

5076 Uppsatser om Live action role playing - Sida 31 av 339

Varför gör de inte vad de ska? Hur det kommer sig att ett infört arbetssätt på Försäkringskassan inte tillämpas så som avsetts

The aim of the present paper was to see why a recommended course of action is not always followed in the way it is supposed to. The paper deals with a new method (SFA-metoden) used by The Social Insurance Agency in working with sick-listed people. Aspects that are elaborated on are local effects of the method at its introduction, case managers work conditions, and control of the implementation of the method. Two different methods of investigation have been employed. On the one hand, previous reports on the method have been analysed, and, on the other hand, two focus groups interviews, one consisting of case managers´ working with the method, and one constituted by their supervisors have been carried out.The results have been analysed in accordance with, on the one hand, the theory of street level bureaucrats and, on the other hand, certain concepts applied in the new institutionalism.

Skönlitteratur ett läromedel? : - Sju författare och en litteraturpedagog resonerar om skönlitteraturens betydelse i skolan

The essay concerns the role of fiction in school. The research questions is; what is ?readable?, what does the authors think of teacher's task to develop students' literacy skills through fiction and how do the authors think of the teachers' task of using fiction in school. The questions give a basis that describes the role of fiction in school today based on the authors' perspective. We have chosen to use the open surveys as a method.

Ett svenskt landskap i Australien : svenska kyrkan i Melbourne

As a Swedish landscape architecture student living in Australia for five years, I have often wondered if my memories and my associations with the landscape and the nature in Sweden, are the same as other Swedish people living in Melbourne. Most of the Swedish people who live here in Melbourne remember and associate Sweden?s nature and landscape with where they grew up or where they used to live. The plants that most of the Swedish people I asked missed from Sweden were associated to special feelings or activities. The general type of landscape people remember from Sweden is that of a landscape covered in forests, which you can walk freely through. With these memories as a foundation and with inspiration from the Swedish landscape architect Thorbjörn Anderson?s way of creating places, by letting a few strong changes play against the existing elements,2 but also with consideration of the climate and the severe shortage of water that is current in Melbourne, will I create a design concept for the garden surrounding the Swedish Church in Melbourne. A design concept that will generate memories and associations to Swedish landscapes..

Relational Theory of Contract och företagsförsäkringsavtal

Forming teacher teams is currently the standard way of organizing teachers in Swedish Compulsory Schools. This is the result of a process that started in the 1970s.Traditionally the culture of teaching has been one of isolation. Once the door to the classroom is shut, what happens behind the door is up to the teacher to decide. Over the past thirty years a lot of time has been dedicated to making fundamental changes in the way teachers interact with their colleagues. Today the idea of teachers forming teams is generally accepted but still the core of a Swedish teacher?s job is that of a lone worker.

Änglabarn : Föräldrars upplevelser av att förlora ett barn i sjukdom

Background: When a parent loses its child life will change drastically and assume other conditions. The loss of a child affects the whole human existence, the grief can be very intense as well as in-depth and find expression both on an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. Aim: The aim is to describe parents? experiences of losing a child to illness. Method: Graneheim and Lundmans manifest content analysis method was used to the method based on qualitative raw material in forms of three Swedish autobiographies.

?Det handlar om självkänsla? ? En studie om läsecirklars biblioterapeutiska funktion

The purpose of this thesis was to examine reading groups inpublic libraries from a bibliotherapeutic perspective. Inorder to reach this purpose following questions needed to beanswered: What does the discussion in reading groups looklike? What does the reading groups fulfill for theirparticipants? What is the circle leaders? role? The study isbased on the observations of three reading groups and offive interviews of its participants. With the help of CarolineShrodes theory the study shows that there are few signs ofbibliotherapy in the reading groups. But on the other handthey show similarities with other bibliotherapeutic readinggroups, by being a social venue for its participants.

?Kultur är läkande, verkligen? ? En fallstudie av sjukhusbibliotekariers arbete med ungdomar

The main purpose of this thesis was to examine how hospital librarians worked with young people at a children?s and young people?s hospital in Sweden. We wanted to see how they promoted their health with culture and cultural means such as book trolleys. We did a case study, and made three qualitative interviews with the hospital librarians. The purpose was also to find out what the hospital librarians thought of young peoples.

Starka kvinnliga action-hjältar : En studie i hur kvinnliga actionhjältar kan porträtteras

Arbetet undersökte vad manliga och kvinnliga spelare föredrar hos en kvinnlig hjälte i ett actionspel. Inledningsvis diskuterades en rad tidigare studier kring genus i spel och annan visuell media. Därefter redogörs begreppen fysionomi och stereotyp för att få en förståelse för hur man kan dra slutsatser kring en karaktär från så lite information som en konceptbild. Därefter redogörs kända kvinnliga fiktiva hjältar från det senaste århundradet från film, spel och annan visuell media.Artefakten som skapades var fyra olika karaktärskoncept av olika kvinnliga hjältar som var baserade på en förundersökning. Förundersökningen bestod av en karaktärsstudie och en kvantitativ enkätundersökning.

Om Ideellt engagemang och dess betydelse för yrkesrollen

The aim of this study was to reach a better understanding of voluntary work and its possible influence on the work role. Based on a phenomenological approach, five voluntary workers from the leisure field were interviewed. The interpretation of the empirical data was based on the Humanistic psychology and its theories about personality, self-realization, motivation and emotion. The results show that the motive behind the voluntary engagement varied amongst the participants and all of them stated more than one motive. However, social motives, wanting to learn more and develop their skills and also wanting to help others, were the most frequent motives among the participants. In the light of the theoretical background for this study, these motives can be understood as being due to the need of self-realization and appreciation from others, and also a wish to reach an ideal self.

En känsla av trygghet : Patienters perspektiv inom palliativ vård

Background: Every year 56 million people die around the world and it is estimated that 60% of these people are in need of palliative care. It has been shown that patients in the palliative care experienced their situation as uncertain. When life no longer was certain, the patients tried to live their life day by day and make the best of it. Problem: When patients were diagnosed with an incurable disease the future became unsure, because their life would come to an end. Therefore patients with a palliative diagnosis could be in need of experiencing feelings of security.

Människan bakom sjukdomen : En litteraturöversikt om vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot personer med HIV/AIDS

Background: HIV/AIDS has existed officially for more than 35 years and is now seen as a global epidemic. The disease has claimed many victims and there is no indication showing decrease of the mortality rate. The disease is currently incurable, but antiretroviral drugs have good effect at slowing down the process. The persons who live with the disease are exposed to stigma and, sometimes, negative attitudes. The negative attitudes could affect the person?s willingness carry through the test.

Mixture and single-compound toxicity using Daphnia magna : comparisons with estimates of concentration addition and independent action

Aquatic organisms are usually not exposed to single substances but rather to mixtures of toxicants in streams located in agricultural areas. The transport of pesticides used in the agricultural area in Sweden is monitored with continuous environmental supervision every year. During 2002-2008 an average of 10 pesticides were found in each sample and 40% of the samples contained substances with concentrations higher than the Water Quality Standards. Chemical risk management is normally based on single-test evaluations. A problem when assessing mixture toxicities is that the constituents and concentrations of pollutants in the environment vary greatly.

Det etiska ledarskapets roll i kampen mot korruption - En studie om antikorruptionsarbete i den svenska banksektorn

Despite Sweden's ranking as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, recent studies suggest that the prevalence of corruption in the private sector is growing, now approaching international levels. Over the past couple of years, Sweden has witnessed a growing number of scandals involving unethical behavior on the part of its corporate sector. Corruption has gained the attention of authorities, legislators and the public - putting the private sector under pressure to take action to prevent such corporate misconduct. As a result, companies increasingly prioritize strategies and policies aiming to prevent corruption. This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the role of leadership in such preventive work.

Att göra de osynliga synligaEn studie om barn till psykiskt sjuka föräldrarTo make the invisible ones visibleA study about children with psychical disturbed parents

Abstract The aim of this essay has been to deepen the knowledge of how professional social workers, therapists and almoners experience working with children who have psychical disturbed parents. By interviews we have examined the experiences of people who, through their work, comes in contact with children whose parents suffer from psychical disturbance. In our interviews we have concentrated on specific themes, such as working with these children, the situation these children are in, parenthood and cooperation with other actors in the field of action. Literature has earlier shown that children with psychical disturbed parents have been difficult to discover. This was confirmed in our study.

Tolkning av en serie, baserat på läsarens genrekunskap : En undersökning i serieskapande, med fokus på berättande

Uppsatsen behandlar hur en läsares genrekunskap påverkar dennes tolkning av en serie. Som projektarbete har jag producerat en kortare episod på fyra sidor, ur en längre serie som jag själv skapat, inom genrerna science-fiction och action. I bakgrunden går jag igenom Scott McClouds syn på serier, Bordwell och Thompssons syn på genrer, samt viss bakgrund och förutsättningar för min series mytologi, berättande och estetiska uttryck.Jag har genomfört en kvalitativ studie där jag låtit fokusgrupper med olika förutsättningar vad gäller förkunskaper och bakgrundsinformation läsa och diskutera serien.För att skapa serie-episoden har jag studerat andra seriers layout, tecknarstil och berättande. Serien bygger på ett tydligt symbolspråk med förankring i verkligheten.De slutsatser jag kunnat dra av undersökningen är att mycket bakgrundsinformation hämmar nyfikenhet och spekulationsvilja och att en hög kunnighet kring de berörda genrerna leder till en modernare syn på könsroller..

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