

6748 Uppsatser om Market-adjusted model - Sida 28 av 450

Finansiella rapporters påverkan på aktiekursen : - Ett bidrag till debatten om slopandet av kvartalsrapporter på Stockholmsbörsen.

This study is based on an ongoing debate regarding the Stockholm Stock Exchange, which centers around the possible abolition of quarterly reports. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to this debate by examining how the relationship between financial reports and stock price correlates. The study's methodological approach is based on the Capital Market Research frame-work in which an ERC model and an extended model are used to measure the relationship. Three hypotheses were formed to categorize the direction of the study, these categorizations treats the differences in impact between quarterly and annual reports on stock price, as well as differences in impact as a casual effect of company size and seasonal sensitivity. The results of the study show that quarterly reports have a stronger impact on the share price than annual reports.

Bootstrap som hjälpmedel att öka noggrannheten och bedöma precisionen vid probitregression, med tillämpning på hörselmätningar

In many biomedical contexts, e. g. when evaluating hearing disorders, the data obtained can be described as pairs (x1, y1), ?, (xn, yn) where x is a quantitative variable and y a 0/1 variable whose probability of taking the value 1 is a monotonic function of x. One way of analysing such data is to perform probit regression; thereby two parameters, b0 (= the constant) and b1 (= the slope) are estimated; the interest centres around m = -b0/b1, i.

En villaleverantörs möjlighet till etablering i Finland : analys av för- och nackdelar

The construction market has, as a result of the crisis in Europe been uncertain in recent years. During the year 2013, the construction will be stabilized, in particular Finland. The geographical proximity between Sweden and Finland and similarities in cultures and climates makes Finland a coveted market for many Swedish companies.Differences in national regulations and guidelines, which are produced by the authorities in different countries, are examples of barriers that may hamper the process, including for Swedish villa suppliers, to establish themselves on the Finnish market. It may be useful when facing a new export drive, to look up what similarities and differences there are between the countries building codes, to prevent mistakes and unnecessary costs to the project work..

Gränslös välfärd? En studie om den europeiska integrationen har nått området välfärd genom sysselsättningspolitiken

Social policy has now received an increased attention in the European Union. The European welfare states experience a high level of unemployment, which the EU now tries to handle through the European Employment Strategy (EES). The core of this essay is whether the welfare institutions of the European member states are integrating through an institutionalization process or not. Within the EU four different types of welfare models can be identified: the Scandinavian, the Continental, the Southern and the Anglo-Saxon. The welfare models differ in the institutional settings e.g.

Kommunfullmäktigeledamöters sociala representation -en fallstudie i tre svenska kommuner av kön, ålder och etnicitet

The purpose of the thesis has been to explore the use of hedge fund styles when constructing portfolios of hedge funds (i.e. funds of hedge funds). The central question is if the use of hedge fund styles can significantly explain and improve risk adjusted returns (characterized by Sharpe ratios). The study has been done in collaboration with Optimized Portfolio Management AB who desire further knowledge and evaluation of hedge fund styles for their fund of hedge funds.To be able to create successful ex ante portfolios we have explored various prediction models for both risk and return. Our findings indicate that return prediction is problematic using simple models such as regression since the risk exposure of the indices appear to change significantly over time.

Utveckling av heltäckande gångbord

This thesis work is a 30hp D-level assignment in design as a co-operation between MälardalenUniversity and Scania CV AB in Södertälje. The purpose was to develope a close fitted catwalk.The market has seen an increasing value for these types of applications and have the ambition to keep up with the rest of the competitors. The catwalks of todays standards shall be estetical attractive, have a non slippery surface and be costefficient.While working with this project I have spent a lot of time with the concept proposals and with the evaluation of the concepts, resulting in a final CAD model and a approximation of the cost estimate. The new catwalk fulfils all the new recommendations and rules as sharp edges, ADR, the height of the stepup and a non slippery surface with built in drainage..

Framtagning av förbättringsförslag för SNCR-system

The gas turbines in the Swedish secondary reserve are reaching the end of their technical lifetime, hence alternative solutions need to be considered. One of the solutions thought to have the greatest potential is the use of so called consumptionreduction. By entering contracts with large consumers, agreements are made to reduce consumption in the event of major disturbances in the power system and thus being used as a secondary reserve. This thesis investigates the feasibility of consumption reduction as part of the secondary reserve. This has been achieved by developing a requirement specification for the disturbance reserve and by studying the technical and economic potential for consumption reduction among a range of consumers.The technical potential for consumption reduction that fulfils the requirements for participating in the secondary reserve are on average 750 MW in SE 3 and 98 MW in SE 4.

Affärsmodeller inom IP-telefoni

When communications traffic increasingly turned into data, IP telephony became a disruptive technology for the telecommunication business. IP telephony was a hot topic when voice over IP services started to become available to consumers in the 1990s. The new technology changed the rules of the game and many new actors entered the market.The purpose of this study is to describe, study, and analyze how the business models of the Swedish telecom sector developed in the middle of the 2000s. The study is delimited to the Swedish consumer market for telephony.The study is built mainly upon deep interviews with 24 prominent persons in the telecom sector in 2006. To aid understanding, two telecom companies that have been chosen to represent different kinds of actors are described and analyzed more closely.

Lyckas hyresregleringen motverka segregation i Stockholm

The Swedish system of rent control has recieved a lot of critique for creating an ill-functioning housing market. Supporters however claim that a movement towards market rents would lead to increased segregation. We evaluate whether rent control has managed to counteract segregation in Stockholm. Our evaluation is based on a data set of 292 representative households in Stockholm. We find that residents in rent controlled apartments in attractive locations typically are born in Sweden by Swedish parents and that they are likely to have a higher income than residents in rent controlled apartments in less attractive locations.

Analysmodellen ? verktyget för revisorers oberoende

Aim: The analysis model was introduced after several audit-scandals in order to enhance the confidence in the auditors? independence. Our purpose with this essay is to find out if the auditors experience that the stakeholders? confidence in their review of the financial information has increased as a result of the analysis model. We also strive to describe the function of the analysis model in order to give the reader a deeper understanding in this subject.Method: The scientific approch we have used in this essay is a qualitative survey method, in order to find out the auditors opinion and attitude regarding the analysis model and whether the stakeholders? confidence in the financial information has increased as a result of its introduction.

Internal Market Harmonisation and Trade Implications for Non-EU Companies

After the formation of the European Union internal market in 1992, member state specific obstacles and barriers were largely removed. This was especially the case in harmonised industries where standardisation and technical regulation have led to legal certainty. Despite this, a large range of trade regulation continues to remain distortional to trade, in addition to the ongoing tariffs and subsidies. The key trade regulations relate to a number of areas involving technical regulations such as production labelling and the protection of intellectual property rights. Whilst policy makers claim justification based around the need to correct market failure in delivering desired outcomes, the question is whether these regulations are appropriate responses to market failures or if they have simply been imposed in an attempt to protect domestic markets.

Ersättningsmodeller för ballasttransporter : vid anläggning och underhåll av skogsbilvägar

Construction and maintenance of forest truck roads are a necessary element of industrial forestry. Payment for contracting services in this context can be done according to a number of payment models. This study will focus on the methods and consequences associated with a change of Holmen Skog?s payment model from per hour to per metric ton for ballast hauling. The aim of this study is to improve the economic efficiency of Holmen Skog?s ballast hauling in construction and maintenance of forest truck roads. This is done by formulating and evaluating a proposal for a payment model based on crowns per ton.

Kappa Control with Online Analyzer Using Samples from the Digester's Mid-phase

In the pulp industry, digesters are used to disolve lignin in wood chips. The concentration of lignin is measured and is called the Kappa number. In this thesis, the question of whether an online Kappa sensor, taking samples from the mid-phase of the digester, is useful or not is analyzed. For the samples to be useful, there has to be a relationship between the measured Kappa at the mid- phase and the measured Kappa in the blowpipe at the bottom of the digester. An ARX model of the lower part of the digester has been estimated.

The development of CRITA-Score ? A hybrid credit rating model for predicting financial distress

Large companies in today?s business environment are to a great extent depending on their credit score by rating institutes like Moody?s and Standard & Poor?s. There is however indications that these big institutes are not always rating companies accurately. This is why this thesis aims at developing a new credit rating model, CRITA-Score, with the objective of determining a company?s financial health more accurately.

Utredning av undervattensbastu

Nordic Marine Sauna AB has, since 2005, designed, manufactured and sold floating saunas. Theproduct are characterised by a well thought thru and appealing design and its high quality. Thecompany is now intending to open a new business area by starting a subsidiary, NordicSubmarine Sauna AB, which will design submerged saunas. The expected customers are leisureand conference centres as well as customers that seek an experience out of the ordinary.Due to the products technical complexity a master thesis was adverted. The task was to do aninvestigation whether such a product is technically viable.The job involved research of existing products and constructions material as well as designingthe product with CAD and FEM-programs.

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