

3352 Uppsatser om Marketing function - Sida 25 av 224

Temperaturzoner för lagring av värmeenergi i cirkulärt borrhålsfält

The thermal response of a borehole field is often described by non?dimensional response factors called gfunctions.The g?function was firstly generated as a numerical solution based on SBM (Superposition BoreholeModel). An analytical approach, the FLS (Finite Line Source), is also accepted for generating the g?function. In thiswork the potential to numerically produce g?functions is studied for circular borehole fields using the commercialsoftware COMSOL.

Miljöcertifieringar i klädbranschen - En fallstudie av Polarn O. Pyrets ekologiskt certifierade kollektion

Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att studera huruvida användandet av eco-marketing, med en miljöcertifiering, kan ha potential att stärka ett etablerat företags varumärkeslojalitet och på lång sikt dess varumärkeskapital. Med utgångspunkt i teorin om varumärkeskapital ämnar vi att titta på hur kunderna till vårt fallföretag, Polarn O. Pyret, uppfattar deras användning av miljöcertifieringar. Den metod vi använt oss av i uppsatsen är abduktiv då vi, med utgångspunkt både i teorin och i Samhällsdebatten, studerar hur kunderna uppfattar användningen av eco-marketing med miljöcertifieringar. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där vi intervjuat fokusgrupper och genomfört en intervju med en PR-konsult.

Kompetens som lockbete : En studie i lokala och centrala biblioteksföreträdares syn på marknadsföring av bibliotekariekompetens gentemot lokala politiker

The aim of this study is to explore if and how library managers market their competence in communication with local politicians. It is also our aim to find a definition of the competence of librarians. The report identifies and describes problems and possibilitieswith marketing of competence to politicians on the basis of one Swedish municipality's library managers. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on marketing, competence, the political process and the librarian profession. We have alsocarried out an empirical study where we interviewed ten library managers in onemunicipality, seven politicians in the same municipality and ten representatives for central professional organisations mainly in Sweden.The results are that most library managers don't market their competence because they don?t believe in marketing competence.

Går det att sälja kläder via Facebook? : En fallstudie som undersöker ett företags möjligheter att använda sig av sociala medier i marknadsföringssyfte

This Bachelor thesis is a case study that explores the possibilities and complications to use social media in marketing purposes. The case involves a company that sells garments for men. The company, named Mouli, has decided to use social media as their marketing platform. The company makes an interesting case, since they are still quite new on the market and have all the possibilities to succeed.The purpose for the thesis is to examine Mouli?s use of marketing in social media and to evaluate what could be done to amend the communication.

Till en älskad vän : materia och objekt som medier för överföring

With self-hypnosis as a method, I work with levels of consciousness in relation to practice. Focus lies in the relation between a language of materials and an inner experience. How do material expressions function as mediums of a spiritual matter between a beholder and me? The trance functions as a space for a spiritual contact/communication. Abstract images of crystalline glaze on ceramic tiles are direct results of these acts.

Man kan aldrig så noga veta? mentalisering i familjeterapi

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka och beskriva hur man arbeta med mentalisering/ reflektiv funktion i olika familjeterapeutiska metoder. Uppsatsen bygger på intervjuer med sex erfarna familjeterapeuter med olika inriktning som besvarar generella frågeställningar samt beskriver hur de skulle arbeta med ett kliniskt exempel.Resultatet visar att familjeterapeuterna, oavsett tidigare kännedom om begreppen tänker likartat kring mentalisering och reflektiv funktion i sitt kliniska arbete, och att alla utom en terapeut väljer snarlika förhållningssätt i arbetet med det kliniska exemplet. Slutsatsen är att mentalisering/reflektiv funktion är något som familjeterapeuterna ser som vägen till att skapa förändring och att familjeterapeutiska metoder kan användas för att arbeta med och förstärka mentalisering och reflektiv funktion.The purpose with this essay was to examine and describe how to work mentalizing and enhancing the reflective function with various family-therapeutic methods. The essay consists of interviews with six experienced family therapists with various orientations who answers general questions and describes how they would work with a clinical example.The essay concludes that the family therapists, regardless of previous knowledge of these concepts, think alike about mentalizing and reflective function in their clinical work. All except one also choose a similar approach in their work with the clinical example.

Dalsland som turistisk produkt : Föreställningar om turistifierade rum

Market capitalism sets the conditions for how the world is conceived, experienced and organized at various spatial scales (global to local). Currently, competitiveness, entrepreneurship and economic growth are key values that shape how the world is conceived, experienced and organized. Discourses of place marketing, place branding, and the construction of places as (economic) products, are part and parcel of the heightened commodification of space. Tourism has been a major factor in the commodification of place and space. More often than not, tourism has been seen as a possibility for peripheral places, in their struggle finding new ways towards development.

?Vi har alltid utmaningar på HR? - nuvarande upplevelser och framtida behov vid användandet av IT-personalsystem

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how the use of the IT-personnelsystem influences human resources and the new challenges and future requirements that may occur, while IT-personnelsystem is used more extensively in the HR-function.Previous research referred to in this study, has focused on how the HR-transformation has contributed to the development of an IT-personnelsystem, which has been used with increasing frequency. This use has created a significant change in the HR-function. This thesis focuses on investigating, describing and analyzing how the practice and development of the IT-personnelsystem meets the needs of the HR-transformation.This study uses qualitative research methods to investigate sixteen users? experiences and our understanding and conclusion is based on both semi-structured interviews and webb surveys. Initially deductive, later on our study took a more abductive approach.The result indicated a variety of uses for a specific IT-personnelsystem dependent on the users? function and positions and also how HR-activity was organized within the business.

Vi har alltid utmaningar på HR - nuvarande upplevelser och framtida behov vid användandet av IT-personalsystem

The aim of this thesis was to investigate how the use of the IT-personnelsystem influences human resources and the new challenges and future requirements that may occur, while IT-personnelsystem is used more extensively in the HR-function.Previous research referred to in this study, has focused on how the HR-transformation has contributed to the development of an IT-personnelsystem, which has been used with increasing frequency. This use has created a significant change in the HR-function. This thesis focuses on investigating, describing and analyzing how the practice and development of the IT-personnelsystem meets the needs of the HR-transformation.This study uses qualitative research methods to investigate sixteen users? experiences and our understanding and conclusion is based on both semi-structured interviews and webb surveys. Initially deductive, later on our study took a more abductive approach.The result indicated a variety of uses for a specific IT-personnelsystem dependent on the users? function and positions and also how HR-activity was organized within the business.

gooh! Marketing Mix och Brand image : En fallstudie om hur brand image och marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende.

Till följd av en ständigt ökad konkurrens blir det allt svårare att som ny aktör att ta sig in på olika marknader. Vad som däremot kan underlätta etableringsprocessen för nya företag och varumärken är att associeras och förknippas med redan etablerade och välkända varumärken. Företaget gooh! är ett nytt måltidskoncept som funnits i drygt två år och är ett samarbete mellan Lantmännen och Operakällaren. Det intressanta här är att företaget gooh! har två kända varumärken som medverkar och står bakom konceptet.I den här uppsatsen kommer vi att undersöka hur Marketing mix modellens faktorer påverkar en konsuments första köp av en gooh! produkt, med syfte att se om någon av dessa faktorer är mer viktig än någon annan samt att se hur dessa samverkar med varandra. Vi vill också i denna uppsats se hur konsumentens första köp påverkas av att två starka varumärken står bakom konceptet gooh!.Undersökningen baseras på en kvantitativ undersökning där vi slumpmässigt frågat 50 konsumenter som alla handlat i en och samma gooh! butik.Resultaten vi kommit fram till i denna undersökning tyder på att den valda ?platsen? av butik, dvs.

Diversity Marketing - är etnicitet tillämpbart som marknadsföringsverktyg?

Diversity Marketing eller mångfaldsmarknadsföring är ett fenomen som har spridits från USA till andra delar av världen senaste decennierna. Etnicitet och kulturell tillhörighet uppfattas allmänt påverka bland annat konsumtionsmönster och individers preferenser. Det innebär att etnicitet har kommit att bli en segmenteringsvariabel och uppfattas vara ett tillämpbart marknadsföringsverktyg. Vår utgångspunkt för uppsatsen är att etnicitet och kulturell tillhörighet inte problematiseras i de sammanhang där Diversity Marketing förekommer. Dessutom finns det en direkt risk att en betoning av till exempel etnicitet bidrar till att individer kategoriseras och fastnar i oföränderliga identiteter.

Den djupa muskelfunktionen hos kvinnliga elitvolleybollspelare : En studie om transversus abdominis funktion påverkas av stabilitetsträning.

Background and purpose: Volleyball requires a lot of the human body, andeffective core stability is necessary for the athlete. Our muscles cooperate as achain of motions and core stabilization is the base for the moving muscles.The most well-known stabilization muscle is m.transversus abdominis (TrA).The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the function of TrA inSwedish female elite volleyball players and to observe the influence of eightweeks of stabilization exercise on the TrA. Method: 10 female elitevolleyball players (mean age 24,7 years, range 18-31 years) participated inthe study. TrA was measured in supine position with a pressure biofeedbackunit. Subjects were instructed to draw in the abdominal wall without movingthe pelvis and hold for 10 seconds.

Hur kan mikroföretag bygga upp varumärken? : En studie av vilka faktorer ett mikroföretag kan använda vid uppbyggandet av sitt varumärke.

The purpose with this essay is to study how a micro enterprise builds a brand. This because the current situation makes it difficult to stand out from the vast amount of marketing messages available in the market without having an extensive marketing campaign. Small companies do not have the opportunity to put a lot of recourses as money into marketing as the large companies do. Neither do they afford to repair a brand failure.Brand building is a process that constantly is in progress in a company, large or small. To make this process concrete we have chosen to study the four factors; brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and brand loyalty.

Kvalitetsarbete i fritidshemmen - en framgångsfaktor

AbstractDigital media in general and social media in particular are becoming more and more important to businesses across the globe. It is an effective way to reach out to consumers and establish a good relationship with existing customers. Most companies today use digital media in order to market themselves and to establish good public relations. A lot of those companies have also realized the enormous marketing capabilities that social media provides. However, in spite of the plethora of possibilities that comes with social media it can also, in some cases, hinder the companies ? success.

Fallstudie på Andritz - Styrkortets utformning och användning : -

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand how producerbrands are able to communicate their brand through today's marketing channels, also how development and changes that occur in the society can affect the producers communication abilities. We have seen a tendency that many retailers have created their own brands that are competing with the producers, this leads to the fact that producers in some cases are having trouble communicating their brand to the end-consumer. The fact that the producers marketing through retailers now is more limited than before, the producers now have to capture the consumers wants and needs through other channels.This essay is based on a qualitative method involving seven interviews. The persons that we've chosen to interview are carefully selected based on their specific knowledge about the subject in question..

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