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Markskadefri avverkning - från traktplanering till plantering
This study is made for Södra skog and is concerning how to minimize soil damage from planning to plantation. The purpose of the study is from the respondent?s perspectives; their own ideas and approaches.
What emerged from the interviews is that the communication between the different organization levels can be improved.
It is also important to prevent damage on the soil and to have in mind that the process of planning tracks to plantation continues for a long time and because of that, the soil condition meanwhile will change..
Effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på kvantitativa rörelsetester hos friska kvinnor
Bakgrund: Medvetenhet om kropp och rörelse nämns ofta som en viktig fakor i att öka prestationsförmåga, undvika skador, nå högre livskvalitet och förbätta sjukdomstillstånd. Det har länge funnits ambitioner att förbättra rörelse genom ökad medvetenhet. Feldenkraismetoden är en metod för att förbättra rörelse genom förhöjd rörelsemedvetenhet och är förenlig med nutida vetenskap men förhållandevis lite empirisk forskning stöder metodens effektivitet. De flesta tidigare studier har varit på någon form av dysfunktion och ofta subjektiv upplevelse snarare än objektiva värden. Det har varit svårt för Feldenkraispedagoger att finna rätt mätmetoder för att utvärdera metoden.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utvärdera effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på rörelse hos friska personer genom kvantitativ mätning.Metod: Friska kvinnor i en experimentgrupp (n=4, 30±7 år) och en kontrollgrupp (n=4, 26±2 år) testades med fem kvantitativa rörelsetester; one-leg standing balance, one-leg standing long jump, standing triple jump, star excursion balance test och upper quarter Y-balance test, innan och efter en intervention ledd av en auktoriserad Feldenkraispedagog där experimentgruppen genomgick tio träningsfällen enligt Feldenkraismetoden under fem veckors tid.Resultat: Signifikant förbättring (P?0,05) i förhållande till både förtest och kontrollgrupp sågs vid star excursion balance test för vänster ben.Slutsats: Träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden verkar kunna leda till förbättring i kvantitativt mätt rörelse hos friska kvinnor.
Vägen till icke kriminell.? En livsstilsförändring.
What is it that drives a person with criminal behavior to change their lifestyle? What are the obstacles to a lifestyle change? These issues have been guiding us during this study. In the introduction, we describe the previous research that has been done among crime in men. The themes that will follow us through the course of the study are as follows; cause of crime, Self-efficacy, social network and lifestyle change. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors that a former prison convicted individual believes has been significant, as they break their criminal behavior associated with a lifestyle change.
För sakens skull : Det omöjliga mötet i Rut Hillarps roman Sindhia - en lacansk läsning
This essay examines the love affair between the two main characters of Rut Hillarp?s novel Sindhia. It draws attention to the schism between the Surrealist version of love as an extatic-religious fusion of the sexes ? that in a way marks the relationship ? and the yet remarkable coolness between the two lovers.With the theories of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, I will show how the man and the woman project their unrealistic individual fantasies on each other, thus rendering impossible the Surrealist Meeting, with its road to an absolute reality. The Surrealist "l?amour fou", I will argue, is trapped in the ritualized "l?amor interruptus"; a lacanian term for a certain kind of love that wishes to conceal the fact that desire will never find its object.
Känslan av att aldrig passa in : En kvalitativ studie om unga finska romers erfarenheter av att tillhöra en minoritetsgrupp
Romanies have long lived outside the fabric of society and have long been exposed to discrimination in Sweden as well as the rest of Europe. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the experiences of young Finnish romanies in their everyday lives as well as their perceptions of living as a minority group in Stockholm today. Previous scientific researchers have often concentrated their studies on the romanies as a group, so we, the authors have chosen to concentrate our research on the individual?s own experiences. We, the authors have chosen to use a qualitative approach, to give us the opportunity through using open ended interview techniques to comprehend and interpret the individuals own accounts.
Sketching a set of multi-touch design principles
Today multi-touch technology is the basis for many new techniques designed to improve
interactions with computers and mobile devices. It seems that multi-touch screen interface
makes the user handling very natural in the sense that there is no need for a manual in how to
interact with the object on the screen.
The aim with this paper is to establish a fundamental set of design principles intended
specifically for large multi-touch interfaces. To reach this goal we have implemented a couple
of sub-goals beforehand:
It was essential that we acquired a good understanding of the current state of the multi-touch
interface and the different implementations that exist today. To make this possible we
constructed a multi-touch display, "Rosie". Knowing how the hardware is produced today will
help us understand the limitations and also the possibilities of the design implementations
today and in the future.
We also needed to devise a sound interaction design process that conveys the modern
designers work.
Till synes orörd skog : naturvärden och kulturhistoria i Rekdalen under 400 år
Nature conservation has for a long time been founded on the assumption that high ecological values depend on low human impact. In Sweden this has led to forests with these characteristics being strictly protected from human influences. However, it is also known that historical land-use can enhance ecological values in forests. Mountainous forests in Sweden, which have not been affected by modern forestry, have for a long time been considered as untouched by people. However, forest history research has in recent years shown that even these areas have been used by people for a long period of time.
Krubbitning hos häst på olika strömaterial :
By limiting our horse?s freedom of movement, we restrict their opportunity to forage, which is one of their most important needs. If their need of forage is not fulfilled it can lead to frustration, which might manifest itself in abnormal behaviour, like the oral stereotypies for example crib-biting. It is a held belief that the horse swallows air while crib-biting, which they don?t, and that swallowed air causes colic, and the belief that other horses can copy the behaviour, leads to the use of many methods to prevent the behaviour.
Påverkan på Valboåsen från verksamheter inom Svedens industriområde samt närliggande områden : hot mot grundvattnets kvalitet och kvantitet?
The aim of this work was to find out what potential contaminants from roads, residential area and businesses within Svedens industrial area that can affect groundwater quality and quantity. Data collection was from SGU, VISS, internal material from Gävleborg county Administrative Board and Gävle municipality archive. GIS software ArcGIS was used to create the map images in the work.
The studied area is located approximately ten kilometers west of Gävle city and consists of the esker Valboåsen, which is a glacifluvial deposit that in its central parts consist of coarse material that is overlaid by sand, clay and silt. North of esker Valboåsen there are the river Gavleån which has an inflow to the groundwater in the esker. This inflow represents the largest part of the groundwater recharge.
Effektivisering av produkionsflödet för stora cylinderrör på Företaget AB
This study was conducted in autumn 2008 on the Company AB, which is currently in a growth phase. The company manufactures hydraulic systems for the heavy vehicle industry and has annual sales of approximately 250 MSEK with 165 employees.The rapid growth and unchanged planning is the starting point for this report. It all began in 2005 when the company received an unusually large order. During this period, the first priority was to satisfy customers and all other focus was disregarded. This has primarily resulted in a messy production and long throughput times.
Politisk aktivism och Internet : En studie i hur Internet förändrar aktivism
The integration of the Internet in our society has shaped alot of the things we do in our lives. The Web allows us to achieve certain things directly through our computers, such as reading the paper and paying our bills. But this integration has also lead to another interesting change. Activists have begun to unload their operations onto the Net instead of holding on to the more traditional demonstrations performed in squares. This study aims to look into the world of cyberactivism and examine how cyberactivists experience the way activism has changed as a result of using the Internet.
Att effektivisera ett förvaltarbolag
Executive SummaryThis final thesis has examined the effects of an increased centralization and better coordination of the distribution logistics at ABB in Västerås. The company is today strongly decentralized and there is a minimum of collaboration between the 20 business units. This is why the questions were raised; how could the business units coordinate outbound logistic activities and what effects would that provide. The objective of this final thesis is to provide basic data for a future decision-making which describe these effects.The report has mapped out the factors that are important to ABB in an evaluation of their logistic activities and how the outbound logistics work today. The four factors are cost efficiency, delivery service, environmental impact and logistics capability.
Är den Europeiska Unionen demokratisk? Om öppenheten inom den Europeiska kommissionen
The European Union is seen as democratic, and one of the criteria for a democratic decision process is that it must be fully transparent for the citizens. That is the only way for them to make their own decisions about political issues, and it is only possible as long as the citizens have access to relevant and reliable information. However, this is not always the case within the European Union, since it is often difficult to get a hold of different documents of the institutions, and since the civil servants to a great extent are forbidden to give away any information..
C, C++, Java och Python - En prestandajämförelse mellan fyra programmeringsspråk
In today?s society computers are getting a much more important role. To get a
computer to work
as intended it has to be programmed. A computer program is written with
There is an abundance of programming languages available today and there are
differences and similarities between them. The different languages have their
advantages and
their disadvantages where some of them are intended for fast performance, some
to be cheap
on memory usage, and some are developed to be easy to program on.
In our thesis we have chosen to compare four of todays most common languages,
C, C++, Java
and Python.
Förluster av nedströmsvandrande fisk vid turbinpassage : En fallstudie för att främja den småskaliga, såsom storskaliga vattenkraften
The expansion of the Swedish hydro power has contributed positively to the reduction of the environmental impacts from the fossil fueled power production. In the same time the extensive expansion has been proved to cause negative ecological and local environment impacts of a stream. This, in turn, has been affecting the biodiversity and fish stock negatively, which has been reduced. One of the underlying problems is the lack of possibility for the fish to pass the plants, but it is also directly correlated to the mortality rate of the fish passing through the turbine, which this study is investigating.The mortality rate has been computed for three different locations in Sweden, Untra, Tännfallet and a third one whose location is confidential, and is denoted as Case 1, 2 and 3. The model used to calculate the mortality rate in this investigation is based by existing blade strike models and knowledge and are investigating the death due to mechanical injuries from collision with a runner blade in the turbine.