

6748 Uppsatser om Market-adjusted model - Sida 31 av 450

Informationsmäklare i Sverige marknadsföringsstrategier och konkurrensmedel i en outvecklad bransch

A new line of business has arisen on the Swedish information market. The information broker is still quite an unknown actor but the future seems to hold a prosperous outcome for this kind of alternative information service. The information broker has many definitions but can generally be described as an intermediary between information sources and users. The Swedish market for this kind of information professionals has not yet developed into a big, well-established and lucrative branch as for example the one in the USA. The Swedish actors are still coping with resistance in form of insufficient support from the government, competitiveness from other more established information services and the clienteles lack of understanding the brokers purpose and utility.

Latent värmelagring i vattenburet uppvärmningssystem med elpanna för byggnadsapplikationer

Latent heat storage is a way to store thermal energy when a phase change material undergoes a phase change. The advantage of latent heat storage is the capability to store more energy per mass unit than other heat storage methods. The most commonly used phase change in latent heat storage is the transition between solid and liquid. Phase change materials can be divided into organics, inorganics and eutectics.In the Nordic electricity market the price of electricity is set every hour by Nordpool spot, which leads to price fluctuations because of changes in demand. The main goal of this report is to create a latent heat storage system in a single-family home and investigate the possibility to save money by charging the latent heat storage system when the price of electricity is low, and discharge when the price is high.The thermodynamic model consisted of a ?tube-in-tube? heat exchanger with phase change material in the outer tube and water as the heat transfer fluid in the inner tube.

Varumärkeskommunikation för marknadsledare : En studie av Red Bull's varumärkeskommunikationoch image

The purpose of this thesis is to through brand communication and Red Bull?simage examine how they position themselves as leaders on the Swedish energydrink market. We chose relevant theories within buzz marketing, word ofmouth, sampling and events. Our method of preference was quantitativequestionnaires which we spred through email to students at the LinneausUniversity and other social networks such as Facebook and blogs. Our empiricalstudy is based on our questionnaires and information about Red Bull.

?Då behöva vi kanske inte ens slåss för gift kvinnas rätt till arbete" : Arbete, genusarbetsdelning och fackliga strategier vid ett svenskt bryggeri 1923-1939

The following is an examination of work and gender and how they interlocked in a Swedishbrewery between 1923 and 1939. Leaning on labor process theory and Marxist feminist theory,this paper examines what constituted women?s work in the brewery industry in this era, how women?s work changed with rationalization and economic recess, and how the all-femaleunion locale reacted to these changes. The events portrayed are related to earlier research ongender on the labor process, to the history of the Swedish labor movement in large, and to theevolution of the so-called ?Swedish model? with its relatively low level of conflicts on thelabor market.

Kapitalförvaltarnas arbetsmetodik vid förvaltandet av den diskretionära potföljen

Background: The devolopment in the exchange market has attract a large number of investors. The information flow is extensive and it might be hard to follow the dynamic market. Some investors therefore choose to place their capital in a stock portfolio which is manged by a professional firm with no influence from the capital owner, this management is called discretionary managing. Purpose: the purpose of the thesis is to examine the working methods and the rationality regarding the management of the discretionary portfolios. The purpose is also to try to examine whether there is a relation between the selected risk, return and fees.

Reducering av ledtider samt framtagande av kalkylmodell

Rimaster Kisa AB is a member of the Rimaster Group, the corporation was bought from Samhall AB in January 2007. The corporation is producing mechanichs needed by the Rimaster group as well for external costumers. Samhall AB is now functioning as a provider of labor for Rimaster Kisa, as the company is hiring personnel from Samhall AB. The company has earlier have had problems with their lead times being far too long. This has resulted in that the management decided to invest in a new edging press.

Lean för lantbruksföretaget : utvärdering av industriellt managementsystem i agrar kontext

The competitiveness and profitability of swedish farm enterprises is frequently discussed in agricultural media. Increased exposure to the surrounding world with greater competitive pressure and considerable price fluctuations in the agricultural markets demand new ways of acting to secure the agricultural sector?s long-term survival and profitability. Structural change and/or diversification leads to increased numbers of stake-holders around the farm enterprise and thereby also the expectations of the farmers ability to lead and coordinate resources. Lean is the name of a management model developed by Toyota, influenced by the lack of resources in Japan during the post WWII period.

Hur förhåller sig EU till en (o)hållbar utveckling? En studie av EU:s klimatpolitiska samhällsstyrning inom jordbruks- och klimatpolitiken

This bachelor thesis, written as a part of the European Studies at Gothenburg University, is concerned with the European Unions? (EU) climate political governance in their both climate- and agricultural policy, and in particularly the question whether it is sustainable. This thesis intends to problematize if it is possible for the EU to continue to pursue its current agricultural policies, while at the sametime maintain its role as a sustainable actor on the global arena. The framework of theEUs? climate policy governance disciplines this analysis.

En jämställd föräldraförsäkring? Effekter på kvinnors villkor på arbetsmarknaden

This Bachelor Thesis is entitled ?Swedish parental leave and gender equality. Effects on women?s conditions on the labour market?. Through our empirical results in conjunction with economical and sociological theories, this Bachelor Thesis attempts to answer the questions: 1) Why are the claims for Swedish parental leave unevenly distributed between men and women? 2) Does the uneven distribution result in discrimination of women on the labour market? 3) How do different designs of parental leave scheme influence women?s conditions on the labour market and which possibilities are there to change these conditions through changes in the design? We make use of case studies from Denmark, Iceland and Great Britain, which work as basis for policy implications for the Swedish parental leave scheme.

2008 - ett år för mobil-tv-marknadens utbredning? Drivkrafter hinder och aktörer

AbstractTitle: 2008- the year of the mobile-TV-markets expansion? (2008- ett år för mobil-tv-marknadens utbredning? Drivkrafter hinder och aktörer).Number of pages: 50Author: Hilda EngstrandTutor: Lowe HedmanCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall Semester 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The aim of this research paper is to identify the main operators on the mobile-tv-market and to map out the main forces behind its growth. What are the driving forces that creates a new disribution-market? Also to study how political media-regulation effect and urge the mobile-tv- market.Material/Method: Interviews with people from the mobile-tv-market. To read public-documents, press releases and reports from the government, media-companies and organisations has also been a method used to gain information.Main results: That the mobile-tv-markets growth is a result of several driving forces.

Användaracceptans vid systemimplementering.

Användaracceptans är en viktig del i alla systemutvecklingsprojekt och är också en väldigt lättpåverkad variabel för en lyckad implementering. Därför är det viktigt att ha översikt på sådana faktorer som kan påverka användaracceptansen negativt, en sådan faktor är försening. Denna uppsats belyser sammanhanget mellan hur en försening påverkar användaracceptansen. Genom att låta en undersökningsgrupp genomgå en enkät utformad efter Technology Acceptance Model har jag samlat upp en generaliserad åsikt. Resultaten visar att försening som variabel inte påverkar användaracceptansen för fallstudien..

Kreatörers försörjning - En modell för värdeutbyten i de kreativa näringarna

That many creative workers have uncertain and uneven incomes is well-established, but how or why they make a living is not. This paper examines the elusive value exchanges between creatives, buyers, consumers, and other economic supporters, and offers a model of how creatives make a living. By mapping income statistics of Swedish creatives together with in-depth interviews some patterns emerge. This, combined with Bourdieu's theories of social, cultural and symbolic capital, and Knorr's objects of sociality, forms a basis for a structured model of value exchange. The paper shows how creative workers create economic and non-economic capital (capitalization), how they advertise this capital (signaling), and how they convert between different types of capital (conversion) in order to make a living.

Franchising - ett lyckat koncept för Östgöta Brandstodsbolag? : lönsamhetsbedömning av bolagets distributionskanaler

Östgöta Brandstodsbolag started its insurance business in 1841 and is today a part of Länsförsäkringsgruppen, which consists of 24 independent and locally anchored county insurance companies. The local concept is a condition for the county insurance (länsförsäkring) idea, which means that the 24 county insurance companies cooperate freely. Länsförsäkringar is the market leader within property and liability insurances in Sweden and has a market share of 30.5%. The largest, and most well known, insurance companies in Sweden, apart from Länsförsäkringar, are If, Trygg-Hansa and Folksam. This essay treats with Östgöta Brandstodsbolag, which is one of Sweden's largest county insurance companies. The company is active in the county of Östergötland where it has the dominant market shares within home, detached houses, car and farming.

Vikten av ett välskött arbetsklimat: En kvantitativ studie av arbetsklimatets påverkan på ekonomiskt resultat

The well-being of employees has become a key concept in the rhetoric of the company boards and business literature of today. There is however not much statistic evidence of a connection between economic results and the perceived working climate. This thesis sets out to investigate whether there is a positive correlation between economic results and working climate on a work group level. It also aims to study which specific working climate factors influence the results. In order to meet its purpose this thesis analyzes employee satisfaction questionnaire data and economic results from more than 300 work groups.

Effektiviseringspotential inom projekt

The work is performed at Forsmark Group AB as a final step in the Bachelor ofScience program in nuclear engineering at the University of Uppsala in 2013.The work is part of an ongoing process of streamlining project system model FKA.Streamlining the project model is an important aspect that affects all largecompanies that somehow have a project governing body when there is muchfinancial resources to save. Although the quality of the projects is positivelyaffected by efficiencyThe aim is to find possible common weaknesses and strengths of the project systemby interviewing a number of project managers, and using the systems in placeexamine the model.As part of the work also includes examining what project managers have to adjust tothe newly implemented system VPMM, and other newly introduced elements thathave been added to improve the efficiency in the futureProject System is a complex system that is influenced by many different parametersand participating individuals' attitude and personality. But then small changes in themodel could have major economic consequences.The thesis has generated results that show common weaknesses among the variousprojects and their project managers' general opinions about the project model. It alsopresents some possible solutions based on own thoughts and those interviewedobjects suggestions and comments..

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