

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 31 av 115

Abstrakt lagprövning : är det förbjudet enligt svensk rätt?

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Varför så få kvinnor? : En stuide om kvinnligt ledarskap inom svensk elitishockey

Under säsongen 2013/2014 arbetade fyra kvinnliga ledare på högsta position inom svensk elitishockey vilket motsvarade 15 procent. Riksidrottsförbundets jämställdhetsmål är att andelen representanter från vardera kön ska vara minst 40 procent. Varför innehar så få kvinnor ledande positioner inom svensk elitishockey?Frågan besvaras genom att intervjua de kvinnliga chefer som tagit sig in i organisationerna och därav få ökad förståelse för kvinnligt ledarskap i en mansdominerad bransch. Tidigare forskning visar på att kvinnor som försöker klättra i karriären möts av ett normativt motstånd vilket påvisas i teorierna om ?tokens? och glastaket.

Det finns olika sätt att vara kvinna eller man på : - en analys av tre ungdomsromaner av Katarina von Bredow

This study aimed to find out whether or not gender related theories regarding the division between men and women can be applied to three novels written by Katrina von Bredow, Syskonkärlek (1991), Som jag vill vara (2007) and Flyga högt (2011). The theories used in this research were Yvonne Hirdman?s theory and R.W Connell?s theory. Hirdman claims that there are differences between men and women at different levels in the society while Connell believes that this is a myth because, according to the writer, men and women are psychologically similar. The intent with this research was to provide a gender analysis of Bredows novels, because these novels have not been studied previously.

Grupprocesser ur ett genusperspektiv : En studie om polisstudenters uppfattning av mäns och kvinnors rolltagande och beteende i grupp

The purpose with this essay is to study police students perception of men?s and women?s role taking and behavior in a group. The question that is presented is if a group?s efficiency can depend on which gender the members of the group have. There are many theories about the concept male and female and the meaning of these words.

Gemensamt konstruktivt medarbetarskap : en plattform för framtiden

Syftet med studien var att kartlägga åsikter kring ett Gemensamt Konstruktivt Medarbetarskap (GKM) för att lägga grunden till en plattform att stå på inför kommande arbete kring medarbetarskap ute i organisationer. Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning med fallstudie som grundläggande design med en ansats av positiv psykologi, vilken genomfördes på en kemisk industri. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom fokusgruppsintervjuer där fyra-sex deltagare deltog/intervju. Vid intervjuerna diskuterades fyra fokusområden; gemensamt medarbetarskap, ledarskap, medledarskap och coaching. I studien har fem teman definierats vilka kan utgöra en plattform att stå på; ansvarstagande, förtroende, kommunikation, samarbete och engagemang.

Separator: Aktionsforskning i en dansproduktion där ledarskap undersöks samtidigt som en ny organisationsform introduceras

There is a common belief that the arts contain knowledge of creativity that can enrich the business world. Similarly, the arts are in need of additional support from the private sector and know-how of business practices. In short, there is a need for mutual understanding. With my background as a dancer paired with my studies at the Stockholm School of Economics I have taken the challenge of bringing the two worlds closer together. By changing a social system, like an organization, it is possible to get a better understanding of it.

Närliten blir stor : ett företag på väg ut på den globala marknaden

This is a study about a company in Norrköping, called Stadium AB, and its first steps into the global market. We have studied how the conditions of the company have changed during their expansion. This study is not written from the viewpoint of business economics, it is rather a study from a cultural and social studies perspective. The study deals with subjects such as the globalization of society, organizational theories and leadership. The empiric material consists of Stadium?s staff magazine Tracks, the company?s swedish homepage on the Internet and an interview with Sussi Calås-Jonsson, Chief of the Department of Information at Stadium AB.

Datorprogrammets gränssnitts skyddsomfång : en vidgning av upphovsrätten i ljuset av EU-rätten

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : en jämförande studie i tre oilka organisationer

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, SwedishAirports and Air Navigation Services), AstraZeneca and Svenska Spel. The purpose of the study was to examine and compare how these companies work towards becoming, and maintaining to be, an employer of choice. Facts were sought about the companies and their work to become an employer of choice.To get a discerning and profound picture, a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with twelve key persons in this work was conducted. The method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used for analysis.The results showed that an amount of factors have an input on how attractive the employer is. Common were compensation and benefits, competence development, leadership, information and health-related activities.

"Men det är klart att man vänjer sig" : En undersökning om kvinnoprästers upplevelser av diskriminering inom Svenska kyrkan

The purpose of this essay is to examine clergywomen?s experience of discrimination within the Swedish church as to clergywomen?s opinions about their work and their work situation and how they handle contingent discrimination. The method used in this essay is qualitative, and in order to create an understanding of the topic we have used semi structured interviews and text analysis. Three clergywomen have been interviewed and in addition to this we have studied four clergywomen's reports to JämO regarding gender discrimination. The analysis is based upon a social constructivist perspective and Hirdman's gender system theory.

Särskilt utsatt situation : om skyddet för den sexuella integriteten i våldtäktsparagrafens utnyttjandefall

This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.


Analysis of the piece Pygmalion in set at the Gothenburg City Theatrefrom a gender perspective with the purpose to investigate which genders that arepresented and how the piece relates to the heterosexual norm. The method consists inthe analysis and discussion of how the pieces portrays females and males (with focuson feminine and masculine coded expression and presentation of desire) and whatconsequences it brings. This based on various method books of norm-breaking designwork for Aesthetic staff, and a theory based on Judith Butler's research. Primarymaterial consists in a piece analysis of Pygmalion, from a spectator's perspective.Main Results: The designing is consciously working with a set of norm-breakinggender expression, particularly female genders. The set translates socially criticalviews against patriarchal hierarchies.

Fröken Sverige och Magister Tutnäsa : En studie om fyra lärare i barnlitteratur ur ett genusperspektiv

This study has been conducted as a literary analysis of four chapter books for children in the early years of compulsory school: Magister Tutnäsa, Vilken fullträff, Astrakan, Sune och tjejhatarligan, and Alva och Dum-Julia. The aim has been to analyse four teacher characters from a gender perspective. The study has focused on the teachers? personal characteristics and whether these are typically female or male. Another aim has been to study how the character reinforces or runs against stereotyped gender patterns.

Mäns upplevelser av att drabbas av bröstcancer : en litteraturstudie

Endast en procent av alla bröstcancerdrabbade per år är män. Det är ett område som är eftersatt i forskningen och dåligt uppmärksammat av både vården och samhället. Syftet med studien var att undersöka mäns upplevelser av att drabbas av bröstcancer. Den metod som användes var i form av en litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Urvalet bestod av sju vetenskapliga artiklar som fokuserade på mäns upplevelser av att leva med bröstcancer som sedan granskades utifrån Polit och Becks (2010) kriterier.

Mortalitet hos Newfoundland : med fokus på dilaterad kardiomyopati

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the second most common heart disease in dogs. Since the disease is seen more frequently in certain breeds, among them Newfoundland dogs, a genetic factor is suspected. This study was partly undertaken to investigate whether there is a significant sex predilection regarding DCM. Moreover, the difference in mean age of death between male dogs and females with DCM was investigated, as well as males and females dying from DCM compared to dying from other reasons (i.e. without DCM).

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