

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 7 av 115

Uppfattningsskillnader om ledarskapet : En undersökning om hur ledarskapet uppfattas av medarbetare

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze how employees perceive their leader / manager. How the leader / manager perceives himself in relation to employees and what differences exist.Research Method: The information was made through a qualitative approach. The study includes interviews with semi-structured questions and a subjective selection. The authors interviewed seven respondents from a service company. Based on the information the authors have attempted to draw parallels between the leader?s behaviour and theories involving different leadership styles and see how the employees perceive the leader.Conclusions: The employees and the leader have the same ideas about what is a good leadership.

Upplevelserna av ett coachande ledarskap - och vikten av emotionell intelligens för ledare

Det coachande ledarskapet är ett ledarskap som fokuserar på samspelet mellan ledare och medarbetare. För att studera detta ledarskap så har syftet med denna undersökning varit att undersöka upplevelserna av detta ledarskap som personer med beteendevetenskaplig utbildning har. Resultatet visar att undersökningsdeltagarna värderar relationen mellan ledaren och medarbetaren som det grundläggande i ledarskapet. Förutom det coachande förhållningssättet i ledarskapet så handlar det också om hur ledaren är och vilka egenskaper han eller hon har. Det viktigaste är att ha kunskap om sig själv och sitt eget beteende som ledare och här är emotionell intelligens betydelsefullt.

"Konflikter bidrar till en levande verksamhet" : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskapets inverkan vid konflikthantering i privat och offentlig äldreomsorg

This study is based on interviews with four managers in public elderly care and four managers in private elderly care. The aim of this paper is to examine how these managers are experiencing their leadership in relation to conflict management, and if the managers leadership differs depending on private or public elderly care. Leadership and conflict management are theories that have been used in order to analyze the empirical findings. Previous research that has been used in the study concerns ?leadership/leadership styles?, ?conflict management?, ?to be active in the private/public elderly care?.

Ledarskapets inverkan på elevernas användning av IKT-verktyg på fritidsverksamhet

This essay deals with the influence of leadership on student use of Smart phones as an ICT tool at after school care. I use a qualitative, hermeneutical method that departs from two stories. I also use qualitative interviews with both structured and unstructured questions. My reflections and interpretations are, through the interviews, complemented by my colleagues? views of the use of Smart phones and how that is affected by how the activities are managed.

Det normativa ledarskapsidealet ? Ett hinder för nya ledare?

Den här studien behandlar ämnet ledarskap. Teorier konkluderar att det normativa ledarskapsidealet baseras på det transformativa ledarskapet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera om en ny ledare i organisationer gör anspråk på ett normativt ledarskapsideal och vilka konsekvenser det får, samt i vilka avseenden det finns skillnader mellan den nya chefens beskrivningar av intentioner och vad chefens ansett sig ha uppnått överens med medarbetarnas uppfattningar. Två nya ledare, som varit i liknande situationer, har studerats och jämnförts. Resultatet pekar på att nya chefer som försöker följa det normativa ledarskapet kan skapa omedvetna hinder för sig själva.

Vingar som bär och management by walking around- En fallstudie om politikers respektive förvaltningens ledarskap på kommunal nivå

This essay studies the practice of both the political and the administrative leadership at the municipal level from the point of view of the politicians and the chief officers leadership role, and the relationship between politicians and administrators. I discuss and analyse how politicians and senior officials practice leadership, differences or similarities and if their practice of leadership raises any challenges in a democratic framework at the municipal level. I conducted interviews with the municipal political leader and the head of administration at the municipal level in Karlshamn and Sölvesborg. In the analysis I discuss communication as a leadership process which highlights ?enabling elements? and potentials of the leadership process.

Vilken ledarstil är önskvärd ur ett medarbetarperspektiv? : En kvantitativ studie om ledarstilar.

The purpose of this study was to examine the leadership style that is preferred by the employees from a psychosocial- and productive perspective. The study is based on Lewin et al´s research on the three leadership styles authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire leader. This is a quantitative study with a questionnaires as data collection method. The sample consisted of individuals working in a municipality in one nursing unit. The data from the survey were analyzed by three separate one-way depending ANOVA in IBM statistics SPSS 22.

Pedagogiskt ledarskap för fritidshemmet : vilken innebörd och mening några rektorer ger begreppet pedagogiskt ledarskap

In 2014 came new guidelines for after-school centers. These guidelines clarifies that it is the principal who is pedagogically responsible for the after-school centers. Due to that fact we became interested in investigating how principals describe their educational leadership for after-school centers. With qualitative interviews as a method we have investigated how four principals describe their educational leadership for the after-school center based on the new guidelines and how they talk about their employees and the after-school centers. Our results are based on the empirical material we received from these interviews. By analyzing this empirical material, based on the theory of situational leadership, we received answers to our research questions. .

Samförstånd eller motstånd? : En jämförelse av uppbackningar i samtal mellan pojkar från teoretiska och praktiska gymnasieprogram

The aim of this examination paper is to investigate the use of linguistic feedback among male senior high school students. Two groups consisting of male students preparing for ensuing studies, and two groups consisting of male students taking vocational studies, was interviewed in four separate interviews. By comparing how these four groups used linguistic feedback in conversation noticeable differences has been identified. For example, the boys preparing for ensuing studies used linguistic feedback the most. Also, all interviewed groups used linguistic feedback the most when they agreed with each other.

Synen på det egna ledarskapet : En jämförelse mellan ledare inom skola och vård

AbstractThis essay contains a comparison between principals and supervisors within the Health-care and is focused on their view regarding their own leadership. It contains a comparison between their respective models for leadership and how to evolve as a leader within these two organizations.The study is carried out as in dept interviews with four principals and four supervisors.The results show that the principals have a sufficient education and a broad network, but they need the opportunity to a personal development within their leadership. On the other hand, within the Health-care, the supervisors stand on a good base of education where focus lies on the personal development within the leadership. However, they need more opportunities to build up their networks.The conclusion that can be drawn is that these two organisations would gain on learning from each other, in order to establish as good conditions as possible to improve the leaderships within their own organization..

Butikschefens Egenskaper och Produktivitet i Butik - lokalt ledarskap och ekonomiskt resultat i butik

This thesis reports on the methodology and results of a study with one retailers 73 units to investigate factors of the store managers leadership that influence productivity performance in store. The study determine the impact of ten independent variables in terms of the store managers leadership on four performance measures: (3) three productivity measures: Sales Over Labor (SALOL), Sales Over Inventory (SALOI) and Sales Over Square-metre (SALOS) and (1) one profit measure: Contribution Income Over Square-metre (CIOS). The result shows that the leadership factors give no more explanation to the economic results after factors of local market condition and the store attributes are taking in to account. The store manager's leadership can though influence his or her decision-making in-store. The store manager's decision to staff the store more intense (higher service-intensity) can increase the level of contribution income over square metre in-store..

The Male Gaze som retorisktverktyg : En utredande litteraturstudie över hur the Male Gaze kan användas inom retorikvetenskapen

The thought behind this bachelor essay regarding gender and rhetorical feminist criticism developed years ago out of the fact that I read just a little too many dirty chick lit-pockets as a teen. Those chick lit-pockets were my first introduction to sex, to gender roles, to how men and women react and are supposed to react to each other and, in some sense, even to feminism. Those chick lit-pockets, later turning into hardcore Harlequin-books, became my benchmark when I started to contemplate the fact that this is a man?s world, produced and reproduced by a male gaze which influences everything from sex, porn, advertising, gender roles, jobs and payment to dirty pockets for teenage girls.The essays aims to show how the male gaze-phenomenon could be to use for the rhetoric discipline: first combined with other rhetorical theories as a way to analyze and understand gender and objectification. The main question asked; How to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash? This bachelor essay consists of a qualitative literature study focusing on four articles and one book in which five different male gaze-perspective appears.

Kommunikation, Motivation & Relationer : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers erfarenheter av ledarskapets inverkan pa? ha?lsan bland ansta?llda

The aim of this study is to understand first line managers experiences of the impact leadership have on the health of employees. The study focuses on leadership behaviours and actions, experienced by first line managers working in elderly care, with either positive or negative outcomes on the employees health. To answer the purpose of the study a qualitative method was used and the data was collected through seven individual interviews. The analyse was conducted using theories of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. To enable a broader dimension to the study the concept of health-promotion leadership was also used in the analysis.

Kvinnliga och manliga chefer i kris : En kvalitativ studie om hur dags- och kvällspress framställer kvinnliga och manliga chefer i krissituation

Female and male managers in crisis- A qualitative study of how daily and evening newspapers produce female and male managers in crisisThe purpose of this studie was to investigate how female and male managers are produced in daily and evening newspapers. The newspapers that has been used in this study is Dagens Nyheter, as a representation for daily newspapers, and Aftonbladet, as an representation for evening tabloids. To answer the purpose three issues has been formulated: what are the female and male managers importance in emergency situations in the articles? How are power attributed to women and men in the articles? What similarities and differences are there between the representations from Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet?The theories that has been used in this studie are mainly gender theory, critical discourse analysis (CDA).The results of the analysis showed that female managers in subjectivily presented articles reports are produced in a more negative way than male managers. Further could the male managers be interpreted to be attributed more power in the articles than the female managers..

Servant leadership : Vetenskap eller ideal?

Servant leadership är ett begrepp som visar potential inom ledarskapsforskningen, framförallt för att förklara meningsskapande ledarskap, hur ledaren leder sig själv samt hur ledarskap kan accepteras utan auktoritet. Problemet är att forskningen hittills varit alltför okritisk. Begreppets validitet har bevisats i kvantitativa mått, men dess implikationer för själva ledarskapsutövandet eller ledaren är oklara.Syftet med uppsatsen är att testa begreppet servant leadership som verktyg för ledarskapsstudier. Kan begreppet konkretiseras och mätas? Kan man vara säker på vad man mäter? För att besvara dessa frågor omfattar uppsatsen en granskande litteraturstudie och en tillämpande fallstudie i tre delar.Resultaten antyder att begreppet servant leadership kan brista i precision och tillförlitlighet.

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