

2305 Uppsatser om Local heritage - Sida 42 av 154

Do it yourself : En studie om lokalproducerade produkters förpackningsdesign

The purpose of this study was to examine how local producers in the food and confectionery segment in Västernorrland, Sweden, working to communicate that the product is locally produced through its packaging design. We have chosen to look at how they work with the right packaging design because it is such an important part of the product marketing. A further aim was to examine how consumers perceive the packaging design of the locally produced products and how they consider that the packaging design communicates the product as locally produced. We have also analyzed the graphical elements contained in the locally produced product packaging through a semiotic analysis.The theoretical framework is based on theories in brand communication and Visual Communication, specializing in packaging design?s visual elements.The method used in this study is a qualitative method.

Landskapsarkitekturen och den fysisk planeringens betydelse för en social hållbarhet

This report considers how the design and planning of the city can influence and promote a sustainable development focused on the social dimension. My prior intention was to look in to how a landscape architect can work with social matters of sustainability such as integration, equality, safety and so on. Which are our most successful tools and capabilities? I started to work with the historical background in September 2008 and soon discovered the multitude of theories and definitions of sustainable development, international, national and local. In Sweden the local political level has been given a lot of responsibilities to achieve a more sustainable society.

Ekoturism i jordbrukslandskap - ett vinnande koncept? : en tvärvetenskaplig studie om kulturvärden och naturvärden på Sjögetorp

Ekoturism har utvecklats som ett alternativ till annan typ av turism, med inriktning på att undvika negativa effekter på lokala ekosystem. I Sverige finns ekoturism som bedrivs i relativt orörda naturmiljöer, men också ekoturism som bedrivs i miljöer som påverkats av människan på olika sätt och som rymmer både kulturvärden och naturvärden. På gården Sjögetorp i Östergötland bedrivs ekoturismverksamhet i familjeföretaget Urnatur. Mitt syfte med studien var att undersöka vilka kulturvärden och naturvärden som finns på gården idag, och hur dessa värden hänger ihop med ekoturismen. Jag genomförde en inventering av hela fastigheten där jag registrerade ägoslag och strukturer viktiga för kultur och naturvärden. För mer information om gårdens skötsel och ekoturismverksamheten intervjuade jag ägarna. Jag undersökte också historiskt kartmaterial för att kunna sätta gårdens skötsel idag i perspektiv till hur jordbrukslandskapet sett ut historiskt. I min inventering dokumenterade jag många olika typer av naturvärden, bland annat död ved i många former, hamlade träd, slåtterängar, betesängar och skog skött till förmån för lövträd. Kulturvärden som fanns var ofta kopplade till naturvärden, som till exempel slåtter, hamlade träd och skogsbete.

Byggnadsminnen och dess försvarbarhet över tid

certain building or environment can get a protection as a notable building if it contains certainvalues. These values are established by a certain category of people from the cultural sector.These people use established criterions to define the cultural value of the object. The objects canbe evaluated differently depending on who has done the evaluation. The people who protect thecultural environment and choose which buildings that are to be defining as notable buildingsoften uses a special model to characterise the different cultural values. This model is produced bya man called Axel Unnerbäck.

?Den dolda kraften? : En studie om internkommunikation, kultur och internt varumärkesbyggande vid Företaget X

AbstractTitle: Företag X? the hidden power? a study of internal communication, culture and internal branding. Företaget X has in real life a different name.Number of pages: 42 (49 with enclosures)Author: Charlotta Babington ThorszeliusCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Uppsala University, SwedenPurpose/Aim: To analyze the internal communication, culture and internal branding of an insurance company and how they can improve these company tools can be improved.Material/Method: qualitative method using interviews, analysis of internal communication policies and observations.Main results: The policy documents do not match how the internal communication works in every day life. There is a structure that is working and the information flows through the different levels. The vision and goals are difficult to understand as they are written in a complicated way.

Kvalitet på vägdata : inventering av skogsbilvägars standard samt jämförelser med lokal bedömning och SNVDB.

During 2006 SNVDB (the national road data base for forestry) is being introduced to Holmen Skog. This data base contains all information about Holmen Skogs road systems. The information will then be used in different kinds of optimisation models which only produce correct and reliable results if the input data are of the adequate quality. Today there are reasons to believe that road data is of various qualities. The forest roads are often in a bad condition and have to be improved before a planned harvest. The cost of maintenance and construction of new roads is a large part of the total harvesting cost.

Tre perspektiv på musikavdelningarna vid Stadsdelsbiblioteken i Göteborg - En kvalitativ studie om målsättning och utbud

The aim with this master thesis is to study which ambitions and strategic aims Gothenburg?s district libraries have regarding their music sections. I have utilized my theory from Sanna Talja, a Finnish researcher in Library and Information Science. She identifies three perspectives in maintaining a music library. She calls them, general education, alternative and demand.

Centrumförnyelse av Asarum

Ny bebyggelse tillskapas i centrum för att förtäta och binda samman centrum.Områden knyts samman med ett genomgående grönstråk. Ett nytt torg utformas samt en utbyggnad av en miljöprioterad Storgata.

Kvinnan: moder eller sexobjekt? : En studie om hur kvinnor framställs i svensk komedifilm under 1970-talet och 1990-talet

The purpose of this essay is to shed some light upon the children who grew up in Sweden after their parents fled the war in former Yugoslavia. Did the parents spread their own opinions about the other ethnicities which they fought against in the war to the children, even though they live in a new country? And if so, was it an act of patriotism for the country they once lived in and who was to blame for the war? Did the children who grew up in Sweden share the same attitudes as their parents? To find out about this we used interviews with four people, all with heritage from former Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Croatia. What we found out was that the thoughts from the parents partially were passed down to their children, even though the children thought that they had formed their own opinions. In this case the thoughts didn?t relate to any kind of patriotism or who to blame for the war, they rather believed that they shouldn?t blame the other ethnic groups for the war.

En avpolitiserad politik? : en studie av hur jämställdhet konstrueras i SKL:s Program för hållbar jämställdhet

Gender equality is a political issue that has gained a lot of support in the last decades. Researchers have however pointed out that gender equality has a wide variety of understandings.SKL (Sveriges kommuner och landsting) is an organization that looks after the interests of local authorities and county councils in Sweden. SKL has by the government been granted 145 million Swedish crowns to support gender mainstreaming at a local level. During a period of three years, 2008-2010, funding has been given to 89 projects for this purpose.The aim of this study is to examine what meanings are given to the term ?gender equality? in these projects.

Den kommunala folkhälsosamordnaren söker sin arbetsroll

Coordinator of public health has recently become a new profession in the field of Health Promotion. During the last few years the pedagogic perspective has been increasingly important for the coordinators as a way of adapting their work methods to the circumstances. The conditions for coordinators of public health differ between municipalities and thus their tasks and responsibilities may vary with the local structure. According to the literature there are several ways to conduct Health Promotion and it is in the hands of the coordinator to adjust the methods to fit local conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine what influences the coordinators of public health and how that affects their work methods.

Härnösand och E4:an - vägen som lokaliseringsfaktor

Cities have always been founded on nodes of different roads.The city Harnosand was founded where the road along the coast of north Sweden meets the sea and the calm bay of Nattviken behind the island of Harnon. Harnosand has a big historic heritage as one of the first cities in the north part of Sweden, centre of the church and education city. The incrising centralisation of Sweden and the globalication of the world have made north of Sweden to the backside of Sweden.The coun- tryside and the smaller cities don ?t live anymore. In Harnosand is big moving out and many empty spaces. In the middle of Harnosand next to Nattviken, is one of these empty spaces. This empty space next to the road of E4, that leads out in the world and Europa.

Insatsen kontaktperson för ungdomar mellan 13-18 år : en rättssociologisk studie

The purpose of this essay was to study which arguments social workers used in the basis of their estimation concerning young people of the age 13-18 given an aid, a contact person (swe. kontaktperson). The purpose was also to describe how the legal paragraph, regarding contact person, is regulated and then compare the arguments made by the social worker with the intentions expressed by the legislator. To answer our purposes we studied the law and the intentions expressed by the legislator, which is the foundation for the legal paragraph that regulates contact person, 3 chap. 6 §.

Ung och arbetslös : -En studie om unga arbetslösas bakgrund, nuvarande situation och framtidsvision.

The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of the unemployed youth. To achievethat, we have investigated who the unemployed young people are, how their wellbeing isaffected and what they need for a change to take place. The study was conducted in amedium-sized Swedish city with the help of a method combination. The target population forthis study is people enrolled in ?Job-guarantee for Youth? in spring 2014.

PLASTHANTERINGEN I SVERIGE En kvalitativ studie om storstadskommunernas plasthantering utifr?n EU:s Plastdirektiv (EU) 2019/904

The aim of this essay is to examine the handling of plastic waste on a local level in the three municipalities of Gothenburg, Malm? and Stockholm. This is achieved with the help of guidance within the theory of Multi-level Governance. By applying the EU directive 2019/904, about disposable plastic, and examining the global plastic problem, the efforts to promote sustainable use, and recycling of plastic, is analyzed. The method involves a qualitative content analysis, where the 2022 waste plans of the three municipalities, ?Sveriges handlingsplan f?r plast? by the Government Office, and the 2019/904 EU directive constitutes the base of the study.

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