

8216 Uppsatser om Marking process - Sida 2 av 548

Likvärdig bedömning? : Så tolkar idrottslärarna värdeorden "till viss del", "relativt väl" och "väl" utifrån kunskapskraven i Lgr 11

The core process is responsible for internal business development and is the process that runs through the organization and the results which creates a value for the customer. Some research suggests that identification of the client's conscious or unconscious needs clarifying the so-called core process in the organization and operations can thus be more effective. The study aims to identify and analyze the experience of the core process within child health care. The method has been interviews with nine managers and 10 clinic nurses in a county. The results show a lack of knowledge regarding core process and process work.

Könsmärkning och statusrelevans i folkbiblioteksvärlden

The main purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine gender division in public libraries by reviewing literature and interviewing eight public librarians and two chief librarians. The reason why we decided to investigate this topic is the lack of research concerning sex-segregation in library and information science. By choosing this subject we intend to deepen the understanding of the significance of gender both within the public library and of the occupation in general. Some researchers claim that the low status of librarianship is a result of the large proportion of women in the profession. We want to find out how our informants view the relation between professional status and female domination.

Investeringsbedömningsprocessen för strategiska investeringar - en fallstudie av NordiCorp

The aim of this study is to examine the investment decision process for investments that arise due to strategic changes and are of strategic importance to the company. At the foundation of this study is the previous research in this area, done by King (1975) and Bower (1970), which examines the investment process on a more generic level. At the core is the investment decision process pertaining to Projekt X, an investment performed by NordiCorp. Having conducted a case study including six interviews with employees from various parts of the organization, combined with a large number of internal documents, the process regarding the investment decision was carefully illuminated. The results show that in many regards, this process follows the more generic investment process.

ERP-implementation och processkartläggning : En studie om implementering av ett ERP-syste, och vilka fördelar en processkartläggning kan ge för kravställandet.

To implement an ERP-system is not an easy process. The success of the implementation depend on many different variables. The most important one is perhaps the requirement process, to define what the organization wants and expects from the system. In this study, the advantages of a process mapping are examined, in relation to the phase where the requirements are expressed in an ERP-implementation. The conclusion is that a process mapping generates an increased communication with the supplier of the ERP-system, hence the business knows their processes and thereby what they want from the system.


Most people have been forced to throw away a pot-plant after its death. There are many reasons to the death of a plant, but mainly it?s because its owner forgets it, and therefore fails to water it. The purpose of this project is therefore to develop a product which can prevent this from happening, while the product has to have a low manufacturing cost to be able to compete whit other, similar, products on the market. During the project, a benchmarking has been done to give a clear picture of what the product has to compete with. The directives there are for CE-marking, and which of these who concerns the product has also been looked up.

GPS- & GIS-användning i drivningsprocessen hos Stora Enso SKog AB :

GPS (Global Positioning system) and GIS (Geographical information system) has been used for planning and inventory in the forest sector for more than ten years. The last years the development has come to equip harvesters and forwarders with GPS and GIS (GIT). The goal with this study was to reach a basis for decision, how Stora Enso Skog should continue its investment in GPS and GIS in harvesters and forwarders. To reach this basis for decision, possible advantages and benefits, disadvantages and problems in the harvesting process was evaluated. The study was made as an interview study with four harvesting managers and ten machine teams. To secure the quality of the results an interview questionnaire was made before the interviews were done. The results showed that GIT will make the harvesting managers work easier.

Kvinnlig chef på en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats ? En studie med genusperspektiv av folkbibliotek

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to see why there seem to be little interest in the management position at the public libraries. Since librarianship is a field that are proportionally dominated by women we chose to approach the study with a gender perspective. This study has excluded men and our main interest is the women?s point of view.

Från plats till resmål : Etableringsprocessen

In this thesis we have examined why the establishment process of travel destination is essential for the tour operators and how the process can be influenced by different conditions. The thesis is written from the perspective of the tour operators and with the tour operator Ving as our case study, we have been able to create a picture of how the establishment process of travel destination may look like.We have chosen to deal with some different areas in this thesis that all are important for the creation of a holistic picture of the process. The overall segments listed in this thesis are the process itself, the tourist, marketing, the product creation and demand. By connecting our theoretical framework to the collected empirical data from our case study, we have analyzed the establishment process and drawn our conclusions..

Effektivisering av kravspecifikationsprocessen

The goal of this project was to make the requirement process at the Swedish Coastguard more effective. The first step to achieve this was done by locating bottle necks in the process with value stream mapping method. The result of this study showed that the biggest restriction in the requirement process was while examining older requirement documents to understand what elements were suitable for the particular project. This was followed by a study of literature, interviews and theory of Lean Production with the ambition to investigate how the requirement process was handled on other companies and how to improve the process on the Swedish coast guard. This led to a number of potential enhancements of the process which later was evaluated.

Nätverkandets påverkan på organisationssammansättningen

Networking is an important part, for organizations, in the recruitment process. This since the emergence of Internet networking has become more common and the organizations finds that networking is applied more frequently in the recruitment process. Organizations have noticed that networking often is a more cost efficient option compared to traditional recruitment. Since networking in the recruitment process has increased, we intend to investigate if and how it affects the composition of organizations. This thesis aims to examine networking in the recruiting process, and aims to make no differences between networking offline and online.

Effektivisering av kravspecifikationsprocessen

The goal of this project was to make the requirement process at the Swedish Coastguard more effective. The first step to achieve this was done by locating bottle necks in the process with value stream mapping method. The result of this study showed that the biggest restriction in the requirement process was while examining older requirement documents to understand what elements were suitable for the particular project. This was followed by a study of literature, interviews and theory of Lean Production with the ambition to investigate how the requirement process was handled on other companies and how to improve the process on the Swedish coast guard. This led to a number of potential enhancements of the process which later was evaluated. Requirements written by different people in different organizations were analyzed in order to sort out if there were some similarities? which could be used as standard elements in a future standardization of the process.

Den varumärkesuppbyggande processen : En fallstudie på en fackförening

Background: According to many authorities Trademark consideration will within the companies become all more prioritized objectives for competitive advantage and a strong organisational structure.Trade marking is becoming an important tool, not only Production oriented companies apply this on their products or services whereas it is today spread in many different sectors.Problems: On the basis of theoretical and empirical studies, we will try to see how a trademark is built up.This will guide us to our questions at issue:? How has the actual process for HTF been in order to strengthen and to build up their trademark, how have they achieved this in practice?? What are the underlying criteria?s to for this work and what role has the consultant company BMN in the actual process?Aim: The authors have for intention to create an understanding on why there is interesting for a trade union organisation like HTF to carry out a trademark development investment. A further understanding will be to highlighting a strong trademark's advantages and possible disadvantages.Results: As a trade union organisation where the relationship to the members and the potential members is becoming all more important is the interesting to highlight their trademark clear and in addition to that contribute to building and establishing strong relationships. on the basis of this study we can state that it is now one of the most important support activities that as a trade unions to highlight its core values through trademark. As a trade union, one can to a large extent work with and to apply the market the economic mocks-up for trademark build up.The most important aspect is that we can state , in the future developed to concentrate more on communication, positioning, segmentation and diversification, which the trademark act as intermediary.

Vem sa att det ska vara fint? : En studie om tre bildlärares syn på process och produkt i bildundervisningen

Denna studie behandlar begreppen process och produkt. Syftet är att genom ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv undersöka några bildlärares syn på begreppen process och produkt i bildundervisningen på högstadiet. Tidigare har fokus legat på elevers färdiga produkt men idag är bedömningen i bildämnet mer fokuserad på elevers process (Skolverket, 2012:3). Undersökningen genomfördes genom  kavlitativa intervjuer. Intervjufrågorna är förankrade i Lindströms (2002:4-5) process- och produktkriterier.

Goodwill. IFRS3 & IAS36  - ?Big Bang? utifrån en revisors utgångspunkt.

The study aims to illustrate how women victims of male violence in intimate relationships are treated during the legal process and with professional perspective describe what women?s experiences considered to be in the legal process. The study also aims to draw attention to the interventions for abused women during the legal process.The results are based on interviews with professionals in the justice system, and on observations in the courtroom. Overall our results show that abused women are in need of a great quantity of help and support before, during and after the negotiation. The legal process is very stressful for the women.

Kartläggning och visualisering av riggkonstruktionsprocessen : Fallstudie från Scania

Mapping a process enables a greater understanding of the work, and is standard to evaluate and improve a process. This thesis is conducted at Test Bed Mechanical Design at Scania in Södertälje. Test Bed Construction is a complex process, characterized by a large amount of creative work, technical challenges and coordination between different people and different organizational functions.The aim of the thesis was to identify the Test Bed Construction Process and to develop a visual model of the workflow that also served as support for the engineers in their daily work. During the mapping process, comparisons were made with previous research in lean product development to identify process improvement.A literature review on process mapping and process visualisation resulted in a method for process mapping. The study showed that research on process visualisation is neither structured nor well defined.

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