

3347 Uppsatser om Marketing function - Sida 4 av 224

Sponsring eller event marketing ? vilken metod stärker bäst ett företags varumärke inom sportbranschen? : En studie baserad på marknadschefers medvetenhet kring kommunikationsmetoderna sponsring och event marketing i samband med ett idrottsevent.

Idag finns det ett omfattande reklam- och mediebrus i samhället där marknadschefer försöker hitta den mest unika vägen för att få allmänheten att bli intresserade av just deras varumärke.Teorier visar att företag som medverkar i ett event genom kommunikationsmetoderna sponsring eller event marketing erhåller en ökad trovärdighet och stärker sitt varumärke. Hur medvetna är då företagets marknadschefer om skillnaden mellan sponsring och event marketing för att stärka sitt varumärke?Syftet med den här studien är att kartlägga nio marknadschefers medvetenhet mellan sponsring och event marketing i samband med ett idrottsevent. Studien är av kvalitativ art och har ett deduktivt angreppssätt för att besvara problemformuleringen om hur medvetna marknadschefer är om skillnaden mellan sponsring och event marketing när de är associerade med ett idrottsevent och önskar nå en förbättrad image och medvetenhet kring sitt varumärke.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de nio intervjuade marknadscheferna är medvetna om skillnaden mellan sponsring och event marketing. De anser även att event marketing genererar ett starkare mervärde än vad sponsring gör.

Ska vi träffas på biblioteket? En undersökning om folkbibliotekets funktion som mötesplats

The aim of this Master thesis is to study the public libraries' function as a place for people to meet. Four major questions are taken up: + Do the public libraries have the function of a meeting place? + How important do the librarians and the visitors find the libraries possible function as a meeting place? Do they think that this function is important? + What differs the public libraries from other places in society when it comes to the function of a meeting place? + What differences are there between a larger and a smaller library when it comes to the function of a meeting place ? The basis of this study are interviews with employees at a province library in Jönköping and at a smaller library in Sjöbo in Borås municipality. Our study deals with the history of public libraries, its functions as a meeting place, its architecture, culture, and statistics concerning numbers of visitors and loans of books. The conclusions that are drawn are that the public libraries have qualifications to function as a meeting place even if that isn't always the case.

Med upplevelsen som medel- En studie av upplevelsen vid event marketing

Det finns mycket skrivet om upplevelsens funktion i teorier kring upplevelseekonomin, men upplevelsen som begrepp inom event marketing inte är lika utförligt behandlat. Upplevelsen är ett centralt begrepp som används flitigt i litteratur rörande event marketing utan att man egentligen går in på dess funktion. Diskussionen stannar istället vid konstaterandet att upplevelsens funktion är att förstärka budskapet och utreds inte mer noggrant än så. Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för upplevelsen vid event marketing, och analysera huruvida upplevelseekonomins teorier om upplevelsen är applicerbara inom event marketing. Vi har i denna uppsats använt av oss av en kvalitativ studie för att skapa en ökad förståelse för upplevelsen vid event marketing.

Kampen om studenten : Kund och råvara på samma gång

A reform of higher education in Sweden in 1993 led to stiffer competitive climate among educational institutions. The reform meant that educational institutions now had the opportunity to plan their curriculum autonomously. Prior to the reform educational planning was restricted to the Swedish government. The new rules spelled a greater opportunity for educational institutions to profile themselves based on their educational offerings. The higher degree of competition means that marketing becomes increasingly important when recruiting new students.

Vilseledande Underhållning : Ungdomars Attityder till Dold Viral Marknadsföring

In this paper, we examine the attitudes of 16- to 19-year olds towards stealth viral marketing in the form of videos posted on websites such as Youtube. Apart from their general attitudes towards the phenomenon, we were also concerned with their views on the ethics involved in this marketing method and how this affects their view on the companies behind the advertising. To accomplish this, we administered a survey to a sample chosen by convenience. Using the Persuasion Knowledge Model and prior research on the subject, we then analyzed the gathered data and reached the conclusion that the respondents in our sample were mainly positive towards stealth viral marketing in this particular form, that they generally did not consider it unethical and that even though most considered the companies to be responsible for such videos, teenagers were not likely to take negative actions against them if they found out that a video that they had seen was in fact a stealth viral video..

Superstores Marknadsföringsstrategier

Background: The increasing number of actors on the market has led to a more intense competition among superstores. With this, marketing has gotten an even more essential meaning. The marketing activities superstores perform are adapted to the context in which the store is located. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to, from different theoretical dimensions, compare superstores? application of marketing strategies in Tokyo with the marketing strategies used by superstores in Stockholm.

Lokal sökfunktion : Fallstudie av utvecklandet av Uppsala Universitets sökfunktion

This thesis is a case study of the search function on the University of Uppsala?s web site. The search function in this study was chosen since it exists on a large and complex web site and there were apparent lacks in the old version of the search function. The thesis highlights some of the problems that can appear in the development of a search function on a local site. One interesting find is that one of the most difficult issues is organizational and not technical.

Kommunikationsstyrning vid reklamation : En studie av stormarknader

This study focuses on the internal marketing and how it affects the complaints by companies? communication control. Our purpose with this subject is to increase the understanding of which components affects the relation between internal marketing, communication control and complaints. We have chosen the subject, internal marketing because it caught our interest in an earlier course. On the basis of the literature of costumer complaint there have not been so much research about it and that is why we have chosen this perspective on internal marketing.This study is based on a qualitative approach.

Hur tänker de nu?: En studie om användandet av inkongruenta kändisar

Many companies choose to market their products and brands with help from celebrities. This is not a new phenomenon, though, this strategy is something that we consumers start to get used to and the risk that the consumer unconsciously unselects the message grows. A recently much-disputed theory is the use of incongruent marketing. This means that companies uses a marketing message with the objective to not match the consumer?s expectations.

Relationsmarknadsföring på folkbibliotek ? en kartläggning av personalens relationer på arbetet

The aim of this Master thesis is to make a survey of the public library staff-relations at work and discuss relationship marketing as it applies to public libraries. Relationship marketing involves the establishment, maintenance and development of users and other library-related relationships, including the relations among the library staff itself. Good relations among the library staff is a necessary condition for good relations with others. The focus of relationship marketing is at the user?s needs, wants and demands instead of the library collections and services.

Produktplacering : En studie om effektiv marknadsföring

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to investigate whether a combination of product placement and traditional advertising can enhance the company's marketing. We perform this study because we believe that the consumers consider traditional marketing in many cases obsolete.TheoryThe study?s theory consists of topics and terms of product placement, traditional marketing, branding and communications. Theories used in this study were the basis to answer the study's research question using empirical data gathered during the study.MethodThe study has a deductive approach with a qualitative focus, therefore, the study is based on existing research, which was later to use for the data extracted from the interviews. The approach is going to show differences and similarities between how it looks in reality versus theory.ConclusionThe results of this study show that product placement can increase the efficiency of traditional marketing.

Referensarbete 2.0 ? Tjänsten Boka en bibliotekarie på svenska folkbibliotek

This master thesis concerns the subject of a reference service named Book-a-librarian. The service makes it possible for the library-user to indulge in a subject with the help of a librarian after having made an appointment in advance. The main purpose of this thesis is to study the function of it. The methods used are a mix of literature and empirical studies to be able to comprehend and explain the practical nature of the service as well as placing the service in a theoretical framework. The empirical study is performed by a questionnaire, where librarians working with the service are asked to participate.

Aroma Theory: Scenting the Attitude

The thesis examines the relationship between consumer attitudes and a scented shopping environment. A relationship and phenomena concerning scent marketing, which could be seen as one of the more provocative forms of marketing since the human sense of smell, is connected to the limbic system where motivation and attitudes are created. The use of scent marketing has, so far, been proven effective in sales increasing whereas it is one of the less explored forms of marketing.The purpose of the thesis is to answer the following question: Is it possible to find differences in consumer attitudes in a scented buying environment compared to a nonscented buying environment, and thereby create new basis for segmentation?The thesis is based on a quantitative study where data has been gathered in a scent manipulated buying environment through structured interviews with consumers. The thesis applies a deductive approach to the main theories in the area of interest.The findings suggest new theory discussing that it is difficult to use consumer attitudes, towards a scented store environment, as a foundation for market segmentation.

Marketing tools in grocery retailing, do they affect store loyalty?

The purpose of this study is to provide a longitudinal examination, within grocery retailing, of four marketing tools and their impact on enhancing customer loyalty. The study examines whether the relationship between the four marketing tools and customer satisfaction has a positive effect on attitude and behavior loyalty. The findings from this study show that the marketing tools have not helped enhancing loyalty between 2004 and 2007. Between these years, service quality has the most affect on loyalty. Self-scanning as an effective marketing tool could be questioned, the relation in this study is not supported.

Varumärkesuppbyggnad och Marknadskommunikation i Svenska Fotbollsklubbar : En fallstudie på BK Forward & KIF Örebro

Background                      European football has during the past decades seen a fast development towards a more professionalized and commercialized climate. This had led to the fact that a lot of clubs are run like any other company, and the focus on marketing and market shares has increased. To be able to create a strong brand clubs have to put a lot of work into marketing, not only of their own brand, but of their sponsors and partners as well.Purpose                              The purpose of this study is to (in step 1) analyze how two smaller Swedish football clubs build their brand and work with their marketing communication. In step 2, the purpose is to create a model of how these clubs may work to develop their brand and marketing communication.Method                              With a qualitative approach, the authors of this paper have analyzed text and documents as well as performed two in-depth interviews.Findings                             Both clubs lack a well-developed strategy regarding their work with their brand and marketing communication. However, there are in both cases factors that, if developed correctly, could help build a stronger brand and better the marketing communication.

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