

9681 Uppsatser om Market Specific Experience - Sida 1 av 646

Psykiska avståndets påverkan på internationell handel

The global market is becoming increasingly integrated and to keep up with growing competition and to achieve even greater success, companies expand to foreign markets. Previous studies have shown that the concept of psychic distance has an important impact on international performance regarding small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The aim of our study is to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of how psychic distance influences export performance regarding Swedish SMEs. Through a single case study of a Swedish SME, we chose to research three different markets in three different continents. Our findings show that psychic distance influences export performance through export marketing strategy and active learning.

Är Big bath en, av aktiemarknaden, accepterad redovisningspraxis?

The study tries to increase the understanding of the phenomenon known as the Big bath, on the question whether the market accepts Big bath accounting principle or not. Big bath is an accounting theory meaning that a company is likely to increase its impairment in a specific year. This could be as a reaction on a change in the leadership, a depreciation of the result or maybe an external decrease in demand. Through a quantitative survey of the market it is examining whether the companies themselves are inclined to use the procedure and if the stock market accepts it. The study concludes that Big bath similar procedures are a fairly common accounting practice and that the stock market does not seem to mind. .

?Man säger inte- Tjena Wallenberg här är jag, va!? : en studie av arbetskonsulenters förståelse av hinder och möjligheter på arbetsmarknaden för personer med utländsk bakgrund

The study is a qualitative survey with the purpose to through interviews with Employment Office social workers examine their perception of possibilities and obstacles in the employment market for immigrants. This purpose is specified through two specific problems; how are cultural and ethnic affiliations portrayed in relation to what is perceived as Swedish in the communication with Employment Office social workers and whether they reckon that the specifications in the employment market are pragmatically or normatively motivated. The materials are presented using a social constructivist perspective and in relation to previously conducted research and our chosen theory. The results are presented and analyzed in themes. The main conclusions drawn from the interviews are that it primarily is the individual prerequisites that are central, but that structural factors also affect the entry into the employment market.

Bibliotekariernas arbetsmarknad 1975-1995: en granskning av 2 170 platsannonser

The subject of this paper is the library job market in Sweden 1975-1995. Job advertisementsin the periodical of DIK Association (the Swedish federation for occupational groups thatworks with documentation, information and culture) have been studied.1975, 1980, 1985, 1990 and 1995 there were 2 170 advertisements of situations for librarians.They have been examined with focus on the following:situation description:qualifications requested:? type of library? size of municipality?county? hours per week? duration? designation? tasks? education? knowledge of languages? knowledge of specific subjects? knowledge of computers? experience? driving licence, carStatistics have been made. The figures of the five years have been compared to give a pictureof the development.The results have also been compared with what has been written about the changes that arehappening on the labour market in general, and similarities and differences have been pointedat..

Tillämpning av prissäkring i spannmålsodlingen : en jämförelse mellan svenska lantbrukare

The grain market is facing substantial changes. Tradionally, cereal has been a supply-led market i.e. supply conditions have had a major impact on price level or indirectly, through market interventions implemented through the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). Just a few years ago, Sweden and the EU were not affected so strongly by world market prices for cereals. EU was a surplus-area and to a substantial degree a local market.

Hokus Fokus - gestaltning och utformning av rum för barn i sjukhusmiljö

In this project I have worked with creating a new kind of room in a hospital enviroment for children. The main purpose of the project has been to form a secure and positive experience for the patient while visiting a specific room at the department of childrens physiologi, at Drottning Silvias Children- and youth hospital in Gothenburg.The project was based on questions like how it is possible to move the focus from the unsecure and scary, to something secure and positive, when the patient is going through an testing situation.The target gruop included a wide age span (0-16 years old), therefore I have worked with a theme, H2O, that works for diffrent ages. In the room, I have applicated the theme in different levels that is changeable depending on the age of the patient.During the project I have presented my ideas for the staff at the hospital. We have discussed their problems, what they wish in their working enviroment and how they experience the situation for the patients. I have also asked the patients how they experience the specific room today.The result of the project is a visual idea of how you can create a room, that you don?t exepect to find in a hospital..

VFU- en väg in i arbetslivet? : En kvalitativ studie som behandlar arbetsgivares värderingar av erfarenheter från verksamhetsförlagd utbildning.

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the employability of newly graduated social workers is affected by the Supervised Practical Work Experience performed during the educational program. Four main questions were developed in order to establish an educated and concise theory: Does the newly graduated social worker?s choice of a specific Supervised Practical Work Experience affect their employability? Does the structure of the Supervised Practical Work Experience affect newly graduated social worker?s employability? What specific skills do employers within social work consider important for their organization? Is there a difference in how the representatives of various organizations within social work answer the aforementioned questions? The study was conducted through six qualitative semi-structured interviews. The people being interviewed work either as employers or recruiters in organizations from different areas within social work. Theories concerning organization and symbolic interactions were used during the analysis of the results.

Business & Borsjtj : Att etablera ett företag på den ryska marknaden

The aim of this thesis is to map important strategies and factors that a firm, in this case Gunnebo Lifting AB can use when establishing themselves at the Russian market. The Russian market is today considered to be an emerging market. Within this study several areas of theory connected to entering new markets have been touched upon. These areas are market analysis, relationships and networking, internationalization processes, distribution chains, export issues and finally cultural distances. The empirical data for this thesis were collected through qualitative interviews.The results that arose when analyzing the theories combined with the empirical data pointed towards five strategies and factors of importance.

Vägen till en framgångsrik utlandsetablering : en studie av Akzo Nobel Nippon Paint AB:s etableringsstrategier

Establishment can be described in many terms. This term is about a company that is establishing on the European market. For many companies, this can appear as a difficult, time- and resource taking process but to advance and develop it is not enough to have a good position on the Swedish market. The company Akzo Nobel Nippon Paint AB, which this composition is about, has taken the risk to leave the home country and explore the unknown. The process was careful and long-termed but also profitable.


This essay is using theories about social norms, and wage determination to evaluate why there is a gender wage gap on the Swedish labour market. To identify the essence of the gender wage gap investigations on specific jobs where the genders are over-, under and equally represented has been made. Also a poll has been sent out to alumni business economics from School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg to evaluate their labor market from a gender wage gap perspective..

Att hantera en komplex verklighet - En studie om strategiutveckling i det nyetablerade managementkonsultföretaget

The market for management consulting services is changing with an increased level of competition and more specialized service providers. At the same time there is a high level of companies that fail in their efforts to establish themselves on the market. This thesis sets out to give the reader an increased understanding of the complex characteristics of the market for these services, focusing more specifically on which factors that have an effect on the strategy development for companies within the industry. The thesis is also aimed at providing the reader with a deeper understanding of how developing consulting companies can tackle the specific challenges facing them. In order to meet the purpose of the thesis, we have applied relevant theories to a generic strategy model in order to develop a model that is applicable for the management consulting industry.

Beslutsstöd för marknadscontrollers : En fallstudie av informationsbehov hos kundföretag

In this report you can read about a service company that wants to introduce a new decision tool for their customers. The first question that will be answered in this report is, what information is needed for market controllers. The second question investigates how a decision tool that gives the answers to the first question would work. Theories in business and economics written by Jan Lindvall (2001) and sociotechnical work analysis written by Kim Vicente (1999) are used in this report. To find the answers to question number one, interviews with two market controllers were done.

Samverkan - vägen till en integrerad arbetsmarknad? : En studie av ett samverkansprojekt

AbstractThe aim of this thesis is to investigate an experimental work in the region of Kronoberg and to study, from the actors? point of view, what possibilities there are for cooperation when it comes to hastening the introduction for newly arrived immigrants on the labour market, and also what possibilities the cooperation entails for the newly arrived immigrants to integrate on the labour market. The thesis employs the following research questions to answer the purpose:How do the actors in the project work to fasten the introduction to the Swedish labour market?Which opportunities and obstacles do the actors experience for cooperation in the project?Which consequences do the actors experience that cooperation in the project bring for the newly arrived immigrants? opportunity to integrate on the labour market?In order to answer the questions, ten actors involved in the project have been interviewed. Also written documents have been used.The conclusion of the study is that explicit goal and explicit division of the responsibilities in the project have made the cooperation easier.

Konkurrensfördelar på en marknad som karaktäriseras av offentlig upphandling

Background: It is necessary for a company to hold some unique and irreplicable competitive advantage in order to be able to succeed in a market. In a market where public procurement is an important part the competitive advantages will be characterized by the fact that some of the participants on the market are public organizations and that their actions as for procurement fall under the legislation LOU. The characteristics of competitive advantage also depend on and change with continuous changes on a market. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the competitive advantages that are presenton a current market characterized by public procurement and how these are created. The purposes is also to based on the trends on the market today study and predict the nature of the competitive advantage on the market in the future as well as the changes that we think will occur on the relevant market.

Behovet av kundorientering i fastighetsföretag, finns det?

AbstractTitle:Behovet av kundorientering i fastighetsföretag, finns det?Author:Joel Nilsson ErlemanTutor:Agneta SundströmPurpose:Thru a quality point of view, examine and analyze how Akelius AB customer orientatesthem self in an area such as Brandbergen, were the demand is larger then the supply.Method:Through a qualitative research approach with an inductive and a hermeneutic orientation thestudy approaches Akelius AB and the company?s costumer orientation thru several interviews and asurvey. The gathered data?s purpose is to answer research questions to investigate how costumerorientations function and to how to implement it in real estate companies.Theory:The theory explains the meaning of customer orientation and its use in real estate companies.The theoretical discussion is based on a five-gap model, which is used to analyze the service quality inAkelius AB and to analyze the relation to their costumers.Empire:The findings show how Akelius experience costumer orientation in Brandbergen and thecostumer?s perception of Akelius AB service quality.Analysis:Compares the theory and the empirical data to see the service quality thru using the GapModel.Conclusion:Akelius AB satisfy their customer?s need in what could be expected of them. In thesituation with increased demand and lower supply Akelius AB have the possibility to offer theircostumers a much lower quality than the costumers usually wants and expect.

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