissions, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Thirteen years later was the first legal binding document signed, the Kyoto protocol, and for the first time industrial countries all over the world was bound to decrease their emissions on greenhouse gases. Within the framework of this commitment, three flexible mechanisms (Clean Development mechanism, Joint Implementation and Emission trading) were introduced with the function to reduce the economical costs of the commitment. The flexible mechanisms Emission Trading (ET) is what this report is about.The report starts with a description of carbon dioxide and it?s effect on the environment, thereafter comes a background review of the national agreements who lies as a ground to the implementation of emission trading as a management control measure in Sweden and the rest of the world.Keywords: United Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto protocol, Flexible mechanisms, Emission trading, carbon dioxide .

The Incentives Behind Capital Structure Decision - A Survey of the Swedish Market -

The aim of this thesis is to investigate which the main determinants of capital structure in Swedish listed firms are and to identify which incentives lies behind managers choice of capital structure determinants. Further, the study investigates whether the Post Keynesian theory and theories which incorporate behavioral aspects can be used to explain the capital structure decisions or if the traditional Neoclassical theory give an better explanation. We have used a qualitative method to analyze the determinants of capital structure and the managers incentives behind capital structure decision. We conducted a survey which was sent to 83 Chief Financial Managers and financial executives in Swedish firms listed on Mid Cap or Large Cap. The questionnaire was on-line which enabled for the respondents to quickly and convenient respond.

Chatt och e-post : ett möte på folkbibliotekets publika datorer?

Ten years ago the public computers with Internet access were introduced in the public libraries. The purpose of the public computers was to give the possibility of searching information. Along with the Internet came also communication media like chat and e-mail. This type of communication was a new function for the libraries and the reactions among the librarians were mixed. It has been a source of big frustration and attempts to block it has not succeeded.

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