9739 Uppsatser om Management accounting control - Sida 17 av 650
Harmonisering av redovisningsstandarder
Earlier models that measured de facto harmonization of international accounting mainly used indices and other related statistical models. Those approaches do not account for the relative importance of individual balance sheet items or expense items being harmonized. This paper therefore proposes a different approach using Runsten?s (1998) permanent measurement bias model. That way it is possible to quantify the harmonization process by accounting for differences among companies.
Utbildningens betydelse för hälsan : En studie i skillnad på ohälsa mellan akademiker och icke-akademiker
The main focus with this study was to investigate if there was a difference in level ofeducation and self-rated health and if it could be explained by the amount of control,demands and social support at work. Theories used in this essay are education, health,and the job strain-model (control, demands and social support at work). We used analready done study by Folkhälsoinstitutet (2004) to examine these questions. Theanalysed sample consists of respondents 12 166 aged 18-84 years. The decline was39, 2 %.
Har IFRS gjort redovisningen mer effektiv för investerare? En studie om goodwillpostens relevans. : En studie om goodwillpostens relevans.
Title: Have IFRS made the accounting more efficient for investors? ? A study of goodwill-relevance Level: Final assignment for Degree of Master (One Year)Author: Patrik Nygard and Andreas Pettersson Supervisor: Markku Penttinen Date: 2010 ? MayAim: The Swedish banks SEB and Swedbank are on the same market but their goodwill is amortized totally differently and its results will be different. We decided to examine the accounts in Sweden and see if they have been more efficient, from a user perspective, after the introduction of IFRS in year 2005Method: This paper is made from a quantitative and a deductive approach. We have collected data from all companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange between the years 2002-2008 using the computer program Financial Datastream and then made the regression and other analyses and comparisons with the program MinitabResult & Conclusions: We have in this paper demonstrated that how the accounting of goodwill designed is relevant to investors and that this relevance has increased in Sweden after the transition to IFRS. We have also concluded that the goodwill has greater relevance in a rising market than in a downward.Suggestions for future research: In future researches can the aim be to compare other accounting standards changes that occurred in the year 2005 and see if the accounting, from that perspective been more efficient.Contribution of the thesis: We have shown how the account influences investor?s decisions during different accounting systems and in particular how they react on the changed account of goodwill.
Problematik vid analys av fastighetsbolag efter införandet av IFRS
The study describes the problems with analysis of real estate companies after the introduction of IFRS. With the introduction of IFRS (2005) and specially IAS 40 the real estate companies get the ability to appreciate its real estates to real value. With the difference in the accounting, grows the question if it has become some differences for analysts with analysis and valuation of real estate companies. We also look into how well this new standard effect the real estate companies from the view of the accounting quality and its characteristics..
En rörig historia : en fallstudie över Secorocs processflöde av DTH-rör
Abstract Title: A messy story ? a case study of Secorocs process flow of DTH-pipes Presentation date: 2010-06-02 Course: Bachelor thesis in businessAuthor: Kristoffer ForsmanAdvisor: Kjell GustafssonKeywords: Management control, process control, lean production, process flow analysisPurpose: The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to develop an overview of the process flow for a specific product, and with the help of this mapping based on a lean production philosophy show possible improvement proposals and how these can lead to a more efficient process flow.Methodology: I have used a case study of Secorocs DTH-pipes and my primary data are gathered through interviews and observations. I have used theoretical framework to establish a process flow analysis. This is to obtain data on process activities and whether they are creating value or not. This leads to a current mapping of the situation in Secoroc on DTH-pipes and then analyzed and suggestions for improvement are developed.Conclusions: That by using the above mentioned mapping of process flow of DTH-pipes, problem areas could be illustrated.
Budget som styrmedel ? ett effektivt verktyg eller ett onödigt ont?: En fallstudie av den ekonomiska styrningen inom Luftfartsverket
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the function of the budget as a means of control within an organisation in the public sector. To accomplish this, a case study has been conducted on a certain business unit within Luftfartsverket responsible for providing Air Traffic Control services. The thesis is built on a framework of contemporary theories of budgeting and includes a brief discussion of the weaknesses usually associated with the traditional budget. The conclusion of the study is that the use of budget as a means of financial control within Luftfartsverket is not efficient enough at the moment.
Moderbolagsperspektiv kontra enhetsperspektiv : - motiv och konsekvens i teori och praktik
Abstract The development towards an international accounting standard implies that Swedish groups of companies that are not quoted on the stock exchange can use a parent company perspective or an entity perspective while making their group accounting. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the motives behind the groups of companies choice of perspective and to show how these motives agrees with the effect it has on the profit and loss account and on the balance sheet.The study includes four fictitious groups of companies based on real groups of companies. Every group of companies includes 1-3 subsidiary companies, where at least one is owned by the parent company with 51-70 %. Some assumptions were made before the consolidation.Relevant key numbers have been calculated according to both perspectives and then compared. A total of three semi structured interviews have been carried out two with representatives for the real groups of companies and one with a chartered accountant.
Varför miljöredovisning? : en undersökning av lastbilstransportbolag
Today?s political debate on environmental issues and environmental thinking, alongside the Swedish presidency of the EU and Climate Conferences shows that the environment is an important topic. Environment is important, not only in politics, but also for companies and the demand of environmental strategies and environmental reports has increased. This leads to an increased pressure on firms to begin to report on environmental concerns and to create active systems for environmental thinking.The aim of the present study is to examine why firms in the transport sector, mainly lorry transports, reports environmental aspects and what drives these companies to create these reports.Based on stakeholder and institutional theory we aim to examine to which extent stakeholders affects the environmental accounting and reporting. We also aim to explain how the organization is influenced to incorporate external and societal environmental procedures.
Harmonisering av Goodwill : en studie kring IASBs införandet av impairmenttester och slopandet av poolningsmetoden
The problems and the opinions regarding accounting of Goodwill have always been an issue. In the search for a more standardised accounting standard IASB made a series of changes with the implementation of IFRS/IAS, which means that all companies who are listed on any stock exchange in Europe have to follow these new standards. During the process IASB wanted some feedback from the users to get a better understanding of how different participants in the economic market would respond to a number of questions regarding different changes in the accounting. In total IASB got 126 responses for the 'Comment Letters' (CL) they sent out.This paper aims to review these CL and examine how different participants will stand on different questions, mainly regarding the elimination of the pooling method and if goodwill is to be amortised but also any opinions regarding the implementation of the impairment tests. The present study comprises 126 CL, which represent participants from all the corners of the Earth.
Stödhjul för CSR : Ett ramverk för styrning av CSR
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur framgångsrika CSR-användande företag verksamma i Sverige har utformat CSR-arbetet. Utifrån denna information ska ett ramverk skapas innehållande styrverktyg och styrtekniker för att underlätta företags arbete med att styra CSR-insatser.Metod: Studien bygger på fem intervjustudier som är genomförda på fem framgångsrika företag verksamma i Sverige. Den teoretiska referensramen är framtagen genom akademiska tidsskrifter och böcker. Den empiriska datan är insamlad genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförda på plats och genom telefon.Slutsats och rekommendationer: Resultatet av denna studie visar att den främsta anledningen för de undersökta företagen att arbeta med Corporate Social Responsibility bygger på ekonomiska fördelar. Intressentstyrning är den främsta faktorn för att lyckas med arbetet med Corporate Social Responsibility.
Småföretagares uppfattningar om och behov av revisorn som rådgivare - sett ur ett livscykelperspektiv
The purpose of this dissertation is to describe small businesses? opinions about the auditor as a business adviser as well as their need for advice, dependent on which stage of the lifecycle model they belong to. This dissertation has a qualitative approach as the authors wanted to gain a deeper understanding about the problem area. As the lifecycle model in this dissertation consist of three stages, the authors have interviewed six small businesses, two in each stage. The interviews were conducted with the owner and took place at the location of the business.
Information och signaler i revisionsberättelsen : En studie av konkursdrabbade företag i Skåne län
The requirement on audit was introduced when ownership was separated from management. The situation that arouse was that not only the owners, but also the stakeholders, required information about the company?s financial position. On this basis the audit would contribute to quality assurance of the financial information. One of the auditor's functions is to assess an ongoing stakeholder opinion.
Kvalitetssäkring och processtyrningav ytstruktur på lackerat objekt
To be allowed to sell Z-suspended vehicles with dipped beam Xenon or LED lighting, Scania have to develop automatic headlight level control. This master?s thesis aims to be the foundation to that development.The thesis consists of several parts; a market analysis of how competitors to Scania and the general vehicle industry solve this problem; several available principles for detecting the amount of control needed; the construction of a test station for sensors, a control unit and components connected controlled by the control unit; a further theoretical and practical development of one principle ? one rotational sensor connected between the chassis and the back drive axis; a state flow model programmed in Simulink that produces the control signal for the headlight leveling from the sensor input.Lastly the thesis gives some recommendations to the further development and implementation of automatic headlight level control on Scania vehicles..
Den internationella redovisningens framtida roll i Sverige - IFRS på bolagsnivå?
Throughout many years there have been discussions within the European Union (EU) regarding harmonization and improvement of accounting rules for companies with listed shares or other securities. The ambition exists to adopt, the within the union applied accounting standards, to those applied globally. These discussions lead the year 2002 to adoption by the council and parliament of international accounting standards (IFRS). The ordinance meant that all listed European companies have to adopt international accounting standards, accepted for application within the EU, for their consolidated accounts.During July 2003 the Swedish Government Official Reports issued a report (SOU 2003:71) stating, among other things, the differences and oppositions of implementing IFRS on a corporate level in Sweden, since corporate disclosure is regulated in Swedish law by Bokföringslagen (BFL) and Årsredovisningslagen (ÅRL). One of the main obstacles for the full implementation of IFRS is that a company?s annual report underlies the governmental taxation and an implementation of IFRS would affect this balance.
En undersökning och utvärdering av ledningssystem : Ett delprojekt i ett förändringsarbete
In past decades information technology has changed the conditions of organizations, not at least within the industry. Advanced IT systems have become a fact in order to cope with rapid changes in the market and to effectively manage an organization?s knowledge. When organizations became more flexible and customized expectations from customers and stakeholders also become higher. These expectations and guidelines are documented in a company?s management system, which can be designed differently depending on what standards the company chooses to implement.