

773 Uppsatser om Male prostitute - Sida 46 av 52

Skiljer sig riskuppfattning och riskhantering mellan kvinnliga och manliga privata skogsägare? : en enkätundersökning bland privata skogsägare i Sverige

As a forest owner you always have to consider hazards and uncertainty when planning your forestry actions. The aim with this report is to test my hypothesis that there is an overall difference between men and women when it comes to perception, estimation and management of hazards/risks in forestry. I will look into if there are differences in how men and women estimate risks in production forestry from an economical point of view. The aim is also to look into if there are differences between male and female private forest owners, in how they perceive and manage hazards in connection with a possible climate change. To fulfil this aim, an inquiry survey was undertaken in three different areas of Sweden, two areas in the south and one in the north. But in this report I have evaluated the three areas as a whole.

Omhändertagandet av små barn : En dokumentanalys av åren mellan 1931 - 1940

This is a study about children?s welfare and the Child Care Board way of working in Malmö city. We decided to make this a narrative and document analyses where the main focus have been the interactions between human beings, which means everything from the interaction between parents and child as well as the interaction between families and society.We wanted to investigate any possible alterations within the working system between 1931?1940. Our analysis showed that there hasn?t been a big change with the Swedish legislation.

Movement patterns of snow leopard (Panthera uncia) around kills based on GPS location clusters

Research concerning movement patterns of wild animals has been advancing since GPS technology arrived. But studying the snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is still difficult because of the harsh territory it inhabits in Central Asia. This study took place in south Gobi, Mongolia, and aimed to estimate the time spent at kills and the maximum distance away from kills between visits. Snow leopards were monitored with GPS collars that took a location every five or seven hours. Potential kill sites were established by identifying clusters of GPS-locations in ArcGIS and visited in the field for confirmation.

Ha lite jävla stake! : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur manlighet respektivekvinnlighet framställs i Filip och Fredriks podcast

The purpose of this study is, based on theories of gender and hegemonic masculinity, to studyhow masculinity and femininity is constructed and reproduced in one of the most popularSwedish podcast: Filip & Fredriks podcast. The main theory in this study is that gender issocially created and sustained by humans through language and interaction with others.The study's research questions is: How are gender roles/gender portrayed in Filip & Fredrik'spodcast? What characteristics are attributed to men and women in Filip & Fredrik's podcast?How does Filip & Fredrik's podcast represents conditions and power relations between menand women?Through an linguistic textual analysis, which is an application of discourse analysis, I seek toget beneath the surface meanings of texts and examine more implicit social meanings andideologies regarding gender. It includes an analysis of metaphors, word choices and syntax.The analysis shows underlying values and ideologies that indicates gender structures in abroader societal context. Choice of words and metaphores in Filip & Fredriks's podcastexpresses symbolism where men and male-typical attributes are highly valued, whilst womanand female-typical attributes is being devalued and representative of the opposite.Masculinities and femininities are also constructed and represented in various ways throughsentence constructions that guides the listeners in certain directions.

Bilismen ur ett genusperspektiv : En kvantitativ studie i Norrköping om mänsoch kvinnors förhållande till fordonet bil ochexisterande normer kring kvinnor och män

Denna studie syftar till att titta på bilismen, som bidrar till en stor miljöpåverkan, ur ett genusperspektiv. Den syftar även till att jämföra med tidigare studier för att titta på hur detta stämmer överens med norrköpingsbor. För att ta reda på detta har en kvantitativ studie i form av enkäter utförts med ett urval på 100 respondenter för att på så sätt representera Norrköping. Denna metod hjälpte till att svara på de ställda frågeställningarna. För att titta på sambanden mellan könen och mellan olika frågor i enkäten har ett chitvå-test utförts.Resultatet av studien visade på att förväntningar kring mäns och kvinnors beteende och relation till bilen som fordon existerar i Norrköping, men att vanorna kring bilanvändandet istället speglar en annan bild.

Utbildningens betydelse för våld i nära relationer. En litteraturbaserad studie om associationen mellan kvinnors utbildningsnivå och våld i nära relationer i låg- och medelinkomstländer.

Introduction: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a great public health issue that can cause serious physical, psychological and psychosomatic injuries to the woman. Education is one out of many important protective factors against IPV. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the association between women?s educational level and IPV in low- and middle-income countries, the interaction between the education of the woman and the man and IPV, how education on different levels (individual-, family- and community-level) influences IPV and how gender is connected to education and IPV. Method: A literature-based study with 12 selected scientific articles as the foundation for the analysis was performed.

Det normalt avvikande : Ett mångfaldsperspektiv på medierapporteringenom könsneutrala äktenskap

The aim of this study is to examine the media coverage of gender-neutral marriage from an intersectional perspective ? with particular regard to gender, sexual orientation and religion. By focusing on the spokespeople who appears in the articles we have made an attempt to answer questions regarding who was heard in the debate on gender-neutral marriage and how the homosexual couples are portrayed in relation to the above criteria.The collected material consists of 89 articles, published in 2009, in Swedish newspapers which have been analysed by using quantitative content analysis. Ten articles have also been selected for a critical discourse analysis based on Norman Fairclough?s approach.

Språket, genus och den orena skulden. En feministisk och stämplingsteoretisk textanalys av Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 2000 - 2014.

Kvinnan som studieobjekt har frekvent kommit i skymundan i vetenskapen generellt och i kriminologin specifikt. Det feministiska perspektivet framhåller vikten av att inkludera ett kvinnligt studieobjekt i den kriminologiska empirin, men även behovet av att vidga och förändra själva grundsynen på vetenskap och kunskap som uteslutande objektiv, kvantitativ och mätbar. Den stämplingsteoretiska ansatsen har traditionellt använts för att förklara och undersöka manlig (ungdoms)brottslighet och kan anses vara en av de teorier som blundar för den kvinnliga förövarens förekomst. Genom textanalys, där språket anses producera och reproducera synen på sanning och verklighet, analyseras här nio artiklar från Nordisk Kriminalkrönika 2000 ? 2014, vilka beskriver utredningsarbetet av brott begångna av en ensam, kvinnlig förövare.

"Blackness" och "Womanism" : Hur gestaltar Maya Angelous poesi den afroamerikanska språkkulturen samt kvinnan?

Invandrade kvinnor i Handels. Föreställningar om arbetskraftsinvandrade kvinnor i Handelsnytt 1961-1976. (Immigrant women in Handels. Conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt 1961-1976).The primary purpose of this thesis is to analyze the written conceptions of labour immigrated women in Handelsnytt, a Swedish Trade Union magazine. The analyses of the conceptions are based on theoretical categories of class, gender and ethnicity.

Investigation of the reward cycle associated with play behaviour in lambs

The aim of this study was to investigate if behaviour, ear positions and cortisol in lamb which were given access to play followed the different phases of the reward cycle of anticipation, consumption and relaxation. The study was done on 8 Dorset and 12 Dorset x Fine Wool uncastrated male lambs with an average age of 10 weeks. The lambs were housed pairwise in litter pens (2 x 3 m). Pairs of lambs were taken to a play arena (5.9 x 5.5 m) three times a week during five weeks (first week for learning). They were then first kept in a holding pen where they could look into the play arena for 5 minutes and thereafter released for 20 minutes in the play arena which had a ball, two chains and a tunnel.

Upplevda oönskade beteenden hos katt : förekomst och orsaker till dessa

The objective was to examine the frequency of unwanted behaviors in the Swedish feline population and what factors in the environment, inheritance and past life that have an influence on the frequency. SLU?s web poll generator was used to create a web poll which insinuated that it was a poll with objective to make an inventory of the Swedish feline population. I wanted to avoid that only owners to cats with unwanted behaviors answered the poll. The web link to the poll was sent to SLUs students and posted on Internet forums for people interested in cats.

Humor i Religionsundervisning

The contents of the school subject religion in Sweden, has gone through a radical change during the past century. With an origin of only treating Christianity and being a major cultural and social actor, it has developed into more of a multicultural and philosophical subject. The fact that the subject no longer has cultural recognition makes it more abstract and harder for students to relate to. Additionally, religion is experienced as a rather dull subject in school. My essay is therefore written to provide teachers encouragement of interest for religious education, by using humor. The well-known psychologist Jean Piaget claims play to be a prime state of learning.

?Women will never fight in the UFC? : En kvalitativ inneha?llsanalys av kvinnlig MMA?s framsta?llning i media

?Never!? That was the answer UFC President Dana White gave when asked when women would be seen in the UFC. Two years later the first fight between two women took place and now there?s more than 50 female competitors in the UFC - an organisation that earlier was reserved only for men.?Women will never fight in the UFC? ? A qualitative content analysis of the depiction of women?s MMA in media is a study which focuses on how women?s MMA and Ronda Rousey as an individual athlete are portrayed in american internet based MMA media, with a gender research perspective. This study also investigates how the introduction of the first women?s division in the UFC might have affected the depiction women?s MMA in media.The theoretical framework consists of gender theory concepts such as gender performativity, the man as norm, sports and masculinity.

Kvinnligt och Manligt ledarskap : en studie om kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap i kommunal sektor

I denna studie undersöks det ledarskap som idag bedrivs inom Skånes kommunala verksamheter, utifrån nio ledarskapsstilar som är kompatibla med organisatorisk framgång världen över. Frågeställningen ?Finns det några skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap i Skånes samtliga kommuner, studerat utifrån McKinseys nio ledarskapsstilar?? har syftet att undersöka eventuella könsskillnader i ledarskap.Fördelningen i studiens population har syftet att kartlägga samt studera de skillnader det manliga och kvinnliga ledarskapet kan ge exempel på. Urvalsgruppen har således fått svara på en enkät behandlande de områden de eventuellt kommit i kontakt med under sin chefskarriär och därmed fått bedöma sitt agerande.Enkäten skickades ut till totalt 101 chefer, fördelat på 54 män och 47 kvinnor, inom Skånes samtliga 33 kommuner. 65 svar erhölls, fördelat på 31 kvinnor och 34 män.

Lucia eller tomte? : om våra stereotypa tankar och handlingar kring genus

The purpose of my study is to highlight how children at preschool are affected by adult?s awareness of norms and interpretations of masculinity and femininity. The essay shows examples of boys? and girls´ expectations of each other and the preconceived notions of what boys and girls should or can do, and how we pedagogues relate to this matter. One example is about an encounter with a mother, where we have different opinions about her son´s wishes to be Lucia instead of Santa Claus.

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