

3352 Uppsatser om Marketing function - Sida 62 av 224

Är skolbiblioteket viktigt? En undersökning bland elever, lärare, skolbibliotekarie och skolledning om deras attityder, behov och förbättringsförslag på en utvald 7-9 skola i Bergslagen.

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the importance of the school library in a selected junior high school. My investigation is based on both theoretical and empirical studies. The aim of the theoretical part is to create a platform and refer to thoughts, roles and laws concerning the activity of the school library. The empirical investigation consists of two parts: questionnaires among students and teachers, plus interviews with students, teachers, headmaster, school librarian and the management of education. Everybody shows a positive attitude towards the school library and considers it important for the students exams.

What helps or inspires busy moms while grocery shopping?

The purpose of this master thesis is to understand how busy moms experience their grocery shopping trips and the in-store environment. In gaining this knowledge, we aim at being able to suggest ways to improve the grocery shopping experience of busy moms; and present insights that can help food retailers in targeting this consumer group in-store. Methodology: We use an iterative approach, and work with photo elicitation interviews. We let our respondents capture their experiences in photographs, which then aid in recalling their memories in follow up interviews. Theoretical perspective: We base our theoretical perspective on environmental psychology where we use the original M-R model, and include personal and situational variables suggested by Bäckström and Johansson (2006); where the latter variable includes the views by Turley and Milliman (2000).

Att mötas i en vitlökspress - en studie om korpus

 My field is Korpus and in this project I am investigating what role that plays for me as an artist connected to craft. To really get close to, and understand Korpus I have deconstructed it to find clues to why the silversmithing field looks like it does and how we got here. I believe Korpus has not yet come out of the closet for what it really can be. That it carries a great heritage of traditions and preconceptions that it would do well to shake off a little bit of. Can Korpus as an art field really survive in Sweden, where the Church has no power and silverware is no longer a need to demonstrate ones economic prosperity at an important dinner party? To help myself get closer to these objects I have given my own definition of Korpus.

Kinematisk och dynamisk modellering av den haptiska enheten TAU i sex frihetsgrader

The thesis presents an optimally designed kinematic structure for a new 6-DOF haptic devicebased on TAU configuration. The configuration of the TAU-2 proposed by Suleman Khan andKjell Andersson [1] was modified and its mobility was verified by using Grübler criterion tohave a 6 DOF. Analytical kinematic models for the inverse and forward kinematics weredeveloped for the haptic TAU configuration to determine a set of optimal design parameters.Kinematic performance indices such as volume of the workspace, kinematic isotropy and payload index, were defined based on the singular values of the Jacobian matrix. The Jacobianmatrix was scaled to homogenize the physical units. The Jacobian matrix dependent on theposition and orientation of the end-effector gives local isotropy and pay load index, so globaldesign indices were defined, which represent the performance of the mechanism in the wholeworkspace.

Relationsmarknadsföring- Hur Allsvenska Fotbollsföreningar lockar supportrar till arenan

En ständigt återkommande uppgift för fotbollsföreningar är hur de ska locka supportrartill arenan. I denna uppsats har vi undersökt fenomenet relationsmarknadsföring och ivilken utsträckning det används inom den svenska elitfotbollen. De föreningar somberörts i fallstudien är BK Häcken, IF Elfsborg och Gais. Vi har kommit fram till att allaföreningar försöker etablera relationer med sina supportrar och även om ingen föreninguttryckligen använder de metoder som ryms inom relationsmarknadsföringens ramverk,finns ambitionen att arbeta mer med relationsskapandet. Föreningarna har som mål attskapa relationer med sina supportrar även om personalbrist och ekonomiska resurseroftast är orsaken till varför det inte sker i någon större utsträckning.

Reflektion genom interaktion : En analys av förbindelsen mellan spelarens moraliska handlingar och karaktärernas utveckling i tv/datorspelet Dragon Age: Origins.

The aim of this essay is to investigate the function and development of non-player characters (NPC) in the TV/computer game Dragon Age: Origins. The NPCs are analysed in order to see if their development is affected by the player character?s (PC) background and interactions. The game?s ethics is also investigated by studying how the NPCs treat the PC and what significance they give to his background and actions.The results show that the NPCs are affected by the PC?s interactions, and furthermore, that they are round characters, which is unusual in TV/computer games.

Livsstilsbloggar- En studie av affärsinriktade Internetdagböcker

Syfte: Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva praktiken inom affiliate marketing ochbloggar inom livsstilssegmentet över en tvåmånaders period. Studien beskriver och framför defaktorer som krävs för att skapa och driva en blogg som attraherar läsare och annonsörer.Design och metod: Uppsatsen presenterar en statistisk analys av de huvudkategorier sombloggare i livsstilssegmentet nyttjar i sitt nätbaserade dagboksskrivande samt en diskursanalysav innehållet i dessa kategorier. Första steget i studien är att lokalisera bloggar som uppfyllerde kriterier som kännetecknar en livsstilsblogg. Det andra steget är att kategorisera inläggen ibloggarna. Det tredje steget är att genom diskurs analysera innehållet i inläggen som tillhör deolika kategorierna.Resultat: En utförlig studie av bloggar inom livsstilssegmentet som dessutom arbetar medaffiliate marketing visar på tendensen att dessa kommunicerar med sina läsare på ett sätt därde eftersträvar ett djupare och mer familiärt förhållande till sina läsare.

Reklam till mobiltelefoner

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Reklam till mobiltelefoner Seminariedatum: Tisdagen den 11 januari, 2005 Ämne/kurs: FEK 582 Kandidatuppsats, 10 poäng Författare: Rasmus Wallin, Anders Gullander och Jens Karle Handledare: Roland Knutsson, Björn Carlsson och Marcus Bengtsson Nyckelord: SMS-reklam, mobiltelefon, Marknadsföringslagen, obeställd elektronisk reklam, Mobile Marketing. Syfte: Vi vill med denna uppsats belysa hur möjligheten för direktreklam till mobiltelefoner ser ut idag och kan tänkas se ut i framtiden, med tanke på de ändringarna gällande obeställd e-postreklam som införts i Marknadsföringslagen. Fokus ligger i att belysa förutsättningarna ur ett företagsperspektiv. Metod: Kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med experter inom området, lämpliga företag och konsumenter. Utöver detta har information sökts i litteratur och på Internet.

Music Television : en TV-kanals förändring i ett nytt medieklimat

Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze and discuss how MTV is affected by the development that takes place on the world?s media market. The aim is also to see how MTV?s target group?s image of the channel can give guidelines in how MTV should act in this new media era.Material/method: I have examined the development on the media market and then created a model consisting of relevant factors that could affect a TV-channel today. Those factors and the two factors image and profile are then applied on MTV.

Skolbiblioteket ? definition och användning: en innehållsanalys av gymnasieskolans styrdokument 2012

The purpose of this thesis is to systematically describe and map how authorities define the school library and its function based on the current policy documents for the Swedish upper secondary school. The study is guided by the following questions: ? What dimensions does the school library have according to the explicit definitions, descriptions and requirements? ? What implicit arguments, references and unspoken assumptions about the school library and its role, function and significance can be derived? The study is delimited to the national policy documents, which have been divided into two groups ? structural and teaching focused ? corresponding to the two questions above. Further delimitations have been made to avoid noise and to manage a manual content analysis. Each question required its own analysis tool.

Content Marketing : Att nå ut till Generation Y

Denna studie ville bidra till att öka förståelsen för hur man inom en förskoleorganisation ser på och genomför ett möte mellan förskolechef och förskollärare. Syftet mynnade ut i följande frågeställning:? Vad i mötet mellan förskolechef och förskollärare upplevs bidra till att skapa en verksamhet med hög kvalitet? I denna studie har en etnografiinspirerad metod använts, där data har samlat in med hjälp av samtal, observationer och intervjuer. Studien har genomförts i en kommunal förskola i Stockholms län. Förskolechefen samt 3 förskollärare har intervjuats före och efter ett möte med verksamhetsutveckling som mål.

Rikedom sover illa på en bädd av fattigdom : En fallstudie om detaljistföretaget Indiska Magasinets etik- och miljöarbete

This essay highlights the Swedish retail companies? engagement in ethics and environment issues as a part of the business concept. The Customer is today more aware about what is going on in the world than ever before. Two of the main reasons are the Internet and the globalization. In relation to the customer being more aware about the situation in the world today, the demand for products which have been produced in consideration of ethical and environmental values has increased.

Hopp på Täby Galopp : svensk hindersport ur ett strategiskt marknadsföringsperspektiv

Horseracing is frequently referred to as the engine behind all horse activity in Sweden and it can be divided in to two main branches: harness racing and thoroughbred racing (HNS, 2008). Jump racing is a part of the thoroughbred racing and the jump racing is characterised by jumps on the racing track. Jump racing has been a part of the Swedish horseracing for over hundred years, but it has in recent years suffered from low economic profitability and been threatened by discontinuance (ATG & SG, 2008). Svensk Galopp, who is governing the horseracing in Sweden, has decided to increase the importance of jump racing. A workgroup was created for this purpose, and as a result of their work a strategy for the jump racing is supposed to be delivered in April 2009 (pers.

Göteborgs blå struktur : med studie av Osbäcken

Gothenburg municipality has a lot of natural water. This paper enhances the function and importance of water in the city. It also deals with the problems of sewage water and flooding. Gothenburg has reached an advanced stage of water planning. By developing a Waterplan, the municipality highlight that water has an important position in the urban planning.

Entreprenörskap på landsbygden : 6 små livsmedelsförädlande företag i Mälardalen

For a long time, economic activity has decreased and shows a downward trend in the food sector. To break this requires efforts to strengthen corporate position with the ability to meet market challenges. In the small producers is a great potential for them to be able to increase its profitability thanks to its ability to offer added value in the product. But to achieve this requires not only a willingness and creativity out of the ordinary but also factors that lead us into this report, current issues. The issues are related to marketing, brand building and the importance of developing a stable network. The study aims to investigate how small businesses operate in rural areas are experiencing the possibilities of support from various networks and organizations and that, from a business perspective, and also see which areas that they need more support in to achieve a growing business. The work has been followed by an inductive method, when we initially could not say anything about the empirical results.

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