

7267 Uppsatser om Management and colleagues - Sida 62 av 485

Fältinstruktion för skogsbruksplanering av inhemska skogar i Andinska Patagonien :

The thesis first objective was to develop field instructions for forest planning of native forests in Andean Patagonia, and the second objective was to test the plan on an actual property in the area. The thesis was limited to studies in the province of Rio Negro. Today, there are no official forest management plans for native forests in the Argentinean province of Rio Negro; thus, there is an obvious need for an official forest management plan with clear guidelines. To be granted permission to manage, i.e. through thinning, the native forests on a property it is required to have a forest management plan that is approved by the Forestry Board in the province in question (Thill, B.

Implementering av "Life Cycle Management" i svensk läkemedelsindustri

It generally takes 10 to 12 years for a new drug to hit the market. The pharmaceutical industry invests huge sums in these early stages of research and development. In spite of the rapidly rising research and development expenditures fewer and fewer blockbuster drugs are being developed. Longer lead times and aggressive generic post-patent competition have narrowed the timeframe for the pharmaceutical companies to profit on their investments.In the face of these threats the pharmaceutical industry has developed a battery of strategies to prolong market exclusivity and to maximize return on investment. These emerging strategies are commonly known as Life cycle management (LCM), which actually is more of a concept than a method.

Hur används relationsbyggandeprocessen i den svenska programvarubranschen för att skapa långsiktiga relationer med nyckelkunder?

Relationsbyggandeprocessen och key account management används av många företag för att etablera starka och långsiktiga relationer med sina kunder och på så sätt kan företagarna behålla kunderna och öka sina konkurrensfördelar jämför med sina konkurrenter. I denna uppsats har vi som syfte att undersöka användandet av relationsbyggandeprocessen i svenska företag och hur svenska företag går tillväga när det väljer vilka nyckelkunder det ska bygga upp långsiktiga relationer med. Vi undersöker detta med en fallstudie med hjälp av en intervju. Intervjun genomfördes per telefon. Resultatet visar i vilken utsträckning teorin om relationsbyggandeprocessen och key account management stämmer med hur förtegen verkligen använder sig av dessa i verkligheten.

Enhetschefer : En studie om ledarskap inom äldreomsorgen

My purpose is to describe and analyse how care managers experience their position as middle managers in the public sector. I have used a qualitative interview method to answer this question and also to capture my six interview persons opinion and understanding of their own position as middle managers. From my six interviews I noticed some difference in their opinions about how it is being a care manger. The results show that the role as care managers have challenges such as to intertwine their own notion how the caring of the elder should be with strict politic decisions. Other challenges are the limitation of economic recourses and reorganisations.

Vårdpersonalens behov av stöd i sitt arbete med vårdtagarna i demensboende

This study will examine if caregivers, working with people with dementia problems, is in need of support and in what way they see how the support should be designed. Previous research shows that there are many factors in elderly care that affect all of the caregivers. Working with people in this sort if dependence, requires a lot of the caregivers, both mentally and physically. To study if the caregivers consider themselves to be in need of support, and in what way they see how the support should be designed, the study employs a qualitative approach using to types of interviews, one focus group with four assistant nurses, and two individual in-depth interviews with the administrative personnel and one nurse. The results show that the need for support for the caregivers exists. Caregivers working with people with dementia problems, daily face difficulties, some more difficult to handle than others.

Kvalitetssäkring av tjänsteinköp

Quality Assurance in Service Procurement --- Total Quality and Total Quality Management refer to popular management philosophies in organizations these days. The purchasing department has an important part in the strive for organizational quality as several studies show corporate spend is significant and increasing. In this master thesis I study the actions companies take to ensure quality in service procurement. I argue that managing quality when sourcing services is particularly tricky, because of the special characteristics that belong to services. The purpose of the study is to examine whether different actions are taken to ensure the quality of different kinds of services.

Like eller Dislike : En studie om förstagångsväljares relation till politiken på Facebook

Biltrafiken bidrar till flera av Sveriges stora miljöproblem. Samtidigt har bilen haft en självklar plats i samhällsplaneringen och städers utformning har anpassats efter att många använder sig dagligen av fordonet. För att minska bilanvändandet är den fysiska utformningen av våra samhällen viktiga men också människors beteende. Mobility management innefattar en rad åtgärder för att just påverka människors beteende och attityder för att främja ett mer, främst miljömässigt, hållbart resande. I denna uppsats undersöks om uppställda förslag, från rapporten MaxLupoSE, kring hur mobility management kan integreras i samhällsplaneringen har potential att implementeras i Stockholm stad.

HRM i Mikrotjänsteföretag

The purpose of this essay was to find out how leaders in micro service firms practice HRM and identify which HRM related problems they experience in their leadership. A case study consisting two cases was carried out. The study has shown that leaders in micro service firms use a highly personalised, informal management and involve their employees in the firm?s development. The findings were that leaders of micro service firms do not have any theoretical knowledge of HRM practises because of lack of education.

Entering the Red Dragon - Strategic considerations for an entrepreneurial firm when entering a foreign market with a premium consumer product.

Identification and analysis of key success factors for an entrepreneurial firm to achieve leverage when establishing on a foreign market with a premium consumer product..

Derivatinstrument för prisriskfördelning på villafastigheter. - En undersökning av förutsättningarna på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden.

This paper is concerned with surveying the possibilities of implementing a futures market based on the valuation of non-commercial real estate in Sweden. We base our survey on a theoretical speculation of how such a market would operate and what instrument would best suit the marketplace. After reaching our solution we survey key experts to receive their feedback on our suggested solution. Their feedback includes, who are potential operators on this market and their motives, possible effects of such a market on the real estate market and other aspects of society..

A Strategic Decision-Making Model for Supply Chain - A Void to be Filled

Many researchers emphasize the increasing strategic importance of supply chain management, but there is still a lack of concrete guidance for managers faced with strategic decisions in supply chain. Within decision-making theories, the rational decision-making model is the most commonly used. This because of its suitable foundation, enabling a structure to the complex decision process. The rational decision-making model is today not developed to include the aspects of strategic decision-making made in supply chain. The purpose of this research is to adjust a structured rational decision-making model, making it applicable for strategic decision-making in supply chain.

Proppen har gått : En analys av diskursen kring Kultursamverkansmodellen

This essay aims to map the ideas behind the Swedish cultural reform called Kultursamverkansmodellen, and how the ideas are forming a discourse. Furthermore it examines the social praxis on the three levels that constitutes the model. The three levels are the state, the region and culture creators/civil society. This is a qualitative study based on primary and secondary sources collected on the three levels. The theoretical frame of reference is based on institutional theory, on Michel Foucault?s lecture on The Discourse of Language, and on New Public Management.

Utvärdering av flygbildstolkning för uppskattning av beståndsvariabler och åtgärdsförslag i ungskogar : en studie på Korsnäs Skog och Bergvik Skog AB i västra Dalarna

In Korsnäs district Dala Väst there were problems with information concerning their younger forests, mainly those in pre-thinning stage. They were divided into large, heterogeneous stands with often poor stand data quality. In 2006 an aerial photo interpretation of the young forests was conducted to fix these problems. Necessary information to get from the interpretation were silvicultural management suggestions, new stand delineation and new stand data. This thesis is supposed to evaluate the quality and usability of the interpreted data. To evaluate the interpretation an objective control inventory was conducted in 60 stands, either through callipering or counting stems.

Från förening till företag - Sportslig kontra ekonomisk framgång

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad framgång är i dagens skandinaviska elitfotbollsklubbar och vilka strategier som är användbara för att uppnå denna. Uppsatsen ämnar således belysa och klargöra de viktigaste aspekterna i en lyckad strategi inom en modern skandinavisk fotbollsklubb. Med denna kunskap har vi för avsikt att återge en bild över hur en elitfotbollsklubb strategiskt bör organiseras och ledas för att nå framgång. Primärdata har insamlats genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med FC Köpenhamn, Malmö FF och genom telefonintervjuer med IF Elfsborg. Sekundärdata har främst baserats på vetenskapliga artiklar, rapporter och teoretisk litteratur.

"Same, same but different" -En studie om varför svenska företag väljer att anpassa eller standardisera sin marknadsföring

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka tänkbara orsaker till skillnader och likheter i svenska konsumentföretags val att anpassa och/eller standardisera sin marknadsföring till den amerikanska marknaden, samt därefter undersöka om dessa orsaker har ett samband med hur och om företagen väljer att använda sig av sitt svenska ursprung som marknadsföringsmedel..

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