

11519 Uppsatser om Management Control Systems - Sida 34 av 768

Nya tillämpningar för utandningstest kopplade till Kibions diagnostikinstrument IRIS®

The aim of my thesis is to obtain knowledge of textile wastewater and textile sludge from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for the  ?Sweden Textile Water Initiative? guidelines for a sustainable sludge management. In my study I have mainly focused on textile dyes, salts and metals and their routes during wastewater treatment.This paper is partly a literature review, which I began by identifying the pollutants discharged from each textile process. Then I studied wastewater and sludge quality, environmental aspects, possible treatment and recycling methods. I have also tried to find existing type of guidelines in order to make comparisons.

XML som informationsbärare för EDI

Information handling has been a key issue for different companies for a long time. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is used to transfer different business documents from one company to another. This is done in such way that the information itself is separated from how this information is stored and handled in the companies internal systems. As different companies have different systems there is a need for a standardised format for this exchange. There is a big difference between EDI-systems based on what kind of EDI-standard is used. The most common standard in Europe is EDIFACT, but with increased interest of using the Internet for business communication there is a need for a standard that is adjusted for use over the Internet.

Informations- och kunskapsflöde i byggbranschen : En studie av informations- och kunskapsflöde till och från produktionsledare

This report that is written in cooperation with Peab Sverige AB, studies the information and knowledge management from the production support to the production management. The conclusion of this report is that to have a good and functional information and knowledge management it is necessary that the company has a good way of regain and handling experiences from its projects. The way to do this is to develop the managing system on the production management?s terms. It is also critical to find an easy way for the production management to use the system..

Individuell lön som motivationsfaktor

Den lärdom vi har fått är att det finns svårigheter att använda lönekriterierna för individuell lön som motivationsfaktor som de är utformade idag. Vi anser att studien har medfört till en ökad förståelse för de svårigheter som finns i samband med individuell lön inom offentlig verksamhet.

Energikartläggning av Försäkringskassans lokaler : rekommendationer för ett fortsatt energieffektiviseringsarbete

With new energy directives in place, the Swedish Social Service (SSS) stands beforethe challenge how to reduce the energy demand in its locales. It is a complex matter,as the locales are rented from various property owners and it becomes a question ofhow to reduce the operational electricity and influence the property owners to workmore with energy efficiency. This thesis takes a balanced research approach in threeparts. Firstly a qualitative part in form of interviews with personnel at the SSS and itsproperty owners, secondly a quantitative part of descriptive nature in form of energystatistics and thirdly a literature review of Energy Management (EM) Supply ChainManagement(SCM), Green Supply Chain Management(GSCM) and EnviromentalPerformance Indicators (EPI). This in order to be able to give normativerecommendations of how the SSS should act to reduce its energy consumption in itslocales and provide new insights on how EM, SCM, GSCM and EPI can be applied ineffect.

Är ersättningen allt? : En studie av ekonomistyrning inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen

Bakgrund/problem: Fastighetsmäklare ersätts idag främst genom provision för sitt huvuduppdrag fastighetsförmedling. Ett lagförslag vill tillåta ersättning för förmedling av sidotjänster som exempelvis bolån. Risken med lagförslaget är att mäklarens roll som oberoende mellanman försvinner om ersättningen för sidotjänstförmedling är uteslutande provisionsbaserad. Ledningen måste därför utforma välfungerande styrsystem för att undvika negativa effekter.Syfte: Att utforma ett förslag till hur företag kan undvika negativa effekter vid provisionsbaserad ersättning för sidotjänster.Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie har genomförts med individuella, semistrukturerade intervjuer, enkätundersökning samt sekundärkällor.Resultat: Företagsledningen bör använda sig av ett kombinerat ersättningssystem med både fast och rörlig lön för sidotjänstförmedling. Vidare bör även hänsyn tas till åtgärder inom beteendestyrning, såsom utformning av välfungerande processer för de anställdas arbetssätt, samt inom social styrning, såsom utbildning av de anställda..

Framtagning av Drag&Drop klassbibliotek för WPF-baserat användargränssnitt

System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.

Hur organiserar forskare sitt material? : Personlig informationshantering i en vetenskaplig forskningsmiljö

The domain of this thesis is Personal Information Management (PIM) which is a sub-domain to human-computer interaction (HCI) that specifically concerns the interaction between human and information. The purpose of the study is to make an exploration of information management in a scientific research setting, to study which tools and strategies for information interaction that are used in the context and to suggest possible improvements of today's practices. Three in-depth interviews with scientific researchers have been conducted followed by a qualitative analysis of the results. The results show that there are great variations among the three respondents and that there can be distinguished as much as 15 different dimensions that when put together forms a unique PIM profile for each individual. The recommendation following this is that tools for PIM have to allow a high degree of individualisation.

Konstruktion av snabbkoppling för elektropolering.

Lansen Technology develops and sells alarm systems. The communication between the system devices are wireless. The radio protocol used by the system is developed by Lansen with the purpose to be energy efficient. The alarm systems target groups are individuals, businesses and government agencies. The current system is installed, configured and controlled from a control panel for all audiences.

Vägen till ett lyckat kvalitetsarbete med ISO 9001 : en studie av kritiska framgångsfaktorer för mindre företag ur ett globalt perspektiv

More than 90 % of all business activity in the world market consists of small and midsized companies today. Recent studies have shown that there has been an increase in small companies? certification to ISO's management standards. Smaller organizations tend to have more limited amounts of resources at their disposal than larger ones. This can result in difficulties during the implementation process of ISO 9001.

Managing IT Costs with ABC - An empirical study av Toyota Industries IT Supply Europe

The purpose of this essay is to apply Activity Based Costing on a Service and Support function in order to identify and allocate costs for providing support for IT deliverables..

Teknikens fokus i förskolan : En intervjustudie för att undersöka teknikarbetets väg genom förskolornas planering, inspiration och miljöcertifiering

System Andersson AB is a company located in Jönköping that works with developing computer systems for the mechanical engineering industry. As of today, when this report is written, the company is working on the development of a new Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) system. This new system aims to create not only a user friendly interface but also a modern, stylish interface. To achieve this, the company has decided to work with a, for them, new application framework; Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).System Andersson is well known for developing systems for different kinds of touch screens, this project is no exception. For this new user interface the company wishes to implement different types of Drag&Drop functionality.

LCC-analys av FTX-system : En jämförelse av centralt- och lägenhetsplacerat

This report is the result of a thesis conducted at the consulting firm Bjerking AB andis the final part of the Bachelor Programme in Construction Engineering at Universityof Uppsala. The work aims to investigate the costs and how the choice of ventilationsystem affects building projects during a long-term period. This report covers costssuch as investment, maintenance and energy but also how they affect residents andbuilders. Building regulations for energy consumption are expected to be tougher;therefore a comparison of two different heat recovery ventilation systems(HRV-system) was made. One system is based on a centrally placed unit that coversthe whole buildings ventilation through vertical shafts.

Val av teknik för hastighetsmätning i kallvalsverk

An often encountered problem when implementing a mass flow regulator in a rolling mill is the one with measurement of speed. The most widely used solution is to fit a pulse counter to a wheel that is in contact with the strip. Common problems with this design are for instance scratch marks on the strip and problems with the flatness measuring system.  One way of circumventing the aforementioned problems would be a non-contact measuring system. The market of today only offers systems based on the Doppler principle.This report evaluates three different systems for non-contact speed measurement. Important areas in the evaluation have been the ability to operate under normal rolling conditions, integration in existing control system and how well the sensor can be fitted to the rolling mill.

Konsekvenser av ny teknik på en sjukhusmottagning

An often encountered problem when implementing a mass flow regulator in a rolling mill is the one with measurement of speed. The most widely used solution is to fit a pulse counter to a wheel that is in contact with the strip. Common problems with this design are for instance scratch marks on the strip and problems with the flatness measuring system.  One way of circumventing the aforementioned problems would be a non-contact measuring system. The market of today only offers systems based on the Doppler principle.This report evaluates three different systems for non-contact speed measurement. Important areas in the evaluation have been the ability to operate under normal rolling conditions, integration in existing control system and how well the sensor can be fitted to the rolling mill.

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