

429 Uppsatser om MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database - Sida 26 av 29

Inkomstfördelning och ekonomisk utveckling -en studie av forna sovjetstater

The economic development and industrialization that has taken place in many parts of the world during the past century has brought about a huge increase in economic welfare. During this process, it has repeatedly been debated whether the gains from economic development are shared by everyone or just a few. In the field of economics, vast research has been conducted on this particular subject ever since the 1950?s. The most famous contribution might be said to be Simon Kuznets article, Growth and Income Inequality from 1955 and the ?inverted U?-hypothesis that was formulated on the basis of that article.

Ersättningen som övervakning eller rekrytering : En studie utifrån ägarstruktur i svenska börsbolag

Master Thesis in Business Administration, School of Business Administration, Linaeus University, Finance 4FE03E, Spring 2011Authors: Benni Hansson, Axel SandquistTutor: Christopher von KochExaminer: Sven-Olof CollinTitle: Compensation as a means of monitoring or recruiting ? a study on ownership structure in Swedish listed companies.Keywords: CEO compensation, compensation structure, ownership structure, ownership types, ownership concentration, agency theory, resource dependence theory, managerial theoryBackground: There has been extensive research on CEO compensation, however not a lot on Swedish listed firms. Many studies have an agency theoretical perception on CEO compensation. In accordance with this, compensation is used as a means to solve monitoring and incentives problems.Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the role of CEO compensation, by studying ownership structure.Method: To examine the role of CEO compensation we use a multi-theory approach, based on agency theory, resource dependence theory and managerial theory. The companies examined are Swedish listed firms the in years 2005 to 2009.

Sociala medier i offentlig sektor : En rättsdogmatisk uppsats om problematiken kring hur yttrandefriheten inskränker lojalitetsplikten inom den offentliga sektorn i samband med sociala medier.

Social media has recently expanded dramatically, as more people are using different media such as blogs, Facebook and Twitter, to express their opinions. This increases the possibilities to spread information and an unclear legal regulation in this area can create adverse consequences. Freedom of expression is a constitutional right, which forms an important cornerstone of a democratic society. Public employees? freedom of communication means that they can submit information to the media, without fear of reprisals from the authorities.

Effektivisering av produktionsflöde : Införande av ny teststrategi

Ericsson AB in Katrineholm is a part of the Section Business Unit Network in the Ericsson Group. The plant's main task is to produce printed circuit boards in small volumes with a high product mix and focus on delivery and cost effectiveness. At the factory they produce printed circuit boards in the Module department.The Module department has for a long time had a high output of non-approved circuit boards in their production. This has led to a growing stock of non-approved circuit boards on the company?s repair department.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how Ericsson in Katrineholm can increase the outflow of approved articles in their test process in the Module department.

Ger tillägg av ARB till redan pågående behandling med ACE-hämmare hos hjärtsviktspatienter bättre hälso- och kostnadseffekt?

Heart failure is a condition where the heart is incapable of providing adequate blood supply to different organs in the body. The underlying causes of heart failure is some kind of disorder in the heart function, and require careful diagnostics. The basic symptoms that arise from heart failure is difficulty in breathing, that aggravate when lying down, and fatigue. The patients? symptoms and impaired quality of life can be in different stages depending on the severity of the heart failure.

Hinder för kunskapsdelning : Att skapa förutsättningar för mer effektiv kunskapsdelning genom reducering av hinder

In today?s fast changing environment it is important for knowledge intense companies that want to stay competitive to actively work with their knowledge, knowledge sharing and Knowledge Management (KM). Barriers decrease the efficiency of how knowledge is created, stored and shared, and they are therefore important to reduce or preferably remove making the KM activities result in as much value for the organisation as possible. To achieve this, it is important that the KM activities become a natural part of the employees? daily work.

The use of artificial insemination in dairy farms in urban/peri-urban Kampala, Uganda : a study of knowledge, attitude and practices

Uganda is one country with fastest growing populations in the world and with more than 25% of the population living in poverty. There is a rapid rural urban migration with increasing demands for food for low income earners especially in these areas. One way to mitigate food insecurity is to increase milk and meat production efficiency, and thus reproductive performance of cows is crucial for good production. A well-documented strategy for improving dairy cow productivity through faster genetic improvement is to breed dairy cows using proven semen via artificial insemination (AI). AI has been used in Uganda for over 60 years but only less than 10 %, a small population of the country?s herd has been bred that way. The aims were to study knowledge, attitude and practices factors influencing cow fertility results on dairy farms around Kampala using AI and to propose ways of promoting increased use of AI in Uganda.

Det iscensatta könet. Kommunikationens betydelse för upprätthållandet av genusordingen inom hälso- och sjukvård.

Fokus på genus och vilken betydelse det har i olika sammanhang har fått allt störreuppmärksamhet i samhället. Syftet var att beskriva den rådande genusordningen inom hälsoochsjukvård, samt huruvida kommunikation inverkade på skapandet och upprätthållandet avden. Omvårdnadsforskningen har hittills inte undersökt relationen mellan kommunikation ochden rådande genusordningen inom hälso- och sjukvård i någon större utsträckning. Det finnsändock klara indikationer på att denna rådande genusordning är viktig att ha i åtanke. Dågenusordningen är en maktordning som genomsyrar alla andra maktordningar bidrar denmanliga normen inom hälso- och sjukvård till en ojämnställd vård.

Hur effektivt är finasteridbehandling mot ärftligt manligt håravfall?

The most common form of hair loss in young and old people is androgenic alopecia. Hereditary hair loss affects both men and women. Hereditary hair loss in some women begins at the age of 30, but as a rule hair loss begins in post-menopausal women. In women the hair thins out in an oval portion of the front part of the scalp. In men, hair loss can start as early as at the age of 20.

Beslutsunderlag för energianpassade gallringar i Västerbotten

The demand for renewable energy is increasing in Sweden. This consequently increases the pressure for and willingness to pay for forest fuels. One method to extract forest fuel from suitable commercial thinnings is the "long top method? (LT-method). With this method saw logs and non-delimbed tops are recovered, i.e.

Svinnoptimering VTIS1

The goals of this Bachelors? Thesis were to establish the production loss through the VTIS1 Pasteur at Arla Foods Linköping dairy and then suggest simple but effective solutions to minimize the losses for each production run. If the timeframe allowed it, some of the solutions would be implemented and tested in full production to determine their impact on economic and environmental savings.The very first step of this project was to establish the statistics over what losses there is in the production pipeline through VTIS1, from milk and powders in mixer tanks to finished and packed products in cold storage. Then, when knowing how much product was actually lost and where, those bottlenecks could be pinpointed and examined more closely. At this stage the focus was switched, from the otherwise complicated and broad manufacturing process, to the VTIS1-aggregate, since early data indicated there were quite substantial losses there.In conjunction with this project Arla Foods purchased an absorption photometer-measuring device (OPTEK AS16) that could be inserted straight into the product stream out of VTIS1, allowing real time measurements of its optical density.

Mer pengar, bättre filmer? : En studie av den svenska filmreformen

SammanfattningAtt investera i långfilmprojekt är riskfyllt. Därför är det mycket sällsynt att en långfilm i Sverige produceras utan ekonomiskt stöd från det Svenska Filminstitutet, SFI. Branschen har hamnat i en beroendeställning vilket gjort att makten koncentrerats hos Institutet. För att höja totala publiktillströmningen och filmkvalitén bestämde SFI år 2006 att öka storleken på stöden, men att detta skulle ske på bekostnad av ett mindre antal produktioner. Utvecklingen innebär att färre bolag i framtiden kommer ha en ekonomisk möjlighet att producera långfilm, att färre anställda behövs och att filmernas mångfald försämras - alla dessa är händelseförlopp som SFI en gång grundades för att motverka.

Publiceringsmönster inom humaniora och bibliometriska indikatorer för resursfördelning : Historisk-filosofiska fakulteten, Uppsala universitet

The scope of this master thesis is the scientific publishing at Uppsala University's Faculty of Arts. The aim of the thesis is to investigate publication patterns and publishing strategies. To investigate how the publication patterns of the faculty is structured and what priorities and considerations the researchers have regarding scientific publishing. Furthermore, the aim is to compare these publishing strategies and publication patterns to incentives and selection principles of the bibliometric indicators in the performance based research funding systems on the national and local scale.The thesis is based on the theories of disciplinary differences developed by Richard Whitley and Tony Becher and Paul R. Trowler. These theories suggest a framework based on organizational and sociological perspectives, that offers ways to explain differences in publication patterns between different scientific fields.The study is based on two empirical studies of the faculty.

Vaccination mot Humant Papillomvirus - vem bör vaccineras?

Background: Infection with Human Papillomavirus, HPV, is one of the world's most common sexual transmitted infections. The virus causes genital warts (condyloma) but certain virus types can cause cancer. The most common cancer type caused by the virus is cancer of the cervix. Nowadays there is a screening program for women between 23 and 60 years of age where Pap smears of the cervix is taken to discover abnormalities at an early stage. Cervical cancer is very common all over the world and this screening program saves many lives, but not in the less developed countries since the screening program is too expensive.

Green Building : Ett företags energieffektiviseringsarbete i ett byggprojekt samt de krav som ställs för att få byggnaden Green Building klassad.

The examination has been performed at Bjerking AB, which is an architectural and engineering company. Bjerking AB has the ambition to be a member of Green Building.The Green Building program developed in year 2005 by The European Commission, the program is an environmental system with the aim to improving energy efficiency within the sectors of non-residential buildings. The minimum requirements to participate the program are following: in new-built buildings the calculated energy consumption must be 25 % lower than the requirements in the BBR (Building regulations) and in refurbishment the reduction must be 25 % lower than before the optimization.The aim of this study has been to examine and review the company Bjerking AB's energy efficiency work in the project of building the school/kindergarten S:ta Maria Alsike, where the goal is to get this building Green Building classed. A description of requirements to become a member of the Green Building has also accomplished in the thesis.The methods performed in this study are literature review, searches on the Internet, studies on the project database for facts/values, calculation of energy consumption and interviews of members of the Green Building. The following issues have been dealt with in the report;-          Did the building in the project manage the requirement to achieve an   energy consumption that is 25% lower than the requirements in BBR?-          What technical measures/system was selected in the building?-          What kind of cooperation was the project based on?-          What is required for consultancy companies and real estate owners to become members of the Green Building?The study of the project and calculation of estimated energy consumption in the building, give the result 47 kWh/m2, year.

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