

2007 Uppsatser om Local schoolboard - Sida 43 av 134

Aktiv miljöverksamhet? : en komparativ studie av kommuners miljöverksamhet

Active environmental activity?? a comparative study of the municipalities environmental activityThesis in Political Science D-Level at Karlstad University byJenny Ljung Spring 2008Tutor: Michelle MichelletiThe threat against our climate is one of our biggest challenges today. The awareness of the problem has grown rapidly for the last years in governments on international, national and regional level. The Swedish government is recognized as one of the leading countries in the climate and environmental work internationally. The Swedish municipalities play a big role in this successful work.


Denna rapport är ett kandidatarbete i fysisk planering inom kursen Stadsanalys. Syftet med arbetet är att med en Realistisk byanalys av Norra Kungsgatan och egen inventering av busstorget Kungsplan i Karlskrona och dess omgivningar se på möjligheterna att skapa ett småskaligt torg på Kungsplan. Även ge rekommendationer till förändringar av Kungsplans omgivningar. Planförslaget skapar ett nytt torg som öppnar upp mot platsen styrkor, Fribergska huset och Hoglandspark och har stängda sidor åt norr och öster med ett L-format hus. Förslaget redovisar beläggning, markmaterial och belysning av platsen..

Samverkansplanering : en jämförande studie mellan praktik och teori

Collaborative planning ? a comparative study of theory and practice Why There is today, according to my experience, a growing interest and demand for a more inclusive and transparent planning process. Also, if we are going to be able to reach a truly sustainable society it is my belief that there is a need for a more integrated collaboration between different actors. Where the social, economic and ecological values can influence and benefit from each other. The question then is, how can the planning system accommodate that kind of collaboration? Purpose My aim for this thesis has been to study a selection of the theoretical work that exist about collaborative planning.

Att få stroke i Örebro län - Uppföljning av vårdkvalitet och upplevelser av stöd, vård och rehabilitering

Background: Various follow-up studies show that there are deficiencies in the care of patients affected by stroke. In order to provide good care according to the National Board of health and welfare and national guidelines for stroke care systematic quality audits need to be carried out.Purpose: To investigate if the local guidelines for stroke care in Örebro County are followed and to explore how people with stroke experience care and rehabilitation in hospital, primary care and community.Method: Primary health care records were reviewed using quality indicators in the local stroke guidelines. Samples of patients were obtained from the County´s three hospitals. Differences between men and women, younger and older, were analysed with chi-squared test. Eleven people were interviewed about their experiences of care, rehabilitation, support and participation.

De sista entusiasterna? En studie av medborgarnas engagemang under ett decennium i Åsele, Borrby, Hasslarp och Tving

The purpose of this study was to examine how commitment to a cause on a local basis had developed in four smaller groups during one decade. In 1996 I interviewed representatives in Åsele, Borrby, Hasslarp and Tving about their commitment and citizen initiative. Now, ten years later, I followed it up by interviewing them again. I wanted to know if the groups/associations still existed, if they had achieved their goals as they where pronounced ten years ago and how a strong commitment on a local basis can develop during ten years. Which phenomena decide whether the group develop or phase out? I use the term citizen commitment instead of citizen initiative to stress the fact that it is no longer an initiative but an on-going commitment.

När gamla lagar och nya teknologier möts : En diskussion om den illegala nedladdningen av musik idag

Research shows that almost 30 per cent men and 20 per cent women at the age of 16-24 inSweden download music on a regular basis instead of buying records. Thanks to moderntechnologies teenagers of today have become used to downloading music illegally from theInternet. Even though legal alternatives, such as Spotify, have become popular, the behaviorof illegal download of music still persists. What do record companies do to prevent thisphenomenon and why do they go to such length to stop this widespread movement? Thequestion is, why is illegal download of music a problem ? and for whom?To investigate this I?ve read books about the subject, analyzed web pages of alternative recordcompanies and interviewed a drummer in a local band.

Antiestetik - En studie kring musiksmak, värderingar och sociala strukturer inom hardcorescenen

Through participant observation in a local promoter group of hardcore punk shows inGothenburg and qualitative interviews with its members I have investigated links between taste in music, values and social structures in the hardcore punk scene. The theoretical framework of this essay is built upon the concept of subcultural capital, which is adapted from Pierre Bourdieu and developed by Sarah Thornton and Keith Kahn-Harris. The result shows how members among the hardcore punk scene create and preserve distinction towards others, while the distinction becomes important benchmarks for including and excluding practices in the scene..

En studie inom upphandling av GPD

The Swedish State Road Administration has since 1992 procured operations and maintenance of state roads on the open market. The procurement has been termed ?Grundpaket Drift?, GPD, and comprises mostly operational measures for road networks.The clients of GPD, SRA regions, have gradually changed the original documentation in order to adapt it to local conditions. This process has gradually led to that some parts of the documentation are creating problems for contractors interested in procuring jobs.This thesis tries to analyze GPD and clarify the differences that may be essential to the procurement process and to facilitate future joint working projects and processing descriptions..

Att angöra Ronneby

Arbetet har sin utgångspunkt i en beskrivning och analys av den befintliga situationen. Med hjälp av den historiska bakgrunden har analysen fördjupats. Arbetsområdets avgränsning har gjorts med hänsyn till infarternas sträckning och utformning. Förslagsarbetet har varit inriktat på att ge de tre infarterna en egen identitet samtidigt som det ska finnas ett gemensamt tema som är specifikt för Ronneby. Utformningen av förslagen ska förstärka vissa attraktiva faktorer medan annat som inte är lika attraktivt tonas ner. Arbetet är ett idéförslag hur Ronneby som stad skulle kunna göras attraktivare genom vackra, värdiga och funktionella infarter..

Transport och terminalhantering av plantor på Södra

This study has been carried out at Södra´s 31 local forestry districts and within six plant terminals. The production and sale of seedlings at Södra is managed in collaboration with ?Södra Odlarna?. Approximately 35 million plants are cultivated each year, providing Södra´s members with a wide choice of high quality plants. The seedlings are nurtured at nurseries before transferred to plant terminals where they are stored and watered.

Villkor. En kvalitativ studie om hur enskilda socialsekreterare resonerar kring att villkora det ekonomiska biståndet.

This paper examines how individual social welfare officers argue about the conditions in foreign aid. The paper is a qualitative interview study there nine social welfare officers from four local governments have been interviewed.The results are divided into two areas. First, the client's responsibility over their own lives   and self-determination. These two areas are then analyzed separately.The analysis assumes an aletisk hermeneutics where the basis for the attribution of the result is Max Weber's vocation ethics and the more recent research about foreign aid.The conclusion of the study was that social workers believe that the client's responsibility for their own self-sufficiency outweighs supply. Financial assistance must be justified in order to be paid regardless of whether this causes rejection of application for financial aid..

Vikaholm - Ett sätt att förena bostäder och trafik med natur, kultur och rekreation

Vikaholm är en fantastiskt trevlig plats med många fina natur-, kultur-, och rekreationsvärden. Platsen gränsar till stadsdelen Teleborg i södra Växjö. Examensarbetet beskriver hur det är möjligt att inrätta bostadsbebyggelse i ett sådant område utan att förstöra dess stora värden. Arbetets intention är istället att bostäderna skall integreras i platsens stora värden och därmed göra platsen mer tillgänglig för flera av stadens invånare..

Små vatten- och avloppssystem : Möjligheter till inskränkning av verksamhtesområden

This study is focused on small scale water and wastewater handling in Sweden. The study is divided into two major parts; the first describes common methods for water- and wastewater handling and the second part is a case study on three small and expensive systems in Gällivare municipality, in the north of Sweden. In the case study, abilitys for the local government to hand over unwanted systems to the water users is investigated and found to be a plausible solution to cut costs for two out of the three studied systems. In the third case, water and wastewater systems is not recommended to be handed over but other ways of cutting costs are suggested..

När gamla lagar och nya teknologier möts : En diskussion om den illegala nedladdningen av musik idag

Research shows that almost 30 per cent men and 20 per cent women at the age of 16-24 in Sweden download music on a regular basis instead of buying records. Thanks to modern technologies teenagers of today have become used to downloading music illegally from theInternet. Even though legal alternatives, such as Spotify, have become popular, the behavior of illegal download of music still persists. What do record companies do to prevent this phenomenon and why do they go to such length to stop this widespread movement? The question is, why is illegal download of music a problem ? and for whom? To investigate this I?ve read books about the subject, analyzed web pages of alternative record companies and interviewed a drummer in a local band.

Den uppsökande verksamheten vid Partille folkbibliotek

The aim of this essay is to give a picture of the extension work at Partille Public Library, asit is today, as well as to investigate if there is a need to reconsider the way of working at thelibrary.Qualitative interviews have been made with the extensive librarians and certain local governmentpoliticians, borrowers and personnel at hospitals as well as other institutions.The extension work at Partille Public Library corresponds quite well to the intentions whichare stated for the work in certain important investigations made by the Government. Theborrowers and the personnel are quite satisfied with the work and are only pointing out a fewviews on changes. The politicians mean that the aim of the extension work of the library ison one hand to give service to certain more or less neglected groups and on the other handto reach new book readers..

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