

7397 Uppsatser om Management of emotions - Sida 56 av 494

Kommunikativt handlande : En fallstudie om manlig och kvinnlig chefskommunikation

One can find it problematic to communicate in today?s information society and therefore has the importance of distributing information the right way grown. Managers possess the authority to control what information is to be distributed how and that has created a big need for managers to learn how to communicate. This study was conducted in hope of enlightening the phenomenon male and female management communication. We chose to do a case study on two managers on Solna Stad in Stockholm. One male and one female.

?Det sitter i väggarna? : Vad har idéer om New public management för koppling till ledningsproblem inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn?

Vad det är som händer inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn är ett frågetecken, då vissa chefer blir ut- och inrullade i landstingens verksamheter. En vårdcentral har fått anlita konsultbolag för att kunna rekrytera en ny chef till sin verksamhet, då de misslyckat med rekryteringen själva. Idéer om New public management har börjat implementeras i landstingen, vilket betecknar den offentliga sektorns omvandling till att arbeta med företagiserade metoder gällande dess organisering och styrsätt. De nya arbetsmetoderna inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn har setts orsaka attitydproblem. Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för hur ledningsarbetet inom offentliga hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationer har kommit att påverkas av idéer om New public management.

ecoBUDGET - ett implementeringsperspektiv på införandet av ett miljöledningssystem

The aim of the study has been to explore certain aspects of implementation perspectives and to analyse the introduction of an environmental management system called ecoBUDGET in the Municipality of Växjö. A framework has been developed through thorough studying of earlier research in the field of policy implementation in public administrations. The framework is made up of the steering relationship between politicians and public administrators, decision making and implementation and the ability, want and understanding of how and why decisions should/could be implemented. By using this framework in combination with interviews held with individuals that host valuable knowledge and experience of the system these questions were to be answered:-What factors in the implementation process of ecoBUDGET can be seen to have facilitated alternativly hindred the integration of the environmental management system within the municipalitys administration and companies?- In what direction has the integration of a sustainable devleopment thinking for the environment thru ecoBUDGET evolved within the organisation?The result came to be that sustainable development and the strive for this is more and more amalgamated in to the everyday work within the municipal organisation and that the environmental management system is likely to have played a part in this..

Avrundar företag sina resultat - En studie av Cosmetic Earnings Management i Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to examine the occurrence of Cosmetic Earnings Management (CEM) among Swedish companies. CEM refers to the small upward rounding of reported net income to reach cognitive reference points. Important cognitive reference points are multiples of ten (N*10^x) of reported net income and rounding towards these has been documented in other markets around the world over the last 20 years. The occurrence of CEM on the Swedish market is studied using digital analysis, frequency testing and Benford's law. Firstly, reported net income of publicly traded companies between 1996 and 2010 is examined.

"Och vilka ska förändra näringslivet om inte kvinnorna?": En studie av fyra kvinnliga entreprenörer som arbetar med förändringsarbete

Sweden is described as one of the most forward-thinking countries in the world when it comes to equal opportunities, yet still management is being dominated by men. Looking at entrepreneurship and gender, the author has written four herstories about female entrepreneurs working, through enterprise, to bring about change to the male domination of top level management. The primary purpose of this master's thesis has been to look at theories on entrepreneurship/ management and gender to analyse how the entrepreneurs relate to their roles as [i] entrepreneurs, [ii] agents of change, and [iii] women. The findings show that they attach particular emphasis to their roles as entrepreneurs. As regards the work for change, being female is described as both advantageous and irrelevant, or insufficient.

Thailändska kvinnor och mötet med den svenska kulturen : Har det sekulariserade svenska samhället påverkat deras buddhistiska tro?

The purpose of the study is to observe how the participants of the study interacted musically through verbal, non-verbal and musically resonant expressions. Verbal communication was expressed in discussion of the music's tempo and to clarify for ensemble participants from where they we?re going to play and sing. Non-verbal communication could be used to gesticulate an instrument or a melody. For example, the movement of a hand could symbolize notes on a musical stave to indicate the notes placements.

Risk management i läkemedelsindustrin : Hur användbara är optimeringsmodeller vid urval av projektportföljer?

Risk management har historiskt sett associerats med riskminimering och undvikande. Men framför allt inom project portfolio management har ett skifte inletts mot ett proaktivt tillvägagångssätt för att hantera risk, snarare än reaktivt. På så sätt uppnås en holistisk analys av risk som tar hänsyn till både positiva och negativa avvikelser på mål. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur användbara optimeringsmodeller är i läkemedelsindustrin ur ett risk management-perspektiv. Modellerna som undersöks är capital budgeting problem, goal programming och contingent portfolio programming.

AKK - Alternativ och Kompletterande Kommunikation : AKK som stöd i den dagliga förskoleverksamheten

This study was built on the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI) as an ability with four branches, to effectively: (1) perceive (2) reason (3) understand and (4) manage emotions. By closely studying the four processes of EI through eight semistructured interviews with psychologists, counselors, CBT-therapists and psychotherapists, a study of participants' stories from real practice was done and then analyzed and interpreted. The purpose of this study was to get the participants to describe and put words on practical experiences that occur with clients that correspond to the four domains that define the concept of EI according to Mayer et al. (2008) and find out about if their way of "doing" EI gets trained and developed after several years of professional activity. The results shows that the practitioners used all four branches of EI in dialog with the client, both intra- and interpersonal.

NPM som reform: en jämförande analys av Piteå och Skellefteå kommun

I den här uppsatsen har jag valt att göra en jämförelse mellan de två kommunerna Piteå och Skellefteå och hur de har använt sig utav implementeringen av New Public Management inom respektive kommunal organisation. Jag har även studerat mer i detalj vad New Public Management innebär. Till min hjälp hade jag fyra stycken informanter från de två kommunerna. Jag gjorde djupintervjuer med de på deras respektive kontor och varje intervju tog mellan 30 till 40 minuter. Jag använde mig utav en intervjuguide till varje intervju och den innehöll sammanlagt arton frågor.

A Study of the Sales Process of ERP Systems: Wasteful Management or Managing the Wasteful?

A description and analysis of the sales process of ERP systems is presented; also the consequences for the parties involved are discussed. The chosen methodological basis is an inductive research design consisting of a case study based on interviews. The analysis of the empirical data is done with a proposed analytical framework. Based on the agency theory, the analysis is tightly knitted together with opportunism. There are three controlling factors: relationships (relationship marketing), contracts (principal-agent theory), and competition.

Lan File Share : Ett fildelningssystem åt Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Force has a need to streamline the preparation of an exercise in tactical training for soldiers because the preparation of an exercise is currently laborious and time consuming when commanders manually share files to each computer that will be included in the exercise. The degree project was to create a file sharing program within the internal network of the Defence Forces? international centre (Swedint). The program is used by the training management to effectively start up an exercise where soldiers train tactical training in a simulated combat environment. The training management use this program to upload files to a server which notifies all the computers on the network to download these files.

Karaktärsdrag i bemanningsföretag - En studie av de anställa i tre bemanningsföretag

Syftet är att, baserat på empiriska studier, formulera hypoteser kring karaktärsdragen i bemanningsföretag. Detta genom att undersöka de anställdas upplevelse av arbetet, varför de har sökt sig till ett bemanningsföretag samt hur de ser på sin framtid inom företaget. Undersökningen är hypotesskapande genom en enkätundersökning som skickats ut till 103 konsulter i tre bemanningsföretag. Studien har resulterat i sex stycken hypoteser kring karaktärsdragen i de undersökta bemanningsföretagen..

Att genomföra projekt - Två teoretiska perspektiv på ett problemfyllt projekt i ett kunskapsföretag

This thesis examines a project that has been conducted at a software development company. The aim is to investigate which problems firms of this kind faces performing projects. We choose a theoretical frame consisting of a modern view on how to manage projects. The view argues that the management of each project has to be adapted to the situation at hand. This theory is divided into two separate streams of reasoning; one emphasize learning, delegation of responsibility and flexibility, while the other argues for control, time planning and the importance of keeping to the plans.When we compare the theories to the case we draw three main conclusions: A thorough phase of investigation is required to produce the necessary planning documents.

Grönstrukturens dilemman i fysisk planering : Hur fungerar målstyrningen av grönstrukturen i praktiken?

To reach an Ecological Sustainable Development, Sweden has established environmental quality objectives. Green spaces are attractive for exploitation and in Sweden the access to large jointly green spaces has decreased, which has impact on humans recreation and the biodiversity. The economic aspect has great impact on the planning process which gives indications that the environmental objective may collide with other sector goals within the municipality. The thesis overall aim is to see how the management by objectives for the green spaces implements and how the green spaces is handled in the planning process in a specific case. The thesis builds on a content analysis, strategic interviews and a case study.

Kunskapsöverföring och kunskapsbevaring i offentliga organisationer

Denna studie syftar till att belysa hur offentliga organisationer arbetar kring kunskapsbevaring och kunskapsöverföring. Vi har undersökt hur fem offentliga organisationer med olika organisationsstrukturer arbetar med att bevara kunskap inom organisationen, samt hur de överför kunskap mellan medarbetare och till nyanställda. Studien har samlat in det empiriska resultatet med semistrukturerade intervjuer. I analysen diskuteras det empiriska resultatet med ämnen som epistemologiska perspektiv inom knowledge management, maktperspektiv, politiska direktiv, arbetsmiljö samt kommunikationens roll. Resultatet av analysen påvisar bland annat att muntlig kommunikation är en viktig framgångsfaktor i en kunskapsprocess..

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