

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 60 av 115

Jämställdhet : definitioner, attityder och jämställdhetsåtgärder i praktiken

The object of this essay is to discuss the relationship between the definition of the concept of gender equality and attitudes towards gender equality and their consequences for gender equality measures. The point of departure is feminist political theory and interviews about attitudes towards gender equality at a department at the University of Linköping. The conclusions of this study is that there are a wide range of definitions and attitudes, and these conceptions are not necessarily the same as those being pointed out in the official gender equality policy at the University of Linköping. In this study the opinions of measures for gender equality among the interviewed are widely spread. Some finding Swedish men and women already being equal and therefore there is no need for measures, since this would result in discrimination of men since women would gain advantages from being women.

"...i en macho-stämpel så ingår det väl inte att plugga.." : En studie om betydelsen av genus och klass i en arbetsökningsprocess

The aim of this thesis is to study a job-searching process and elements that affects it. The elements I have focused on are gender, class and social network. The study is based on interviews and a survey study with students from the educational program of Social work (Socialomsorgsutbildningen), that graduated 3 years ago. Through the survey I have examined their social-background and their job-searching process. The interviews are the main focus in the study.

Religion för vem? : En genusanalys av hinduismen i läromedel

The aim of this study is to analyze Hinduism in upper secondary school textbooks using a gender-based perspective. The specific material used consists of four textbooks, whereof two are published prior to the curriculum Lgy 11 and two are published after Lgy 11. In order to analyze the textbooks the following methods are used: content analysis, picture analysis and comparative analysis. First, the contents and pictures of the textbooks are analyzed using theories on gender. After this analysis the results are compared to the relevant curriculum and its guidelines for the analyzed subject.

Sex unga mäns berättelser om fadersrelationen

The present study examines six young men?s, born in the 1980?s, experiences of their relationships with their fathers. The focus of the study lies on the son?s evaluations of their fathers? influence on them, the men?s emotional language and the experience of the fathers? presence versus absence. The relationship with the fathers and the fathers? emotionality are also being discussed.

Ledarskapets betydelse för hälsa och effektivitet : Ledarbeteenden och organisatoriska förutsättningar

Studien undersökte vilka ledarbeteenden och organisatoriska förutsättningar som upplevs vara viktiga för att ett ledarskap ska kunna skapa hälsa och effektivitet i en arbetsorganisation utifrån både ledare och medarbetarperspektiv. Metoden för studien bestod av gruppintervjuer. Deltagare var nio personal ledare, varav två kvinnor och tio medarbetare, varav tre kvinnor på en svensk tillverkningsindustri och underlaget bestod av fyra gruppintervjuer, varav två med personal ledare och två med medarbetare. Resultatet visade att ledarbeteenden som upplevdes viktiga för att skapa hälsa och effektivitet var tydlighet, regelbundna medarbetarkontakter, lyssnande och personalvård. Organisatoriska förutsättningar som ansågs viktiga var personalgruppens storlek och tid för medarbetarkontakter.

Lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och belåtenhet med den manliga respektive kvinnliga chefen

Syftet med denna studie var att med en enkät undersöka belåtenhet med chefen ocharbetsrelaterad tillfredsställelse i förhållande till kvinnlig/manlig chef samt medarbetarnas könoch verksamhetstyp. Totalt deltog 147 respondenter vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 74 %.Resultaten visade signifikanta skillnader i hur manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap uppfattades, imeningen att de kvinnliga cheferna hade genomgående mer nöjda medarbetare. Resultatet visadeäven att av de tre verksamhetstyperna (förskola, grundskola och gymnasium) som ingick istudien var förskolan den verksamhet som var mest belåten med chefen, oberoende av kön. Denverksamhet som hade lägst arbetstillfredsställelse i alla kategorier var grundskolan. Den endasignifikanta skillnaden som visades när det gäller kvinnliga och manliga medarbetare, var idelmåttet förmåner.

Hur vanligt är det? : Våld i nära relationer: män som offer och kvinnor som förövare. En systematisk litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze IntimatePartner Violence (IPV). How does contemporary science illustrate men as victimsand women as perpetrators in these relationships? Ten articles were presentedand analyzed in a systematic literature study. The results show that men beingabused by their female intimate partner, do exist and that they in many ways doconform to abused women. There are many underlying causes to the violence inclose relationships.

"Det är som om vi inte ens existerar" : En studie av Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheters rapportering om ätstörningar hos män 2010-2012

The title is a quote from a blog entry written by the Swedish journalist Linus Fremin. For many years Fremin suffered from bulimia and he claims that men for a long time have been excluded from medias coverage of eating disorders.We wanted to try this thesis and decided to do a quantitative study of articles published in two Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter, regarding eating disorders during the period 20101129-20121129. We studied 199 articles and counted the occurrence of men and women in the texts.Our study showed that women were represented in a majority of the articles, whereas the men were clearly much more absent. In most of the articles eating disorders were described as a female issue and men were rarely included. It?s difficult to say how the ideal division of men and women in media?s coverage of eating disorders should look like.

Kvalitetschefens Roll och Kompetens Inom Svenska Organisationer och Företag

The role of the quality manager has evolved from being a quality controller to work with a more global business. Within many organizations in Sweden, however, the traditional role of the quality manager's remains and the tasks categorized as quality control still takes up most of the quality manager's time. The survey conducted as part of this master thesis shows that the quality manager in most businesses has multiple roles in addition to the role of quality manager, which can create a role conflict. One consequence of this is that each improvement is not given priority due to time constraints. Although the importance of a clear and committed leadership is the key for succeeding as the quality manager.

Kärlek, misshandel och trauma. En fallstudie om kvinnomisshandel och dess konsekvenser.

Male violence against women in close relations has in recent years received increased attention, however, only identified as a problem in approximately 40 years. It is now a social problem that is constantly increasing, but the identification of the phenomenon has been possible thanks to the research on the subject. The purpose of this study is to, from a woman's own story, identify psychological processes in connection with the assault. The aim is also to confirm previous research on the phases of the abused go through until decampment and identify possible consequences of violence against women. I also aim to answer the question regarding the assistance of individuals in extreme situations while getting back to society.

Leva med Lean : Hur involveras och motiveras medarbetare till att ständigt arbeta med förbättringar?

The European Union is struggling to maintain democracy and tries to increase the participation among the citizens in Europe. The European Citizens? Initiative, ECI, is a platform established by the European Commission to allow citizens to propose new legislation. ?Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commodity!? is the first ECI that has met the requirements.

Innovate or Evaporate : -En kvalitativ studie av idéhantering på IKEA AB

The thesis focus on how organizations can improve the ability of absorbing coworkers ideas in purpose of gaining long term competitive advantage through innovations. The study was conducted at IKEA AB where a campaign to collect coworkers ideas was a big success given the quantity of ideas collected. This fact allows a comparative analysis of idea management in the shape of campaigns and in comparison, idea management in the everyday line-organization.The analysis show that fundamental factors for innovative environments such as organizational climate, culture and leadership perceives auspiciously by the respondents. However, lack of infrastructure such as systems and processes hinders coworkers ambitions to contribute with ideas.An important issue in idea management is the treatment of incentives for innovation. Results of the study show that the ?soft? incentives ?feedback, encouragement and attention have a higher impact in coworkers willingness to the contribution of ideas than for instance monetary rewards..

Fri vilja eller tradition? : Prästrespektive i den prästerliga kulturen

The purpose of the study was to investigate, using data from the sacerdotal culture, t h espouses of five priests. The main questions were: How does the priestly calling affect thespouse? Do the spouses involve themselves with voluntary work? Do the spouses feel thecongregation have expectations? Do the female and male answers differ?The sacerdotal culture has consisted of several elements. The main element is the priest?scalling for his work.

En annan värld? En analys av sex fantasyromaner ur ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the gender system is described in fantasy novels. The theoretical framework is based on Yvonne Hirdman?s theory on gender system, primarily the two basic principles: the principle of dichotomy, of separation between the sexes, and the principle of hierarchy, of man as norm. The method used is idea analysis which is a form of textual analysis.

Kärlek, misshandel och trauma. En fallstudie om kvinnomisshandel och dess konsekvenser.

Male violence against women in close relations has in recent years received increased attention, however, only identified as a problem in approximately 40 years. It is now a social problem that is constantly increasing, but the identification of the phenomenon has been possible thanks to the research on the subject. The purpose of this study is to, from a woman's own story, identify psychological processes in connection with the assault. The aim is also to confirm previous research on the phases of the abused go through until decampment and identify possible consequences of violence against women. I also aim to answer the question regarding the assistance of individuals in extreme situations while getting back to society.

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