4110 Uppsatser om Marketing Communications Planning - Sida 27 av 274
attraktrivitet och regionplanering : Hur ska osby kunna ha en positiv ekonomisk tillväxt och befolkningsutveckling i region skåne?
AbstractAttractiveness may be defined by a variety of factors but you should see it in the public planning as it is to have a positive population growth and economic growth, through working with communications, service, housing, to name a few. This is done primarily through direct projects both within the municipality and through various partnerships between local and regional level. The progress we have seen in recent years has gone more towards a clear shell level, particularly a regional level where these have had a much greater freedom with clear geographical boundaries in between each other. Within these regions there are also clear regional groupings that have common interests and competing between each other. In my thesis, we have been distinguished including three levels of scale levels.
Taktisk planering med geografisk hänsyn : fallstudie med Heureka PlanVis på SCA Skogs distrikt Liden
SCA is the largest private owned forest owner in Sweden, with an ownership of 2 million hectares of productive forestland. To manage the planning of such large areas and to fit the traditional organization structure of a Swedish forest company, the planning approach is subdivided into three stages; strategic, tactical and operational.
The strategic part, based on a statistic sample of stands, returns a harvest level estimate which should then be implemented at actual sites in the tactical part. This procedure can lead to incompatible solutions as the strategic solution is not necessarily possible to translate into actual sites in the tactical plan. The geographic aspect is important in tactical planning due to the large costs for moving equipment and maintenance of a large number of forest roads.
?Jag har inte fattat att det gällde biblioteket? : en utvärdering av marknadsföringskampanjen ?Låna dig rik? i Kalmar
The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to evaluate how the marketing campaign ?Låna dig rik? has been received by the residents of Kalmar. A series of questions are asked: was the campaign noticed by the residents of Kalmar? Through which marketing channels has it been noticed? Is the residents? opinion of the library in line with the marketing message? Is the campaign moving in the desired direction?The study was done through a questionnaire that was handed out to a number of people in Kalmar. The residents were asked to answer if they had noticed the campaign, where they had noticed it and what their opinion of the library was.
Europeisk medborgardialog? : En implementeringsstudie av Plan D som i demokrati,dialog och debatt
In an effort to strengthen democracy in the union, the EU in 2005 took a new approach to communications policy to reach out to the citizens. The strategic document "Plan D for Democracy, Dialogue and Debate" was accompanied by two other documents, and the three of them were the core of this policy. Both democracy and communications work means at EU level a higher complexity than in the nation-state arena. Objective of this study is to examine how the implementation of Plan D has turned out in a democracy renewal perspective. To achieve that answers are sought to questions concerning the goals of Plan D, how they are still present today, what happened in practice regarding the efforts that are highlighted, and how the substance of the activities can be judged from a democratic theory perspective.
Drömmar om Glas : En skildring av skapandeprocessen av en kulturell mötesplats
Introduction: How to implement and integrate cultural aspects in strategy making and planning in order for cities and regions to reap both social and economic benefits has been widely discussed in recent years. This method of working with culture, both as an economic, as well as an identity strengthening tool has come to be labeled as cultural planning. But in order for these ideas about cultural projects and institutions to become a reality, something has to be done. This is where the entrepreneur enters.The Glass Factory, a newly opened cultural establishment in the heart of the Glass Kingdom in Småland, Sweden, became the subject of empirical investigation for this paper. As this originally was an initiative from Emmaboda municipality the planning and start-up procedure could be viewed as a cultural planning process.
Synen på bibliotek förändras inte på en dag : En utvärdering av klusterkampanjen "Den digitalt nyfikne" på ett folkbibliotek
This thesis is an evaluation of the campaign [The digitally curious] that is part of the regional marketing campaign Futurum.kom. Its purpose was to strengthen the library's role in society. The campaign includes Regionbibliotek Kalmar, Länsbibliotek Sydost and also 25 public libraries in Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. The campaign [The digitally curious] is one of several cluster campaigns targeting their marketing to a specific audience and aims to promote awareness of what libraries have to offer and provide information on digital media and services. The target group for the campaign is a man between 45-65 years old, who is interested in digital technology.
Benchmarking som metod ? ett aktionsforskningsprojekt vid Valdemarsviks bibliotek.
The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to do a benchmarking study of the marketing activities at the public library of Valdemarsvik. The purpose is also to describe and get a deeper understanding of benchmarking as a method for improving library activity. Four major problem areas are addressed: How can one use benchmarking as a tool to achieve change? How can one learn with benchmarking? What similarities and differences are there between benchmarking and other similar methods for competence development? Is benchmarking better than other similar methods for competence development? The empirical approach was qualitative and the method chosen was action research.
3D-modellen som kommunikationsverktyg
If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.
Cross-Cultural Issues of Online Communication: A Comparison Between Swedish and Chinese Websites
Det finns många olika motiv för företag att sponsra kultur men kulturinstitutioner har dåligt utvecklade erbjudandestrategier för att framhäva hur företag gagnas av samarbetet. Mellanhänder med nisch mot kultursponsring kan etableras för att marknadsföra kulturinstitutioner mot potentiella sponsorer. En ändrad lagstiftning tycks öka intresset för företag att sponsra kultur. För att maximera nyttan av sponsringssamarbetet krävs en utvecklad sponsringsrelation som är ömsesidigt värdeskapande och där parterna uppfyller alla nivåer av kunskapsutbyte. Relationerna inom kultursponsring påverkas mer av kulturinstitutioners storlek än av företags..
Tryggare Park - Åtgärdsförslag för Kroksbäcksparken ur ett trygghetsperspektiv
Kan trygghet skapas? Trygghetsfrågorna har fått ett allt större utrymme i
debatten om staden. Forskningen och debatten är långt
ifrån entydig och recepten på trygghet varierar kraftigt mellan olika länder.
Grovt kan de förespråkade
åtgärderna delas in i två läger: säkerhet och trygghet. ?Säkerhet? med framför
allt situationell
brottsprevention med den filosofin att skadegörelse, våld och stölder leder
till otrygghet, vilket i sin tur leder till att människor inte vågar ta plats i
det offentliga rummet.
Event som Marknadskommunikation - Din Guide till Eventgalaxen: En kvantitativ studie som testar hur ansträngningsgrad påverkar uppkomsten av kommunikationseffekter
Event marketing's ability to create strong communication effects is a well-known fact and a contributing factor to its popularity in the world of marketing today. But while we know that it is the interaction between consumers and the brand within the scope of live marketing that gives rise to loyalty and purchase intention, we have no knowledge in how the company's efforts affect the outcome. As the investments in event marketing are growing at a comparatively high pace, it is urgent to obtain a deeper understanding and a sense of direction of the elements infuencing its success.In this study we investigate in what way and to what extent the amount of effort that a company puts into the making of an event is used as a signal of manufactor credibility, ability (i.e., expertise) and consumer care. And in what way and to what extent the perceived effort influence purchase intent, attitude and word-of-mouth. We also analyze marketing events in terms of the theory of equitable exchange and "desperation", a subject matter thus far only touched upon.As we identify two different types of events on the market today, we include both in our study: the in-store promotion related event and the party event, which is held in an external venue.
Grönstruktur ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv
Folkhälsoarbete är ett systematiskt, målinriktat, hälsofrämjande och
sjukdomsförebyggande arbete för att åstadkomma en god, jämlik hälsa för hela
befolkningen genom samhällsinsatser som främjar exempelvis fysisk aktivitet.
Studiens syfte var att studera hur folkhälsoarbetet avspeglas inom målområde
fysisk aktivitet i Växjö kommuns Grönstrukturprogram.
Metoden som användes vid den kvalitativa analysen var en etnografisk
innehållsanalys. Analysen gjordes av Växjö kommuns Grönstrukturprogram (2012),
Budget för Växjö kommun (2013) samt intervjuer.
Växjö kommun arbetar aktivt med folkhälsofrågor för att främja fysisk aktivitet
genom beskrivande dokument. Kommunen har en holistisk bild av verksamheten för
att säkerställa goda levnadsvillkor och för att främja folkhälsan hos
medborgarna. Strategiskt arbete, genom kommunikation och delaktighet, är
påverkande faktorer som kommunen arbetar med.
Mellanstaden-med lokala och regionala intressen i samverkan
Examensarbetet tar upp frågan om hur mellanstaden, stadens moderna delar som
vuxit fram under 1900-talet, ska utvecklas. Mellanstaden består av isolerade
öar av funktioner med kraftiga trafikleder som löper kors och tvärs och
försörjer öarna med trafik. I mellanstaden kan två grupper med olika behov
urskiljas. Personer med lokala intressen är de som dagligen vistas i
mellanstaden t.ex boende. De har behov av en bra bostadsmiljö med god
tillgänglighet till viktiga målpunkter med gena och trygga vägar.
Miljöbilens framtid : De alternativa drivmedlens påverkan och konsekvenser på regional och global nivå
Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate future marketing channels from the perspective of professional marketers.Material/Method: The study is based upon interviews with six professional marketers.Main results: Traditional marketing is not being put aside but needs to be combined with new methods. There are several new and exciting ways to gain attention from the audience, all depending on the purpose of the campaign. Mobile technology is considered upcoming and target group defining is a key issue..
I väntan på något annat : en studie av tillfälliga platser ur ett planerarperspektiv
The term Temporary places could be used to describe a wide range of shapes, functions and not least different time sets . In this thesis, however, the intention of temporality should be seen as the main definition regarding this subject. This thesis is based on a literature study
and the aim is to explore temporary places, their values and their functions. Furthermore, the purpose is also to highlight temporary places as a method to be used by urban planners, in order to create more flexibility in the city planning of today.
The thesis describes the underlying factors and conditions creating an increased interest in flexible planning. Furthermore, a number of tactics and applications are presented, all drawn from current research on the topic.