9739 Uppsatser om Management accounting control - Sida 16 av 650
Interorganisatorisk styrning av leverantörsrelationer inom lågprismodebranschen: -En fallstudie av lågprismodeföretaget BikBok
This thesis concerns the control of outsourced interorganizational buyer-supplier relationships in the low-price fashion industry. A qualitative case study has been performed on two supplier relationships of a low-price fashion company. By identifying specificities of the industry and relating them to control problems and their implications on control solutions, the thesis has established a relation between industry specific characteristics and the way companies in the industry control their supplier relationships. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework created by Dekker (2004). Amongst other factors, the difficulty to define, quantify and measure the design variables of a fashion good, the high heterogeneity between individual products and the difficulty to predict the trend based demand, create high coordination requirements as well as appropriation concerns solved through extensive formal control.
Den orena revisionsberättelsen : En studie om styrelsens, aktiebolagets och revisorns påverkan
Title: The qualified audit report ? a study of Board of Director, Private Corporation and auditor?s impact. Seminar date: 31th of May, 2011Authors: Annika Jonasson & Emma SwanbergSupervisor: Andreas Jansson Education: the Business Administration and Economics Programme Course: Thesis, the Business, Administration and Economics Programme, 30 creditsKeywords: Qualified audit report, accounting, audit, auditor, board of directors private corporation, stakeholderBackground: It is important for the company's stakeholders to receive information what affects qualified audit report. The information is also important for the company?s management or owner in order to prevent qualified audit report. Board of directors (the ability to control the owners or management and provide critical resources), the management or owners (incentives to manipulate the annual report) and auditors (the ability to discover and report false financial statements) may have an impact why Swedish private corporations receiving qualified audit reports. Purpose: The overall purpose is to examine why Swedish Private Corporation receives qualified audit reports.Methodology: In order to fulfill the purpose of our thesis a deductive approach is used.
New Aid Management: En kritisk analys av new public management-ideal i styrningen av Sveriges internationella bistånd
Since the 1980s, the management philosophy New Public Management has resulted in major changes in the public administration system in several countries, especially in the West. A market oriented approach and an increased focus on performance measurement are ideals that are salient in these changes. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the management philosophy?s influence on international relations through a critical analysis of some of its ideals in the management of international development cooperation, where effectiveness, quality, and results have been new dominant concepts. Through a qualitative content analysis of a Swedish Communication from 2014 ? the Aid Policy Framework ? and a debate in the Swedish parliament where this Communication was discussed, different themes that reflect the strategy of so called results based management in Sweden are identified.
Kan man lite på ryska siffror? : en kritisk granskning av RAS ich IFRS
This report describes the process of translating Russian financial information in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards. The author describes the two regulatory frameworks and reveals a number of risk factors in the process. These risk factors may affect the reliability of figures from Russian companies. The conclusion states some recommendations on how these risk factors can be managed..
Intäktsredovisning i svenska byggföretag -En studie kring IFRIC 15 och IASB:s föreslagna standard och dess påverkan på intäktsredovisningen i tre svenska byggföretag
One of the most crucial entries in the financial statements is revenue. Despite the importanceof revenue a lot of mistakes are made concerning this entry because of the extensive room forjudgements. Especially in the construction companies where a lot of differences exist due tothe fact that different standards are used for similar business transactions.The research concerning IFRIC 15 and the new upcoming standard for revenue recognition isnot very extensive. Studies including both IFRIC 15 and the new standard are even morelimited. Therefore this study aims to compare the effects of IFRIC 15 and the new upcomingstandard for revenue recognition, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, in three Swedishconstruction companies.
Kostnadskalkylering på Banverket
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and propose improvements to the current procedure for cost estimations of purchased maintenance work at Banverket, the Swedish rail administration. This governmental institution is responsible for the procurement of maintenance services for the country?s railroad network through open tenders. Due to the generally low number of contractors, it is particularly necessary to establish accurate cost estimates in order to assess the offers and ensure that a fair price is being paid to the suppliers. Several flaws associated with the current practice are identified and analyzed according to cost accounting theories.
Upplevd arbetsrelaterad stress hos bankanställda män : en intervjuundersökning
The purpose of this thesis was to look at the relationship between the experiences of work related stress among male bank employees and how they dealt with potential stress. The thesis focused on male bank employee?s experiences and management of work related stress with the control requirements and support model as a starting point. Work related stress is a phenomenon that has become a serious problem with economic impact for both the individual and organizations. Increased absence from work due to medical issues is one example of such consequences.
Effektivisering av EPC projekt : Fallstudie Johnson Controls
In todays society the demand on companies to deliver better project management is crucial for them to survive. The higher demands from clients make older project management weak and unreliable. In the constructions sector more and more companies are created and the competition is higher than ever. The clients are aware of the higher competition in the construction sector. This has resulted that construction companies must now make their project management more efficient to create better projects and better relationship with clients. The purpose of this thesis arose from this problem in the construction sector.
Förändring av styrning i en ideell organisation : Hyresgästföreningen
In non-profit organizations, surplus of the organization goes back to the organization's members. We have noted that Hyresgästföreningen initiated a change in 2005 when the organization merged its local membership registries to a national registry. There are few studies explaining how non-profit organizations are using management in an organizational change. What happens with the business management at an organizational change that is similar to the change in Hyresgästföreningen? The aim of this thesis is to explore how the governance of a nonprofit organization is changing at an organizational change.
Vilken framtid för den europeiska unionen? Om den europeiska integrationsprocessen. Ett europeiskt styre av folket, genom folket och för folket
Bakgrund och problem: Dagens företag verkar i en osäker och dynamisk miljö där marknaden ställer allt högre krav på snabba förändringar och anpassningar till kundernas behov. För att möta denna dynamiska omgivning har en rad nya produktionsfilosofier introducerats. En av dessa som fått stor uppmärksamhet och vars användning ökat är lean.Under senare år har det kommit att riktas stark kritik mot tillämpningen av traditionell ekonomistyrning och att denna kan vara skadlig vid tillämpningen vid lean. Andra forskare tar det steget längre och ställer sig frågan om det finns någon plats för ekonomistyrningen vid operationella koncept.Som ett svar på ovanstående kritik introducerades lean accounting, ett ämne som fortfarande är hårt debatterat inom managementlitteraturen. Andra forskare skiljer här på lean accounting och lean control, där lean control fokuserar på output, behavioral samt social control.
Programvaruapplikation som stöd vid granskning i Dimensions
AbstractThe control of quality standard ISO 9001 has made the internal audit to be experienced as police authority and paragraph control. Because of that, motivation for internal auditors is low. To counteract the experience, there is a possibility to integrate internal audit with improvements in company?s processes. Theory has shown that a qualified and competent auditor can provide information that can help the organization's managements to make the right decisions that will improve product quality and result in new customer contracts.An opportunity to observe an internal and external audit at one of the case companies gave rise to this study.
Vad gör en livsmedelsinspektör egentligen? : en studie om livsmedelsinspektörens yrkesroll sedd ur olika perspektiv
Aims The aim of this study was to investigate how personnel within food control are regarded from different perspectives and to find the answers to the sub questions:- what is included in the profession of food control?- what are the requirements for personnel within the profession of food control?- how is the profession perceived from different perspectives?- how do personnel within the profession of food control estimate their psycho social working conditions?Method The study included 68 individuals (34 female and 34 male) and was conducted via observations, web-based surveys and survey-based interviews. Conclusion - The study was feasible.- The overall goal of the study as well as the research questions were answered to and contributed to clarify what is included in the profession of food control. - Quality measures should be implemented to greater extent within the development of the national food control system..
An evaluation of a reward system as a "controlinstrument".
Genom kvantitativ såväl som kvalitativ metodteori utvärdera om ett
belöningssystem fungerar som ett styrinstrument..
Modellbaserad prediktiv reglering av en dieselmotor med variabel geometriturbin och återcirkulering av avgaser
Control of a diesel engine equipped with Variable Geometry Turbine (VGT) and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) requires a multivariable control method. One problem is that the engine system is non-linear. Furthermore there are strong cross-connections between inputs and outputs and the inputs have alsoboundaries. To be able to manage these control problems, MPC has been used that is a multivariable method. The MPC-controller consists of an optimization problem and therefore MPC can find the optimum control signals in an easy way.
Ett bortagande av revisionsplikten Vilka blir vinnare och vilka förlorare?
BackgroundA cost that lately has been discussed related to audit is the higher cost for auditing of small stock company. The question is if this cost is higher than the total utility of statutory audit and should it in that case be statutory. SRF says that the condition for small stock companies development is an abolishment of statutory audit. FAR consider that auditing is important for development and continuation.PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are any winners or losers among auditing firms and accounting firms in Sweden if the statutory audit for small stock companies abolish.MethodThe paper is both a qualitative and a quantitative study that is based on primary data made from an interview and a questionnaire investigation. ConclusionOur conclusion is that the big Winner is the accounting trade.