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Genus i barnböcker

The purpose of this essay is to examine and compare how womanliness and manliness reveal themselves in different children?s books, mainly focusing on the concept of gender, in both text and images aspects. The questions I have chosen to interrogate are the following:How is the male and female role represented in children's books from a gender perspective, in both images and texts? What gender is generally the main character in children's books? What clothes are the characters wearing in children's books? What kind of occupations do the characters practice in children's books? What kind of qualities or attributes do the characters possess in children's books?When it comes to the selection of the method, I have chosen the use a qualitative method, where I use both a text and image analysis. The essay is based on Hirdman's and Hardning's gender theories and alsow on Nikolajeva's theorie about male and female.

Sjuksköterskestudenters förväntningar på och karriärmål inom sjuksköterskeyrket ur ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to examine female and male nursing students expectations and goals referring to the nursing profession from a gender perspective and examining the students reasons to apply for nursing school. A descriptive study with qualitative design was implemented. Data acquisition was made through interviewing ten nurse students, five male and five female. The interview material were analysed in accordance with Kvale?s method of analyzing.

De leende kvinnorna : en jämställdhetsutredning av en mandominerad arbetsplats

This essay is part of a project between Södertörn University College and Stockholm Academic Forum. The focus of the project is gender equality in small- and medium sized companies. I have worked with a construction company called Activa . The majority of the employees at the company were male and I was interested in the consequences of gender construction in such an environment. I think that the basic condition for equality work is an understanding of gender and the male norm.

Kvinnans och mannens behov vid förlust av ett väntat barn

Background: People are individuals who react differently when confronted with unexpected events. To miscarry is nature?s own way of sorting out the foetuses which could never become a fully grown child. The loss can without help be difficult to handle and can impact the couple negatively towards future pregnancies. The nursing staff ought to familiarize themselves with the experience, encounter their feelings and identify their needs.

Kvinnliga och manliga mellanchefer uppfattning om effektivt ledarskapsbeteende

The society today is full of new changes within the companies and their middle chiefs. Middle chief?s visions have changed during recent years. The female chiefs have grown in numbers, and because of that people have started to focus on whether there are any similarities or differences between the female and male leadership behaviors. The essay is about similarities and differences between female and male middle chief?s idea about effective leadership behavior.Our analysis is based on a qualitative study, where we have made four interviews with four chiefs in industrial companies.

Manliga folkbibliotekariers upplevelser av att jobba inom ett kvinnodominerat yrke

The main purpose of this masters thesis is to investigate how male public librarians experience working in a female-dominated area by interviewing eight male public librarians. We want to find if our informants have experienced, or are experiencing, that the library users react differently to the male librarians, as opposed to the female librarians, with focus on possible prejudices. Besides this we want to investigate if the male librarians have had any reactions from their colleagues based on the fact that they are men working in a female profession. We are using three theories in this thesis. The first theory is based on an article by Christine L.

Har bilden av maskulinitet åldrats med värdighet? : En kvantitativ inneha?llsanalys av manlighetsideal i reklamannonser fo?r manliga sko?nhetsprodukter under 2000-talet

Purpose: This study has been conducted with the purpose to examine representations of men and masculinity ideals in advertising for male grooming products. This study also aims to investigate how the male representation has changed during the 2000?s.Theories: The theoretical framework of this study is based on established theories and past research about gender, masculinity, advertising and visual communication.Methodology: The study has had a quantitative approach and is based on content analysis of print advertisements published in the Swedish lifestyle magazine Cafe? during the years 2003-2012.Conclusion: The result of the study suggests that the representation of men was not versatile, many of the advertisements showed the same representation pattern, which indicated that the metrosexual was the most common depicted masculinity. Past research shows that the notion of men and the male representations in media has gone through major changes during the last decades. However, the results of this study did not find any signs that the male representations were going through any significant change in the examined advertisements.

Kön i minoritet : En jämförelse mellan manliga socialsekreterare och kvinnliga poliser.

Traditionally and historically certain jobs have been recognized as male or female professions leading to the assumption that the barrier crossing men and women working in these gender atypical jobs are being less masculine and less feminine. The aim of this study is to examine similarities and differences among male social workers and female police officers in the experience of being a gender minority in their workplace and how it effects the construction of their gender identity. Working with a qualitative approach and using semi-constructed interviews the study was conducted by interviewing a total of five social workers and four female police officers, in six different communities, about their personal experiences of being a gender minority in a gender atypical job. The result shows both differences and similarities between the genders and their occupation; on a personal level neither of the respondents seemed to have a problem working in a gender atypical job although admitting that working in a ?female? and ?male? profession  had effects on their personality but not on how they viewed themselves as men or women.

Genus och vetenskaplig kommunikation: en bibliometrisk studie av amerikansk biblioteksforskning

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the relationship between the socially constructed genders is manifested in American library science. To visualize gender, bibliometric analyses of peer reviewed articles published in three core journals of library science between 1980 and 2000 inclusive, are performed. The three journals are: College and Research Libraries, Journal of Academic Librarianship and Library Quarterly. Questions: 1. Does gender affect the publishing process regarding the distribution of female and male authors? 2.

Kjoltyg och magiska skönhetsunder: en jämförande diskursanalys av hur journalisterna på Slitz och Veckorevyn representerar kvinnan

The purpose of this study is to compare how the male journalists of the Slitz magazine and the female journalists of Veckorevyn represent the female sex. Slitz is dominated by sensual, sexy pictures of women. The texts describe the women on the basis of the journalists opinions. The women themselves do not get the same opportunities as the journalists to tell the readers who they are. Slitz magazine objectify women, they seem to be aware of it and do not hide their purpose.

Mot alla odds : en studie om Kristina av Sverige ur ett genusperspektiv

Queen Kristina of Sweden (1626-1689) was in many ways an interesting, fascinating but also a very complicated woman, who has been studied widely by historians and other scholars throughout the years. However, there are few people who have considered the queens attitude towards the male norm which characterize Sweden, and most of Europe, during the seventeenth century.My purpose with this essay is therefore to apply the historian and gender expert Yvonne Hirdman´s theory about the gender system and the hierarchical order, where the male is the norm and representative of what is considered to be normal in the society, on literature regarding Queen Kristina of Sweden. The historical method of this essay will be historiography, as a result of the fact that my study is based on other historians and scholars research. Moreover, my intention is to include Kristina´s entire life in Sweden, from her birth as far as to her abdication from the Swedish throne and study this through the gender perspective introduced above. With this mentioned my essay therefore is named Against All Odds.

Manliga förebilder inom socialt arbete : föreställningar, praktik och organisation

Among those who graduate from the various schools of Social work in Sweden are a great majority women. At the same time men are sought after in the work field.  But not just to level up the equality between the sexes, but also to fill a gender specific niche to counter up a need for male role models. But a closer look at this need and the types of functions set to cater for it shows that male role models as a concept vary between contexts. In this study we examine the concepts and the practices of male role models in three different settings: a municipal social care center offering young boys male bonding activities; a non-profit organization warding young people from drug abuse and criminal behavior; and last, a long term residential home for young boys between the ages 13 and 19. Our research shows that the concept of the male role model vary between the organizations and less so within.

Det könade handledarskapet

The aim of this study is to research images of the academic world that is presented, incorporated and reproduced within the frames of the mentorship in the basic level. Can these images derive to the view upon science as a traditionally male area? Is mentorship gendered? Can the mentorship on the basic level be viewed upon as a milestone of a academic career where men and women have different opportunities to succeed?By interviewing seven mentors, working in a social sciences institution in a larger Swedish university, I have come to the conclusion that knowledge is coded male and that this affect mentors mental images of what male and female students are expected to do. The male student represent the scientist, while the female student represent what the scientist is not.Depending on the work of, among others, Kerstin Norlander, Dorothy Smith and Eva Erson I have come to view upon the university as a patriarchal organisation witch produces knowledge based upon male values, experiences and concepts. This precludes the female within this organisation from relating to the knowledge she is supposed to incorporate.

"Jag kanske är en typisk kvinna i en manskropp" : - En kvalitativ studie om manliga socionomers upplevelser av att arbeta inom ett kvinnodominerat yrke

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine male social workers experiences of working in a female dominated work. The aim with this study was to find out how men perceive working with mostly women and how this effects their construction of masculinity. The theories that have been used in this study are a social constructive perspective on gender, Chodorows (1995) Theory of Socialization and Connells (2008) Theory of Masculinities. The method used in this study is qualitative interviews based on the experiences of five male social workers in Sweden.The interviews have been recorded and retailed in text in its full version, to enable analysis out of the above mentioned theories and earlier studies. The result of the study shows that the men in this study experience mostly benefits from working with women and they feel appreciated as being men.

Bilden av judendom i svenska gymnasieläroböcker i religionskunskap

This essay studied how six girls experienced their reading development during their college education in male-dominated profession programs. The issues assumed were how they experience their literature reading and literature education and what happened with their interest in reading. The theoretical frame included researchers Säljö, Rosenblatt, Gun Malmgren, Olin-Scheller, Ulfgaard and Molloy.The study showed that most of the girls felt their reading had worsened but not because of their male classmates but because of school. They had a lot of homework and participated in so many different school projects which would be completed that there was no time to reading for pleasure. The girls did not like the teachers? literate sample and did not like the methods used in learning literature.

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