

431 Uppsatser om Manual - Sida 3 av 29

Lev livet som ditt hjärta känner för. En litteraturstudie om rehabiliteringseffekter efter en hjärtinfarkt.

I dagens samhälle drabbas ett större antal individer av en hjärtinfarkt varje år. Bland de vanligaste komplikationer som kan uppstå efter en hjärtinfarkt är depression som kan leda till återinsjuknande eller för tidig död. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att studera vilka effekter rehabiliteringsprogram har på patienten efter insjuknande i hjärtinfarkt samt se om de minskar graden av depression. Metoden var en systematisk litteraturstudie som utgick från åtta kvantitativa artiklar som kvalitetsbedömdes enligt Goodmans sju steg. Den teoretiska referensramen som användes utgick från Carnevalis modell Dagligt Liv ? Funktionellt hälsotillstånd.

Takgeometri - en förtydligande manual till Lindefjeldsvinkeln

Uppsats för avläggande av kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Bygghantverk, 27 hp.

Grafisk profilering med praktisk tillämpning på IUC Dalarna

This degree project is a study of graphics profiling with a practical application on IUC Dalarna.The competition between companies is getting harder and harder. Competing goods and services hasa tendency to be more and more equal to each other in respect of quality and value. The customer choosesthe Company with a high reputation and confidence. This is one of the reasons why a companyshould strengthen their company profile. The graphic profile is an important part of the company profileand it gives positive signals to the company spirit and customers.The degree project contains a guide to graphics profiling.

Läsbarhet i elektroniska hjälptexter

Nya produkter och system är i många fall mycket komplexa och ofta krävs det någon form av introduktion för användaren för att underlätta interaktionen mellan användare och system, kanske vanligast i form av en Manual. Användandet av en Manual är ett typexempel på en sådan situation där användaren ska söka igenom och ta till sig en stor mängd information. En av förutsättningarna för denna interaktion är att Manualen är lätt att läsa, förstå och navigera i. Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med att utröna om en referensManual som presenteras i elektronisk form är läsbar. Detta har undersökts genom en kombination av intervju och kooperativ utvärdering.

Hur ökad fukthalt påverkar pannor

This report is a description of a developed educational simulator over rail vehicles and its components. The simulator is a hardware-based prototype over a door system on rail vehi- cles. System specialists and technicians will use the prototype. The Simulator should give the user a technical demonstration on how components work in a door system. The proto- type consists of motor, switch, relay and sensor.

Utbildningssimulator av funktioner i spa?rfordon : Ha?rdvarusimulator med felso?kning pa? do?rrsystem

This report is a description of a developed educational simulator over rail vehicles and its components. The simulator is a hardware-based prototype over a door system on rail vehi- cles. System specialists and technicians will use the prototype. The Simulator should give the user a technical demonstration on how components work in a door system. The proto- type consists of motor, switch, relay and sensor.

NATO:s luftstridsoperationer i Kosovo : Dess legalitet ur ett nytt perspektiv

I mars 1999 inledde NATO operationen Allied Force i dåvarande Förbundsrepubliken Jugoslavien. Operationen blev kritiserad för att ha tillfogat s.k. ?collateral damage? och vissa ickestatliga organisationer hävdade att brott mot krigets lagar begåtts.Specifika dokument, som reglerar luftkrigföring, har historiskt sett saknats. Detta har inneburit problem för bedömningar av enskilda fall.

Rekgrupperna i de svenska ingenjörbataljonerna : Är de bara ögon i terrängen eller har de möjlighet att bita ifrån?

This paper describes the Swedish reconnaissance squads in the engineer battalions, their equipment, tasks and organization. An analysis is made to compare the present weapons and fire power of the reconnaissance squad with an extended weapon alternative. The analysis focuses on the abilities effect, protection and movement in different situations typical of a reconnaissance squad.The facts that are presented in this paper are mostly founded on the new field Manual FältarbR Dyktjänst 2007, which regulates much of the reconnaissance activities. The aim of this paper is the making of a contribution in the developing progress of the new field Manual and the reconnaissance squads in Swedish engineer battalions.The result of the analysis shows that the extended weapon alternative would be an asset..

Utlägg för annans räkning : Ersättning för utlägg vid representation inom svenska verksamheter

Background: According to us, obtaining reimbursement of expenses in connection with a representation is a ?forgotten? process, and we therefore find it interesting to look further into. In some cases we have not claimed for compensation since we consider the process as too complicated or that we lost the original receipt. Ernst & Young (2009) say in their research that within the financial management area, Swedish operations loses billions of Swedish crowns due to bad routines. Okada and Hoch (2004) mention that if time were not considered as a resource, time would not be a hinder.

Automatiskt bygge av FUS39A

This paper describes the design and implementation of an automated build system for the JAS39A simulator FUS39A at HiQ:s offices in Arboga. The assignment was to automate the process in which modules are built; the simulator is composed of a number of modules which are built Manually at the end of each week, this process takes about a day of Manual labor. The system can automatically build a module as either a scheduled service or by Manual invocation. The system contains functionality for reporting the build results to any given recipient by e-mail. The purpose of the system is to free up the time put into Manually building the modules for better suited tasks by automating the build of FUS39A.The assignment was split into two parts, an analysis part where information of the old system was gathered, tools and methods were chosen and the new system was designed.

LNG träningsmanual för M/T Bit Viking

Denna uppsats är gjord på uppdrag av Tarbit Shipping som år 2011 konverterade sin tankbåt M/T Bit Viking från konventionell drift på tjockolja till LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas).Uppdraget som gavs var att upprätta en tränings Manual till fartyget då det är ett krav från IMO (International Maritime Organization). Manualen skrevs i 3 st huvuddelar Kategori A, B och C. Kategori A är till för att manskap ombord ska få en kännedom om gasen och säkerhet runt den, Kategori B är skriven till däcksbefäl där det krävs en större kännedom om gasen och Kategori C är till för maskinbefäl. Manualen finns nu ombord på fartyget och på rederi kontoret för utbildning av nypåmönstrad personal och fortlöpande utbildning av ordinarie personal. Manualen är ett resultat på tolkning av IMO´s IGF kod (ANNEX11.

Avancerad hjärt-lungräddning med mekaniska eller manuella kompressioner : Uppfattningar hos ambulanspersonal om kompetens, övning, patientrisk och överlevnad

Study objectives:Examine ambulance personnel?s perceptions of skills / training and knowledge with regards to the existing mechanical / Manual compressions and frequency of training during a work shift. Do ambulance personnel think that mechanical compressions increase survival? Are there concerns that the device could damage the patient?Design: A cross-sectional study, quantitative approach with qualitative elements was conducted.Methods:Questionnaire form, which was answered by 44 ambulance personnel in an ambulance organisation in Sweden. Participants were on a scale of 1-5 to select how they agree with the claims of the study form and also submit their own comments.

Omsorg i rummet. En undersökning om hur rum kan utformas på allmänpsykiatrisk slutenvård för att främja patienternas välbefinnande

This project is a deepening in how the space in psychiatric care setting can promote and improve thepatient?s well-being. The aim with this study was to create a Manual for architects and the care to takepart of. This would consist of different aspects of how the space can be created for a more secure,care taking and healing space. With help of the Manual the study would continue by creating a healingpatient room in a psychiatric clinic.The main questions were; can we create an environment which improves the healing process for thementally ill? What are the factors that we need to consider to creating a room for psychiatric care?This study only looks at the patient room, the common room and how the environment can affect theiremotional and physical well-being.By taking part of already made studies in this subject or similar, making my own studies by visitingpsychiatric departments and exploring how the spaces there contribute or not contribute to the healingprocess of the patient.

Dokumentationsskyldigheten och dess förenlighet med den fria etableringen i EU -Behövs en harmonisering?

Background: According to us, obtaining reimbursement of expenses in connection with a representation is a ?forgotten? process, and we therefore find it interesting to look further into. In some cases we have not claimed for compensation since we consider the process as too complicated or that we lost the original receipt. Ernst & Young (2009) say in their research that within the financial management area, Swedish operations loses billions of Swedish crowns due to bad routines. Okada and Hoch (2004) mention that if time were not considered as a resource, time would not be a hinder.

Grafisk profilering som en del avvarumärkesarbetet

A strong brand can help a company to be easier to recognize and be remembered by their customers. Part of branding is to create a visual appearance which is called a graphic profile and contains information on for instance a logo, colours or typography.The objective of this thesis was to create a graphic profile for Stjørdal Tannhelsesenter that could serve as a base for a brand work in the future. It was important to analyze how the clinic wants to be perceived and how it is perceived today. The methods used to carry out this study were questionnaires, researches and a focus group.The work resulted in the generation of a graphic profile that included a new logo, colours, decorative elements, fonts, templates for stationery, business card / badge, imagery, and examples of some publications.According to the test which was made to examine the results of the project showed that I was successful and that the new design meets all the requests from the previous questionnaires..

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