

6530 Uppsatser om Market model - Sida 28 av 436

Captureteorin : Regleringar och konsten att fånga politiska beslut i den demokratiska processen tillämpad på den svenska läkemedelsmarknaden

The Capturetheory wants to give an alternative explanation for the need of regulation. From this point if view the government does not have enough information to make an optimal regulation. There is a possibility for different interest groups to take advantage of the political arena by rent- seeking behaviour. An industry may be willing to be regulated to protect itself from competition. The objective of this paper is to account for the pros and cons of the theory of regulatory capture and also if it can be applied to the Swedish market of pharmaceuticals.

Varför ger inte fler svenska företag ut konvertibler?

The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of why convertible bonds are a relatively uncommon financing method in Sweden. The aim is to find the explanatory factors for this situation. The analysis is based on interviews conducted from three perspectives; the investor?s, the adviser?s and the issuer?s. The main finding is that the Swedish financial market has characteristics that inhibit the development of a convertible bond market in Sweden, leading to the fact that most convertible bonds are issued under special circumstances.

Adaptiv temperaturreglering av bostadshus

The control of indoor temperature must be able to handle large time constants and both measureable disturbances like outdoor temperature, and non-measurable disturbances, like waste heat from appliances. Due to cheaper microcontrollers (small computers with designated tasks) with better performance, more advanced and computation-demanding methods for control can be used.In this thesis, Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) has been implemented and tested on a theoretically derived model of a house. GPC states that a model of the system is estimated in every sample, and the control is carried out simultaneously, based on predictions of the model. Disturbances like solar radiation can be estimated and used in the control as well. The control signals are determined by quadratic programming, which makes it possible to consider conditions, for example limitations on the control signals.GPC requires a number of parameters to be defined, like model order and control signal penalty, but is relatively robust for variations in them.

Eventmarknadsföringens påverkan på varumärkeskapitalet ur marknadschefers perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to create an understanding for marketing directors? viewabout how event marketing effect the company?s brand equity in four separatebusinesses. Our question formulation the study aims to answer is:How does event marketing effect the brand equity in international companies?We have chosen to perform a qualitative study with a semi structured research interviewto find out how event marketing as a marketing method, can be applied from theperspective of a marketing director in relation to our theoretical reference frame.To create structure and increase the understanding of our thesis, we will describe thebasics in brand and sponsorship theory, which will fall in to the marketing method ofevent marketing. Further we will describe the brand equity model that we will latermodify for our purpose.

Sony Ericsson : En studie av värdeskapande ur kundperspektiv

This study intends to elucidate which view customers has about Sony Ericsson as a trademark compared with it?s biggest competitors and how the company can expand and create added value around its products. The aim with this essay is to study and to analyze Sony Ericsson?s creation of value and to increase understanding about strategy development. We have chosen to do this study on the basis of customer perspectives.We have used existing theories that treat matters: added value, marketingmix and trademark image.

Konkursprognostisering : Tillämpning av en konkursprognosisteringsmodell på små svenska aktiebolag

Bankruptcy is a problem for the society in form of high costs for including suppliers, customers, employees, investors, banks, insurance companies etc. The purpose of this study is to confirm or dismiss a bankruptcy prediction model that has been developed in a previous Swedish study, in order to predict bankruptcy with help of specific key figures. The model has only been tested in a larger perspective where the population consisted of all small firms in Sweden, in this study the model´s reliability is tested by that it instead been applied to a minor perspective, where the population only includes Stockholm. With a quantitative approach of 12 different key figures from a total of 60 Swedish smaller registered companies in Stockholm between the years 2005-2007, has been studied. The companies are divided into two groups, companies with good financial health and companies that have ended up in bankruptcy.The results shows that the model is applicable in a smaller population, but some of the key figures do not generate essential or any type of information about bankruptcy, but the majority of the key figures in the model did.

Prediktion av bostadsrättspriser i Stockholms innerstad.

A frequently asked question in real estate marketing is at what time of the year it is optimal to invest or sell. The aim of the project was to answer this question and to generate a prediction model over real estate located in the centre of Stockholm that takes seasons into account. With acquired sales statistics in Stockholm between 2010 and 2013 it was possible to perform a linear least square regression, also known as Ordinary Least Square (OLS), with describing qualities and season of sale as parameters. Statistical problems such as Multicollinearity and Heteroskedasticity have been taken into account when deriving the model. The result was a highly accurate prediction model indicating the profitability of investing in real estate during the summer and selling during the autumn..

Världshändelsers effekt på oljebolags aktiekurser : Hur effektiv är marknaden?

I denna uppsats undersöks om världshändelser skapar abnorma effekter hos oljebolags aktiekurser och om dessa effekter ter sig olika beroende på företagens olika storlek. Undersökningen utförs med hjälp av en eventstudie som genomförs på sex oljebolag med tre världshändelser som utgångspunkt. De valda världshändelserna bestod av två naturkatastrofer och en större ekonomisk händelse. Företagen som valdes delades in i två grupper om tre företag, där ena gruppen innehöll de större företagen och den andra gruppen de mindre.Slutsatserna som har kunnat dras av undersökningen är att händelserna i två av de tre undersökta fallen orsakade signifikanta abnorma under- eller överavkastningar hos oljebolagens aktier vilket bevisar en viss ineffektivitet hos marknaden. Det generella utfallet var att den ekonomiska händelsen visade sig ha en större påverkan på aktiekurserna än de två naturkatastroferna hade.

Produktivitet och kvalitet vid stickvägs- respektive beståndsgående förstagallring :

Nowadays the majority of the thinnings made in Swedish forests are done by machines, harvesters and forwarders. The most common model in thinning with a harvester is strip-road operated thinning and stand-operated thinning with one intermediate passage between the strip-roads. This study is a time study with some quality follow ups on a strip-road operated thinning model, a stand-operated thinning model with one intermediate passage between the strip-roads and a stand-operated thinning model with two intermediate passages between the strip-roads. The machines in the study were a small harvester (Forestline MPM C90) and a medium sized forwarder (Timberjack 1110). The study was made in Litsnäset outside the city of Östersund in Sweden and was made during the autumn 2007. In a lodgepole pine stand six study units (0,6 ha) were thinned with the three different models, two study units per model.

Assessing attachment models using the implicit association test

Internal working models of attachment are claimed to be unconscious structures operating outside the conscious awareness. Existing measures of attachment are almost exclusively explicit, either self-reports or interviews and it is questionable whether these instruments are able to tap into unconscious attachment attitudes. The main purpose of the present study is to develop Implicit Association Test (IAT) tools for assessing adult attachment and to examine their construct validity. Two sets of implicit attachment measures, based on the two-dimensional attachment model (Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991), were developed. Convergent validity was assessed by examining (1) the relationship between implicit model of self and implicit self-esteem and (2) the relationship between the implicit model of other and implicit sociability.

Integration av simuleringsmodeller för bränslesystemet i JAS 39 Gripen

In this final thesis two simulation models have been integrated. The simulation models are models of JAS 39 Gripen?s fuel system, software and hardware. The time consuming and costly work to develop software has made the department of fuel system to build two models in Xmath/Systembuild. The software model also simplifies the comprehension of how the software in the control computer of the fuel system works.

Är BIM lönsamt vid projektering av ett småhus?

This report brings up the question - ?Is BIM profitable when planning a single-family home??.The methodology for finding the answer to this question is firstly to state the definitions of BIMand the company that is projecting by using the BIM-model. The answer is then obtained byanalyses of the factors of profitability with respect to: time, opportunity of revision, problemvisualization, preference adjustments and energy. A BIM-model has been made simultaneously asthe writing has proceeded to get a perception of how a BIM-model really matters for the analysis.The analysis shows that the answer for the question depends on further factors. The factors thatare mostly discussed are the company?s intentions and the complexity of the house.

Corporate Social Responsibility : en koppling mellan marknadsföring och finansiering

Background: The debate about environment, labor conditions and aid to developing countries has the last years been a much discussed subject The pressure on the companies to live up to their responsibility is beginning to be noticed in the market.Purpose: To find out if a retail company investing in Corporate Social Responsibility thereby direct can effect it?s stock value. Using interviews to investigate if and how stock analysts and corporate finance professionals valuate a company?s CSR initiatives.Theoretical perspective: The description of CSR is leading to the main theory, The Brand Value Change, and the Market Hypothesis. Additionally a theory of the Consumer Buying Process and CAPM-model about financial risks is presented.Method: An event study of 30 companies to investigate if there is any change in their stock values and interviews with three professionals from the financial sector to find out about their attitude to CSR.

Traditional market segmentation - an evaluating approach

The purpose of this research is to evaluate traditional market segmentation variables, as criticism has been directed towards these variables. Based on our problem discussion we find it motivating to undertake investigation in order to understand which connotations an ethnographic approach will provide. Methodology:We have applied an ethnographic approach, which has enabled us to attain under the surface knowledge from our respondents. Theoretical perspective:As we wanted to evaluate existing traditional segmentation variables, we decided to only include theory regarding these variables. Empirical data:In order to collect our data, we observed seven respondents at Ikea and conducted observations and in-depth interviews in their homes.

Vägen mot den Svenska vardagen : En utvärderingsstudie om kommunpolitikers, Arbetsförmedlingens och Invandrarservice uppfattningar kring implementeringen av Etableringslagen

This essay is an evaluation of the act of establishment (2010:197). The act is about different operators' responsibility and accountability for new arrivals to get a more effective integration into society and to speed up the new arrivals' establishment on the labor market. The purpose of this act is to get more new arrivals involved in the Swedish labor market directly. By doing so, it gives these people a possibility to become self-sufficient. This study has focus in four different operators; Employment service, Immigration service and two local politicians from Social democrats (Socialdemokraterna) and Conservatives (Moderaterna).

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