915 Uppsatser om Loose housing - Sida 34 av 61
Det här examensarbetet handlar
om Nötbolandet, ett gammalt
fritidshusområde sydöst om Örnsköldsvik,
som till stora delar omvandlats
till åretruntboende.
Örnsköldsviks kommun vill gärna ha
en översiktlig planering av området
för att kunna styra utvecklingen. En
sådan planering finns inte idag.
Exploateringstrycket i Nötbolandet
är stort och det finns många förfrågningar
om bygglov och detaljplanering.
Dessa förfrågningar rör
alla bebyggelse av småhus.
Nötbolandet är ett kuperat landskap
och tillsammans med dess
övriga förutsättningar ligger teorier
om terränganpassning för småhusområden
till grund för själva
Detta förslag anger till att börja
med vilka områden som går att
bebygga och sedan hur dessa delområden
bör utformas.
Längst bort i Nötbolandet, vid den
östra stranden, äger kommunen själv
mark som dess tjänstemän funderar
på hur den kan exploateras.
Examensarbetet tar därför även
ställning till om och i så fall hur detta
område bör exploateras. En idé om
att bygga ett nytt sommarstugeområde,
utform-at som ett traditionellt
fiskeläge, test-as i detta område,
utifrån analyser utförda vid befintliga
Vision Nollenergihus : Energiförsörjning av passivhus med sol- och vindenergi
Climate change is the modern society?s common issue. The developed countries areconsuming more than what is sustainable, and the climate change due to the use offossil fuels can be seen clearly. EU has specified goals, in order to stop furtherdamage, which demand that every member state have to reduce its energyconsumption by 20 % before 2020 and 50 % before 2050, relative to 1995.The Swedish government uses a number of instruments to encourage reduction in theusage of energy, but every individual has to contribute to reach the goals.With increasing energy price the cost of living is going up. A lot of people are lookingfor ways to save energy and not be affected as much by the increasing price.Investments for insulation, replacement of windows and replacing old heating systemfor a new efficient heat pump is getting more and more common.This thesis is about investigating the possibilities in becoming independent from buyingenergy for households.
Staden - fara eller frihet för kvinnor?
This report studies how the divergence between men and women is manifested in the physical space and how the representation of room recreates this divergence. Spaces are coded and women have traditionally been associated with private space and men with public space, leading to that the home is encoded as female space and public squares as male space. Thereby women lack a natural place in public space. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) wants to change this situation by enforcing safety-creating measures based on gender equality theories.I have studied what potential risks the project initiated by Boverket as well as discuss the potential problems with representation. Can representation be used without freezing the space? I also search for methods for working with a gender perspective without reproducing gender stereotypes and roles and avoiding encoding the private as female and public as male? Also I use a public seminar with urban planners, artists and architects to retrieve how we work with these issues today.I conclude that city planning needs to incorporate new strategies of thought that does not divide space, e.g.
Brandsläckning och textil restvärdesräddning Hur saneras textil efter en pulversläckning?
This bachelor thesis discusses firefighting and the use of portable fireextinguishers in the salvageof historic artefacts focusing on textiles. It also looks into the use of multi-purpose dry chemicalextinguishers in a textile context and the impact the actual dry-agent has on textiles afterfirefighting.Literature studies, interviews and tests on different textiles were carried out to write this thesis.During the tests textiles were exposed to the dry agent and also to dry agent plus water toinvestigate the difference in residue. After vacuumcleaning it was clear that when the textile wasexposed to dry agent and water it was almost impossible to remove the chemical without rinsingin water.By examining the residue left on the textile using SEM it was possible to see if a textile was aswell decontaminated after vacuum-cleaning as it looks to the eye. We know that the dry agentoften consists of ammonium phosphate which acts corrosively on many materials and one canassume it damages textiles as well after longer exposure.Buildings housing cultural collections are vulnerable as we cannot easily replace ruined materialwith new.
Utvecklingsalternativ för grisbesättning :
The purpose of this report was to compare two different options for expanding of an
existing pig farm. For the time being there are low prices within the agricultural market
of pig production, and it is interesting to see if it is worth expanding or not.
The two different options this report is based on are: expanding from a herd with 50
sows in breeding gilt production to a herd with 100 sows in breeding gilt production
(option 1), or expanding to a herd with 140 sows in breeding gilt production (option 2).
The number of pregnant gilts produced per year will stay the same for both alternatives;
about 300 pregnant gilts per year. The rest of the breeding gilts will be sold at a weight
of 25 kg. The pigs that are not sold as breeding gilts (e.g. castrates, and female pigs that
are too small or that have disorders) will be kept on the farm as growing-finishing pigs
until 120 kg of live weight, and then sold to the slaughter house.
By using the existing buildings, even after the expanding, the investment costs, and
thereby costs for housing, were kept as low as possible.
Ansvarsfördelning i teori och praktik. En implementeringsstudie av mottagandet av ensamkommande flyktingbarn i Sverige
This case study explores the question of implementation and steering in a society of governance. As an empirical example, a reform concerning the reception of separated refugee children in Sweden is used. As of the 1st of July 2006 the responsibility for providing housing for separated children lies with the local governments rather than with the Swedish Board of Migration, aiming to improve the children's situation. However, implementing this amendment has turned out to be a harder task than expected. Traditionally, the relationship between state and local actors is seen in terms of state steering or local self-government.
Förslag till bebyggelse och park i kvarteret Seminariet i Uppsala
In the urban planning debate of today, two strategies for city development stand out as each other's opposites, urban sprawl and smart growth. This thesis concerns a development project of the latter kind and aims to give an alternative proposal to new buildings and a park in a Swedish city block. The term sprawl is used for new developments on virgin soil on the outskirts of cities leading to a city spreading, while smart growth stand for increased city density through development on re-used land within the city boundaries. The latter are often seen as more sustainable in many levels and are also shown to have positive effects on a number of city functions. At the same time smart growth has negative consequences on other aspects of the city such as public open spaces.
Omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av kost som ges personanpassad på ett korttidsboende för äldre : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie
Bakgrund: Trots allmänna råd och riktlinjer råder stor brist på nutritionskunskaperna inom hälso- och sjukvården i hela Europa. Många äldre riskerar att drabbas av undernäring och får ett minskat välbefinnande och en för tidig död. Genom att arbeta med att personanpassa kosten kan patienten få bli aktiv i egna beslut som påverkar dennes liv och hälsa. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa omvårdnadspersonalens erfarenheter av kost som ges personanpassad på ett korttidsboende för äldre. Metod: I denna studie användes induktiv ansats där datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Sex omvårdnadspersonal intervjuades på ett korttidsboende för äldre i södra Sverige. Resultat: Ur analysen av datamaterialet fyra kategorier; utgår från patientens syn på situationen, möjliggör val, möjligheter i måltidsmiljö, begränsningar i arbetsmiljön med åtta underkategorier.
Kalvhyddans utformning : påverkan på kalvens hälsa och komfort
This paper aims to, through a literature review, examine how to best design and adapt calf huts to meet the calf's physiological requirements and reduce the infection pressure for enteric and respiratory diseases. It illuminates how the calf relates to different temperatures and climate, which temperature control mechanisms it uses and its ability to perform these regulations, as well as providing a summary of the past decades´ research on the calf huts housing system. These two theory chapters, along with a concluding discussion, provide a better understanding of how to, especially in temperate climates, design the most suitable calf hut, which cater to the calf's both thermal comfort and physical health. The literature suggests that the calf's own temperature control works well to counteract the temperature outside the desired range, and that one of the most important factors rather is ventilation of a calf hut, which reduces moisture and pathogens. The conclusion of this paper is mainly that there is not an obvious way to place and construct a calf hutch and that most design principles contribute to both positive and negative effects simultaneously.
Mosaikens Rosengård
Har de modernistiska principerna med industriellt byggande, funktionsuppdelning
och trafikseparering skapat en monoton bebyggelsekaraktär, brist på
mötesplatser och brist på lokal kommers?
Mitt antagande är att detta är fallet och frågan blir då hur vi kan utveckla
möjligheterna för att skapa fler mötesplatser och en dynamisk lokal kommersiell
verksamhet? På vilket sätt går det att öka variationen av bebyggelse och
lägenheter? Är det önskvärt att överhuvudtaget ändra i en redan befintlig miljö
med strikt hierarkisk struktur?
Examensarbetet kan ses som en pusselbit i det kreativa och långsiktiga arbetet
med att skapa en vision för stadsdelen Rosengård i Malmö. Jag vill redan från
början slå fast att jag inte syftar till att skapa ett universellt verktyg för
att lösa brister i miljonprogrammets bostadsområden. Jag utgår från
projektområdets speciella förutsättningar och relationen till övriga Malmö.
Syftet blir att föreslå en framtida stadsutvecklingen som innebär skapandet av
nya strukturer och förtätning av bebyggelse för att göra Rosengård till en
funktionsintegrerad stadsdel istället för dagens funktionsuppdelade struktur..
Utvärdering av VAV i nybyggt kontorshus
VAV (Variable Air Volume) system has been studied in a newly constructed office-building. The goal for the study has been to evaluate how the ventilations system work in practice, if adjustments can be made to achieve an more energy efficient system and to evaluate if other alternative ventilation systems is to be preferred in the further.The degree project has been executed at Helenius Engineering Firm who is working with the environment, media systems, HVAC and energy in buildings. The building that has been studied is owned and operated by Akademiska hus.Literature studies, visits at site, inventory, review of system documentation, energy analyses, interviews, key figures, LCC, sand energy- and indoor climate simulations has been made to study the building. Where appropriate some tools from Six Sigma have also been used.How to achieve an energy efficient system and a pleasant indoor climate is studied with human health and well-being as base for the indoor climate requirements. Technical support systems such as ventilation systems have to be designed so that an acceptable indoor climate can be achieved.
Platskänslan på en innergård i Göteborg - En jämförelse mellan planerarnas vision och de boendes uppfattning
This case study, ?The sense of place in a courtyard in Gothenburg?, examines whether the city planners? vision correspond to the residents? perception regarding the sense of place and the physical environment in a courtyard in Gothenburg. By carrying out a questionnaire survey, the inhabitants? perception has been explicated, which we have then compared to the total vision for the design of the courtyard that we have gathered from doing interviews with the planning executive, the developer and the landscape architect as well as reviewing the development plan. The study has shown that the vision coincides relatively well with the residents? perception, but it differenciates when it comes to social aspects.
"Som om barnet heter Kalle" : - En studie av mottagandet av ensamkommande, asylsökande barn i Sverige 2008
The 1st of July 2006 Sweden made a change of authorities in the system concerning the reception of separated asylum seeking children. Prior to the change, the Swedish Board of Migration was held completely responsible for the reception of these children, who arrives in Sweden without their parents or any other relatives to care for them. Since the alteration of the law (1994:137) the responsibility for the housing of these children now lies within the Swedish municipalities, while the Board of Migration still handles their legal commissions. The change was intended to fundamentally improve the conditions under which these children were taken care of. However the implementation took a severe wrong turn when the municipalities weren't prepared for their new responsibilities and the immediate result was alarming. This qualitative study is based upon interviews with the people responsible for the reception of the separated asylum seeking children in the municipalities of Kronobergs County, as well as one of the two people in charge of the new system at the Swedish Board of Migration.
Factors affecting the heifer´s age at pregnancy
Several factors affect the heifer´s growth and development, the newborn calf´s feeding of co-lostrum during its first hours of life is one important factor. The colostrum contains higher amount of immunoglobulins and insulin growth factors compared to matured milk. A high intake of immunoglobulins from colostrum results in a high blood concentration of immuno-globulins until the age of eight months. This leads to a lower incidence of diseases that can affect the growth and development negatively. Diarrhea is the most common disease in calves younger than 30 days.
Utveckling av Höggeröds fritidshus. En fråga om bevarande och modernisering
Höggeröd på nordöstra Orust är ett vackert fritidsområde med en tidstypisk karaktär från sextiotalet som är värd att bevara. Ett problem som uppstått på senare år är att husägarna vill flytta in permanent i sina fritidsstugor och bygga ut dessa till större och mer funktionella villor, men detta godkänner inte detaljplanen. Samtidigt finns en önskan om att kunna lösa detta ändå och göra alla delaktiga parter nöjda. Syftet med rapporten är att uppmana till en fördjupad diskussion om Höggeröds fritidshusområde och frågan om hur dessa skall utvecklas och samtidigt bevaras. Frågan om vilka krav och lagar som gäller kring ombyggnationer har även besvarats för att kunna göra ett så bra underlag som möjligt.För att kunna bevara detta kulturarv så kommer ett underlag till en bevarandeplan att tas fram med hjälp av den här rapporten.