

5056 Uppsatser om Live action role playing - Sida 3 av 338

Spelet mellan Trollhättan och Rüsselsheim. En fallstudie om globaliseringens påverkan på fackföreningar.

AbstractGlobalisation has lead to changes on many levels of our society; -industrial, technological, and corporate to name a few. This is an ongoing process which affects the society we live in today. The process is affecting the working-conditions for everyone through the changes of the relations on the working market. The unions have enjoyed a very special role in Sweden for a long time, but that role is now affected by these changes. The relationship between state and unions is changing, and the unions? influence in politics is decreasing.

What can change the nature of a grade? : A study of computer games and how they affect English grades.

The purpose of this study is to establish whether or not there is a connection between a highincidence of computer gaming and English proficiency in Swedish 9th-graders. The study also takescomputer game genres into account, attempting to see if there is a link between frequent playing ofcertain genres and high English grades.According to this study, there is a clear correlation between the gaming habits of Swedish 9thgradersand the grades they receive in English, with a higher frequency of gaming corresponding toa higher grade. The study also suggests that the Strategy, MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) andCRPG (Computer Role-Playing Game) genres have a higher representation amongst students withgood grades in English..

Motiv och förutsättningar för Arbete med spänning på det svenska stamnätet

In this thesis, the conditions of using the maintenance method live work at the Swedish TSO, Svenska Kraftnät has been analyzed. The study is limited to only include live work on 220 and 400 kV. The live work method is a type of maintenance that can be done, on lines or stations, even though they are still energized. The purpose of this thesis has been to map the present live work situation at these levels in Sweden. The study is based mostly on interviews with people who have specific field competence with in live work but also with personnel at Svenska Kraftnät.

Vilka faktorer bidrar till att spelare fastnar i MMORPG spel?

Massiva onlinerollspel är idag mycket populära och försäljningen och spelandet utav dessa ökar markant. I och med detta väcks frågan om vad det är i dessa onlinespel som gör att människor spelar och fortsätter spela. Denna uppsats inriktas främst mot MMORPG:s, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, då författarna anser att det är i denna onlinespelsgenre den största möjligheten att finna och definiera de faktorer, som påverkarspelares vilja att spela, finns. För att ta reda på dessa faktorer skapades en enkät vars frågor utformades med en gameflowmodell i baktanken. Denna enkät lades sedan ut på sex olika onlinespelsanknutna forum, där totalt 105 spelare anonymt deltog.

Regionalt agerande ur ett fusionsperspektiv : - Relationen mellan West Sweden och dess medlemmar

This study is based on previous research concluding that sub-national actors now function on a complex arena where the nation state is not the sole and self-evident channel to the European Union. Based on that assumption, the thesis is intended to create understanding of the nature of the relationship between the West Sweden regional office and its Värmland commissioners in the case of regional action.The relationship between the regional office and its members was examined in a case study of open consultation around the EU?s new EU 2020 strategy. The questions posed in the thesis are answered by interviews with representatives of West Sweden and certain Värmland members of that organization. The results of the interviews were then analyzed based on a fusion perspective, which addresses various indicators for regional action.The results of the study show that the West Sweden regional office can assume a clearer role in regional influencing, but also that Region Värmland plays an important role in influencing the EU.

Hur skulle hemlösa och bostadslösa människor vilja bo? : 10 intervjuer i storstadsmiljö

The purpose of the essay was to discover how homeless persons want to live. Does it matter what it looks like? The method used was a qualitative study including literature and 10 interviews with ten homeless persons, of which seven lived outdoors and three in temporarily residences. The central questions were the following:How do homeless people want to live?In what sort of houses do they want to live and where?How do they look upon their situation and their future?What obstacles can occur if they for example got an apartment to live in?Are there any proposals to solve the problems?Most of them had been living outdoors for five to ten years, perhaps more, and they were worried and sad about their future.

Morphology of the Action Babe Cinema : En strukturell studie av 2000-talets filmer med kvinnliga actionhjältinnor

The subject of my thesis is what I have chosen to call the ?action babe cinema? of the 21st century, essentially action-movies featuring a female heroine in the lead role. Inspired by the theories of Vladímir Propp, author of Morphology of the Folktale, I have tried to reveal the underlying structure of these films. I have chosen eleven films which form my material, and from these extracted a number of functions (which means the actions of a character), that reoccur frequently. The heroines? transformation can be seen as a central theme of the action babe cinema, and I have divided the films into two groups depending on the course of the transformation, either from soft to hard or the other way around.

Flöjtglädje : En undersökning om vad flöjtelever tycker är roligt med sitt spel och sina flöjtlektioner.

This is a study of how young flutists experience playing their instrument and having music lessons, especially what they think is most enjoyable. 27 flutists between the ages of 8 and 19 years old, from three different municipal schools of music in central Sweden, were interviewed during spring 2000.Some of the conclusions are that enjoyment coincides with meaningful when you are in a musical context, and when your progress is confirmed by the teacher.The study is to be seen as some examples of different things that young flutists find enjoyable. It is not an enumeration of recommended items in teaching, rather some thoughts about the positive experiences of playing the flute, and how teachers may relate to that..

iup vs. åp : vad är bäst för eleven?

Abstract This paper focuses on whether individual development plans as well as action programmes are needed.Pupils in need of particular support get to be involved in an action programme ? the school needs to provide any particular support a pupil needs. However, the individual development plan does not substitute the action programme. Thus an action programme as well as an individual development plan will be provided to students in need of particular support.The individual development plan follows the pupil throughout the entire education, regardless of whether its content changes, whilst the action programme pertains to a limited period of time. Pupils that are not in need of particular support are not likely to need to set goals for themselves in addition to those already set outside of school.

Non-Identity. Att undkomma ett moralfilosofiskt moment 22

Can we harm future people? According to our commonly used contractarian theories, it seems we cannot. This is because our actions of today not only influence what they are supposed to influence, but also who mates with whom and when, and thus which particular persons will ever live in the future. Had we not performed a particular action, the future people born as a result of that same action, would not have been born. It therefore seems they cannot reasonably reject our actions.

Lyssna, Tala, Tänka. Övningsteknik ? en huvudfråga?

This thesis is about practising on a different level to get an insight to what techniques might work for me as a double bass player. It is about discovering how to use your brain into playing at your best level. I practised both talking and singing to myself and read a lot about thinking and hearing not only the music but every note before playing. The thesis idea came from not having a technique that worked for me while practising alone. I wondered why it is such a difference between what we do at the lessons and what I do when practising by myself..

Gränsen mellan positiv särbehandling och diskriminering

Positive action is measures that usually constitute discrimination but which are justified when achieving the purpose of an effective equality between people of the society. Positive action regarding gender is regulated in primary law, secondary law and case law of the EU whereas positive action regarding other discrimination groups is regulated in secondary law and negligible regulated in case law.There is a boundary between positive action and discrimination. Primary law gives little guidance on determine that boundary. Secondary law provides more advanced guidelines of how to determining were the boundary is.When determining were the boundaries lays between positive action and discrimination the guidelines given by the European court of justice in case law can be used. The majority of these guidelines are focused on positive action regarding gender.

Motiverande samtal Inom Kriminalvården MIK : En kvalitativ studie om frivårdsinspektörers upplevelser av MIK

The purpose of this essay is to describe how probation service officers regard their professional role and their liberty of action within the motivational treatment program, MIK, and the probation organization. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: 1) Does the probation service organization affect the individual discretion for the probation service officers, and in that case how? 2) Does the motivational treatment program, MIK, influence the probation officers? professionalism and their professional role? 3) What advantages and disadvantages do the probation service officers consider MIK being related to? The method conducted in the study was interviews with five probation service officers in Stockholm. The interviews were combined with a theoretical framework based on themes as organization, professional role, professionalism and motivation. The result showed that probation officers consider themselves to have a relatively high discretion within their work.

"Change doesn't come easy" - A comparative study of Corporate Social Responsibility in large-scale dam projects

The process of economic globalization has in recent decades increased the power of multinational corporations. In recognition of their powerful position, corporations have begun to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility as a way of managing their social impact. Their interaction with the surrounding society reaches a peak when involved in large-scale projects, such as the Three Gorges Dam in China and the Narmada Valley Development Project in India. This essay analyses the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in a comparative study between the two cases. By using current research, it focuses on the role of civil society for making Corporate Social Responsibility effective in developing countries.

Folkmusik på tvären - En studie av spelteknik på den åttaklaffiga traversflöjten i irländsk och bretonsk folkmusik

Title: Playing techniques of the eight-keyed traverso in Irish and Breton traditional music. The dissertation examines basic aspects of playing techniques of the eight-keyed traverso, as it is used in Irish and Breton traditional music. The background material consists of four interviews with four professional flute players as well as literature that considers the subject from different perspectives. The results reveals a consensus between those of the informants that are mainly playing Irish music while the informant that is mainly playing Breton music has a different approach to several of the technical aspects examined.Examensarbetet behandlar grundläggande spelteknik på åttaklaffig traversflöjt inom bretonsk och irländsk folkmusik. Studiens underlag består av intervjuer med fyra professionella flöjtister samt av litteratur som belyser ämnet från olika perspektiv.

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