

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 35 av 115

Studentens lyckliga dar : Om representationen av upsaliensiskt studentliv på 1860- och 1870-talen i memoarer

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the representation of student life in Uppsala in the 1860s and 1870s in memoirs. This purpose is achieved by contextualising the memoirs in two different analyses. In the first, the representation of student life in the memoirs is compared to that in another literary genre, the university novel, and it is found that the two representational forms paint completely contradictory pictures, where in the novels the higher education is depicted as rotten and in dire need of reformation, whereas in the memoirs the system, albeit somewhat flawed, works. The memoirs and the novels thus seem to be competing systems of representation, created in different discourses, wherein the purpose and nature of higher education widely differed. In the second analysis, the examination of the memoirs is based on research concerning the nation building process in Sweden during the 19th century.

"Och vilka ska förändra näringslivet om inte kvinnorna?": En studie av fyra kvinnliga entreprenörer som arbetar med förändringsarbete

Sweden is described as one of the most forward-thinking countries in the world when it comes to equal opportunities, yet still management is being dominated by men. Looking at entrepreneurship and gender, the author has written four herstories about female entrepreneurs working, through enterprise, to bring about change to the male domination of top level management. The primary purpose of this master's thesis has been to look at theories on entrepreneurship/ management and gender to analyse how the entrepreneurs relate to their roles as [i] entrepreneurs, [ii] agents of change, and [iii] women. The findings show that they attach particular emphasis to their roles as entrepreneurs. As regards the work for change, being female is described as both advantageous and irrelevant, or insufficient.

"Got Skills...?" : En kvalitativ studie om kompetensutveckling baserat pa? StarCraft II

The use of computer games has grown exponentially in the past few years and StarCraft II is one of the most popular e-sports today, played by millions of people worldwide. This study investigates the game?s effect on skills, as perceived by the players of StarCraft II.The study was conducted by using an empirical survey and interviews. The skills being investigated were both physical and mental in their nature. The conclusion was that the majority of players perceived that their skills regarding reaction speed, multitasking, APM, analysis and strategy were increased the most, while there was a smaller change in social skills and language skills.

Jag blev glad

vuxnas läsning av skönlitteratur I became happier and wiser: young adults reading of fiction [123[upps-01.gif This Masters thesis explores young adults 18-26 years old, reading of fiction: their reading preferences, the meaning of reading and their access to literature. A study was made by way of a questionnaire, including 56 young adults, and seven qualitative interviews with two groups: one at a folk highschool and the other at a public library. The theories we have used to analyse the results are: theories of gender and youth, theories of literary genres, reader-response criticism, literature sociology and the theories of cultural sociology by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. In the analysis the results are compared to other studies of reading habits. Results from this study show that the young adults read fiction from several genres among popular- and quality literature.

Bröst, rumpor och kroppsstrumpor - en kvinnas självförtroende är aldrig längre bort än närmsta shoppingcenter

AbstractKarin Johansson, Institutionen för genusvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, 2007.?Bröst, rumpor och kroppsstrumpor: En kvinnas självförtroende är aldrig längre bort än närmsta shoppingcenter?.In Kanal 5?s production Snygg naken, based on the British television show How to look good naked, eight women undergo a make-over which is said to enhance their self-confidence and transform their attitudes toward their bodies. This, in turn, is accomplished with the assistance of a stylist and an undergarment expert. However, the transformations are based on normative structures and ideas regarding the female body, which, on the one hand governs the participants? needs for a make-over in the first place, and on the other hand forms the basis of the experts? authority.

"I just wanna wear this dress" : En studie av hur kvinnor porträtteras i reality-serien The Hills

Denna uppsats syftar till att kvalitativt undersöka hur kvinnor porträtteras i femutvalda avsnitt av The Hills (MTV), med fokus på deras beteende och uppträdande ifrågor som karriär, utseende och relationer till män. Detta undersöks med hjälp av ettanalysschema som har utformats utifrån Keith Selbys och Ron Cowderysanalysmodell för att studera television. Undersökningen vilar på en genusteoretisk grund och teorier som används är blandannat R.W. Connells hegemoniska maskulinitet, Yvonne Hirdmans genuskontrakt,Laura Mulveys ?the male gaze? och en vidare utveckling av Foucaults teori om ?thepanopticon?. Detta kompletteras med forskning av bland annat Rosalind Gill, AngelaMcRobbie och Hillevi Ganetz. I min analys framkommer att det förekommer väldigt få skildringar av kvinnor varsbeteende utmanar en traditionell syn på kvinnligt uppförande.

?Delad börda är hälften så tung?  Delat ledarskap ? ur ett ledar- och medarbetarperspektiv

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka delat ledarskap ur ett ledar- och medarbetarperspektiv i en statlig verksamhet. Vi önskade få svar på hur ledarna samverkar och delar upp arbetsuppgifterna mellan sig och hur medarbetarna ser på detta. Vi undersökte också hur kommunikationen upplevdes av inblandade parter. Vår metod för att lyckas med detta har varit kvalitativ med induktiv ansats där vi genom enkätfrågor, till såväl ledarna som ett urval av gruppens medarbetare, fått svar på frågeställningarna beträffande samverkan och arbetsuppdelningen samt hur kommunikationen fungerar mellan parterna. Svaren från respondenterna ger en samstämmig bild av att det fungerar mycket bra.

Ledarskap och relationer vid implementering av lean i sjukvården: en utveckling av yrkesidentiteten

The aim of this case study was to investigate the role of leadership and interpersonal relations among staff during implementation of lean at a University Hospital in Sweden. The 15 respondents were leaders and staff members from different wards and clinics, who had started working according to lean principles. One of the methods used was explorative, low structured interviews. Other methods used for gathering information about the case was attending lectures about lean healthcare at the hospital, part-taking in the lean game and reading articles about lean and the implementation in both daily press and on the intranet of the hospital. The results showed that an open and accessible leader that coaches his/her staff and supports their work, helps the staff to develop a lean identity.

Statiskt och kulturellt ledarskapsperspektiv : En studie om ledarskap i Sverige

Den här magisteruppsatsen behandlar två perspektiv på ledarskap som jag kallar för statiskt och kulturellt. Det statiska perspektivet handlar om att betrakta ledarskapskompetenser som oföränderliga och därför samma i alla situationer. I kontrast till detta står det kulturella perspektivet som handlar om att betrakta ledarskapskompetenser som processer. Syftet i den här uppsatsen är att påvisa att dessa två ledarskapsperspektiv förekommer och att i en empirisk kontext pröva de här perspektiven för att se om och hur de får stöd av deltagarna i studien. Genom den hermeneutiska metoden har jag intervjuat fem deltagare som är svenska ledare med många års erfarenhet av ledarskap. De respresenterar olika branscher och företag.

Ledarskap : En studie om ledarstil för framtida styrmän

Denna undersökning syftar till att ta reda på vad avgångsstudenter på det fyraåriga sjökaptensprogrammet har för syn på sin egen ledarstil utifrån sina erfarenheter från sin fartygsförlagda utbildning, sin tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet och utifrån teoretiska kunskaper som de inhämtat från den ledarskapskurs som ligger i programmet. Metoden för denna undersökning är kvalitativ, med semistrukturerade intervjuer och litteraturstudier. I undersökningen intervjuades tio sjökaptensstudenter. En intervjuguide användes, som stöd för intervjuaren, vid intervjuerna. Svaren på intervjuerna analyserades utifrån teorin om tre klassiska ledarskapsstilar; auktoritär, demokratisk och passiv.

Krig, mäktiga kungar samt en och annan "påsmetad" notis om kvinnor : En genusstudie av läromedel i historia

This study revolves around calculating the extent of appearance of both anonymously and named men and women as well as determining whether or not Yvonne Hirdman?s gender theory is applicable on two versions of a Swedish educational history textbook called Epos: historia: för gymnasieskolans kurs A (2008) and Epos [historia] 1b (2012), published for two different curriculum. Our qualitative investigation of two parts of the book?s content proves that the two principles of gender system are present in both books, although to a lesser extent in the latter version. Calculating the material, results have shown that anonymous men and women are almost equally presented in Epos 2012, which is not the case in the 2008 version.

Enhetschefers arbete inom äldreomsorgen

The aim of the study was to describe how managers at the eldercare system especially in nursing homes work to ensure high quality care. For this purpose, a qualitative method was used in this study and four managers at nursing home have been interviewed. Previous studies have shown that managers in some cases are restricted in their actions and that this may slow down the improvement of the care. At the same time the managers describe their work as demanding and diverse. They have a significant staff responsibility, meaning that they have to ensure the quality of care.

Kvinnlig chef på en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats ? En studie med genusperspektiv av folkbibliotek

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to see why there seem to be little interest in the management position at the public libraries. Since librarianship is a field that are proportionally dominated by women we chose to approach the study with a gender perspective. This study has excluded men and our main interest is the women?s point of view.

Organisering av ojämställdhet - En studie av kvinnors möjligheter att nå chefspositioner i Försvarsmaktens personalstab

This thesis aims to examine why women are prevented from attaining high positions in organizations. By executing a case study through qualitative interviews with employees from the Human Resource Department at the agency for Swedish Armed Forces, this study presents eight general and specific explanatory factors that hinder women from making a vertical career. The general factors include that women are discriminated against, women are perceived as less competent, men have created organizations and it is easier to recruit men. The specific factors include that a hierarchical organizational structure is correlated to inequality, that both the agency for Swedish Armed Forces and leadership are associated with masculinity and that women with civil competence face double misfortune. The division between general and specific factors indicate that the explanatory factors vary between organizations, which among other things implies that equality work should be tailored for the specific organization.

Skolan, en arbetsplats att trivas på! : en studie om framgångsrika skolledares syn på lärares psykiska hälsa

Aim and questionsThe aim of our study was to increase knowledge about successful school managers' views on teachers' mental health and their own work regarding this subject.In what ways do the school manager work preventive with measures on teachers' mental health? How does leadership affects teachers' mental health? What factors create mental health among teachers? MethodIn order to answer the questions, we have chosen to use semi-structured interviews. To get in touch with schools that have been successful with their work with the teacher's mental health, we have made a targeted step wise sample where we contacted the primary managers of six randomly selected municipalities in Stockholms län. In total six school managers have been interviewed. The empiric data were thematized and analyzed based on the demand-control-support model. ResultsAll the interviewed school managers agreed to that the concept of mental health is about feeling good, about balance in life and to feel safe.

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