

3347 Uppsatser om Marketing function - Sida 6 av 224

Kramfors och kampen om livskvaliteten - En diskursanalytisk studie av kommunens marknadsföring

In the era of urbanization and globalization, many small, rural and post-industrialcities struggle for growth. The competition for citizens and visitors is intense, andone commonly used strategy is to promote the city to a target audience. Placemarketing, however, is homogenized to a great extent. Marketing thus seems likea useless approach, yet almost every city does it.By using discourse analysis and institutional theory, this essay aims to explainwhy the city of Kramfors markets itself. There are several problems arising due tothe marketing of places, especially concerning the discrepancy between the city?simage and identity.

Entreprenöriell marknadsföring i entreprenöriella företag : Hur marknadsför och etablerar sig entreprenöriella företag på nya marknader?

Marketing is a broad subject with many different areas. Part of the marketing that has been of great importance is the 4P:s also known as the marketing mix. Marketing mix is included in one of the traditional marketing approaches. In recent years there have been some changes and have begun looking at new ways of looking at marketing. One of the ways is entrepreneurial marketing to the effect that the company tries to use its resources optimally.

Renommésnyltning Bestämmelsen om jämförande reklam enligt marknadsföringslagen

Many companies sometimes affects that a competitive company pulls use for their trademark or their products in his advertising. It can for instance be that the company uses alike symbols or features and on so ways fields a free ride on another companies good reputation. This procedure is called reputation parasitism and settles in the marketing act, 8 a § comparative advertising. You can also condemn after the marketing acts 4 § general requirement which?s says, ?marketing must be compatible with good marketing practice? which also agrees with international chamber of commerce.

Fungerande Reklam : En studie om de marknadsföringskanaler Generation Y exponeras för, använder samt påverkas av

The purpose of this thesis is to describe the marketing channels Gen Y is exposed to, uses and is influenced by. The thesis also seeks to comment on whether there are other factors, in addition to the marketing channels described, which influence Gen Y in their consumption choices. In addition, we intend to develop knowledge about whether the generalizations of Gen Y have any bearing, or if they are only assumptions with no support. From the empirical results, we have seen a consensus among the respondents concerning which properties they want commercials to hold, but they differ in their opinions regarding which marketing channels the commercials should be distributed through. Overall, the respondents want the commercials to be entertaining, relevant to their interests, and they want to be able to choose themselves whet­her to take part of them or not..

Musikbranschens förvaltare  : Hantering av professionella affärsrelationer i musikförlagsverksamhet

This thesis will guide you through the haunting Business marketing woods of snaring networks and ravel business relations in the dark landscapes of the mighty music publishing creatures. The task at hand (of this thesis) will be to present the secrets that lie beyond with the hopes that you, the daring reader, will gain knowledge and understanding of what these entities do, lurking in the shadows of the woods of business marketing (and of your unknowing mind). How they go head on with their partners in business to thrive on intangible properties and how they find their path through these woods. Explore and discover, if any, commonly found ways in the management of business marketing within the domain of the music publisher. We wish you a pleasant reading!.

An Entrepreneurial Approach to Marketing Research: Drugstores in Sweden?

The aim of this study is to understand the situation on the Swedish Market for Drugstores and a creation of a new approach to marketing research, based on the thesis? methodological proceeding. With the help of different methodological approaches and different theories the study's purpose will be solved in an uncommon, untraditional way..

Hur kan Vita Renen synas i snö? : En studie om marknadsföringsaktiviteter hos ett avlägset beläget litet företag

Background and Problem discussion: Consumers are reached by an average of 3000 marketing messages daily which proves that a company?s marketing needs to be strong and characteristic in order not to lose customers. It is of even greater importance that marketing reaches the chosen target group and is designed in accordance with the company?s vision and is shown where the target group sees it.Purpose: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study how small businesses use marketing and to recommend appropriate marketing measures given their size, limited budget and secluded location.Method: This study has been made in accordance with a qualitative method with an analytical abduction approach using a case study where the case is Vita Renen. To achieve the aim of this study the authors combined secondary and primary data such as previous conducted research with interviews with the owners and staff of Vita Renen.Result and Conclusion: The result demonstrates that untraditional marketing would be the best option for Vita Renen because they are a company with limited marketing budget and this type of advertising is based on creative thinking and design on pre-existing resources.

Att göra det oväntade - en utvärdering av marknadsföringskampanjen "Låna dig rik" på ett mindre folkbibliotek

Futurum.kom is a collaborative marketing project with the aim of strengthening the internal organization of Länsbibliotek Sydost, Regionbibliotek Kalmar and the 25 public libraries within the southeast region. The project intends to externally build the brands of the public libraries in Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronobergs län. This thesis is a study and evaluation of the implementation and results of Futurum.kom?s first campaign "Låna dig rik" at a public library. The analysis is based on the following issues:? What goals does the library have with the "Låna dig rik"-campaign.? What is the feedback from the staff's experience of the users in terms of needs and demands?? In which way does the library choose to implement the marketing campaign and what role do the users have in this process?? What is the internal performance of the library's marketing campaign, what was the experience of the staff of the campaign?? What is the external result of the library's marketing campaign?The method is based on a case study of a single library, with a series of interviews and document analysis of written and electronic documents.

Hur marknadsför sig biblioteket PUNKTmedis? Lyckas biblioteket nå sin målgrupp?

The object of this paper is to examine the marketing of PUNKTmedis, a youth library. In order to do so we have looked at two different perspectives; how the library has marketed itself towards its target group, and how young people perceive what PUNKTmedis has to offer. The thesis? foundation is a case study. Since the question at hand concerns the library?s intentions with and execution of its marketing efforts, as well as the target group?s opinion of them, the empirical data is based partially on an interview with the head of marketing at PUNKTmedis, and partially on a target group questionnaire.

Optimal bredbandig vågform framtagen genom generaliserad osäkerhetsfunktion

The waveform of a radar signal affects the resolution in velocity and distance. The ambiguity function is used as an aid for analysing narrow band radar signals simultaneously in time and frequency. An analysing tool for wide band radar signals is missing.This thesis describes a generalised ambiguity function to be utilised for study of wide band signals. Waveforms are further synthesised with help of the developed analysing tool. The aim is to start with a certain ambiguity function and find a waveform that reproduces the same ambiguity function.Mathematical formulas are presented and implemented in Matlab to produce the wide band ambiguity function.

Intern marknadsföring inom hotellbranschen: en fallstudie av två hotell

The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the use of internal marketing in the hotel industry. It was decided to conduct a case study on two hotels in the same region, Quality Hotell Statt and Pite Havsbad. The case study is based on personal interviews with the managers of each hotel, who have the ultimate responsibility of the internal marketing work. The research questions were based on why the hotel industry work with internal marketing and how the hotel industry work with internal marketing. The study showed that the hotel industry work with internal marketing on daily basis to get low employee turnover rates, increased employee job satisfaction and high quality services.

Varumärkesbyggande genom marknadskommunikation : En fallstudie av varumärket Hollister

This study aims to describe how a company behind a well-established brand in the fashion industry has strategically chosen to communicate with their target market. Interviews with four individuals in different positions within the company have generated qualitative data, which is presented and analyzed in relation to the theoretical frame of reference in this study. The results show that the company does not use conventional marketing, but relies rather on marketing based word-of-mouth generated by its customer base due to its unique store concepts. Previous research has shown that this type of marketing strategy is effective and beneficial to the brand equity, a conclusion that is demonstrated to also apply to the survey object of this study. Furthermore, it is also shown that this is largely due to the distinct and coordinated image that the company maintains through strict standardization..

County Branding : En studie i kommuners marknadsföring mot företag

There is a mutual dependency between the business world and the country?s municipalities. The municipalities are dependent on the companies to create work and tax income while the companies are dependent on the municipalities they are located in to provide good infrastructure among other things.Apart from this the municipalities can work activly with creating a strong brand in the eyes of the companies and many researchers in marketing agree that marketing of places will be more common in the future. Marketing of municipalities is however still a rather new and unexplored area and it is uncertain how and to what extent the municipalities work with this.The thesis is formulated:How are the municipalities working to market towards companies and is it possible to make out any positive change from these marketing efforts?The goal of this study is:Our goal is to examine how the view of marketing of places differs from different municipalities in the Stockholm region, how some of these municipalities work with this and how far they have come in this work.

Mötesanläggningarnas framgångsfaktorer : En fallstudie av Stockholmsmässan och Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre

The aim of this essay is to examine how important marketing and networking is for the meeting industry in Stockholm. The meeting industry is one of the most profitable areas of the tourism industry today and a major contributor to economic growth in Sweden. The meeting industry has grown rapidly in Sweden and Stockholm has during the last five years been one of the ten most popular congress cities in the world. This has resulted in that the city has become a strong competitor to other European cities.Stockholm International fairs are for example the largest trade fair organizer in Scandinavia and Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre is the new arena of opportunity.However the marketing and a broad network is necessary for meeting facilities if their aim is to be successful. Marketing contributes to the meeting facilities establishment and makes it well known for the potential market, while the collaborations and relationships is important for facilitating their work.

Det ligger nog i deras arbete att vara problemlösare : En kvalitativ fallstudie om HR-funktionens image och identitet ur ett intraorganisatoriskt perspektiv

Introduction: HR departments have been developed to take care of the organizations most important resource: the human being. HR as a function has however faced criticism claiming that the function does not entail any value to organizations. The rest of the organization often have a hard time understanding what HR?s daily work means and thereof not having a clear image of the function?s purpose or the function?s role in the organization Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between the organization's view of the HR department (image) and the HR department's image of themselves (identity) in order to create a greater understanding of how the HR function successfully can be a well-functioning resource in an organization's overall business. Methodology: The study was conducted in the form of a case study. We have approached the issues by taking different perspective into account, which includes HR, managers and employees.

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