

6530 Uppsatser om Market model - Sida 59 av 436

Kvalitetsutveckling inom service management – Verktyg för kundfokuserat utvecklingsarbete

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med utvecklingen av en ny modell för kaplanturbiner. Utvecklingen bygger på två kopplade differentialekvationer som under arbetets gång anpassats och implementerats i turbinmodellen.Modellen beskriver hur vattenflöde och turbinmoment påverkas av avvikelsen från den optimala kombineringskurvan för vinklarna på turbinens ledskena och löphjul, och är anpassad för ett referensaggregat med tillgängliga provdata. Även övriga enheter i vattenkraftaggregatet modelleras och sätts samman med frekvensregulator och elnät för att simulera aggregatets reglerstabilitet i önätsdrift.Verifieringen av turbinmodellen sker genom försök att återskapa de befintliga verkningsgradskurvorna med hjälp av modellen. Resultatet visar en god följning av de verkliga kurvformerna, dock med något lägre maximal verkningsgrad.Verifieringen av önätmodellen sker genom att prova stabiliteten i nätfrekvens och turbineffekt vid stegpålastningar. Resultatet ger en stabilare reglerstabilitet än i verkligheten, men uppfyller ändå förväntningarna på en fungerande modell.This report describes the development of a new kaplan turbine model.

Beräkningsmetoder för analys av resterande utmattningslivslängd hos befintliga järnvägsbroar av stål

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med utvecklingen av en ny modell för kaplanturbiner. Utvecklingen bygger på två kopplade differentialekvationer som under arbetets gång anpassats och implementerats i turbinmodellen.Modellen beskriver hur vattenflöde och turbinmoment påverkas av avvikelsen från den optimala kombineringskurvan för vinklarna på turbinens ledskena och löphjul, och är anpassad för ett referensaggregat med tillgängliga provdata. Även övriga enheter i vattenkraftaggregatet modelleras och sätts samman med frekvensregulator och elnät för att simulera aggregatets reglerstabilitet i önätsdrift.Verifieringen av turbinmodellen sker genom försök att återskapa de befintliga verkningsgradskurvorna med hjälp av modellen. Resultatet visar en god följning av de verkliga kurvformerna, dock med något lägre maximal verkningsgrad.Verifieringen av önätmodellen sker genom att prova stabiliteten i nätfrekvens och turbineffekt vid stegpålastningar. Resultatet ger en stabilare reglerstabilitet än i verkligheten, men uppfyller ändå förväntningarna på en fungerande modell.This report describes the development of a new kaplan turbine model.

Energieffektiviserande åtgärder i samband med renovering av flerbostadshus

In Sweden, a big part of the energy use is used in the housing sector. Political goals and targets are set up which the housing sector needs to work towards. Apartment buildings are a major part of the housing sector in Sweden and therefore reduction of energy use in these kinds of buildings are key to lower the energy use in Sweden. But there are not only political incentives to reduce the energy use. Some energy?saving measures are directly profitable and should thus be performed.

Representativ valdemokrati? : Gör den valdemokratiska idealtypen rättvisa åt den representativa demokratin?

In modern, Swedish political science there are different ways of looking at ?democracy?. A very common distinction is that between three groups of democratic theories: electoral democracy, participation democracy and deliberative democracy.The nowadays frequently used concept of electoral democracy is often used as synonymous with the older concept of repre­­­­sen­tative or indirect democracy ? frequently regarded as a contrast to the direct democracy of ancient Athens. However, there are also important differences.

Kravanalys och arkitekturell design av en budgetplaneringsapplikation

This thesis presents the theory behind prototyping and user interviews as parts of requirements analysis. It further discusses how these were used in the development of a budget planning application. The implemented Web-based solution uses a new component-based design rooted in a Model-View-Controller architecture. The application is used today with complete success at the Department of Computer and Information Science at Linköping University..

Hur publicera efter policyn? Ett antal seniora forskares förhållningssätt till open access efter Vetenskapsrådets open access-policy.

Since the 1990?s Open Access has developed into an alternative model for scientific publication. Today an increasing political interest in promoting Open Access is commonly channeled through the implementation of policies by research funders. However, in the scientific community the uptake and acceptance of the model has been of notably different character.This Master?s thesis examines the understanding of and attitudes towards open access among eight senior Swedish researchers and how these have been affected by the implementation of the Swedish Research Council?s Open Access-policy as implemented in 2010.

Kvinnan tige i församlingen : Ett studium av hur feministisk exegetik förändrat forskningen krin 1 Kor 14:33b-40

This paper aims to explore the possibility of reading the Temple cleansing stories of John and Mark through Bruce J Malina?s honor/shame model, as E. Randolph Richards do. The analysis searches in John?s and Mark?s Temple cleansings for the presence of the notions of honor and shame, as Malina uses those concepts in his model.

Subventioner och hyresrätter? En bostadspolitisk studie

Since the early 1940s in Sweden, subsidies have been a recurring feature in housing politics.Throughout history, these have been used as a management measure to control theconstruction of housing and to promote the Swedish welfare state. The political parties aretoday disagreeing on how much responsibility the state should carry for citizens housing. Tosolve the conflict, the dwelling has to be defined. Is the dwelling to be considered a socialright, like education and healthcare or is the dwelling to be considered a product for the freemarket, driven by supply and demand?The positive population growth in Stockholm has lead to an increased demand for dwellings.The supply of dwellings has not been growing at the same rate, which has implied higherhousing prices and longer wait for rented apartments.

Avgörande faktorer vid val av bank: en undersökning bland
studenter i Luleå

The financial sector is an important part of the infrastructure. As a consequence of deregulations on the financial market, several new actors have entered the market. This has made it even more important for banks to identify the factors that are decisive when customers chose a bank. The purpose of this thesis was to clarify which factors that are decisive to students choice of bank. A survey was performed among students at Luleå University of Technology.

Grundvattenmodellering i Badelundaåsen

Over an extended period of time there have been plans to establish a shared facility in Lennheden to extract groundwater from the Badelunda esker to provide drinking water for the cities of Borlänge and Falun. The city of Falun is dissatisfied with the quality of its drinking water and the city of Borlänge is concerned about the risk of contamination of its existing groundwater supply at its current location. To provide a basis for a decision on this issue, the company Midvatten AB has been commissioned to perform hydrogeological investigations in the area of Lennheden.The purpose of this thesis is to design a functional groundwater model of the area between Lennheden, place of planned extraction, and Övre Tjärna, place of existing extraction, to get a better understanding of the groundwater situation in the area. A groundwater model enables simulations of different scenarios in risk assessment and contaminant transport. The aim of the thesis is that the model can be used as an aid in Midvatten?s investigations in Lennheden and that it also can be used in future projects in the area.The model has been made in Processing Modflow 5.3 and encompasses an area of 19,5 × 11 km along the Badelunda esker and the river Dalälven between Djurmo and Frostbrunnsdalen.

Webbaserad träning ? en modell skapad för att öka compliance inom rehabilitering av hund

The aim of the present literature study was to define and describe the area ?compliance in veterinary medicine? (i.e. the way treatment recommendations are being performed) and discuss the factors that influence the level of compliance. Based on the findings, a model that intended to increase compliance in orthopedic postoperative rehabilitation of dogs was designed. In the daily work as a veterinary nurse it is essential that one provides the best possible care to the animals from the beginning to the end of the treatment.

Mandom, mod och morske män : Läraryrket ur ett genusperspektiv 1920?1960-tal

AbstractMaster thesis of one year in Business Administration, Swedish Business School at Örebro university,Marketing, HT 2011.Authors: Grunér, Linus and Malm, Ludwig Tutor:Pia Lindell Title:Brand building and creating relationships ? A study of a small business in the B2B market Keywords:Brand building, business relationships, SME, B2B. Problem:How does a small business in the B2B market work with brand building and creating relationships? What critical factors can be identified regarding the process of relationship-building and brand building within the context of a small business in the B2B market? Research objective:The purpose of this study is to use existing research to create understanding for how a company in the B2B market is working with relationship-building and brand building. The study also aims to identify any critical factors concerning the process of relationship-building and brand building.

Varumärkesbyggande och relationsskapande : En studie om ett litet företag på B2B-marknaden

AbstractMaster thesis of one year in Business Administration, Swedish Business School at Örebro university,Marketing, HT 2011.Authors: Grunér, Linus and Malm, Ludwig Tutor:Pia Lindell Title:Brand building and creating relationships ? A study of a small business in the B2B market Keywords:Brand building, business relationships, SME, B2B. Problem:How does a small business in the B2B market work with brand building and creating relationships? What critical factors can be identified regarding the process of relationship-building and brand building within the context of a small business in the B2B market? Research objective:The purpose of this study is to use existing research to create understanding for how a company in the B2B market is working with relationship-building and brand building. The study also aims to identify any critical factors concerning the process of relationship-building and brand building.

Kalkylarbete för byggnadsprojekt med Vico Office : För- och nackdelar med 5D BIM

AbstractBuilding Information Model/Modeling/Management (BIM) is a tool that allows for efficient working methods. BIM saves time and money while providing the potential for visualization. This method of working is based on a 3D-model, and then a fourth and fifth dimension are connected. 5D modeling means that a spreadsheet creates cost estimates based on the 3D model. This provides opportunities to carry out calculations in the early stages of the projects. Calculations are currently performed manually and do not contribute to the development that the construction industry requires.

Konkurrenssituationen för den skånska grönsaksproduktionen :

The vegetable production in Sweden is concentrated to the very southern parts of the country. This is also were the major wholesalers are located. In recent years, there has been an extreme focus on price on the food market. As there are only a few big wholesalers and also very few food retail chains, these have a great impact on the producers. The pressure from prominent vegetable-producing countries, providing low price products, such as the Netherlands and Spain is strong.

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