

551 Uppsatser om Manager - Sida 28 av 37

Visual Merchandising Online : ur ett konsument- samt företagsperspektiv

Befintlig litteratur inom visual merchandising online (VMO) indikerar på ökat behov av att utveckla teorier anpassade för VMO. Målet med denna studie är att bidra med uppdaterade teorier och infallsvinklar inom VMO som grundar sig på konsumenters åsikter och beteende. Insamling av data grundar sig i intervjuer och observationer med konsumenter som speglar ett konsumentperspektiv. En intervju har även gjorts med en Digital Manager (DM) på ett svenskt modeföretag, för att generera i data utifrån ett företagsperspektiv. Med övervägande fokus på konsumentperspektiv avser vi med denna studie presentera viktiga aspekter vid utformning av virtuella miljöer, samt verktyg som stimulerar konsumenter till köp.

Information till mjölkföretaget : vilken information behövs och hur bör den utformas när gården ska ta investeringsbeslut?

The fast developments in information and data technology during the recent years have accentuated the need for the business Manager to interpret and act on information from the surrounding environment. Today we know little about what information is really used in the unique decision-making. Further, little is known about how information should be designed to fit people with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. This study is therefore about the difference between peoples approach to interpreting information and how information should be designed to fit those with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. The application is made to dairy farms in Sweden. The literature review describes the strategic leadership, the decision-making process and the intuitive and the analytic thinking.

Konsonant- och vokalduration i enaresamiska

SEB Merchant Banking provides to its institutional customers a true market neutral product called Dynamic Manager Alpha (DMA). The DMA is constructed by a long position in an exceptionally well performing mutual fund and a beta adjusted short position in an appropriate index. The key to making the product market neutral is adjusting with the correct beta, since the beta changes, it is very important to have a good model for predicting beta in the future.This master thesis begins with describing what beta is in a CAPM sense. It then continues with recognizing the so called ?Two Beta Trap?, which separates two kinds of beta.

Isometrier i Poincarés halvplansmodell

SEB Merchant Banking provides to its institutional customers a true market neutral product called Dynamic Manager Alpha (DMA). The DMA is constructed by a long position in an exceptionally well performing mutual fund and a beta adjusted short position in an appropriate index. The key to making the product market neutral is adjusting with the correct beta, since the beta changes, it is very important to have a good model for predicting beta in the future.This master thesis begins with describing what beta is in a CAPM sense. It then continues with recognizing the so called ?Two Beta Trap?, which separates two kinds of beta.

Tilläggsisolering - lönsamt enligt en livscykelkostnadsmodell?

It is found that the properties of the record years of 1965-1975 is leaking a lot of energy andthese properties are facing a major energy efficiency. From the energy aspect, the facade isafflicted with poor thermal insulation which is a big problem. To address this problem addinginsulation is a good alternative to reduce overall energy consumption of a building. Thewindows on these buildings are also a problem from the energy point of view. Therefore,there are many reasons considered for energy upgrading.

Teknikern var för teknisk : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares upplevelser och hanteringar av kundnöjdhetsmätningar på Microsoft

Microsoft är en organisation verksam inom IT-branchen och tillhandahåller både produkter och tjänster av dessa produkter till sina kunder. Tjänstemötet kontrolleras för och styrs genom bland annat kundnöjdhetsmätningar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur medarbetare inom Microsoft upplever och hanterar kundnöjdhetsmätningen som är en del av den kundfokuserade styrningen som företaget tillämpar. Empirin baseras på intervjuer med fyra medarbetare samt en team-Manager på Microsoft i Sverige. Teori och empiri kring kundfokuserad styrning, påverkan av denna på arbetssituationen och förhållande till medarbetare och ledning samt arbetstagares motstånd mot styrning redovisas för.Resultatet visar att kundnöjdhetsmätningen är utformad enligt företagets profilering som kundfokuserad och dess behov av att följa upp kvalitetsnivån på servicen samt vägleda mot förbättringsområden.

Kommunikationen inom en global industrikoncern : en kvalitativ fallstudie

Denna undersökning syftar till att undersöka om de som är involverade i WISH på Metall-precision AB uppfattar WISH som en förbättrad och effektivare kommunikationsstrategi. Vi syftar på förbättrad i relation till hur det var innan WISH infördes, det vill säga innan år 2009. Kommunikationen inom WISH studeras främst ur ett Manager perspektiv, tio av tolv inter-vjupersoner i denna undersökning har ett personalansvar.Undersökningen ägde rum på Metallprecision AB i Västersund. Sedan år 2009 pågår ett nytt förbättringsarbete, en förändringsprocess, som leder till effektiviseringar och förbättringar för Metallprecision AB. Detta förbättringsarbete kallas WISH.

Det är osäkert vad det beror på : Multiprojektstyrning i forsknings- och utvecklingsenheter

BACKGROUND: Project based structures has become more and more common in the organizations of today. As the project based structures are given a more central role in the organizations the interdependencies between the projects are getting more attention. These structures need a new type of control to meet the unique challenges that arise. The researchthat has been done has been concentrated around the project form and the projects internal control, the area of multi-project management is therefore relatively unexplored. The few existing studies on the subject focus on projects in the construction industry why research inmore complex fields of business have been requested.PURPOSE: The purpose of this thesis is to explore and analyze how knowledge intense multi-project organizations manage their project activities, and to determine how different organizational characteristics affect the need for management control systems.METHODOLOGY: The empirical data has been collected through interviews with personnel in BT Products R&D, Gambro R&D and AstraZeneca Development.

Butikslayout- mer än bara estetik

The purpose of this study was to investigate the connection between store layout and how it affects us as shoppers. We formed our research questions based on literature. The study was based on observations of shoppers without their knowing they were observed. We didn?t tell shoppers since the science of shopping says that shoppers pattern of movement is something that?s subconscious and if the shoppers had known it would have affected the result of the study.

Prediktion av beta för fonder

SEB Merchant Banking provides to its institutional customers a true market neutral product called Dynamic Manager Alpha (DMA). The DMA is constructed by a long position in an exceptionally well performing mutual fund and a beta adjusted short position in an appropriate index. The key to making the product market neutral is adjusting with the correct beta, since the beta changes, it is very important to have a good model for predicting beta in the future.This master thesis begins with describing what beta is in a CAPM sense. It then continues with recognizing the so called ?Two Beta Trap?, which separates two kinds of beta.

Komplexiteten i ett event : Kommunikationskanalen som leder till relationer

Events are a growing channel for companies and organizations to reach out to their customers. The com-munication channel opens up to satisfy all human senses. Which are required for a message to go into the receiver and be memorized. The research gap we decided to contribute to we made a case study of an event that is not sport related and looking at both the transmitter perspective and receiver perspective. Thus, the purpose of our study is to increase the understanding of how the transmitter should be able to convey the purpose and goal of the event to the receiver.

En företagsstudie och dataanalys med syfte att förenkla produktionsstyrning

SEB Merchant Banking provides to its institutional customers a true market neutral product called Dynamic Manager Alpha (DMA). The DMA is constructed by a long position in an exceptionally well performing mutual fund and a beta adjusted short position in an appropriate index. The key to making the product market neutral is adjusting with the correct beta, since the beta changes, it is very important to have a good model for predicting beta in the future.This master thesis begins with describing what beta is in a CAPM sense. It then continues with recognizing the so called ?Two Beta Trap?, which separates two kinds of beta.

Konsten att enas under ett varumärke : Intern varumärkesuppbyggnad på Nordiska Kompaniet

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how a company with a single brand is perceived as uniform, as well as how they use internal brand building to reconcile various competing actors within one brand. Furthermore the aim is to examine how staff, through internal brand building processes, perceives and identifies themself with the values of the common brand. Method: A case study with method triangulation was conducted at Nordiska Kompaniet department store in Stockholm. Quantitative data through a questionnaire survey with employees combined with two observations. Qualitative data was given through an email interview with a responsible Manager of digital channels and PR from NK AB.Theories: This study has used the following theories; Destination marketing, Corporate brand, internal branding, corporate identity, corporate culture, brand value, service brand values, brand citizenship behaviour.Conclusion: This case study of NK has shown that internal branding building in a department store is a comprehensive work, which all involved must have a unified perception and understanding of the brand, in order to successful unite under one brand.

Livsmedelssäkerhet ur ett försörjningskedjeperspektiv

.Sammanfattning Titel: Livsmedelssäkerhet ur ett försörjningskedjeperspektiv Författare: Cecilia Eken Jonas Karlsson Handledare: Carl-Henric Nilsson, Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds Universitet Fredrik Nilsson, Avdelningen för Förpackningslogistik, Lunds Tekniska HögskolaChristina Skjöldebrand, Avdelningen för Förpackningslogistik, Lunds tekniska HögskolaTorgny Nyholm, General Manager Food, Schenker AB Problemställning: Vilka, för produktsäkerheten och spårbarheten, kritiska punkter finns det inom den studerade livsmedelsförsörjningskedjan?Hur bör de kritiska punkterna bäst hanteras/åtgärdas/förbättras? Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att utvidga begreppet kritiska punkter, från att enbart fokusera på produktsäkerhet, till att även innefatta för spårbarheten kritiska punkter i informationsflödet samt relationerna företagen emellan. Vidare syftar examensarbetet till att ta fram en modell för att hantera försörjningskedjans utvidgade kritiska punkter. Metod: Examensarbetet är en studie av en hel försörjningskedja, bestående av ett antal fristående och icke-linjärt interagerande enheter, i ett livsmedelssammanhang. Studien av denna är utförd inom systemparadigmet och det angreppssätt som använts en fallstudie.

Gymnasieungdomars självkänsla och fysiska självbild på Facebook : En kvantitativ studie sett ur ett könsperspektiv

AbstractThe banking industry has during later years gone through several technological changes (Svenska Bankföreningen 2014). These big changes have led to several advantages seen both from a customer ? and corporate point of view. Advantages in easier usage, increased availability and more competition have made the banks more cost effective at the same time as the customer is being offered better prices. Even though the advantages seem to weigh over the disadvantages there are still those who thinks that things where ?better in the past?.

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