

2007 Uppsatser om Local schoolboard - Sida 60 av 134

Reklamlandskap : utomhusreklamens inverkan på stadsmiljö och stadsliv

Outdoor advertising is not very often discussed within city planning even though the commercial messages occupy much of public space. The advertising signs affects not only the physical environment but also social life. In this report I would like to acknowledge and question the presence of advertising in our everyday environment. Outdoor advertising is not a new phenomena, technical progress however, results constantly in new expansions in the environment. Today advertising occurs in all sorts of shapes in the cities, both as free standing signs and as signs attached to facades, incorporated in city furniture such as bus shelters and on vehicles moving along the city streets. Grouping advertising into two categories; local and national, reveals that the different categories have different impact on public space.

Finanskrisens inverkan på byggbranschen

Recently there have been a lot of talk a about the financial crisis and recession. This is understandable since the crisis, which initially was limited to the U.S. now has spread its concern globally in form of bankruptcies, less investment and lots of people have lost here jobs. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the financial crisis have affected the construction industry relating to market and personnel, but also examine what measures the construction companies have taken. The examination was carried out by information received from the majority of construction-related websites which then was followed up with interviews in the various construction sectors.

Klättring i skolan : En studie om klättring som en del av den svenska idrottsundervisningen

AimThe aim of this essay is to investigate the possibility to exercise climbing within the framework of the physical education in the obligatory school. We investigated how physical education teachers think about exercising climbing in school and how the Swedish Climbing Association is working to reach out to schools.MethodA questionnaire was sent out to 81 schools (Idrottshögskolans partner schools) in suburban Stockholm, which corresponds to 10% of the total amount of schools in that area. A mail interview was also made with a representative for the Swedish Climbing Association who also represented a local climbing association, to collect information about how they worked with schools and youth.ResultsWe have not found anything in the steering documents against exercising climbing during physical education. There are obstacles for exercising climbing during physical education, a wall for climbing is very expensive and the schools have a lack of space for this wall. The results from the questionnaire showed that 76% of all the schools that did not have a wall for climbing wanted to have one.

Gemeinschaft eller Gesellschaft? Biblioteksfilialerna i Kalmar kommun och det globaliserade IKT-samhället

This masters thesis aims to explore the branch libraries in Kalmar municipality and their relation to the Information and communication technology ICTsociety. How do they adapt to and assimilate with, the ICT-society? What are their roles in local social networks and do they make a difference there? To answer these questions, critical discourse analysis, CDA, as founded by Norman Fairclough is applied to four interwievs with branch library managers. Other theorists used are Michel Foucault, Chaïm Perelman and Ludwig Wittgenstein. A solid description of todays society on different levels is also given.

Varför sociala medier? : En undersökning av folkbibliotekens arbete med extern marknadsföring.

In our thesis we investigate how public libraries are working with external marketing via social media. The study aims to found out what the reasons are and how public libraries are using social media to market themselves. Furthermore, how they evaluate the success of these marketing efforts. We limit ourselves to public libraries and its staff. The theory that we have chosen to use to analyze our data is the marketing mix of the 4 P'S (product, place, price and promotion), but we have replaced the ?price? with ?staff? because ?staff? is more relevant for library management.

Vilka behov av mertjänster har Areals fastighetsköpare?

Areal is one of the major players in the Swedish market for real estate brokerage of agricultural properties and related additional services. The purpose of this report is to give a better picture of the needs for additional services of property purchasers of Areal. Add-on services are the type of counseling you may need to achieve good economy on an agricultural property. Through a survey of property buyers of Areal information has been collected and compiled. A very good response rate was obtained and the material seemed reliable as it reflected the population in general.

Bergs oljehamn - en studie i bebyggelsestruktur

Det finns idag en påtaglig bostadsbrist i Stockholmsområdet och detta samtidigt som regionen förväntas få en kraftig inflyttning de kommande tjugo åren. Krav finns på kommunerna att friställa byggbar mark för ny bostadsbebyggelse. Detta arbete konkritiserar problemet genom en fallstudie av gammal industrimark som snart kommer att friställas för bostads- och verksamhetsbebyggelse. Fallstudien görs på Bergs oljehamn i Nacka kommun. Under det senaste decenniet har nyexploatering av hamnmark skett nationellt i Sverige liktväl som regionalt i Stockholmsregionen. När staden växer uppstår behov av centralt belägen mark för nyexploatering, där hamnarnas tidigare perifera läge nu blivit centralt belägna. Arbetet har undersökt förhållandet mellan typologi och de specifika kvalitéer de för med sig och hjälper till att förstärka på platsen.

Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition : For Priority Aero Maintenance

The economic crisis has affected the airline industry as much as it has affected all other industries in the world. The small airlines and maintenance organisations must find new opportunities and options in order to survive the harsh crisis. Priority Aero Maintenance is now an approved maintenance organisation performing maintenance on aircrafts, engines and components. The company sees economic gains in the future by becoming an approved organisation that follows the European Aviation Safety Agency guidelines (EASA) and meets the requirements outlined in the rules of Part-M.In order for the company to become an approved organization, responsible for continuing airworthiness of aircraft, a handbook should be presented to the local authority. This handbook describes the company?s responsibility for the continuing airworthiness in order for the authorities to get an insight into the company and its work.This thesis resulted in a draft of CAME (Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition) and this draft has been approved by Priority Aero Maintenance.The CAME will in the future be used by the company as a basis for developing a more detailed manual to be presented to and approved by the Swedish Aviation Authority (Transportstyrelsen)..

Kriminalitetens geografi : vardagsbrottslighetens spatiala fördelning i Borlänge

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality there. The term everyday criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used.

Vems plats är det? En studie om medborgarinflytande i den svenska planeringsprocessen

Denna uppsats har som mål att identifiera en problematik gällande medborgarinflytandet i den svenska planeringsprocessen genom att undersöka vilka gruppers berättelser, bilder och föreställningar om Staden som väljs ut att bli representativa. Arbetet har utifrån detta konstruerat ett teoretiskt ramverk där adekvata begrepp definieras och förklaras. Dessa ligger sedan till grund i forskningsöversiktens redovisning av vad olika aktörers föreställningar av platser är förankrade i, vilka aktörer som påverkar dessa, samt vilka konflikter som uppkommer vid en planeringsprocess. Arbetets empiri består av samrådshandlingar från två detaljplaneprocesser från Karlskrona innerstad och lokalpressens bevakning av dessa. Analysen har skett genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, och resultatet av denna belyser att det finns en problematik angående medborgarinflytandet i vilka individer och grupper som får sin berättelse, föreställning att bli representativ för platsen, och de gruppers och individers berättelse, föreställning som exkluderas..

Skogsskötsel för att främja sociala och estetiska värden i ett friluftsområde i Trollhättans Stad

Over 80% of Sweden's population lives in urban areas, and half of the country's forest visits will thus be in urban woodlands. Social values ??- how the individual experiences the forest, and the impact of the forest visits on individual health and well-being, are pointing to the importance of managing the urban woodlands.When there comes to the cultivation of the urban woodlands there are usually many opinions to consider.This study aims to investigate the various opinions on the use and forestry in an urban recreation area in ??the City of Trollhättan. The study addresses both general and in four cases specific suggestions on management methods.Data was obtained from both quantitative and qualitative study through survey, interviews and discussions with the users of the recreation area.Trollhättan's goal with the recreation area is to make it accessible to local residents. The users are mainly influenced by the accessibility therefore clearings and thinnings are appreciated.

Mineral composition of New Zealand monofloral honeys

The objective of this study was to determine the mineral content in ten New Zealand monofloral honeys, in order to distinguish whether New Zealand monofloral honeys are a good source of minerals compared to honeys from other parts of the world. The ten monofloral honeys were collected from a local honey factory (Airborne Honey Ltd, Leeston), Clover, Honeydew, Kamahi, Manuka, Nodding Thistle, Rata, Rewarewa, Tawari, Thyme and Vipers Bugloss honeys were been investigated. The water content, water activity, pH, conductivity, colour and mineral content were evaluated. The water activity was averaged for all the ten New Zealand monofloral honeys and set to 0.59 aw, which indicates a high stability and long shelf life as a food stuff. A strong correlation between total mineral content, pH, conductivity and colour was obtained.


SAPA´s resource of waste heat is the basis for this thesis to investigate the possibility of energy assets in their cooling water and possible uses for it. The energy in the waste water is greater than the current need which has three uses which are (1) heating the factory, (2) converting liquid propane to propane gas and (3) local domestic heating. The average energy load that is available is 1, 7 MW and the average temperature in the cooling water is 41°C. The total energy load at dimensioning out side temperature is approximately 1,6 MW for the three current uses. The temperature is currently too low to be used directly in the existing systems so an upgrade is needed.

?It?s like liberation? : a study of agricultural knowledge dissemination among small-scale farmers in Tanzania

The following essay is a descriptive and analyzing study in how the local Tanzanian NGO MVIWANYA works to disseminate sustainable agricultural technologies to the farmer households in Rorya District, Mara. It also presents and analyzes the reception and impacts these new technologies have on the households. Information was gathered during two weeks of field work at the organization in Tanzania. It was conducted empirically through interviews with and observations of small-scale farmer members of MVIWANYA and the staff of the organization. The gathered material is analyzed and presented with the help of a theoretical model designed by Birner et al.

HOTANDE HAVSNIVÅER En fallstudie av Lomma

Klimatförändringen är här och havsnivån håller på att höjas vilket hotar bebyggelse utmed kusterna. Lomma i sydvästra Skåne är en småstad som redan idag drabbats av översvämningar och som i framtiden kommer utsättas för än större risker. Havsnivån i Lomma kan enligt SMHI komma att stiga med så mycket som 2,6 meter vid framtida högvattennivåer vilket skulle få förödande effekter på bebyggelsen men även för drabbade människor. Sättet att hantera de stigande havsnivåerna har de senaste åren gått från en tillit till tekniska lösningar till en mer tillåtande lösning på naturens villkor, där vattnet tillåts översvämma bestämda områden. Med hjälp av de teoretiska utgångspunkterna, referensexempel från Hamburg och Nederländerna, samt en innehållsanalys av kommunala dokument från Lomma har tre strategier tagits fram för att hantera den stigande havsnivån i Lomma.

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