

915 Uppsatser om Loose housing - Sida 31 av 61

Fullriggaren - spektakulärt undantag eller framtid? : konsekvenser av en omvärldsanalys

Syfte: Åsikterna om Fullriggaren går isär. Gavlegårdarna har, som allmännyttigt bostadsföretag, kritiserats av allmänheten för att bostäderna anses vara för exklusiva. Syftet med studien är att närmare undersöka den omvärldsanalys som legat till grund för det strategiska beslutet att bygga Fullriggaren. Vi vill även skapa oss en uppfattning om hur allmännyttan håller på att förändras och vilken roll den spelat historiskt.Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod, med två djupintervjuer som varit av semi-strukturerad karaktär. Vi har även gjort en litteraturstudie av allmännyttans historia.

Shelter use of horses during Swedish summer in relation to weather conditions and insect abundance

Outdoor housing of horses? best fulfils the horses? need for physical activity and it is an alternative to the more cost and energy demanding indoor housing in stables. Furthermore, if outdoor housed horses have access to shelter they can generally cope well with adverse weather conditions such as high or low ambient temperature, heavy rain or strong winds. In this study, the daytime shelter-seeking behaviour of three groups of horses housed outdoors was studied during the summer. The aim was to evaluate whether shelter use is related to weather variables (e.g., ambient temperature and wind speed) and insect harassment. The shelter-seeking behaviour was studied for three different groups of horses: Group 1) eight individually housed horses in paddocks that had access to three different shelter types (C: closed on three sides with roof, R: open on three sides with roof, W: closed on three sides without roof), Group 2) 25 group housed mares with foals on pasture with access to shelters C, and Group 3) ten mares without foals on pasture without access to shelter. Each group was studied for eight days.

Förvärvsgarantins förutsättningar : Svårt att utforma fungerande politiska reformer

The title of this thesis is ?The preconditions of the acquisition guarantee- hard to design working political reforms?. The acquisition guarantee (förvärvsgaranti) is a form of credit guarantee issued by the Swedish government to credit institutes that give out housing loans to debtors with poor credit history. The reform hasn´t been used in any substantial extent.The purpose of the study is to investigate whether you could identify any problems with the preconditions that the governmental agency BKN was given to implement the acquisition guarantee, and if so describe which these problems are.Two questions are answered:1.      What preconditions for a working implementation of the guarantee, in the form of rules, objectives and directives was offered by the government in their steering of BKN?2.      How did the structural preconditions for a working implementation of the guarantee look like?By doing a text analysis of central documents I find that the lack of outcome could to some extent be related to weaknesses in how the reform was formulated.

Ditt Nya Hageby - en etnografisk undersökning av en social verksamhet

The study explores different aspects of how a social organization is created and maintained in the space between the institution and the individual. Based on fieldwork, participant observation and individual interviews in the housing estate of Hageby, Norrköping, this ethnographic study examines how and why the organization ?Ditt Nya Hageby? was created, as well as the unanimity between the purpose of the organization and the engagement of the members. Two projects within the organization are especially examined, along with the roles of the two members behind them. The study presents three perspectives from which ?Ditt Nya Hageby? can be viewed.

Klimatförändringarna och den fysiska planeringen - den fysiska planeringens roll i scenariot med ökade översvämningsrisker

Klimatförändringar befaras ge en mängd olika konsekvenser för samhället. Ökade översvämningsrisker är bara en av dessa. De ökade översvämningsriskerna kommer att påverka den möjliga markanvändningen och många områden som idag anses säkra att bebygga och odla kommer att bli riskzoner för översvämning i ett framtida klimat. I samhällets anpassningsprocess ligger nödvändigheten att skydda befintlig bebyggelse men också att kunna lokalisera ny bebyggelse, odling och infrastruktur till säkra zoner. Den kommunala fysiska planeringen har styrmedel som kan påverka bebyggelsens placering och utformning.

Ska vi inte ta och utrota hemlösheten? En studie om policyentreprenörers betydelse vid lanseringen av en ny policy

The number of people that are categorized as being homeless in the Swedish society are increasing. This might be an indication that the methods being used today shows not to be working efficient enough. A group of researchers connected to the University of Lund are now in a process to spread new workingmethods against the problems with homelessness in Sweden. Their goal is to completely erase homelessness as a social problem. This new method of working is distinctively different from the one currently beeing used.

Arkitekturtävling, Europan 9, Tjörn : att tävla i arkitektur (2007:26)

To me, competing in architecture has always been slightly odd and at the same time exiting. These competitions are one of few occasions were architecture is almost like art. The competition generates a variety of ideas and projects and these are often expressed in a more appetizing and artistic way than traditional architecture. It?s also an art to master the special circumstances and requirements of a competition.

Han, Tarzan; Hon, Jane?: En studie om skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor i utredningsarbete på en socialförvaltning

The purpose of this essay was to examine whether there were any differences in social workers way of investigating boys and girls, age 13-15. The main questions we wanted to answer were; which were the factors that the social workers focused on? Did the investigations lead to a measure and if so, which one? How were risk and protection factors described and ana-lysed?To answer our questions we read and analyzed 22 reports, written by social workers 2004 at the department for teenagers and families at a social welfare service in Sweden. We came to the conclusion that there were some differences, but these were few and not extensive. Recreational activities was mentioned in a higher degree in the boys reports while health, housing conditions and network were mentioned more often in the girl´s reports.

Jämställdhet, barnarbete eller miljöarbete

ABSTRACTIn this study, five people were interviewed who are involved in a drug-assisted program for opiate addiction, also called substitution program. The meaning of substitution is that these clients' drug addiction is replaced with substitute preparations, either methadone or Subutex in an orderly manner. The clients of the researcher decided to study the substitution program have all been a heavy opiate addiction for years. Their participation in the replacement program is more than two years, and those who have been around the longest have been in the program for six years, so long as the substitution program has existed in Visby.This is a qualitative study in which interviews are conducted face to face with each individual client, and the interview was unstructured in the sense that no specific issues made in advance. The interviews have been themed, and the researcher has gone through various areas of life around the respondent.

Barnvårdsnämnden i Kalmar : och deras syn på vanvårdade barn mellan 1911-1918

In the beginning of the twentieth century in Sweden the laboring class grew and became more established. This entailed both a change in housing conditions and the design of the social policies. The purpose of this study is to show how the Child Welfare Committee in Kalmar conducted its work during 1911-1918. The aim is to show on what grounds they made their decisions and how the interaction between the committee and the families functioned in practice. This will be accomplished by giving examples from the protocols written by Kalmar?s Child Welfare Committee.

Vandenbergh 9: Kontorskomplex till moderna bostäder

Stockholm är en växande stad och för att bemöta det behov av bostäder som expansionen medför, krävs att befintliga fastigheter utvecklas och får nya, bättre anpassade ändamål. Det är framförallt viktigt att utveckla de fastigheter som är belägna i attraktiva områden med pågående stadsutveckling eller goda möjligheter för ny stadsutveckling.Denna rapport behandlar utvecklingen av Vandenbergh 9, ett kontorskomplex från tidigt 1970-tal till ett modernt bostadshus. Rapporten resulterar i förslagshandlingar över hur den invändiga gestaltningen kan komma att se ut. Förslaget följer alla de lagar, stadgar och rekommendationer som idag ställs för byggnation i Sverige.Detta resulterade i sex individuella plan, men för att främja hållbart och rationellt byggande har ett stort fokus lagts på modulbyggande. Rapporten redogör för hur en fastighet i en stor skala kan utvecklas och erhålla ett nytt syfte..

Jämförelse av frånluftsvärmepumpar

In order to reach the environmental targets, set up by the EU, there are many measures taken to make Sweden more energy efficient. In the housing and real estate sector, an installation of an exhaust air heat pump that reuses the heat in the exhaust air in order to lower the amount of acquired energy, is an example of such an action. The recovered energy can then be used for heating of radiators and tap water. This report aims to evaluate and compare three different systems using exhaust air heat pumps regarding COP, degree of coverage and cost savings. This study was delimited to only account for apartment buildings.The theory chapter describes the different conditions and factors that affect a building?s energy balance.

Uttorkning av lera : Orsaker och följder

When building a house or similar the stress on the ground increases and deformations can arise. The deformations create a foundation that the building is not constructed for and damages on the building arise. The increased stress on the ground can be derived back to the building, but it is possible that the increased stress may well derive from different sources such as other buildings or trees.       The building is an older property, built in the late 19th century alternatively early 20th century, and is today used for rental housing and has suffered severe damages due to subsidence. The goal of the thesis is to find possible causes for these subsidences. The thesis was executed as a combination between literature- and casestudie. After careful studies it has been found that a probable cause for these subsidences is trees. Through field- and lab studies it has been found that the trees has effected the ground through there accumulation of water.

?Förlorad är varje dag då man inte dansat!? : En studie av balansen mellan träningsbelastning och återhämtning på Balettakademiens yrkesutbildning i Stockholm

AimThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between physical strain and recovery in dancers at The Ballet Academy in Stockholm, Sweden. Research questions used to guide the study were: How great is the dancers experience of physical strain? Do any of the dancers show mental or physical signs of overtraining syndrome?MethodPhysical strain was studied by letting the dancers fill out a booklet catloging their intensity during practice. Utilizing a questionnaire, data was gathered regarding preceding year. To give more nuance to the data gathered, The Profile of Mood States was used to detect possible mood disturbance.

BEMÖTAS-principen : sju tillvägagångssätt för att främja integration genom fysisk planering

The thesis is about integration in the city and how integration can be improved through physical planning. Segregation can result in changing peoples? prerequisites in our society. Opportunities in life become dependent on what area of the city you live in or where you grew up. Integration denotes acceptance for all people, while different cultural and ethnic identities are preserved at the same conditions for everyone.

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