

102 Uppsatser om Mölndals stadsbibliotek - Sida 4 av 7

Marknadsföring och kundupplevd kvalitet - En fallstudie pÄ Kalmar och TrollhÀttans Stadsbibliotek

In this thesis the marketing strategies of two public libraries have been explored and studied.The public library of Kalmar participates in the project GÖK which partly is a marketing project. The public library of Kalmar thereby differs from the public library of TrollhĂ€ttan which is not involved in the project.The main aim of this thesis was to focus on their marketing strategies and see if there were any differences. The thesis was also concerned with the customers and their experiences of the quality of the services offered by the public libraries of Kalmar and TrollhĂ€ttan, including the customers' perceptions of the operative marketing, and finally if there was a connection between marketing and customer-centered quality. Qualitative methods as well as quantitative methods were used for the collection of information .The preliminary assumption that Kalmar had a more explicit marketing strategy has been confirmed in the study. However, the customers at the public library of TrollhĂ€ttan were more satisfied with the total quality of the services offered.

Förflutenhetens landskap : synen pÄ det fotografiska kulturarvet

I va?rt samha?lle har bilden fa?tt en allt sto?rre betydelse fo?r att fo?rse oss med information om va?r omva?rld och det fo?rflutna. I ett modernt samha?lle utgo?r bilder fra?n kameror va?r huvudsakliga ka?lla till verkligheten som vi inte har direkt erfarenhet av. Genom de bilder som finns samlade runtom pa? va?ra museer skapar vi en fo?resta?llning om hur va?rlden sa?g ut fo?rr.

Hur fungerar kompetensutvecklingen bibliotekarier? En undersökning av hur bibliotekarier pÄ ett stadsbibliotek med filialer och pÄ ett högskolebibliotek ser pÄ utveckling och fortbildning i sin nuvarande och framtida profession och hur utbudet av utbildni

Jeanine Basingers bok The World War II Combat Film presenterar en annars vÀldigt oupmÀrksammad genre, den amerikanska Andra VÀrldskrigs-stridsfilmen. UtifrÄn den mall som Basinger beskriver i boken har jag hÀr diskuterat och analyserat hur Saving Private Ryan hÄller sig till mallen som skapats av tidigare stridsfilmer. Mallen bestÄr i korthet av en mÀngd element som anvÀnds genomgÄende i genren; sÄsom gruppen, hjÀlten, mÄlet och fienden. Dessa element förekommer frÄn den första andra vÀrldskrigs-stridsfilmen Bataan frÄn 1943 och har konsoliderats och utvecklats sedan dess. Slutsatsen blir att Àven om SPR blivit kÀnd som en nydanande och orginell film sÄ Àr hÄller den sig nÀstan slaviskt till mallen, det enda som möjligt kan skilja den lite frÄn andra filmer i genren Àr det ursprungliga mÄlet, det Àr inte vanligt att ha ett sÄpass politiskt inkorrekt mÄl som att rÀdda en enda man..

Folkbibliotekens oberoende? ? En ideologianalys om politisk ideologisk pÄverkan pÄ folkbiblioteken

The subject this thesis will investigate concerns the matter of how political ideologies exist within public libraries with a focus on the democratic ideal. Public libraries are part of the political system and we want to show how political ideologies take their shape in public libraries and the possible consequences of this. With the help of three major political ideologies, liberalism, conservatism and socialism we investigate how the democratic ideals of these ideologies are expressed in documents that describes activities the libraries will and have performed. In order to identify these ideologies we use discourses in cultural policy as a bridge between the investigated documents and the political ideologies. As an analytical tool we have developed a model that describes the relation between text, discourse and ideology which we use in our analysis.

Servicekvalitet pÄ Göteborgs stadsbibliotek utifrÄn dyslektikers perspektiv

The aim of this paper is to examine how dyslectic adults define the service quality at the public library of Gothenburg. The purpose is also to investigate what level of service quality the library provides and which responsibilities the library has towards the dyslectics. Answers are sought to the following questions: - How do dyslectics perceive the service quality at the public library of Gothenburg and is that service quality satisfactory? - What responsibilities does the public library of Gothenburg have towards the dyslectics according to cultural policy documents? In this paper six persons have been interviewed. Of these, four are adult dyslectics, one works with people with special demands and the last one is the chief librarian.

Kommer boken? : uppsökande verksamhet för funktionshindrade pÄ Uddevalla stadsbibliotek ? en organisationsstudie

The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate the quality of the library service at the City Library of Uddevalla. In particular this thesis will examine the quality of the library service to people who are disabled. This applies particularly to the service to people with reduced ability to move or to see, which also includes people with infirmities due to old age. We also have investigated how well the library itself is adapted to the disabled. In order to get more information about the library service to people who are disabled, we have studied literature on this subject and the Master Thesis contains a summary of those documents.

Ta plats : Tillbyggnad av Göteborgs stadsbibliotek

Uppsatsen beskriver arbetet och undersökning för hur deduplicering i filsystemet ZFS pÄverkar effektförbrukningen. En större mÀngd redundant data förekommer i centraliserade lagringssystem som förser virtualiserade servrar med lagringsutrymme. Deduplicering kan för den typen av lagringsmiljö eliminera redundant data och ger en stor besparing av lagringsutrymme. FrÄgan som undersökningen avsÄg att besvara var hur ett lagringssystem pÄverkas av det extra arbete som det innebÀr att deduplicera data i realtid.Metoden för att undersöka problemet var att utföra fem experiment med olika typer av scenarion. Varje scenario innebar att filer kopierades till ett lagringssystem med eller utan deduplicering för att senare kunna analysera skillnaden.

Alternativ hylluppstÀllning: en undersökning av hylluppstÀllning och biblioteksmiljö pÄ VÀsterviks stadsbibliotek.

The purpose of this Masters thesis has been to study the changes made in shelf arrangement and library environment in a Swedish public library. The aim was to examine the reasoning done by the library staff regarding classification, the Swedish classification system SAB and changes in library environment. The basis of our study were three questions: 1. Why has VĂ€stervik public library made changes in the shelf arrangement? 2.

VÀsterviks stadsbiblioteks utveckling och dess föregÄngare 1859-1945

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to describe and analyse the origin and development of the municipal library of VĂ€stervik. There have been four previous libraries and our examination starts in 1859 with the foundation of a parish library. The other forerunners were a working-class movement library and two libraries in the International Orders of Good Templars. Before the merger of the libraries there were discussions in the municipal council, among the working-class movement and in the IOGT.

Sekvenskonst eller skrÀp? Bibliotekariers instÀllning till tecknade serier för vuxna pÄ Malmös och Lunds stadsbibliotek.

The purpose of the following thesis has been to study librarians' attitudes towards comics for grown up people. I have compared the attitudes among the staff in two public libraries in Sweden, Malmö public library and Lund public library. I have conducted five interviews with librarians and observed how the comics are handled in each library. I have also carried out a literary study of the history and theories of comics. Initially a definition of comics is presented, and then an overview of the development of comics and of some theories regarding them is offered.

Vem hittar hylla Hcf.03? En studie av en alternativ hylluppstÀllning pÄ en barnavdelning

The objective of this Bachelor?s thesis is to investigate how the public library in LuleÄ has set about implementing an alternative classification system for its children's books section and to explore why this was done. We wanted to investigate both how they have adapted the new system to the children's own way of seeking information and the library personnel's experience of using the new shelving system. We have done seven interviews to answer these questions and our choice of literature is intended to put the process of change into a wider context. The answers show that the library was dissatisfied with the former system and have instead expressed a desire to shift the focus of their classification system to their users.

Karlskrona stadsbibliotek 1906-1959 ? En bit av ett biblioteks historia

This master?s thesis will try to describe the beginning and development towards a modern public library of the town library in Karlskrona between 1906 and 1959. The specific years refers to the year the library was established and the year it moved to the new library building in the centre of Karlskrona. The aim of the thesis has been to do this historical description and to look at the course from the perspective of the national policies and development for the Swedish modern public library. The thesis is based mainly on reports of the proceedings of the public library and other biographical documents and literature, which has been found in two local archives.

Skydda, stÀrka och frÀmja : UmeÄ stadsbiblioteks arbete med det samiska sprÄketefter minoritetsreformen

Detta arbete undersöker hur den sÄ kallade minoritetsreformen, som kom 2010, har pÄverkat arbetet med material pÄ samiska pÄ UmeÄ stadsbibliotek. För att ta reda pÄ detta har vi anvÀnt oss av kvalitativa intervjuer med bibliotekarier pÄ stadsbiblioteket och Samernas bibliotek samt en representant för UmeÄ kultur. Intervjuerna visade pÄ ett antal utmaningar och svÄrigheter i detta arbete, framförallt knutet till bestÄndsutveckling och förvÀrv samt synliggörandet av den samiska litteraturen. Analysen förhÄller sig till och bygger vidare pÄ tidigare studier som berör de svenska bibliotekens arbete med de nationella minoriteterna och minoritetssprÄken. Det som framförallt framgÄr i sÄvÀl intervjuerna som kÀllmaterialet Àr ett tydligt behov av utrymme och resurser för arbetet samt material som tilltalar de tÀnkta anvÀndarna.

Genusanalys i barnböcker : En idealtypsanalys av genusnormativa egenskapar i den mest utlÄnade barnlitteraturen pÄ GÀvle stadsbibliotek under Är 2010

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers practice Arne Tragetons theory of using computers as the first writing instrument in reading and writing development. We wanted to clarify how the work from using Tragetons theory was applied while investigating if and how other methods of reading and writing instruction were used. Our interest lays in how the teachers accomplished the knowledge of this theory and also how the choice of this approach came about. To investigate this we used interviews with a qualitative nature, where seven active teachers were interviewed. They worked in three different schools in years one to three, they were all women and had various long experiences of work on the computer writing tools.

Undervisningsmetoden Flippat Klassrum : En litteraturstudie av argument för och emot anvÀndandet av Flippat Klassrum.

Den nya undervisningsmetoden Flippat Klassrum Àr ett alternativ till den traditionella undervisningsmetod som för nÀrvarande dominerar matematikundervisningen. I Flippat Klassrum ser eleverna pÄ en förberedd förelÀsning online redan innan de kommer till lektionen sÄ att arbetet dÀr gÄr direkt pÄ förstÄelse av det förelÀsta, sakdiskussioner och hjÀlp med problemlösning.Syftet med litteraturstudien Àr att undersöka huruvida den alternativa undervisningsmetoden Flippat Klassrum kan förbÀttra den svenska gymnasieskolans matematikundervisning. De tvÄ frÄgestÀllningar som lades till grund för studien Àr: 1. Vilka argument finns för och emot att anvÀnda undervisningsmetoden Flippat Klassrum i matematikundervisning? 2.

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