8430 Uppsatser om Management strategies. - Sida 64 av 562
Enkätundersökning till medlemmar i Västra Värmland och Dals Skogsägareförening
On behalf has a questionnaire been conducted with the aim to find out the members opinion regarding the management of the association. The survey showed that association has a strong position locally and that the forest owners generally are satisfied with the management and the competence among the forest super visors. The main opinion is that the association can improve the communication with the forest owners before as well as after the sale of forest products..
Ledarskapskultur: En kvalitativ studie
Människors handlingar förvandlas och samordnas till samhällsprocesser i organisationer, vilket gör att organisationer blir ett centralt område att undersöka. Den offentliga sektorn är något vi alla berörs av i samhället då det är verksamheter som bedrivs av staten, kommun och landstinget. Ledarskap är en kulturpåverkande aktivitet och inom offentliga organisationer finns det många chefer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det finns en ledarskapskultur som innehåller New Public Management samt om det går att utläsa någon ledarstil i den offentliga organisationen, Trafikverket. Frågeställningar som besvaras i uppsatsen är: ? Vilken ledarstil finns i Trafikverket? ? Vilken ledarskapskultur finns i Trafikverket? ? Hur yttrar sig New Public Management i Trafikverket? Insamling av informationen består av en kvalitativ metod.
Ledarskapets vardag - himmel och helvete
Aim: Our aim is to make a critical review of the glorification of leadership, by describing the practical work of leaders, compared to what is written in management literature. Method: We have applied a qualitative approach in our study and implemented seven interviews to illustrate our respondents? experiences and opinions. All of our respondents have leading positions with their current companies. To analyse the results from our interviews, we have compared them with literature written in the subject, mostly management literature. Results & Conclusions: We have concluded that there is a connection between the theory and our empirical material.
Skönlitteratur på akademiska bibliotek : En undersökning om skönlitteraturens funktion och dess förmedlingpå svenska högskole- och universitetsbibliotek
Swedish university libraries traditionally collect recreational readingmaterial only to support the teaching and research interests of theirinstitutions. However many university libraries hold a substantial yetunspecified collection of popular fiction. This thesis investigates theextent of these collections and examines academic librarians' viewsabout students' recreational reading in the academic context and theirattitudes towards the role of fiction and of readers' advisory inacademic libraries. The theoretical framework includes literature andresearch about the benefits of reading for pleasure, collections' rolesand readers' advisory strategies. The empirical material was gatheredthrough quantitative surveys sent to academic librarians in Sweden.The results show that academic librarians are positive about thebenefits of recreational reading for university students.
Miljöledningssystem - Konsekvenser vid implementering i en kommun
Miljöledningssystems största vinst är inte ekonomisk utan den visar sig i form av en effektivare organisation, ökad miljömedvetenhet och engagemang hos ledningen och medarbetarna, besparingar, minimerade risker för framtida problem, bättre feed-back på miljöarbetet, större säkerhet för att fälja lagarna och så vidare. Men kostnaden för införandet och driften av miljöledningssystemet är hög..
Reuse, reduce & recycle : planning for sustainable solid waste management in Stone Town - Zanzibar
In the low-income countries of the world, rapid urbanization and decaying infrastructure results in an increasingly unsustainable situation when it comes to solid waste management. Often, the solution tends to focus on introducing technical advanced interventions based on the conditions of the high-income world. However, this thesis aims to ?nd site-speci?c solutions on solid waste management at a local scale. By taking in consideration of local conditions a customized approach is possible where the solution is not dependent on expensive structural changes.
Bolagsledningens lojalitetsplikt gentemot aktieägare
The fact that a duty of loyalty within the Swedish company law exists should be regarded as indisputable according to the Swedish doctrine, but its content and scope is however more severe identified. As the duty of loyalty is not regulated in the ABL and the fact that there are not many precedents in this area, means that it is difficult to know the boundaries of the company management´s duty of loyalty. It is also unclear whether the company management´s duty of loyalty to the company also is targeting the shareholders. It is this issue that we intend to discuss in the final chapter of this thesis. In order to answer our questions, we will in chapter two to six give an account of the foundation of the duty of loyalty and thereafter describe the management's duty of loyalty to the company.
Uteslutning och inneslutning : En observationsstudie om hur förskolebarn skapar kamratrelationer
Preschool is an important social arena for children. This might be the first time that children find themselves in a larger social context and create their first peer-relations. The aim of this study was to examine children?s peer-relations with particular focus on the acts of social exclusion and inclusion, and how children use different strategies to exclude and include each other. Another aim was to investigate how both verbal and non-verbal communication is used in these processes.This study has an ethnographic approach, and the use of video observation as a method enabled us to capture the children?s everyday interactions at preschool.Our results show that children use a number of different strategies to exclude other children that seek access to an ongoing activity to protect the interactional space that they already share.
Kamratkulturer i förskolebarns lek
The research in this thesis attempts to understand what happens when children (3-6 years of age) interact with each other in the context of free play in two pre-school settings when adults are not involved. The aim of the study was to get a closer look at how children create relationships and how they protect and defend their interactional spaces. Data was gathered through ethnographically inspired methodology, using video observation to capture the everyday interactions of the children. Results were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to peer cultures. Previous research suggests that it is very important for children to maintain their interactions with peers and gaining access to play.
Strategisk kommunikation : En fallstudie om kunskapshantering och kommunikationsstrategier vid produktfel
Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse how corporations can learn from past issues and corporate crises and to see how they use this knowledge in the management of subsequent issues and corporate crises. Furthermore, the influence of media on the possible intensification of the issue or corporate crisis, but also its impact on the company?s usage of knowledge management, was to be analysed.Method: The study was carried out through a case study method, in the hope of being able to analyze how a company makes use of knowledge management in the communication that occurs during issues and corporate crises. A semi-structured interview was conducted, with the head of public relations of the chosen company as a respondent. The purpose of the interview was to analyze the underlying factors behind a specific way of communicating.
Fyra lärares föreställningar om oordning i klassrummet : en studie om lärares förväntningar och elevers behov och motivation
The purpose of this study was to examine how four teachers with different teaching experiences treat and think about insubordination in school. The study emphasizes on questions like: When and why does disorder occur? How do the teachers manage disorderly conduct in the classroom? and Could there be a conflict between the teacher?s expectations and management, and the needs and motivation of the pupil? It was evident through interviews with these four teachers that their statements could be divided into similar themes which subsequently could be put into the motivational structure of Abraham H. Maslow. The conclusion of the study was that teachers may possibly have a better chance of managing disorder in their classroom if they are aware of the connection between disorderly conduct and a person?s needs and motivation. .
Att drabbas av kronisk sjukdom : En studie om livsomställningen efter hjärtinfarkt
This study aims to highlight the crisis and adjustment process in individuals who suffered myocardial infarction. The research questions focus on the informants? experiences of the crisis and life adjustment process, and illuminate the coping strategies that the informants describe important. By using a narrative method and applyingthe crisis theory and coping theory as theoretical guidelines, this study endeavors to illuminate individuals' experiences of the disease from their own perspective. The empirical material consists of four life stories gatheredthrough semi-structured interviews.
Delad lojalitet: inom detaljhandeln
Syftet med vår uppsats är att utvärdera hur enskilda butiksägare, som ingår i en större kedja, ser på fördelar samt nackdelar att ingå i en större koncern. Syftet är också att utröna hur butiksägarna definierar en lojal kund samt hur de arbetar för att strategiskt skapa kundlojalitet. Vår studie grundar sig på intervjuer med två enskilda butiksägare som ingår i samma koncern. I studien framgick det att butiksägarna genom användandet av kundkort erhåller kundlojalitet som ett bra verktyg för att kunna förbättra och stärka den totala ekonomin i företaget. Det krävs dock att man inser betydelsen av att engagera sig för att skapa en bättre balans mellan kundernas attityd och kundernas beteende.
Den interna informationshanteringen inom äldre- och handikappomsorgen i kommundelen Viskafors
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the internal information processing and management is carried out within a unit of Viskafors municipality. Furthermore, to explore and make recommendations of how the organisation can improve its internal information management. To get a full picture I have interviewed people at different levels of the organisation. The main findings showed that there was a dysfunction in the internal information processing and management. For example the study showed that the internal information did not reach out to the different parts of the organisation due to insufficient information processing.
Öl och mjölk, lika som bär? - ekonomistyrning i processinriktad livsmedelsindustri
Ekonomistyrningen inom den svenska processinriktade livsmedelsindustrin beskrivs och analyseras. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ studie av två fallföretag, Skånemejerier och Åbro Bryggeri. Resultatet visar att det finns stora likheter mellan fallföretagens val av ekonomistryrningsverktyg. Företagens ekonomistyrning har stort finansiellt fokus och budgeten är det primära styrinstrumentet..