4110 Uppsatser om Marketing Communications Planning - Sida 56 av 274
Bostadsförsörjning planlagd?
This thesis seeks to investigate the relationship between municipal policy for housing supply and the planning of new housing in Sweden. Through a case study of Göteborg municipality and a comparative content analysis of Göteborgs policy for housing supply and a number of plans featuring housing the analysis seeks to investigate the effect of policy for housing supply as a tool for securing the demand for housing in the Swedish municipalities. The thesis also seeks to discuss its findings using theory concerning the implementation of policy and the general planning situation for Swedish municipalities today. The result of the analysis shows that most plans fail to regulate most of the content suggested in the policy for housing supply, particularly regarding aspects such as pricing, type of housing and type of ownership. The result also points towards a relationship regarding the prevalence of municipal land contracts and compatibility to policy for housing supply as well as a connection between how extensive the plans are in their proposed land use and their compatibility with policy for housing supply.
Att nå ut med patientinformation en fallstudie av sjukhusbiblioteket i Västerås.
This study is an attempt to examine a hospital library's difficulties in reaching customers with consumer health information. The method was a case study of the consumer health service in the hospital library in Västerås, a town in Sweden. Qualitative interviews, observations and written material were used. The approach was from the actor's point of view with the intention to look upon the problem with the eyes of those who work at the hospital with information to patients, that is librarians and medical staff. Theories about marketing in service organizations and how to develop new services were used in the study, as well as theories about communication and different cultures within organizations of different kinds like the library and the hospital.
Konsten att låta andra göra jobbet : En fallstudie av Apollo
Bakgrund:Idag används många olika tekniker för att fånga uppmärksamheten hos vår tids upptagna människor. Det är inte längre tillräckligt för en annons att innehålla fina bilder och en bra slogan, det vill säga att enbart förlita sig på traditionella marknadsföringstekniker. Företag som vill försäkra sin överlevnad måste idag använda sig av nya och alternativa medier på ett innovativt sätt. Något som också har blivit allt vanligare är att använda sig av marknadsföring med hjälp av word-of-mouth (WOM) ? en sorts marknadsföring som förlitar sig på att konsumenter delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och åsikter om en viss produkt, tjänst eller varumärke till sina medkonsumenter.Syfte:Genom en explorativ undersökning samt parallell användning av kvalitativa och kvantitativa undersökningsmetoder vill vi genomföra en fallstudie på en utav Sveriges största aktörer inom destinationsbranschen ? Apollo.
För centrumhandeln i tiden
Background: It has been a common perception in the media in recent years that external shopping malls extinguish the trade in Swedish downtown areas. Factors that promote external shopping malls are that customers become more and more indolent and more people buy cars. Despite this fact, downtown areas have a great deal to offer when it comes to creating a pleasant atmosphere. Furthermore, customers are becoming more demanding and want something extra while doing their shopping. More and more shopkeepers therefore realize the importance of events as an instrument to offer experiences to the customers.Purpose: To investigate whether shopkeepers in downtown Linköping consider the external shopping mall in Tornby a competitor or not and, if so, in what ways the trade in the downtown area has been affected by Tornby.
Paketering av digital musik: Intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom digital musik i Sverige
This exploratory thesis uses qualitative research to investigate how digital music is beeing packaged. The main study consists of 11 deep interviews with key representatives of the digital music industry in Sweden. These are (record companies) EMI, SonyBMG, Universal, Warner, (DSP) InProdicon, (mobile operators) 3, TeliaSonera and (cell phone producer) SonyEricsson. Packaging is a concept of marketing that has specific implications depending on which good or service that is being packaged. Packaging occurs at different levels in the production chain.
Enabling behaviour change : community-based social marketing strategy in Malmö
Our planet is faced with enormous challenges as the extreme weather events related to the human-caused climate change continue to gain strength. The scale of the problem has made changing human behaviour the central focus of sustainable development, and both public and private sector are expected to gain relevant expertise and introduce this work in their agenda.
Over its 40-year history, social marketing has become an established field providing tools for social change, but compared to health promotion, sustainability has not been a major focus of social marketing research so far. At the same time, sustainable lifestyles are embedded in complex systems where both individual factors and those of physical and social environment play a defining role in their adoption. Communities are a good example of such environments, and they became the key focus of Community-Based Social Marketing, which combines different insights from psychology to suggest a step-by-step framework for crafting behaviour change campaigns. However, it has not been applied to larger and diverse communities, like cities, and has not focused on sustaining new behaviour over time, which is crucial for creating sustainable lifestyles.
Från central periferi till utvidgad stadskärna - stadsförnyelse av Västra centrum i Borås
Befolkningstillväxten i städerna har varit stor under 1900-talet. Det har
inneburit att de gamla industriområden, som till en början låg utanför
stadsgränsen nu har hamnat i stadens centrala delar. Dessa områden har på
senare år tappat i attraktivitet som industriområde och söker nu nya
användningar. Syftet i mitt examensarbete har dels varit att ta fram ett
kunskapsunderlag kring tre viktiga frågor som är förknippade till denna typ av
områden ? buller, barriärer och återanvändning av industrimiljöer.
Grönstrukturens dilemman i fysisk planering : Hur fungerar målstyrningen av grönstrukturen i praktiken?
To reach an Ecological Sustainable Development, Sweden has established environmental quality objectives. Green spaces are attractive for exploitation and in Sweden the access to large jointly green spaces has decreased, which has impact on humans recreation and the biodiversity. The economic aspect has great impact on the planning process which gives indications that the environmental objective may collide with other sector goals within the municipality. The thesis overall aim is to see how the management by objectives for the green spaces implements and how the green spaces is handled in the planning process in a specific case. The thesis builds on a content analysis, strategic interviews and a case study.
Cause-related marketing - Välgörande för varumärket? : En studie i hur konsumenter uppfattar CRM i en kritiserad bransch
Background: Increasing globalization has changed the business environment and also resulted in increased awareness of the consumers and demand for higher standards of social responsibility. The companies brand strategies has gain in importance in order to strengthen their brands. A part of a company's CSR, CRM, cause-related marketing, which is a relatively new marketing strategy and created when companies choose to partner with charities and market it. Garment/clothing industry has as many others come to be shaped by the effects of globalization, but has also endured heavy criticism over the years. This criticism is largely because of the outside world's reaction to the exploitation of developing countries.
Modern marknadsföring - filmproduktion
I contacted the production company Salmonfox in the hope that they would have any projects that they needed help with. It showed that Salmonfox just started up an old project that they needed to complete. They wanted my help to edit some trailers and one crowdfundingfilm for the short film called, Captain Sweden (Kapten Sverige). Salmonfox are hopefully going to use the different trailers and crowdfundingfilm to promote the short film and get help with the funding to make a feature. The project began with a pilot study in which I made a time plan and a requirements plan, where the different requirements were set.
Trust within small-scale forest management - a local case study in Southern Sweden
In the forest sector, non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners commonly interact with numerous stakeholders (e.g. forest managers, timber buyers, harvesting contractors and advisors) for counseling, planning, selling and hiring. Forest management is therefore built and influenced by the
relationships between NIPF owners and other stakeholders. In the local context of a Southern Sweden, the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA) and the Southern Forest Owners Association (SÖDRA) are very influential stakeholders in small-scale forest management. Based on qualitative interviews and by means of grounded theory, an analysis of the relationships between NIPF owners and the mentioned organizations was carried out in order to understand the social context at the genesis of forest management decisions.
Tillväxt som strategi
Uppsatsen behandlar temat urbana tillväxtstrategier i svensk planering. Studien
syftar till att undersöka hur översiktsplaner har påverkats av entrepreneurial
city, platsmarknadsföring och kreativa klassen som alla är olika teorier om
urban tillväxt. Undersökningen utgår ifrån fem kommuner med en översiktsplan
från tidigt 90-tal och en aktuell plan antagen omkring 2010. Översiktsplanerna
studeras utifrån de valda teorierna (entrepreneurial city, platsmarknadsföring
och kreativa klassen) om urban tillväxt för att ge förståelse för hur
strategierna i kommunernas översiktsplaner har påverkats av teorierna. Den
genomförda undersökningen visar på en förändring över tid som pekar mot mer
tillväxtorienterad planering..
Native Advertising - En Ulv i Fårakläder
Along with the increasing trend of online advertising comes an increasing avoidance behaviour from the observers. The marketing communication now requires a valuable content, which leads to the creation of new online advertising forms; including content marketing, advertorials, online ads and the latest rising star - Native Advertising. The last-mentioned also constitutes the basis and object of study for this paper. The purpose of this study is to shed light into this relatively unexplored topic and concretize the true effects. There are many examples of how Native Advertising is framed and implemented, but little hard facts and real figures.
Strukturplan för Högsbo industriområde
I Sveriges storstadsregioner har behovet av mer strategiskt utformade planer
växt fram under senare år. I korthet beror detta på kommunens begränsande
möjligheter att påverka bebyggelseutvecklingen. Samtidigt har kommunerna
fortfarande ett ansvar för att bebyggelseutvecklingen leds mot en social,
ekonomisk och ekologisk hållbarhet. Behovet av att koncentrera de kommunala
insatserna har då ökat. Kommunens roll blir att tillhandahålla hållbara
rumsliga ramar där förändringar på kvartersnivå sker i privat regi.
Syftet med mitt examensarbete har varit att utforma en strukturplan för Högsbo
Cykel i stadskärnor - Möjligheter som skapar rörelse i staden
Sverige har genomgått en strukturomvandling inom stadsplaneringen, från att
vara ett samhälle där främsta transportmedlet skedde med muskelkraft till att
bli ett samhälle där bilen dominerar stadsrummen. Att behöva dela yta med alla
trafikslag kan tänkas skapa en otrygg upplevelse för såväl fotgängare,
cyklister som bilister. Idag är det självklara valet av transportmedel bilen i
många fall, vilket i sin tur kan leda till att man blir bekväm och man behöver
inte längre röra sig allt för mycket för att ta sig någonstans.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka förutsättningar för cykeltrafik i
stadskärnor. Uppsatsen kommer att utreda planeringsprinciper och riktlinjer som
uppmuntrar rörelse med muskelkraft i staden. Hälsa är en central del i arbetet
och utgår från hur fysisk aktivitet påverkar kroppen.