

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 38 av 115

Vilka egenskaper önskas hos en ledare - skillnade och likheter i organisationerna Försvarsmakten och Sony Ericsson

Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka hur två olika organisationer skiljer och liknar varandra i önskan om ledarskapsegenskaper, detta utifrån de tre olika arenorna rekrytering, utbildning och ledarskap. I denna rapport kommer vi att studera organisationerna Försvarsmakten samt Sony Ericsson, där Försvarsmakten kommer representerar en strukturerad organisation och Sony Ericsson en projektorganisation. Med hjälp av intervjuer både på Försvarsmakten i Halmstad och Sony Ericsson i Lund har vi fått svar på frågor kring rekrytering, utbildning och ledarskap. Det som gör jämförelsen intressant är skillnaden i organisationsformerna på de två olika företagen Försvarsmakten samt Sony Ericsson. Vi har efter granskning av data fått fram att de båda organisationerna strävar efter liknande egenskaper med på skilda sätt. På grund av organisationernas olika strukturer och organisatoriska uppbyggnad går man olika vägar för att hitta en ledare men i slutändan kan man se att processerna liknar varandra.

En illusion av verkligheten : En kvalitativ, komparativ analys av magasinsomslag ur genusperspektiv

Each time you pass a stand full of magazines it?s hard not to absorb the many exhortations that are being thrown at you. The range of different lifestyle magazines have more or less exploded during the last years. All magazines, each one trying to outmatch the other, want to help you improve to be the best you can.People get affected by their surroundings including what they see and what they read. Therefore we chose to do this study, as an opportunity to get a closer look on what the Swedish lifestyle magazines Cosmopolitan and Café tell us about women and men.

Chefers emotionella kommunikation och dess relation till personalomsättning

It is now increasingly common for organisations to work actively with HR issues. Furthermore, it is a constant top priority for organisations to remain profitable. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether so called soft HR values, as manager?s communication skills, has an actual impact on hard values in terms of costs for the organisation. Leadership is largely characterised by emotional communication, which together with personnel costs were the main focus of the research.

Mångfald i bilderboken ur ett litteratursociologiskt perspektiv.

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how diversity takes shape in children?s picture books published in Sweden. Twelve picture books, which touch the aspect of diversity in the categories of gender, ages, culture, nation, ethnicities, language, class, sexuality and functional disorder, were chosen from the Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs catalogue for youth and children?s books 2006. They have been analysed with the conception of ikonotext and with the theory of Pierre Macherey?s image in the mirror, of how literature reflects the reality of society.

De osynliga synliga männen som säljer sex. En deskriptiv studie över män som säljer sex och säkrare sex samt män och transpersoner som säljer sex på nätet.

Denna uppsats består av en litteraturöversikt och två kvantitativa studier om män och transpersoner som säljer sexuella tjänster till andra män. Den första delen presenterar forskning om män som säljer sexuella tjänster till män i allmänhet och kring behovet av förebyggande åtgärder mot hiv och STI i synnerhet. Del två är en analys av män som säljer sexuella tjänster och deras inställning och praxis när det gäller säkrare sex. Analysen bygger på material från MSM (Män som har sex med män) enkäten som genomfördes 2006. Denna studie visar att män som säljer sex har betydligt högre risk-beteende än andra män som har sex med män. Detta visar på behovet av hiv-prevention i den grupp av män som säljer sexuella tjänster.

Ledarskapet och dess påverkan för att stärka tillit och effektivitet : En komparativ studie genomförd i en privat organisation

Vi hade en föreställning om att det ibland kan vara svårt att som ledare i en arbetsgrupp skapa tillit samt effektivitet. Detta fångade vårt intresse och gjorde att vi närmare ville studera två arbetsledare och deras respektive arbetsgrupper gällande effektivitet, tillit samt ledarskap. Vårt syfte med undersökningen var att undersöka vilka ledarskapsfaktorer som kan inverka för att stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp. För att besvara syftet med undersökningen togs följande problemformulering fram:Vilka ledarskapsfaktorer kan stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp?Utifrån uppsatsens syfte och problemformulering genomfördes två kvalitativa intervjuer med de två utvalda arbetsledarna, samt att en kvantitativ enkätundersökning genomfördes i de två arbetsledarnas respektive arbetsgrupper.Vårt resultat visar i huvudsak att det är anpassning efter situation och kontext, förmågan att frångå personliga intressen och istället se till det kollektiva intresset, flexibilitet och uppmärksamhet på arbetsgruppens behov och önskemål, samt stöd genom tillgänglighet som är de ledarskapsfaktorer som kan stärka tilliten och effektiviteten i en arbetsgrupp..

Behandling av hanhundar med deslorelin :

This article presents a survey of male dogs treated with the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist deslorelin (Suprelorin®, Virbac) at three animal clinics in central Sweden. Filled-in questionnaires from 110 dogs were received. The paper also includes a review of existing litterature concerning reproduction in male dogs, focusing on endocrinology, the effects of gonadectomy and the GnRH agonist deslorelin. Continuous treatment with deslorelin produces infertility in male dogs. The pituitary is initially stimulated by deslorelin leading to a rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion. As a consequence the testosterone levels also increase temporarily.

Och kvinna : en kritisk analys av den mediala diskursen kring kvinnliga politiker

The aim of this paper is to describe, visualise- and analyse media’s discursive representations of female politicians in Swedish printed media. The focus of the analysis is to show if, and how these images can be understood and interpreted in terms of a socially constructed gender stereotyped suborder. The paper takes it's theoretical and methodological departure in the discourse analysis, which is combined with feminist political theory. Feminist political theory is concretised in the use of what Yvonne Hirdman calls the "gender system" which arranges the sexes into their respective genders and is based upon two rules/principles/logics: 1) the rule of distinctive separation, and 2) the male norm. Closely related to the aim of the paper lies also the critical theoretic assumption that people has to be aware of their own part in the production and reproduction of the discourse in order to change make a change.

Riktiga män äter kött och kvinnor äter inte alls : En kvalitativ bildanalys av omslagen på sex olika livsstilsmagasin för män respektive kvinnor.

This study was a qualitative analysis of the covers of six lifestyle magazines, three addressed to women and three addressed to men. We have studied the cover photographs, the teasers and their relations. The purpose of this study was to answer the questions: According to the magazines, what are male interests and what are typical female interests? Who is the ideal man and who is the ideal woman? Is there a certain way you need to look to be able to be on a magazine cover? And how often do the magazines encourage you to consume? The study was based on thirty covers, five from each magazine. The Swedish magazines are VeckoRevyn, Amelia, Damernas Värld, King of Sweden, Café and the American version of GQ. We?ve used semiotics and rhetorical methods to analyze the material.

Påverkas stereotypt vandrande hos amurleopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) vid ökad förutsägbarhet i samband med utfodring?

Stereotypic pacing is frequently observed in captive carnivores, however the underlying causes of this behaviour remain somewhat unclear. One of these possible causes are unpredictable feeding signals, which may give rise to frustration and subsequent pacing. Animal keepers at Nordens Ark had noticed that their Amur leopards had shown stereotypic pacing in connection to the passing of ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) used by animal keepers primarly when feeding the animals in the park. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the stereotypic pacing of the two Amur leopards at Nordens Ark were affected by the introduction of a signal associated with feeding. The leopards were trained by classical conditioning to associate the sound of a siren with the delivery of food by an animal keeper.

?Som ny var jag nog för snäll? - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga chefers syn på faktorer som påverkar rollen som chef

This study is about being manager in social care and social welfare organisations. Ten women managers participate in the study and share their thoughts about management. Such organisations are an area where women are most frequent, so we wanted to take part of experiences women managers in this area obtain. The study concentrates upon factors these women encounter and which they feel can affect them in their daily work. The study shows that the women we interviewed have a basic interest in humans and a strong commitment to working for human well being.

Offer eller förövare? En kvalitativ studie om föreställningar inom socialtjänsten om män som utsätts för våld i nära relation

The aim of this study was to examine the perceptions within social services regarding men who are victims of domestic violence based on how gender, sexuality, masculinity and victimhood was constructed in the social workers' statements. Eight qualitative interviews were conducted with nine social workers who work within the social services and meet people who are victims of domestic violence. A social constructionist scientific approach has permeated the study and theories of gender, heteronormativity, masculinity and the ideal victim has served as the study?s theoretical views. The results of the study showed that some of the social workers ascribed men specific characteristics such as strength and fearlessness.

Användbarheten av två modeller i två olika företag, en studie av lean production : Fallstudier vid SKF Couplings systems och AQ Parkoprint

This study is about to see whether the two models representing the strategies of lean production is to use and apply in different companies. The models are structured in two different ways in which one of them is checking the softer elements of lean production in the form of leadership and strategies. This model is called Lesat and is based on interviewquestions. The second model, called "learning to see" is about identifying flows. This, together shall then give an idea of how mature companies are when it comes to a whole in the concept of lean production, and susceptibility to use these models to their respective companies. The study is conducted in two companies, SKF couplings systems and AQ parkoprint.

Vad vill du bli när du blir stor? : En studie om barns framtidsdrömmar ur ett genusperspektiv

The way towards an equal society, where both women and men has the same possibilities both private and in professional life, has been a long and still ongoing process. During my practical studies to become a recreation instructor I have noticed a difference between the children I have met in my workplace. What I saw was that girls and boys had a different approach towards their future, plus that the pedagogues at the school had different roles depending if they were men or women.In this study I have investigated which dreams and visions a group of after-school children has, plus how these distinguish between the genders. I have through group interviews, first three boys and then three girls, investigated how children look at their future focusing on career, spare time and familysituation. The questions have also focused on how children look at the schools pedagogues with gender as a premiss.My result shows that the children's vision on their future tends to look different between the genders.

Kyllä se järjestyy. : En intersektionell studie av inflyttade kvinnors arbetssituation i Pajala kommun.

This study is an intersectional analysis of how women who?ve immigrated to the bilingual municipality of Pajala, experience their current and future work life. The study is based on nine qualitative interviews with women of different class, age and origin. A number of constellations of relationships between these categories emerge in this study. What seems most central is that traditional notions of femininity and masculinity segregate labor vertically and horizontally.

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