

23 Uppsatser om Luther - Sida 1 av 2

Inkarnationens hur Kristologi och eukaristi hos Kyrillos av Alexandria och Martin Luther

In this essay, I have examined and discussed the similarities and differences between christology in the thought of Cyril of Alexandria and Martin Luther, and further, to what extent Luther may have been influenced by Cyril in his doctrines of christology and Christ?s presence in the Eucharist. By reading texts written by Cyril as well as by Luther, I have tried to describe the position of each of the theologian?s. In the next step, I compared the thoughts of Cyril and Luther, and tried to show on both similarities and differences.

Begravningen och Luther ? en studie av Luthers spår i Svenska kyrkans begravningsritualer

This study is a reception analysis regarding the theology of Martin Luther, specifically in the areas of eschatology and anthropology, in to the funeral practices of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan).The main theme in the anthropology of Martin Luther is that of the freedom of all men and women. The price that we have to ?pay? for this freedom is that we need to act as humble servants to all other persons.The eschatological view of Martin Luther tells us that the only condition we need to fulfill in order to be admitted into God?s kingdom is faith alone.The Church of Sweden and their views on anthropology and eschatology are inspired by the writings of Martin Luther as it proclaims itself to be of evangelical Lutheran denomination, but it has incorporated other views as well over time.The conclusions of the study is that the principals guiding funeral practices, including eulogies held by priests during the funeral services, are in fact influenced by the anthropological and eschatological views of Martin Luther, and the study concludes that the theology of Martin Luther is a very good stand point for the Church of Sweden to stay relevant in today?s society..

Från Satyagraha till Non-Violence : Martin Luther King jrs. inflytande på den amerikanska medborgarrättsrörelsen och dess användande av icke-våldsfilosofier

?I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.? Martin Luther Kings jrs. starka stämma ekade ut ur högtalarsystemet och de 250 000 medborgarrättsaktivisterna som var samlade vid George Washington monumentet i USA:s huvudstad  instämde i ett jublande bifall. Året var 1963 och Martin Luther King jr., hade i nio år varit känd som den amerikanska medborgarrättsrörelsens främste talesman, när han i sitt tal till det amerikanska folket yttrade sin vision för det amerikanska samhällets framtid.     Denna uppsats beskriver det afro-amerikanskafolkets historia, från slaveriets bojor i de Nordamerikanska kolonierna i slutet av 1600-talet, till kampen för fullständiga medborgerliga rättigheter i 1950- och 60-talets USA.

Tron är aldrig allena ? en undersökning av Kristusföreningsmotivet i den finska Lutherforskningen, med en följande diskussion utifrån deras kritik av modern protestantisk teologi

In this essay I present an outline and examination of the Finnish Luther research, withan aim to learn more about some different aspects of Luther?s teaching on justificationas sanctification, and sanctification as the growth of the new man. I will also draw myattention to the formal language of metaphysics, as it is continuously employed by Luther to depict the issues and the content of his reformation theology. Apart from the program of research in Helsinki, I have turned to the writings of Luther himself; and I have as well tried to engage in a broader survey of Luther-scholars, some of which seem to, or in fact, support the Finnish interpretation, others which raise a critical stance towards it. The later portion of the essay picks up on the Finnish critique of dominant 19th and 20th century German Lutheran theologians, such as Albrecht Ritschl and Gerhard Ebeling.

En trumslagare för freden! : En kritisk granskning av Martin Luther King Jr:s ickevåldsideologi

Den här uppsatsen är en kritisk analys av King och hans ickevåldsideologi. Uppsatsens syfte och avgränsning är att granska och redogöra för den ideologi som King genom sina tal, predikningar och övriga skrifter redogjorde för. Metoden jag använt mig av är att systematisera Kings ideologi för att därefter analysera den. Efter en kritisk granskning av Kings ickevåldsideologi står det klart att den är koherent, men att hans argumentation emellanåt är bristfällig. I synnerhet brister King vid en rimlighetsprövning.

Anden nu och då : En jämförande studie av pneumatologin i Kyrkans Tidnings Eftertanke och pneumatologin i Luthers lilla katekes och Luthers stora katekes

The purpose of this essay is to analyse and compare pneumatology in Eftertanke in Kyrkans Tidning, in a Swedish evangelical Lutheran context, with pneumatology in Luthers Small Catechism and Luther's Large Catechism. Through a descriptive, inductive and hermenutical approach the essay intends to answer two main questions regarding how these sources 1) describe the character features and 2) the function of the Spirit. The conclusions of this essay show that the character features of the Spirit in Eftertanke differ from the catechisms in describing the Spirit with words connected to nature and life, while the catechisms only describe the Spirit as holy. The discussion that follows implies that the Spirit in the catechisms is depicted as more personal whereas Eftertanke depicts the Spirit more as an impersonal force. There are similarities in how both the catechisms and Eftertanke depict a dialectic relationship between human beings and the Spirit. However, they differ in function: in Eftertanke the Spirit is foremost a giver of life and a creator of positive emotions as well as a giver of guidance, while in the catechisms the Spirit is foremost a sanctifier.

Actio, pronuntiatio, starkt etos och pistis : en studie av Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy och Bill Clinton

How a speaker can use their posture, gesture, facial expression and voice to create a strong ethos, pistis and sense of trustworthiness is, in this paper, associated with charisma (the power of leadership or authority).Verbal and nonverbal expressions from three particular speeches by Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy and Bill Clinton have been analyzed in depth. The results show that patos as well as strong nonverbal expression are factors in inspiring devotion or creating enthusiasm. Personal magnetism and radiance is also found to develop through figures of speech and rhetorical devices, including metaphors. Results show that facial expressions, pitch and other prosodic information are not always consciously taken in. Nevertheless, it is questioned whether such information can affect the ethos and pistis developed.

Petrus ? sveket och upprättelsen

Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and other philosophers. According to Whiteheads religious philosophy Hartshorne claimed that there is a dualistic transcendence within the Godhead. A dualistic transcendence where one unity/transcendence of God is abstract, outside the creation and time and therefore is eternal. The other unity (or transcendence) is inside time and creation and closely in process to it .

Gudsbilder i svenska visor Fröding/Karlfeldt/Vreeswijk

Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and other philosophers. According to Whiteheads religious philosophy Hartshorne claimed that there is a dualistic transcendence within the Godhead. A dualistic transcendence where one unity/transcendence of God is abstract, outside the creation and time and therefore is eternal. The other unity (or transcendence) is inside time and creation and closely in process to it .

Vi tror på Gud Fader allsmäktig. En studie av Charles Hartshornes processteologi i jämförelse med luthersk teologi

Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) was a religious philosopher. He adopted and developed the cosmologic thinking and concept of God from the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, he was also influenced by Heidegger, Spinoza and other philosophers. According to Whiteheads religious philosophy Hartshorne claimed that there is a dualistic transcendence within the Godhead. A dualistic transcendence where one unity/transcendence of God is abstract, outside the creation and time and therefore is eternal. The other unity (or transcendence) is inside time and creation and closely in process to it .

Klingner för Masthugget Folkkyrkotankens roll för utvecklingen i Masthugget under 1904?1936

The early 20th century saw the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan) come under threat from the modernization of the Swedish society. As a reaction to this and a way to secure the survival of the church a number theologians came up with a theological framework for the folk church (folkkyrkotanken).The parish of Masthugget was one of the poorest in the entire diocese of Gothenburg in the beginning of the 20th century. This is where Gottfrid Klingner came to serve first as a pastor and later as the vicar for more than 30 years. In which way did his view on the church affect life for the inhabitants in his parish and how were his actions affected by the framework for the folk church? This paper shows that the practice of Klingner in Masthugget can be linked to many of the ideas associated to the folk church concept..

Maktens ideologier och språk i svenska skolors värdegrunder : - Från Martin Luther till lokala likabehandlingsplaner

Syftet med studien Maktens ideologier och språk i svenska skolors värdegrunder är att systematiskt analysera innehållet i skriftliga dokument som kan sägas utgöra eller har utgjort värdegrunder för allmänna svenska skolor. Resultaten visar att det finns en relativt tydlig koppling mellan den rådande maktordningen i samhället och den värdegrund som råder i allmänna svenska skolor. Detta tycks gälla oavsett historisk epok och oavsett vilka ideologier - religiösa eller politiska - de dominerande maktgrupperna förespråkar. Allmänna skolor kan således i hög grad ses som redskap för att reproducera, återskapa, makten hos för tillfället dominerande samhällsgrupper och för att styra eleverna, samhällsmedborgarna, i önskvärd riktning..

Läsa, läsa, läsa ? skriva, skriva, skriva

The period of church awakening in Sweden during the first half of the nineteenth century, has had a great influence on the Swedish society. During that time certain persons are to be noticed. Peter Fjellstedt and Peter Wieselgren, priests in the Swedish Church, are among those who were of special importance. But even the British preacher George Scott and later the Swedish layman Carl-Olof Rosenius became aware of the importance of networking. They all felt a call from God to preach a message of redemption and restoration.

Detta är Katolska kyrkan : en studie av framställningar i historie- och religionsskolböcker mellan 1840-2011

Denna studie söker att inventera och identifiera bilder eller framställningar rörande Katolska kyrkan i skolbokslitteratur mellan 1840-2011. Behovet av en sådan inventering har funnits länge och genom denna studie tas en första ansats till att fylla en kunskapslucka om hur skolbokslitteraturen har framställt och hur den framställer Katolska kyrkan. Den metod som har används i denna studie är den tankestruktur klargörande kvalitativa textmetodiken som är en underkategori av en bredare innehållslig idéanalys och resultatet har påvisat att den undersökta skolbokslitteraturen genom åren har framställt Kyrkan som en antagonist gentemot frihet i form av religionsutövning i den äldre litteraturen och gentemot moralisk konsensus i modernare skolbokslitteratur..

Läran tidsandan och nätverken : En litteraturstudie av kyrkan i samhället 1800-1870

The period of church awakening in Sweden during the first half of the nineteenth century, has had a great influence on the Swedish society. During that time certain persons are to be noticed. Peter Fjellstedt and Peter Wieselgren, priests in the Swedish Church, are among those who were of special importance. But even the British preacher George Scott and later the Swedish layman Carl-Olof Rosenius became aware of the importance of networking. They all felt a call from God to preach a message of redemption and restoration.

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