

422 Uppsatser om Machine milking - Sida 8 av 29

Tidsåtgång i mjölkproduktion under betessäsong : inflytande av besättningsstorlek, samt mekaniserings- och automatiseringsgrad

Time studies in dairy production are an essential tool when deciding about level of mechanisation and automatisation both in investment situation and improving efficiency in existing operations. In previous investigations such studies have been carried out during normal barn conditions during winter. Since there is a compulsory to have dairy cows grazing 3 to 5 months during summer time in Sweden time studies during this season is important to have a full picture of needed working time. During grazing season time studies was carried out at 14 dairy farms representing herd sizes from 66 to 450 dairy cows of which 6 farms with AMS. 8 farms were the same as studied during winter season.

Industrialisering av konsumentprodukt : Från inkommande material till färdigvarulager

This report examines the industrialization of a newly developed household machine on behalf of Technogarden Engineering Resources in Karlstad, Sweden. The report is a part of the final course in the Bachelor Program in Mechanical Engineering at Karlstad University and takes place in spring 2014.An innovator, an investor and a engineering consultant firm have through collaboration developed a new type of gruel machine. The product is in its final stage of construction and is planned to be manufactured in a production located in Sweden, autumn of 2014.To compete against today?s trend in outsourcing manufacturing to low cost countries for better profitability, the industrialization of the gruel machine must be done with a minimum amount of resources in order to become successful, which also describes the problem of this study. Using pre-study material in form of Lean production literature, visiting a successful production site and gathering data from involved engineers a specification was developed which describes what this industrialization must achieve and which requests can be accomplished.

GPS- & GIS-användning i drivningsprocessen hos Stora Enso SKog AB :

GPS (Global Positioning system) and GIS (Geographical information system) has been used for planning and inventory in the forest sector for more than ten years. The last years the development has come to equip harvesters and forwarders with GPS and GIS (GIT). The goal with this study was to reach a basis for decision, how Stora Enso Skog should continue its investment in GPS and GIS in harvesters and forwarders. To reach this basis for decision, possible advantages and benefits, disadvantages and problems in the harvesting process was evaluated. The study was made as an interview study with four harvesting managers and ten machine teams. To secure the quality of the results an interview questionnaire was made before the interviews were done. The results showed that GIT will make the harvesting managers work easier.

PixelCity Sharp-X : Jämförelser ur utvecklarperspektiv mellan C++ med OpenGL och C# med Direct3D

This essay serves to illustrate the main practical differences between the popular medium-level programming language C++ (C Plus Plus), and the newer high-level language C# (C Sharp). It will focus on the aspects that are readily apparent to the application programmer, such as differing syntax, constraints and capabilities.It will also feature a similar comparison between the open source OpenGL graphics library, and the proprietary Direct3D graphics library owned by Microsoft Corporation.It will not go into the differences in ?under the hood? mechanics that the application programmer seldom have to consider after having chosen his programming language or graphics API, such as C# being compiled into an intermediate language and is run on a virtual machine where C++ is compiled directly to machine code, or the differing principles of rendering in OpenGL and Direct3D.This is by no means comprehensive, many things have been left out or overlooked..

Byggkostnader inom mjölkproduktionen - jämförelse av olika stallstorlekar och byggnadstekniska utföranden

Investment costs for eight different type housing systems for dairy cows has been calculated in order to compare the building costs as a function of herd size, shelter type and automatization. A commercial calculation programme for building was used and complemented with prices of equipments specific for dairy cow building. Herd sizes were 120, 250 and 400 cows. The milking equipments were automatic milking system (AMS), parallel parlour with 32 stalls (2x16) and rotary parlour with 24 stalls. Shelter was either insulated equipped with automatic cable driven scrapers on solid alleys, automatic feed wagon on rails, or uninsulated with manual manure handling and a tractor driven mobile mixer wagon on a drive-through feeding table. Building cost per cow or per kg milk was calculated using an average life time and 6 % interest rate and annual milk yield is 9 500 kg/cow and year. Structure effect 3-4 % higher for an insulated structure than in an uninsulated for 400 and 120 herd respectively. This is much lower compared to what is normally argued.

Behaviour and throughput of dairy cows when entering and exiting two types of parallel rotaries

Today a trend can be seen towards fewer dairy farms and increasing number of cows per farm. Larger farms set a higher demand of more labour efficient milking systems. The time to enter and exit milking rotary platforms is crucial to maintain a high cow throughput. This study is a project initiated by DeLaval in order to evaluate the cow throughput and cow behaviour during entry and exit in two types of parallel external rotaries with different bail designs. The two rotaries compared were DeLaval parallel rotary PR2100 and PR3100HD.

Doseringsmaskin Preplant

This report presents a thesis project conducted by two students at Mälardalens högskola. The project covers 15 points in industrial design and was conducted during April to June 2014. The principal of the thesis works at Plastic Produkter. The assignment was to develop equipment for an effective way to dose, mix silicon, fill a special designed plastic bag and then seal it. The bag is then formed into a breast model.When a customer for various reasons decides to do a breast augmentation or a breast reconstruction, there may be doubt or uncertainty about the result.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation för övervakning och larmhantering

Netadmin Systems är ett Linköpingsbaserat IT-företag där huvudprodukten NETadmin är ett Operation support system/Business support system (OSS/BSS) som i huvudsak används i öppna nät för bl.a. kund- och lagerhantering, provisionering, övervakning och ärendehantering. Ett växande behov finns att göra det möjligt att använda övervakningssystemet via mobila enheter för att kunna felsöka och hantera driftstörningar effektivt.Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur övervakningssystemet kan göras tillgängligt på Android samt att ta fram en prototypapplikation för hantering av grundläggande övervakning. Genom fallstudien som har genomförts har slutsatsen dragits att Netadmin API är lämpligt för kommunikation via mobila enheter men att API behöver vidareutvecklas med ytterligarefunktioner. De viktigaste av dessa har implementerats och arbetet har även mynnat ut i en applikationsprototyp för Android.Genom utvecklingen av denna applikation ges Netadmins kunder möjlighet att hantera övervakningssystemet via mobila enheter..

Konstruktion av maskin för Tillverkning av sågblad

The saw blade producer, Håkansson Sågblad AB, patented in the U.S. a new blade profiledesigned specially to cut fish and meat. The most important advantage of that blade is that its teethare not set, therefore the material lost when cutting is really smaller. The special geometry of thatprofile made that nobody had found a proper way to produce it before.The goal of the outlined work is to develop a machine to produce these new blades in afeasible way.The research approach of the project can roughly be divided into three phases:1.- Invention and development of a proper distribution of blades to produce a big amount ofthem at the same time.2.- Research of the best production process to produce the blades.3.- Main design of the machine to produce the blades.In the Thesis these three points are carefully developed and studied in the form of the startpoint of a really bigger project. Some tests had been done in order to prove all the analytical ideasand the results obtained had been satisfactory enough to give Håkansson the start point of a bigbusiness.

Farmers´ decisions factors : a case study

This study examined the factors influencing dairy farmers´ decisions to invest in automated milking systems (AMS). The problem studied involves uncertainty, information and complexity for dairy farmers in specific decision contexts. The frame of reference in the thesis combines contingency theory and decision theory and is used in a qualitative analysis of a set interview with dairy farmers who have recently bought an AMS and salespersons from Delaval, one of the AMS suppliers.The aim of this study is to develop an understanding of the decision making processes of dairy farmers, and in particular to identify which types of factors influence the outcome of an investment decision in the technological development of a farm.The study uses Thompsons` (1967) theory about the structure that organizations develop to handle the input of information. Thus, interest is focused on how a farm business structure handles information in the AMS decision, investigating the differences in information with Delaval?s "feed first principle" system and Lely?s "free cow traffic" system.The results of the qualitative interviews with the dairy farmers who bought an AMS show that there are three important factors that influence the outcome: employees, suppliers and the owner.


In the current situation is the straight tube cutter, that provides Luvata?s line of large recoolers with copper tubes, manually operated. To prevent damages and facilitate mounting the tubes must be properly arranged when they leave the machine. This report aims to investigate and present an automated solution where the operator does not need to participate in the process. A number of theories have been drawn up and tests have been done.

Design av dörr till kaffeautomat : Designing a door to a coffee vending machine

This report was written as a result of a Bachelor Degree Project at the School of Technology and Society at University of Skövde spring 2007, together with Jede AB in Mariestad. The report covers the development of a door to a coffee vending machine that is under construction, and will in a chronological order describe the project from ideas to final product.The project started with a rather extensive feasibility study that thru market research and user tests sorted out the opinions of potential customers, concerning today?s available assortment. Technical areas concerning materials and manufacturing methods were also scrutinized for the consideration of the possibilities of a future production.The next step was to constructively generate ideas and thoughts that later on could grow to be potential solutions. After several weeks of hard work and pieces of good advice and recommendations from the assigner, four comprehensive concepts were built up.

Transportsfordon för rullstolsburna

A vehicle that carries a person sitting in a wheelchair has been rebuilt. The original vehicle was provided with a petrol engine, hydrostatic drive and a mechanical steering rod, making it noisy and hard to maneuver. The purpose with this project was to convert the vehicle to make it more environmental and easier to drive.A new design has been proposed where an electrical drive has replaced the noisy combustion engine and an electrical motor with joystick control has replaced the manual steering.The project was divided into two parts. One mechanical part where the construction of the drive and steering were to be decided. The other part involved programming the microprocessor and implementation of all the necessary electrical for the control system of the vehicle.

Identifiering av synkronmaskinsmodell genom SSFR-test

At the Division of Electricity at Uppsala University there is an experimental rig forhydroelectric generators. The experimental rig?s vital part is a 12-pole synchronousmachine, whose electrical characterizing parameters (resistances, inductances andtime constants) are unknown. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the machine inits current state by perform a Standstill Frequency Response (SSFR) test. From theanalysis of the measurement data, which is a part of the test, a set of basic parametershave been received.

Ledtidsreduktion vid ACG Nyström

A report has been made at a company in Borås at a company called ACG Nyström. Thecompany is today international and is marketing advanced equipment, systems and furthereducation to the manufacturing industry. A part of ACG Nyström?s production is a machinethey call Unimat. ACG Nyström doesn?t just stand for the actual production of the machine,but also for assembling and installation of the machine at the final customer.

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