

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 54 av 115

En ledarutvecklingskurs utvärderas

Purpose: To evaluate the management development course held at FöreningsSparbanken in Ronneby during 2000. The evaluation aims to map and describe what effects the course has had on the participants. We will assess to what degree the effects meets the objectives of the course set by the manager of the bank (future management recruitment, leadership, change catalyst, aligning the strive towards a shared organisational objective). Above mentioned also implies that the organisation should be influenced in some regards. Conclusion: Our conclusion is that all of the participants have as a result of the course increased their emotional intelligence in varying levels.

Vem blir entreprenör? ? Erfarenheter och förmågor

Tidigare forskning har fokuserat mycket på vad entreprenörskap är, och vem som är en entreprenör. Tidigare forskningar visar att en entreprenör är något man föds till. Det finns en hel del forskning om entreprenör, entreprenörskap där man fokuserar på entreprenörens personlighetsdrag. Bland den forskning som finns existerar två huvudsakliga uppfattningar. Den ena menar på att man föds till entreprenör medan den andra anser att entreprenör egenskaper är något man kan utveckla genom olika affärserfarenheter.

En studie i brott : kvinnlig brottslighet i Askeryds Socken, Småland 1825-30

This essay focuses on crime history and gender. It is a study of female crimes in the beginning of the 19th century in a small parish (Askeryd Socken) in Småland in the south part of Sweden. The method I have used is to study the records of Municipal Court regarding the citizens of the parish of Askeryd. I have then tried to find out whether the female offenders have been treated different than the male offenders, if there is a certain kind of gender-related crimes and in those cases where comparison is possible, I have examined if the females are treated in a lighter way. (?female discount?), or if they were treated as mentally unstable.The essay shows that in this particular parish during the years 1825 to 1830, female offenders were not treated in a lighter manner.

Health Locus of Control och impulsivitet i relation till träning : en studie om universitetsstudenters träningsbeteende

There are many aspects which must be taken into consideration when studying individuals? need of exercise. The study investigates if impulsivity and Health Locus of Control affect the continuity of physical practise. The main presumption was that individuals with high impulsivity, high Powerful Others and high Chance Health Locus of Control, would have a significantly harder time to maintain a continuous physical activity. The survey used two standardized tests to measure impulsivity and Health Locus of Control and in order to be able to measure the insensitivity and the periodicity of physical exercise, a test was developed by the authors.

Jag var rädd för att lämna honom

This case-study examines the correlation between young men and democratic instability in group discussions with two analyzing methods in one. One part of the method used is deliberative democracy which aims to explain how democracy works within the frames of discussion in ordinary citizens groups. In this study the citizens is upper level secondary school students. The other part of the method used is the theory pulled by many scholars lately, the demographic impact on democracy. With these two combined in one this study compare the theory of young men as more active in political violence and as a destabilising factor of democracy on country-level with the results of the study in deliberative democracy in small group discussions.

Bang! Let's smash the patriarchy Hur svenska serietecknare konstruerar och förhandlar feministiska diskurser

This essay analyzes three Swedish cartoon artists: Elias Ericson, Lisa Ewald and AmandaCasanellas. The aim is to examine how they construct feminist strategies through their workand how they convey this visually. The issue of whether these Swedish cartoons can be seenas a part of a bigger political platform is central. Through semiotics and post-colonial andqueer feminist theory, some answers to these questions are searched for.The result shows that all three of the artists can be seen in a bigger activist context, even ifthey work in and through different platforms. Casanellas questions the racism in Swedenand how we should prevent it.

?Man ska använda böcker som kan vara intressanta för killar? En analys av synsätt på läsning, läsfrämjande metoder och genus i projekt riktade mot pojkar.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine projects for readingpromotion, aimed at boys, between 8 and 16 years of age. Therelations between librarians approaches to reading and methodsfor reading promotion are analysed with a gender perspective.The study is based on qualitative methods. Librarians involved infour reading projects have been interviewed. In the analysis, ourempirical material is related to theories of approaches to reading.Results have also been compared with earlier studies regardingboys reading, reading promotion, gender and male stereotypes.We find that an emancipatory approach towards reading is themost common. The librarians´ views showed that discussion,development, reading for pleasure and focus on the content of thebook were central to the methods used in the projects.

Viktiga faktorer för Kommunikations- och Informationsflöden inom projekt

  iiiAbstract?We are living in a time of project. Everything becomes project. All development, all efficient,all changes are running as project?.

Träning och ekonomiskt beteende: ? Effekterna av konditionsträning på överkonfidens, riskbenägenhet och välbefinnande

It is well proven that physical exercise has an impact on our bodies as well as our minds. The aim of this study is to examine if this impact also affects economic behaviour. Three hypotheses regarding the impact of acute exercise on overconfidence, risk enhancement and well-being have been tested by collecting questionnaires from 364 participants at Friskis & Svettis, Kungsholmen who all were asked to answer the questions either before or after exercising. The differences between the before and after group were analysed, indicating small increases in all three test areas after exercising. These increases were, however, not large enough to reject any of the null-hypotheses of zero effect on the given five per cent significance level.

Det ihågkomna och det bortglömda : en undersökning om hur fyra historiska händelser presenteras i skollitteraturen

This essay is a textbook study where I aim to review four textbooks regarding some historical events in the subject History. The textbooks are used in junior high school and the historical events are as follows: the genocide that happened in Congo during the leadership of king Leopold II, the genocide on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, the Holocaust and the Vietnam War.By performing this study I wanted to answer these three questions:What differences and similarities can be found in how the events circumscribed?How much space do the various events have and has it evolved through the years 1980-2009?How can this be explained?The study has been analyzed from a post-colonial perspective and the recurring patterns that appear show how the texts are post-colonial. This means that the authors of the textbooks are writing about the same subjects, but in very different ways..

Styrelsesammansättning i förändring - ett könsperspektiv

The absence of female directors on Swedish corporate boards is currently a hot topic for both politicians and business leaders all over the world. This thesis aims to discuss reasons for the scarcity of women on boards in Swedish publicly listed companies as well as what actions are taken to alter the composition of these boards. A rigorous selection of gender theories have been used together with data collected from in-depth interviews with mainly board members and nomination committees. Extensive analysis has led to findings that historical perceptions of differences between men and women linger as of today, which prevents women to reach top executive levels as well as board positions. The increasing use of headhunters has encouraged companies to look beyond male-dominated networks in an attempt to widen the range of potential board nominees.

Vision och Verklighet : I globala organisationer med fokus på operativa enheter

The purpose of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of how visions could be applied in subsidiaries and similar sub organisations of global enterprises. With increasing globalisation it becomes more difficult to work in accordance to same standards and towards a common and unifying interest. The study has a qualitative and deductive approach and is based on interviews with three global subsidiaries with some hundred people employed each.Conclusions are that the subsidiaries visions have to be based on a guiding philosophy issued by their mother entities and it is the responsibility of the sub organisation to develop a tangible image with a local vision, mission and strategy with targets requiring feedback. Sustainable strategies cannot be issued without a vision describing where the organisation want be in the future. Otherwise they will not come very far until they have to make a restart with a new strategy and they will never be a market leader..

Pedagogens inverkan på elevgruppens beteende i klassrummet

 My goal with this essay was to find out what makes certain teachers more successful than others to hold good and well functioning classes. This is important because this in turn affects the learning of the students. I wanted to find out what factors people within the world of research have pointed out as important aspects when creating a good teaching situation, with focus laying on the teacher?s behaviour in the classroom. In my investigation I have used qualitative research, observing two upper secondary school classes, for a total of nine lessons during a two-week period. In my observations I wanted to see if the class as a whole was behaving differently when interacting with different teachers.

Kompetensutveckling inom ledarskap i reklambranschen i Göteborg

För ett kreativt ledarskap behövs kompetens inom flera olika områden. Olika former av struktur, kunskap om personal, medvetenhet om maktrelationer och det skådespel som pågår är fyra perspektiv på organisation och ledarskap som Bolman och Deal (2005) skriver om i boken Nya perspektiv på organisation och ledarskap. Syftet med rapporten är att se om det finns marknadspotential för kompetensutveckling inom ledarskap i reklambranschen i Göteborg. Detta görs genom att ställa resultatet av strukturerade intervjuer om kompetensutveckling inom ledarskap i reklambranschen i Göteborg mot några av de teorier och studier som gjorts om organisation och ledarskap. Resultatet visar att reklambyråer kompetensutvecklar inom ledarskap men att det finns ett behov av och en marknadspotential för ytterligare kompetensutveckling inom ledarskap i reklambranschen i Göteborg..

Varför så kritisk? : En studie om den svenska dagskritikens roll, funktion och utveckling i ett föränderligt mediesamhälle

Purpose/Aim: The aim is to study the critics own views upon their profession and upon the development of criticism, and to thereafter set this in relation to contemporary theory and debates.Material/Method: A qualitative study pursued through personal interviews. The results are categorized and split into different themes.Main Results: Through media convergence and a changed media culture the conditions for criticism have also been altered. But in spite of various negative prophecies, these changes cause no serious threat to criticism. New forums and new forms of criticism actually increase the importance of the traditional ditto as the authoritative voice that holds the field together. Still, there are questions and fears about a future seemingly less and less predictable.

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