

6530 Uppsatser om Market model - Sida 48 av 436

Vårt älskade Alnarp : en inventering av SLU Alnarps identitet, positionering och image

By surveying conceptions of SLU Alnarp?s resources and competence among its students and personnel, this thesis has the purpose of inventing identity, positioning and image of SLU Alnarp. The underlying idea is that the analysis of the opinions of the students and the personnel will provide the SLU management with new ideas and general advice for an innovative strategy for success. Four quantitative interviews with selected representatives from different staff groups were performed. In order to obtain a differentiated view of the employee thoughts and opinions on the university, five persons were selected to be interviewed ? all with different types of responsibilities.

Är goodwillnedskrivningar värderelevanta - En studie av den svenska aktiemarknaden

This study investigates the value relevance of goodwill impairments for equity investors in Swedish listed companies. We provide insight on whether goodwill impairments are value relevant before as well as after the implementation of IFRS 3 and IAS 36. We express market value of equity as a function of book value of equity; net income excluding goodwill impairments and goodwill impairments, using the Ohlson valuation model and Hellström's price regression. Our findings suggest that goodwill impairments are statistically value relevant for equity investors. Prior to the implementation of IFRS 3 and IAS 36, our findings imply that equity investors respond negatively to goodwill impairments.

Volatilitetsmodeller - En utvärdering av prestation enligt Model Confidence Set

Syftet med vår uppsats var att med hjälp av Model Confidence Set (MCS) finna de bättre presterande modellerna bland de mest ?kända? och undervisade volatilitetsmodellerna. Vidare har vi även rankat dessa modeller inbördes. Eftersom prognoser om volatiliteten är mycket viktigt vid prissättningen på derivat, i detta fall ett räntederivat, är ämnet ständigt intressant. Med Model Confidence Set fann vi ett set av bättre presterande modeller utifrån vårt urval av ursprungliga modeller.

Radioräckviddsberäkningar för flygande plattformar

There exist several known methods for calculation of radio coverage for ground-based systems. As far as we know there are no equivalent methods for the case of flying platforms when the altitudes and speeds are significantly different to those of ground-based systems. This thesis describes the theoretical concepts behind calculations of radio coverage for flying platforms. An investigation is made to sort out what is important and possible to employ in a model for simulations. A method is described and implemented in a program for evaluation of flying radio systems.

Obligationsmarknadseffektivitet : ett test av Emerging Market Bonds

Bakgrund: Utvecklingsländernas obligationsmarknad har under de senaste fem åren genererat en avkastning i nivå med aktier. Detta faktum kombinerat bristen på tidigare forskning inom detta område har gjort det intressant att undersöka utvecklingsländernas obligationsmarknad närmare. Syfte: Syftet är att analysera effektiviteten på utvecklingsländernas obligationsmarknad. Genomförande: Med hjälp av informationskvoten och Treynorkvoten undersöks om någon av de tre fonderna i urvalet genererat systematisk överavkastning jämfört med marknadsindexet JP Morgan Emerging Market Constrained Index. Ett signifikanstest på 5 % görs för att utreda om avkastningen är skild från 0.

Används både formativ och summativ utvärdering i ett projekt?

In companies today, it is becoming more and more common for employees to work in a project based environment, as a result many companies have developed their own project models. Companies with a well developed product culture are striving to improve their existing models, and businesses relatively new in the marketplace are aiming to reach a high level of maturity as well as reach high levels of efficiency in the shortest time possible. As the number of mature and efficient companies with well developed project model increase, so does the level of competition in the market. Since a well developed project model often leads to a more efficient and accurate way of carrying out the project, which in turn leads to shorter delivery time towards the client. This is crucial as time is one of the most valuable parameters of competition in today?s business environment.

Validation of KIDScore? D3 Basic, a morphokinetic model for improved embryo selection

ABSTRACT Infertility is a medical condition that affects approximately 16 % of Swedish couples in childbearing age and is a condition found in both men and women. When a couple has been trying to conceive for more than 12 months without success they need to see a health care provider. Infertility can be treated with medicine, insemination or assisted reproductive technology such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The aim of this study was to validate a morphokinetic selection model, KIDScore? D3 Basic, against morphological selection model that is currently in use at the Fertility unit at University hospital in Orebro.

Studenternas bankmarknad; en förändrad studentpopulations förhållande till banker

Banks are an important institution for the economy of a society. During the later years the world of banking has changed. Several new actors have entered the market and taken over traditional bankservices as well as new ones. The way of conducting banking has changed with the event of new technology. One of the banks customer segments, the students have also been under a change. With a changed market companies have to adapt to the new rules of the game.

Drömmen om att segra över marknaden : En jämförelsestudie mellan aktierekommendationer och insidertransaktioner som portföljstrategi

The purpose of this paper is to compare two different portfolio strategies consisting of insider transactions and stock recommendations and examine whether they posses any information advantage.  The portfolios are balanced once every three-, six- and twelve- months in the period of 2007-2009. Our results show a pattern for these investment strategies. The portfolio consisting of insider transactions generates a positive return in equity in a negative market environment and the opposite reaction in a positive environment. The result for the portfolio consisting of stock recommendations show a positive return of equity in positive environment and the opposite effect in negative environment. The pattern that has been observed can be classified as an anomaly.

Kapitalstrukturens inverkan på företagsvärdet : - En kvantitativ studie av den svenska aktiemarknaden

Background: During extreme market conditions like the period during fall 2008 the discussion of what affects company value becomes apparent. The capital structure is the relation between borrowed capital and equity in a company´s financing mix. What impact changes in capital structure have on company value is a widely debated subject within the theory of finance. If a relationship between capital structure and company value exists the implication is that an optimal capital structure where company value is maximized also exists.Aim: The aim of the thesis is to study whether a certain relationship between capital structure and company value exists among selected stocks and companies listed on Stockholmsbörsens OMXS30.Implementation: With aim to fulfill the purpose of the thesis regression analysis has been performed among chosen stocks and companies. The empirical results eventuating from this have been analyzed from the view of elected relevant theory.Completion and results: We find that during normal market conditions a positive relationship between debt ratio and enterprise value (EV) can be established.

Jämförelse mellan traditionell mängdavtagning, mängdavtagning med BIM och det verkliga utfallet på arbetsplatsen

This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.

En ekonomisk hållbar växtodling i sörmländsk mellanbygd :

We have been looking at three different types of agriculture in Södermanland, in the middle east of Sweden. We call the different types for Intensive, Extensive and Mix. The purpose is to get an economic defensible plan for how to run different farm sizes. We also have been looking at the working hours and how many hours the different types will give. We have a farm called Taxinge Gods as our pilot farm. Taxinge Gods grow 407 ha land and is located 60 km southwest from Stockholm.

Möbelbranschen - hur små företag kan överleva på den svenska marknaden

The furniture retail industry in Sweden has gone trough large changes during the last decades. Today the industry is tough and in the maturity stage where few new companies enter, especially if they do not have a unique offer. The furniture companies have become larger and fewer, the changes have lead to difficulties for smaller and medium sized companies to grow and be profitable.Our purpose is to analyse, evaluate and compare three smaller companies in Stockholm with the intention to find what kind of marketing strategies they are using to survive on the Swedish market. First we interviewed the three companies to see what they do to survive on the market, then we asked 100 persons to fill in a questionnaire to see if they had the same opinion as the companies described.With help from theories we prepared questions which laid the foundation to the empirical part of the essay.The result from this study shows that the three companies differ from each other when it comes to using relationship marketing and placing the customer in the centre. All of them are aware of the importance of doing so, but because of different limits and possibilities they can not fully adjust everything to the customer.

Samverkan och samordning för nyanlända flyktingar : En kvalitativ studie om etablering på arbetsmarknaden i två kommuner

This study has an integration policy direction as it focuses on the qualification for the new arrivals to quickly establish themselves in the labor market, and how the government's interventions, which in this case is the establishment reform, have affected municipalities and what its role is in this context. The purpose of the establishment reform is to faster the new arrivals integration in to the labor market. The aim of this study is to analyze the interaction factors that is affecting the integration of new arrivals into the labor market by study the professionals opinions on the interplay between involved organizations in two municipalities before and after the establishment reform. Studies have shown that the establishment reform has not achieved its goal and the purpose is to analyze the aspects behind this problem. The results of the study were analyzed with help of the interaction theory and the new institutional theory which is a part of the organization theory. An important aspect in the results of our study is the deficiency with the interaction between the participating organizations that obstruct the new arrivals path to becoming self-contained. In order to identify the problem, the study focuses on the co-operation among two communities in Sweden with the new arrivals way into the labor market.

Capital Asset Pricing Model och Fama-French trefaktormodell - Hur väl förklarar dessa modeller avkastningen på den Svenska aktiemarknaden?

I denna studie har vi haft som avsikt att jämföra två modeller som förklarar avkastningen på aktiemarknaden. Modellerna är Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) och Fama-French trefaktormodell(FF3). Undersökningen har gjorts på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm över perioden 2002 till 2012. Vi har valt att göra denna undersökning för att se huruvida FF3 med två extra faktorer kan förklara avkastningen på aktiemarknaden bättre än CAPM. Sex portföljer konstruerades och vi har visat att FF3 statistiskt signifikant förklarar mer än CAPM för fem av sex portföljer.

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