

429 Uppsatser om MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database - Sida 15 av 29

Miljö eller avkastning? : en investeringsjämförelse mellan gammal och ny energi

The purpose with this study is to investigate funds that are environmentally friendly. Environment issues has become a large subject that affects all aspects in today?s society.  It is a global issue which has affected the awareness of environmentally friendly products and its benefits for the environment.How has this awareness affected the financial market?  In this study the authors have looked at six environmentally sound funds and six energy funds to answer the question if it´s better to have your money in traditional energy or in renewable energy.This study is made in an quantitative way, the data has been gathered from the internet database Morningstar. The energy funds have had its biggest assets in companies dealing with oil, and the environmentally sound funds have had its biggest assets in renewable energy. Bye looking at the different funds rate of return and relating that to risk managing theories of Sharpe and Treynor, the authors compared the two types of funds.During the period that was looked at during this study ( third quarter of 2007 until third quarter 2010) the energy funds outperformed the environmentally sound funds in every aspect. .

Omvårdnadsåtgärder vid Nutritionsproblem hos patienter med huvud- och halscancer : En litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to review scientific articles to evaluate which nursing treatment are in use to ease problems such as dysphagia, mucositis and xerostomia and its efficiency. The method was a literature review in which the scientific articles where found in the database PubMed. A total of sixteen articles where included, these articles where analyzed based on their quality and contents. The result showed that electrical stimulation and rehabilitation was used against dysphagia, they both had a doubtful effect. Mouth washes was commonly used to reduce mucositis; triclosan mouthwash, benzydamine mouthwash, sacralfate mouth wash, povidone-iodine and salt-sodium mouthwash showed effect.

Hyresbostadsfonder - ett placeringsalternativ för välbärgade?

Hyresbostadsfonder är en ny placeringsform i Sverige som erbjuder privatpersoner, företag och institutioner att äga hyresfastigheter och erhålla avkastning från förvaltningsöverskott och värdeökning. I denna studie jämförs aktie- och obligationsfonder med en simulerad hyresbostadsfond ur ett risk kontra avkastningsperspektiv. Fonden baseras på data över den svenska fastighetsmarknaden från Svenskt Fastighetsindex och Investment Property Database, därför att placeringsformen är ny och det råder brist på historisk data från verkliga aktörer.Målet med studien är att besvara om hyresbostadsfonder är ett konkurrenskraftigt alternativ till aktie- och obligationsfonder. Utöver finansiella jämförelser redogör författarna eventuella dolda risker och nackdelar med placeringsformen.Resultatet från studien visar att hyresbostadsfonden har presterat bättre än både aktie- och obligationsfonderna under perioden 1988-2008. Bidragande faktorer till denna utveckling har identifierats och redovisats.

Migration av Excelbaserat system till webbsystem : Implementation av ett planeringsverktyg inom telekom

Syftet med examensarbetet är att redogöra för hur ett system baserat påExcel kan migreras till en webb- och databasplattform. Initiativtagare tillarbetet är en avdelning vid Ericsson AB i Linköping. Avdelningen använderExcel till datalagring och presentation av testmiljöbeskrivningar ochönskade migrera detta Excelbaserade system till ett webbaserat dito. Någraav de problem som uppkommer vid migration är: nya säkerhetsrisker; hurdata ska ordnas i databasen för att uppnå sökbarhet och versionshanteringsamt hur presentation av data ska styras.För att svara på dessa frågor har vi utfört en förstudie och enimplementation av systemet Node Network Plan Database (NNP DB),vilket ämnar ersätta det Excelbaserade systemet. Rapporten beskriver hur:säkerhetsrisker har minimerats genom att införa lämpliga skydd; databasenhar designats för att uppnå sökbarhet och versionshantering; presentation avdata kan styras.NNP DB visar sig vara effektivare, ur ett tidsperspektiv, än detExcelbaserade systemet.

Elektroniskt tillgängliggörande : En komparativ utvärdering av Google scholar och Summon

Electronic availability of information resources has increasingly become an important part of academic libraries everyday vocation. This is a fact that puts impetus on the libraries to know more about the way in which electronic information is being dispersed and handled. This thesis aims to comparatively evaluate Uppsala university library´s own metadata system Summon with the publicly available equivalent Google scholar. The evaluation is based on Péter Jacsó´s theories on database evaluation which concretely puts focus on Summon and Google scholar via the use and application of ten different criteria. The uses of precision and relevance criteria were also implemented as additional evaluation tools.

Undervisningsbehov vid ischemisk hjärtsjukdom - en litteraturstudie om patientens uppfattning

The aim of this study was to determine the self-perceived learning needs in patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). CHD is the leading cause of death worldwide. Poor compliance is one of the causes of rehospitalisation. Patients suffering from CHD need education in order to manage their disease and prevent readmission to hospital. As hospital stays diminish the time available for patient education is limited.

SafeTool : Implementering av RFID-teknologi i maskiner för byggbranschen

Every year more than 6000 thefts, to a value of 1.5 billion SEK, are reportedwithin the Swedish building trade. Plus all the indirect costs of having theconstruction site standing still.SafeTool is a newly started company that will try to prevent this problem witha modern technology solution.The key to SafeTool?s solution is RFID ? Radio Frequency Identification ? andthe solution looks like this;All tools are stored in a container on the construction site. Every tool isequipped with a RFID-tag that uniquely identifies the tool. With antennas in thecontainer it is possible to detect when a tool is leaving the container and whenit comes back.

Katana databas 1.0

The task to this thesis has been to create an application, Katana-databas 1.0, for analysing c-code. The generated output gets stored in a data structure which content in the end of the program run gets written in a textfile which gets used by Katana. It's a tool for reverse engineering, developed by Johan Kraft at Mälardalens institute.Katana-databas has got the following limitations. (1) It can only handle preprocessed files, meaning it doesn't contain any rows beginning with "#". (2) Only complete files can be handled.

Inventering av processvattenbalans : fastställande av fjärrvärmedistributionens läckage inom Vattenfall Värme Uppsala AB

Heat is distributed to the district heating customers through pipes with water as a heat carrier. The district heating system is complex. To decide what is leakages from the district heating net versus what is the water consumption of the plant, is difficult. Therefore, the purpose of this master thesis is to establish a model where the district heating net?s leakages but also the water consumption of the plant can be followed daily. The project is performed at Vattenfall´s district heating power plant in Uppsala. Information is gathered through discussions, drawings of the plant and guided tours of the plant.

Medierepresentationen av världens länder : Strukturer i fyra svenska nyhetstidningar

This essay casts light on the quantitative aspect of the media representation of foreign news. The purpose of the essay is not only to describe the media representation of the countries of the world, but also to explain the representation out of structures that are mirrored by the mass media. Four hypotheses are stated that are operationalized in the research. These are treating four different factors that are believed to affect the representation, economy, geographical distance, cultural distance and the size of the population. A fifth hypothesis is stating that economy is the most influential of the factors.

Sårbarheter i routrar och switchar

Det finns många olika källor där man kan få information om sårbarheter i routrar och switchar. Mängden information gör det dock svårt att på ett enkelt sätt ta reda på vilka tillverkare som drabbas och vilken typ av sårbarheter man hittar i nätverksutrustning. Därmed är det också svårt att veta hur man ska skydda sin utrustning mot attacker.I detta examensarbete analyseras ett antal befintliga sårbarheter i routrar och switchar. Dessa sårbarheter har valts ut genom att i National Vulnerability Database söka på orden ?router? och ?switch?.

WEB SERVICES FÖR MOBILAPPLIKATIONER : Utveckling av säkra RESTful web services för mobilapplikationer

This report describes the development of a RESTful web service for mobile applications. The web service makes resources from an existing system called kompetensdatabasen ("the competence database") available. Kompetensdatabasen holds information about the capabilities of consultants and about assignments carried out at the IT consultant business Nethouse AB.The web service was developed according to the principles of REST and ROA (Resource Oriented Architecture) which puts focus on making resources available. The resources are made available through the HTTP protocol and the methods associated with it. This means it was designed to use the same technologies as the world wide web.

Standardisering och kalkylering av maskinhallar

This thesis has been carried out onbehalf of Lindborg & Sons in Örsundsbroand is a concluding part of the Bachelorof Science program in ConstructionEngineering at Uppsala University. Theaim of the project is to make a plea fora database of good examples of themachine room types using Revit drawingprogram, and work out a correspondingworksheet .At the start of the process it becameapparent that there were somedifficulties in using Revit to creatingmachine room types of the variety whichthe company builds. For modelling ofoblique, curved and irregular lines, Ihad to use my AutoCAD Architecture andthen import them into Revit.The creation of calculus in Excel wastime consuming. On the other hand, it isa one-time work to create the template.The advantage of Excel is that there isno need for a re-calculation at the costof various types of machine hall. Allthat is needed is to replace the variousparameters.

Säsongsrörelser i Bristols slavhandel, 1698-1776.

This master's essay is about seasonality in Bristols slave trade until the American Revolution 1776. The essay uses the Voyages database as the primary material. The essay's method is to study monthly distribution at different points of the slave trade ? the departure from Bristol and the arrival at the American destination. The seasonality of slave purchases in Africa is primarly studied through the monthly distribution of departures from Bristol for a specific region in Africa.

Svansbitning hos gris relaterat till individuell tillväxt och ras :

The purpose with this study was to find out if tailbiting pigs have a higher or lower daily weight gain than non-tailbiting pigs in the same pen before tailbitingbehaviour occur. The purpose was also to compare the occurrence of tailbiting between different breeds (Swedish Landrace, Yorkshire and Hampshire). Tailbiting among pigs has been a problem for pigfarmers a long time. Tailbiting means reduced animal welfare for the pig and economical loss for the farmer. The results of this study are based on statistical analyses.

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