

2007 Uppsatser om Local schoolboard - Sida 59 av 134

Hur kan erfarenheter från olycksundersökningar nyttiggöras på lokal nivå samhället? - utifrån ett MTO-R (Människa, teknik, organisation och riskhantering) perspektiv

The theme in this report has been how to benefit experience from accident investigations. The demand on the municipality to perform accidet investigations is relatively new, and maybe they aren?t clear what the demands means. This causes that there might be a problem to benefit experience from accident investigations, for improving the overall safety in the municipality. The main purpose of this report has been to clarify how experience from accident investigations, can be of benefit to society on a local level.

ASYL och KONVERSION Asyls?kande konvertiters f?rst?else av sin konversionsprocess

The purpose of this study is to analyse asylum seeking converts understanding of their conversion process based on church context, specifically within the realm of evangelical church and theology. Through the method of content analysis this essay analyses six qualitative interviews done with converts from two Islamic traditions to Swedish free church Christianity. The essay discusses the results through the lens of Lewis Rambos seven-phase theoretical concept of conversion. The important results given by this study shows that the first contact with other Christians in a new country, which creates a new community serving as an interpretive framework for their lives, triumphs the question of the theological perception for the conversion. Also, the results shows that intellectual understanding of the doctrines of faith is less important relative to the conversion process best described by the words touched, taught, and transformed.

Att förändra det gemensamma

This bachelor thesis is studying the INTERREG cooperation between Denmark and Germany, and if there has been a change to the organization and the individual conditions due to the Danish regional reform in 2007. The research method used is semi-structured interviews and the participants are a mixture of politicians and civil servants. The study is based on two themes, change in work routines and cooperation, and change in visions and targets.The participants have experienced change, both positive and negative, in work routines and cooperation and to a lesser extent in visions and targets. Preparation is the key to success and makes the transition much easier, which has been the case for Denmark. Other mentioned aspects are more work due to more complicated applications, and that the politicians so far lack a regional perspective and tend to stick to the local.

Design och förädling av en liten och kustnära trädgård :

2. SUMMARY A small garden exposed to a harsh coastal climate can be difficult to design. Limitations in space and in plant varieties increase the needs of an in-depth knowledge to achieve wanted goals. In this degree project the challenge has been to create a functional and position adapted garden for a very small beach house lot in Mölle, a little harbour village at the south coast of Kullaberg. ?Villa Malm?, is situated directly on the bedrock in a close settlement where the gardens, in most cases are very small and exposed to strong salty winds.

Rörelsestyrd utomhusbelysning för ett tryggt och hållbart samhälle

I samband med min utbildning till fysisk planerare stötte jag på begreppet trygghet flera gånger. Dock nämndes detta sällan i samband med belysning, utan endast andra aspekter togs upp. Därför tycker jag att det behövs närmare undersökning av hur vi egentligen upplever att en trygg miljö ska vara. Det behövs närmare undersökning av hur denna upplevda trygga miljö påverkas av en annan sorts belysning. Detta leder således till att denna uppsats behandlar ämnet trygghet i relation till belysning, med en inriktning på rörelsestyrd belysning.

Vision och verklighet - En analys av jämställdhetsimplementering

This thesis treats the question of how a political vision is given a concrete form. The Swedish government has defined a view of gender inequality. To change the subordination of women national goals have been established. These give guidelines to the different parts of the administration. The primary scope of this thesis is to analyse the conditions for the implementation of these goals in two parts of the administration, the county administrative board and the local municipal authority.

Visuella hjälpmedel som stöd i undervisning för elever med autismspektrumtillstånd, AST : - en studie av en grundskola i Örebro kommun

This study examines the closure of public libraries, and the nonprofit organizations takeover of them as a phenomenon. The aim is to understand why the nonprofit takeover is common and what the takeover symbolizes and if the discourse in media invokes the views on libraries and the profession.Interviews were made with librarians, politicians and representatives of a nonprofit organization to study different sides of the phenomenon. Other empirical data were found in local and national newspapers and media-channels. I discovered that public libraries are highly valued by both politicians and the community. The study also showed that a library in a community makes people feel valued.

Omvärldsbevakning i tre organisationer med fokus på hållbar stadsutveckling

The subject field studied in this essay is environmental scanning. The aim of this study is to analyse how three public organizations within the subject field sustainable development work with their environmental scanning. Most organizations have to relate to their surroundings such as clients and competitors. Environmental scanning is another very important field that organizations have to relate to in their work. This essay has three questions in focus which are the following;How is the work with environmental scanning in the three organizations arranged?How does the work with environmental scanning differ in the three organizations?How important is environmental scanning for the subject field sustainable development?The study was carried out through four conducted interviews with key persons within the three organizations.

Spillvärmeåtervinning ur kylvattensystemet ismältverket på Sapa Profiler AB i Sjunnen

The smelting process at Sapa Profiler AB in Sjunnen generates large quantities of waste heat which is absorbed by the cooling water when the aluminum is cooled down. This paper is the result of a Master?s Degree Project aiming to present the conditions for recycling the waste heat. The cooling water absorbs the heat from the aluminum at an average rate of 600 kW and the paper shows that it can be used to replace electrical power consumption for heating the production plant?s facilities.

Vad påverkar företagens (o)intresse att välja biogasfordon?

Issues regarding the environment are commonly discussed in the media. The most common problem that is discussed is how to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases by human beings. The municipality of Kristianstad has chosen to work with a project named ?Biogas Kristianstad? which purposes are to use all of the produced biogas as motor fuel and to speed up the introduction of biogas on the local market. This is in an effort to decrease the effects on the environment in the municipality of Kristianstad.

Tillväxt Örebro & Örebro miljömål : - kan de kombineras med externhandel

This report is a case study of ?citizen forums? in the municipality of Uppsala. These forums are arranged to make people participate more in local politics. The aim of this study is to find out if the opinions and the wishes coming from the citizens are later involved in the planning process etc made by the authorities. The aim is also to explain why or why not the opinions from the citizens are of any importance.My empirical data come from interviews that I have made with seven different respondents, both politicians and civil servants.

Smärtlindring hos kalv efter avhorning. En beteendestudie där effekten av meloxikam som postoperativ analgesi utvärderas :

In this study, 29 calves were dehorned by heat cauterisation at the age of 1 to 8 weeks. Before the procedure, the calves were given local anaesthetic but were not sedated. In connection with the dehorning, 14 calves were given the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) meloxicam and 15 calves were given placebo. During the following three days behavioural studies were performed to investigate if the different treatments had any effect on the calves´ postoperative behaviour. Head shakes, head rubs, kicks and ear flicks were studied, as earlier studies have shown that an increase in these behavioural patterns suggests postoperative pain.

Torkning av flis med restvärme : Metoder för att sänka återledningstemperaturen

The purpose of this study has been to evaluate whether a Low temperature bio-mass dryer could be integrated with the local district heating system in Malå. The aim is to increase the thermal efficiency of the cogeneration plant in Malå, by lowering the temperature of the cooling medium. Another benefit that comes from this is improved combustion efficiency at the power plant, since drying the fuel causes an Increase of the heating value.Simulations has been made in Excel, and with use of linear regression, to find out if it is profitable. Data for this purpose has been supplied by the power company Skellefteåkraft and furthermore SMHI.The result of the Calculations shows that a very efficient bio-mass dryer is needed, if yield of investments should be made possible. An Investment of 4,27 Mkr, in a dryer, could at a such criterium return 60000 kr/year, if the price of the biomass is 190kr/MWh.

Kommunalt samarbete för att stärka en turistdestination : en studie av turistdestinationen Roslagen

The purpose of the study is to investigate and elucidate how and why municipalities cooperate across municipal boundaries with destination development. To answer the purpose the authors chose two research questions:What are the incentives of cooperation between the municipalities in Roslagen? What are the possibilities and difficulties of cooperation? In order to answer the research questions interviews with local business managers, administrative director, the acting Head of destination and tourist office staff were made. Municipalities have signed a cooperation agreement in October/November 2008, where they will work more formal together to strengthen the destination Roslagen. The result of the study shows that the main motive for municipal cooperation is the sharing of financial resources to promote and develop the destination Roslagen together.

Klimatförändringarna och den fysiska planeringen - den fysiska planeringens roll i scenariot med ökade översvämningsrisker

Klimatförändringar befaras ge en mängd olika konsekvenser för samhället. Ökade översvämningsrisker är bara en av dessa. De ökade översvämningsriskerna kommer att påverka den möjliga markanvändningen och många områden som idag anses säkra att bebygga och odla kommer att bli riskzoner för översvämning i ett framtida klimat. I samhällets anpassningsprocess ligger nödvändigheten att skydda befintlig bebyggelse men också att kunna lokalisera ny bebyggelse, odling och infrastruktur till säkra zoner. Den kommunala fysiska planeringen har styrmedel som kan påverka bebyggelsens placering och utformning.

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