

3347 Uppsatser om Marketing function - Sida 3 av 224

Rösta på mig! : En studie om marknadsföring inom svensk politik

The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the marketing in Swedish politics. To clarify and compare the Swedish politics to traditional and commercial marketing strategies is not always simple but at the same time we must understand that the practical work political institutes practice, fuse with many theories and marketing is one such theory. To understand this, I chose to investigate which marketing areas and how within service management, brands, segmentation, positioning/image and marketing channels, affect the politics in Sweden? This study is based on qualitative method in which I had five interviews with politicians. The conclusions can be found in the chapter five..

Att attrahera potentiella studenter: en fallstudie om svenska universitets och högskolors marknadskommunikation

The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of how Swedish universities work with their marketing communication aimed at potential domestic students. The study focuses on how universities design and select channels for the marketing communication. A case study was conducted where four respondents from two Swedish universities were interviewed in order to generate empirical data. The results show that key factors for marketing communication are uniformity, honesty and trustworthiness. The results suggest that marketing communication should focus on the student?s experiences of university life and being a student, rather than marketing the university?s core service: education.

Stockholms skärgård - ett landmärke för Stockholm : En studie om huruvida Stockholms skärgård har potential att fungera som en primär attraktion för Stockholm

There is a growing trend in the world, where cities compete with each other by building similar attraction to enhance the tourism at the destination. This competition often results in the opposite where the cities lose their authenticity. Stockholm on the other hand does have the possibility to offer its visitors Stockholm?s archipelago, which is a unique natural phenomenon that cannot be replicated. Stockholm is the most popular tourist destination in Sweden.

Grön marknadsföring : En guide till grön framgång

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze green marketing and green brand building from a managerial perspective, with the intention to create an implementation guide for companies in the Swedish consumer market.  The essay is based on a qualitative approach with a mixture of inductive and deductive elements. We have interviewed five people with close links to green marketing. We have during the study identified a number of touch points to be particularly important in the process of incorporating green marketing. These findings are presented in full in chapter five. We have found that the framework of green marketing is established during the company?s choice of green strategy.

Utvärdering av event marketing

Event marketing är en marknadsföringsform som har växt ordentligt under senare delen av 90-talet och det börjar bli ett naturligt inslag i företagens marknadskommunikation. Trots denna tillväxt har event marketing under en längre tid sammankopplats med brist på utvärderingsmetoder. En avsaknad av utvärderingsmetoder leder till svårigheter att avgöra vilka effekter en event marketing-satsning resulterar i, hur genomförandet kan förbättras samt huruvida event marketing är en lämplig form av marknadsföring i en given situation. En ökad förståelse för dessa eventuella utvärderingsproblem skapar även förutsättningar för utvecklandet av utvärderingsmetoder och därmed möjlighet att besvara liknande frågeställningar. Denna uppsats undersöker vad som skiljer event marketing från annan marknadsföring i en utvärderingssituation, vilka problem dessa skillnader kan medföra samt hur eventuella utvärderingsproblem kan hanteras.

Word of mouth- Ur ett konsumentperspektiv

I detta arbete studeras hur word of mouth fungerar i praktiken. Word of mouth är passerande, verbal och informell information. I huvudsak handlar det om rekommendationer men även generell information från en person till en annan. Word of mouth är ett mänskligt fenomen som har funnits sedan urminnes tider då människor är kommunicerande varelser. På senare år har dock fenomenet word of mouth blivit mer uppmärksammat, av både marknadsförare, forskare och företag.

Världens ämne : Exkursioner i geografiundervisningen

This thesis is a case study of the search function on the University of Uppsala?s web site. The search function in this study was chosen since it exists on a large and complex web site and there were apparent lacks in the old version of the search function. The thesis highlights some of the problems that can appear in the development of a search function on a local site. One interesting find is that one of the most difficult issues is organizational and not technical.

Lågkonjunkturens påverkan på den svenska konsumentmarknadsföringen

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand the effects that a recession can have on a company?s marketing department. In times of a recession most companies have less means to promote their products to their target market and to build their brand. This means that cutting the marketing budget will show some effects on today?s way of marketing.

Internetmarknadsföringens effektivitet : en studie på fyra utvalda former av Internetmarknadsföring

The society is developing fast and the development is constantly on-going, new technology results in new opportunities and new problems for both companies and consumers. The use of Internet has heavily increased around the world; this means that the companies can use Internet as a channel of communication to reach the consumers. The most recent type of marketing is web marketing. The fact that web marketing is constantly changing raise the question of how effective different types of web marketing are.The purpose of this study is to investigate four selected types of web marketing. This is achieved by comparing the response from the consumers and the cost for the different types of web marketing.

Svart bälte i ryktesspridning och events : [en studie i PR-strategierna Buzz och Event marketing]

Syftet med studien är att reda ut vilken roll strategierna Buzz och Event marketing har i PR-branschen idag samt hur de strategiska kommunikatörerna och målgruppen förhåller sig till dem. Studien undersöker också de behov och möjligheter strategierna i kombination har och ska på så sätt generera ny kunskap till grund för strategiernas fortsatta utveckling..

Syns inte, finns inte ? om marknadsföring på några skolbibliotek

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to discuss marketing as it applies to some school libraries. Today?s marketing is about relations. It involves the establishment, maintenance and development of relations with users, non-users and other library related relationships.

Begreppet hållbar utveckling : Dess historia samt internationella och lokala användning

This thesis is a case study of the search function on the University of Uppsala?s web site. The search function in this study was chosen since it exists on a large and complex web site and there were apparent lacks in the old version of the search function. The thesis highlights some of the problems that can appear in the development of a search function on a local site. One interesting find is that one of the most difficult issues is organizational and not technical.

Relationsmarknadskommunikation : En undersökning som fokuserar på de lokala relationerna i en globaliserad värld

Relationship marketing is an important part of the new view of communication strategies. The theories around this subject has a general and global perspective on how to manage relations and communication problems. But somehow the local perspective is forgotten. In this thesis we have focused on the local market and which demands it has on the work with relationship management. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how relationship marketing can contribute to create a high valued brand on a local market.

 Traditionella metoder eller en dansande rosa panter? : En jämförelse mellan traditionella marknadsföringsmetoder och gerillamarknadsföring

Every day consumers are bombarded with different marketing messages from all possible directions. At the same time consumers starts to actively and consciously avoid these messages. Therefore, marketers have to start thinking outside the box and find new ways to get consumers' attention. One of these methods is called guerilla marketing. The strength of guerilla marketing is its way to be unexpected and unusual.

Lönar det sig att arrangera tävlingar för bästa uppsats och affärsidé?

Purpose: The purpose with this paper is to get a deeper understanding for prizes and awards as a marketing tool and phenomena. Further we want companies/organizations that use this should be able to make better decisions concerning marketing towards students. Maybe they will get better results on the basis of our investigations. Method: We used the qualitative method when we did the interview that was also non-standardized. The survey was quantitative, and the case study comprises both qualitative and quantitative method.

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