4110 Uppsatser om Marketing Communications Planning - Sida 15 av 274
IT-implementering inom svenska banker : En flerfallstudie med fokus på användarna och önskade effekter
The society of today is overflowed with information and commercials. There is a thick media noise that the marketers finds hard to penetrate. Bearing this in mind, we can see that Event Marketing, witch is marketing through events, has grown to be a popular form of communication as it has an ability to work its way through the existing media noise. Through events a company can strengthen its brand and image as well as form a lasting relationship with its consumers. What other functions does Event Marketing possess? In what context is Event Marketing an appropriate marketing strategy to use? These are two questions that we aim to answer through this essay.To be able to answer these questions we interviewed the marketing manager of two different companies, L´oréal and TeliaSonera.
Cause-Related Marketing: En kvalitativ studie i hur Cause-Related Marketing påverkar svenska konsumenter
Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) is a marketing activity that has grown popular in the USA and studies have been carried out that explore how American consumers perceive and react to CRM. In Sweden, however, CRM has not yet found ground to any greater extent, and therefore there is limited research on how Swedish consumers react to CRM and how they perceive it. In this study, eight Swedish consumers are interviewed regarding their perception of CRM. The main findings of the investigation are that Swedish consumers fit well into a model that is based on American consumers? responses to CRM.
Bibliotekariestudenters attityd till marknadsföring på bibliotek
: This bachelor thesis explores library students? attitudes towards marketing in libraries. The aim is to find out if they are interested in working whit marketing questions in their future workplaces. To perform the study the author used a questionnaire survey and 48 students completed the survey. The answers where converted into present form and 10 charts were created to show the result.
EMC problematik och el-kvalitet i elkraftnät
The dissertation deals with an account of actual problem, which can arise within EMC and power quality. The cause of power interruption and what can be done to minimise the power interruption is discussed. It also includes a definition of planning levels and which factors one needs to have control over to carry out a possible planning strategy and how the local distributions net could be more secure. The electrical net could be secure but no system can be free from interruption.The dissertation examines two distribution transformers: GLA40T1 (Glansås) and T399 in Tranås Energy which don?t have regulators.
?Vård i annans hem? - användning av arbetsmaterialet i Huddinge kommuns hemtjänst/boendestöd och personlig assistans
AbstractThe importance of good construction planning affects the final costs of the production and the timing of the project. Planning for building projects has been studied with the aim of identifying how three week planning appears in the construction industry today.A case study has been conducted in Navisworks Simulate to assess whether the software is suitable to connect the task schedule with the BIM model to create a 4D model. 4D models are used for performing 4D construction simulation to visualize the project. In order to use the benefits of the model, investment in equipment and software is required. This means higher costs for the companies.
Energieffektivisering i flerbostadshus : En studie av incitament och hinder i Uppsala
The purpose of this essay is to study how the local creators of a "master plan" for the swedish city Kristinehamn, the years between 1940 to -43, looked on their planning. It is an analysis of ideas case study. A hypothesis is upheld for the research: that the local physical planning had largely extended ambitions what regards central state control in a way that is similar to planned economy. Questions that are asked include: Was the planning assumed to be a tool for the state to regulate the environment? Can the planning be seen as a mean to control the society in time and space? The essay search for verification of the hypothesis by a theoretical analysis apparatus made upp of ideal types.
"Råstablick" -ett komplext utbyggnadsområde i Solna. Fokus på barriärer, trygghet och buller.
I detta examensarbetet har jag studerat hur man kan lösa barriär, trygghets-
och bullerproblem i det komplexa utbyggnadsområdet "Råstablick"
-industriområdet Hagalund.
Inledningsvis har en generell analys av området gjorts som behandlar historisk
utveckling, landskap och natur, bestämmelser och förordningar, bebyggelse och
trafik. Därefter följer en fördjupning om barriärer, trygghet och buller där
varje avsnitt innehåller ett kunskapsunderlag som följs av en analys av
området. Utifrån slutsatserna från analysen har jag utarbetat riktlinjer för
området och ett planförslag.
Viktigt i planförslaget har bl.a. varit att skapa en trygg koppling till
kollektivtrafiken, överbrygga stambanan, bullerskydda med kontorsbebyggelse, ta
tillvara vattenkontakten och skapa sammanhängande grönområden..
Hur du får dina kunder att älska dig mer: En kvantitativ studie som visar hur event som marknadsföringsmetod och med ett varumärke som avsändare kan öka eventbesökarens upplevda varumärkeskärlek
Event marketing has during the last decade become a wide spread marketing method. This is because the marketing clutter has increased heavily during the past years and brands are looking for new ways to reach their target audience. The previously well accepted marketing measurement "satisfaction" has shown tendencies no longer to be sufficient for success in today's competitive marketplace. Therefore, the research has somewhat moved to the measurement "brand love" to explain differences in strategic consumer behavior. That is the background to why this report examines and answers the question if a brand through event marketing can enhance brand love.
Content marketing - Implementeringen av den moderna säljtratten och relaterad strategi
The global spread of the Internet has enabled busniesses and consumers in all industries to be better informed. Consequently, the buying process has appeared to become different from what tratditional models implies. As the buying behaviour among customers is evolving, selling companies are responding to this change. This thesis evolves around the consequences that the developing relationship between buyer and seller in business-to-business companies has led to. The topic in focus is the buzzword and phenomena "content marketing" with its marketing and selling strategy.
Från rådhus till stadshus En fallstudie på ombyggnadsprocessen Göteborgs rådhus
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:5.
Effektmätning av Event Marketing
Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att ge läsaren en förståelse för vilka syften och mål som utgör grunden för mätningar av Event Marketing. Vidare avser vi att inventera de mätprocesser som kan tillämpas på Event Marketing samt kritiskt granska dessa i termer av den problematik som omger mätningen. Vårt arbete bygger på intervjuer med större företag inom eventbranschen, en kund samt tre undersökningsföretag. Det baseras också på en litteraturstudie som omfattar de ämnen vi berör i uppsatsen. Främst behandlar vi Event Marketing och dess plats i promotionmixen, varumärke samt uppföljning och mätvariabler.
Marknadsföring av läkemedel-Skulle internetmarknadsföring av receptbelagt läkemedel direkt till konsument understödja bättre hälsa?
This thesis aims to show the positive effects of marketing by studying whether the regulation on direct marketing to consumers of prescription drugs today prevents to consumers accurate information and better health, and how consumers relate to the possible legalization of increased marketing through controlled and information audited webpages. Methods used in this research are qualitative method, quantitative method, documents and websites studies. The thesis fulfills the purpose as it shows the potential positive effects of an expanded marketing through pre-approved websites. It also shows a demand from the consumers' side and a need for increased awareness for more empowerment over their own health.
Bostadsbebyggelse i Umeå tätort : Flerbostäders bebyggelse i relation till översiktsplaner mellan åren 1998-2014 i Umeå tätort
Urban planning in Sweden goes back to a prolonged tradition, and even since the beginning of the 16th century there´s been general plans for urban planning for cities in Sweden.Nowadays every municipality has a directive from the government to establish or re-new the general master plan covering the whole municipality every 4th year.The aim of this paper is to illustrate and shed light on the extent for the planning document and guidelines, and how they change from every active period and in what extent the provisional planning reaches its visions regarding the outcome of the actual city growth. This study was completed by studying the position of every apartment building that?s been constructed for the chosen area over the years of 2000 - 2014 and draw comparisons between the current master plan main visions regarding constructions ? and comparing the two separate visions to pin out the differences in the same subject.The result shows that there are some deviations from the plans but not as much as one would have thought in the city growth, and some deviations from the different planning documents. Some of the deviations was greater than others but overall the visions was about the same..
Det moderna biblioteket: Om biblioteks marknadsföring i sociala medier
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how libraries market themselves in social media and why they do it. I have studied a certain public library?s process of introducing social media into its marketing mix, the preparations for this process and the effects of these marketing methods.The theoretical framework for this thesis is based on relationship marketing, a theory which focuses on relationships, networks and interaction. My main method has been semi-structured interviews with a librarian at the relevant library, with the manager of the library and with the head of the municipality?s department of communication.The results of my studies show that marketing on social media is a positive and important thing for libraries.
Gödslingsstrategins inverkan på Holmen Skog, Umeå distrikt
This thesis analyzes the effects of different fertilization strategies on forest management at Holmen Skog in Umeå district. Harvesting volumes, net present values and fertilization intensity are presented for each fertilization scenario. The planning reserve (percentage area older than minimum final felling age) was also analyzed in this study.The thesis covers the analysis of five different fertilization scenarios, varying in fertilization intensity, from no fertilization at all, to fertilization at every harvesting operation (thinning or final felling). A sub-study was also carried out so the reader in detail can see how the different fertilization scenarios affect individual forest stands of different nature. The analysis has been done with the planning tool PlanWise, which is an application of the Heureka analysis and planning system.