4115 Uppsatser om Marketing Communications Planning - Sida 64 av 275
Effektiv marknadsföring genom segmentering : i ett litet kommunalt bostadsföretag i glesbygd
It is important to Ockelbogårdar to have knowledge about different needs by the segments on a market, while they can bring a product into line with consumer needs by marketing. To survey the needs of consumers, demographic segmentation could be in use. It is about to survey the most importent factors or advantages the consumers have in their living environment.The purpose of the essay is to investigate how Ockelbogårdar could make their marketing better against several target groups, in the existing building population, by distribute the consumers into segments. On the basis of the investigation and the segments that will introduces, Ockelbogårdar can offer the consumer a living which fits the indivdual consumer.A poll have been done by the conusmers of Ockelbogårdar. The poll have been delivered by post and a quantity data about the needs of the consumer have been evaluated.
Medborgarinflytande i detaljprocessen : En jämförelse mellan PBL 1987 samt PBL 2010 ur ett demokratiperspektiv
In the year 2002 a commission wasappointed by the government and taskedto clear up possible flaws in the lawgoverning spatial planning (Plan ochbygglagen, PBL). The commission's reportlaid the foundations for a new law whichwas adopted by the Swedish parliament onthe 20th of June 2010 and is scheduledto come into effect on the 2nd of May2011.The purpose of this thesis has been toexamine the changes made in the new law,primarily from a civil-rights point ofview, focusing on the appeal process.This is a highly interesting subjectconsidering one reason behind the newlaw was to simplify and streamline theplanning process while keeping civilrights intact.Through a comprehensive literature studyand interviews with experts the currentplanning process was mapped out andrelevant changes in the new law wereexamined. After the study had beenconcluded we were able to distinguishseveral areas that underwent especiallyinteresting changes;The requirement of a plan program wasremoved and the exhibition process wasremoved and replaced by a writtenreview. Individuals were given thepossibility of requesting a plan notice.The different spatial plan documentswere merged into one single document andthe number of responsible authoritiesfor spatial plans is no longer limitedto one.The study has shown that the aspirationfor a more effective spatial planningprocess has mostly been conducted at theexpense of individual rights.The single biggest obstacle forachieving a democratic planning processis learning how the law works and howthe spatial planning process isimplemented, this is has been proven tobe a very hard and time consuming taskfor individuals to undertake..
Flygburen laserskanning kopplat till skördarmätning för datainsamling till operativ planering :
The requirements for operative planning activities are increasing. The forest industry wants to gain better control over wood flow. A felling that is more market adjusted is desirable. However, this causes problems in the operative planning process because of the data collection methods used today. Data about timber assortments and data about the distribution of the tree diameter, etc., are often lacking.
Airborne laser scanning is used to a greater extent than before for estimation of forest variables and should perhaps be used to the same extent in operative planning activities as well.
Landskapsplanering ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv :
Environmental problems are accelerating with energy consumption and the release of greenhouse gases as the major issues. This affects landscape planning mostly through environmentally hazardous transportation and heating of buildings. In environmental work, the term "Sustainable development" is often used. This term was coined in the Bruntland report in 1987. A number of frameworks have been developed to clarify the term and to remind the user about relevant aspects of sustainability.
Radonfritt boende : Stegen till att eliminera radongas med rätt Grundläggningsmetod
People who live in northern part of the world spend much more time indoors than those who live in warmer countries. In addition that home should be safe, it should also protect one against heat, cold, sunlight and pollution. The indoor environment is affected by installations, material and how the building is formed. Those anomalies that are visible, felt or smelled can be noticed and be rectified. But it?s much more difficult if these abilities are missing.
Hållbar stadsutveckling? : Problem och målkonflikter i planeringen av Hagastaden och Norra Djurgårdsstaden i Stockholm
The major environmental problems that we have today are frequently mentioned in the media today. One example is the ongoing debate regarding global warming and its causes and consequences. There are also several other problems in our society such as segregation and social tensions. Most agree that we must do something to solve these problems and that we must try to achieve a sustainable development for the entire planet. But how should it actually be done and what trade-offs, compromises, sacrifices and changes must be made?The purpose of this paper is to examine how these issues are being dealt with in Swedish city planning.
Centrumutveckling i Örebro - Att minimera barriäreffekterna av järnvägen
I Örebros översiktsplan från 2010 nämns tre förslag, nedgrävning, överdäckning
och upphöjning av järnvägen för att minska dess störnings och barriäreffekter.
Syftet med examensarbetet är att göra ett planförslag utifrån det förslag från
Örebro kommun som mest minskar barriäreffekterna av järnvägen, bäst länkar
samman Väster och centrum och svara på frågeställningen. För att genomföra det
har två analyser utförts. En litteraturstudie med material från bland annat
Jane Jacobs och Jan Gehl. Inventeringar för att hitta den befintliga
grönstrukturen, infrastrukturen, bebyggelsestrukturen och rumsstrukturen.
Komplexiteten i ett event : Kommunikationskanalen som leder till relationer
Events are a growing channel for companies and organizations to reach out to their customers. The com-munication channel opens up to satisfy all human senses. Which are required for a message to go into the receiver and be memorized. The research gap we decided to contribute to we made a case study of an event that is not sport related and looking at both the transmitter perspective and receiver perspective. Thus, the purpose of our study is to increase the understanding of how the transmitter should be able to convey the purpose and goal of the event to the receiver.
Används ekonomiska planeringshjälpmedel i lantbruksföretag : beslutsunderlag med hjälp av kalkylmetoder
In agricultural educations you learn to use different economic planning tools, as basis for decision. The purpose and goal of this work has been to find out if economic planning tools are used by the farmers in Sweden. We choose to do an investigation through personal interviews, and used an inquiry to get as equivalent answers as possible from the farmers.
This work contains a literature study with relevant facts about the questions that is brought up in the inquiry. This study of literature explains shortly some different calculation methods and bases for decision. It also contains useable information that is important to know before an investment.
The questions that are asked to the farmers have focused on the use of calculation methods and economical planning tools.
Främmande kulturer : En undersökning om hur Handelsbanken förbereder sina expatriaterinom interkulturell kommnunikation
Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.
Planering i stagnerande orter
Kunskap om befolkningens storlek och åldersfördelning är en förutsättning för
att göra förutsägelser för framtiden och ett viktigt underlag vid planering.
Genom kunskap om befolkningssammansättningen har vi en större handlingsfrihet
och stora fördelar vid planering av den fysiska miljön.
Den övergripande utvecklingen i Sverige de senaste åren kännetecknas av
befolkningsminskning i landets gles- och landsbygder medans storstäderna ökar
sin befolkning genom inflyttning och invandring (Glesbygdsverket
2007b). För att förhindra att vissa orter på sikt försvinner helt är en
stabilisering av befolkningsunderlaget viktigt för många kommuner.
Kommuners problem och möjligheter varierar alltmer på grund av ålderstrukturer,
flyttmönster och investeringar i olika delar av landet. Även orter med en
stillastående eller negativ utveckling behöver planering och i vissa fall
riktade insatser för att överleva. Tillväxt är inte det mest troliga
scenariot för alla då resurserna är regionalt ojämnt fördelade (Westholm red.
Hållbar utveckling- En textanalys av miljöpolicy i lokal och nationell kontext
Sustainable development is a concept that has been interpreted in a multitude of ways in different contexts. This essay argues that the discourse of "ecological modernization" has strongly influenced the way in which the concept of ?sustainability? has been constructed in Swedish environmental policy. This interpretation of the concept of sustainability offers the possibility of combining economic growth with ecological sustainability which stands in contrast to the assumptions of Deep Ecology and Green Theory. The aim of this essay is to explore how the concept of sustainability is being formulated in environmental policy both on a national level and in the city of Malmö.Considering these issues in a specific context, this essay focuses on city planning that is as an important instrument to promote urban sustainability both on national and local levels.
www.sponsringpåhemsidan.nu : En studie om hur företag kommunicerar sin sponsring på den egna hemsidan
There are countless methods for companies to use as marketing tools and one method that has become more and more popular is sponsoring. Reasons for companies to use sponsoring as a marketing tool is to be exposed and associated in connection with the sponsored item. Companies also use sponsorship to create relationships with the company's target audience. The use of Internet and Internet marketing has also increased during the last years and this paper examines the combination of these two areas, sponsorship and Internet marketing. A survey that examines the websites owned by companies who also are sponsors, answers the following problem:How do companies communicate their sponsorship on their own homepages?The purpose of this study is to describe how companies use their homepage to communicate their sponsorship.
Resource planning for internal logistics : A tool designed for the material handling department at Scania Axles and Gearboxes
This master thesis is performed at Scania Axles and Gearboxes, a production plant located in Södertälje. Within the plant axles, gearboxes as well as central gears are assembled from components to finished products. All production is conducted on production lines, with a pre-determined rate, which is supplied with components by the material handling department. Since the production quantity and the mix of product variants produced on the production line is customer order-based, the number and type of components needed for production as well as appropriate staffing within the material handling department is difficult to predict. Scania is currently using a number of different resource planning tools for each material handling-department within Axles and Gearboxes to visualize the workload within the departments.
Kommunikationsstrategi för Renbruksplan : är det en fungerande modell för samebyarna vid samråd?
The reindeer planning system (Renbruksplanen, RBP) is a communication and planning tool designed for Sami groups. A key purpose of this is that it will act as a tool in consultation with other market players, including forestry. Sami groups have asked for a model of how this can be used in a flexible manner. With the Swedish Forest Agency as a project manager, a communication model for how to use the RBP has been designed. It consists of a number of points divided into ?before?, ?during? and ?after? the consultation.