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Flytande bestånd och barnbibliotek: en intervjustudie med sex barnbibliotekarier

The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences and perceptions of children`s librarians regarding floating collections in public libraries in Gothenburg. In focus for the study are the experiences and perceptions that exist among children`s librarians when it comes to children as library users, the librarian`s working tasks and the professional role as a librarian. The empirical material has been collected through semistructured interviews with six children`s librarians. The material has been analyzed twice. The first analysis has been conducted through qualitative content analysis.

Generationsskiften inom skogsbruk och deras konsekvenser för naturvården

The attitudes towards nature conservation in forestry are based on the individual forest owner. The theme of the interviews is the opinion on nature conservation in forestry. The purpose of this study is to identify if there is any difference in attitude to nature conservation in forestry according to the age of the forest owner. The study discusses different factors that affect the private forest owners consideration of nature conservation and give an insight in different generations attitude to nature conservation. Other topics that are discussed is if future change of generation will change the consideration of nature conservation in Swedish forestry and what is needed to enhance the interest in nature conservation among forest owners.This study is the result of interviews with a number of forest owners in the county of Uppsala, Sweden.

Det är ju ändå vi som bestämmer i slutändan : En intervjuundersökning om socialarbetarens dubbla roll och makten som följer

The background of this paper is the dual role that the social worker can have, of beeing both supportive and controlling in the meeting with clients. It is also about the power the social worker can have, how they handle the power in their profession and how they remain to it in the relationship with the client. The study is qualitative and built on interviews with eight social workers that work in different areas in the social services. We have chosen to see this dual role as if the social workers have to, in their daily work, handle the roles as one authority role and one supportive role towards the client.The purpose of this study is to understand how the dual role as the social worker has in the profession, as a helper and a authority, is expressed in the work and relationship with the client. We have turned this purpose into two questions: How do social workers with authority remain to the dual roles of the profession? How do the social workers describe and understand power?We don´t want to generalize in this study, we want to give an example of the social workers own experiences about the dual role.

Vigselsamtalet- En studie om samtal mellan präst och brudpar

The purpose of my research is to describe the substance in three different wedding conversations, and study how the role of the priest is designed in these conversations. The foundation of my study contains authentical conversations and interviews from three priests and three couples. My main material is the authentical conversations but the content of the study, with supplementary interviews with the priest and the couple, render possible a perspective analysis of the wedding conversations from both sides. My conclusion is that the three priests expresses a different role in each conversation and the couples are powerless in the face of the priests. The dominate conversationsstrategy plays a decisive role for the matter and the character part of the priest in these conversations..

En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares förhållningssätt till barnen och kunskapande : En jämförande studie mellan en Reggio Emilia förskola och en traditionell förskola

The purpose of this study is to determine which approach preschool teachers from a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool and a traditional preschool have on children, knowledge, learning and their own role in children?s learning. The two pedagogical approaches have different basic visions; Reggio Emilia follows the thoughts of Lori Malaguzzi and the traditional preschool follows the Swedish curriculum Lpfö 98. The main research questions asked were:What view on children, learning and knowledge does the preschool teacher from a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool have in comparison with a traditional preschool?Which role does the teacher believe that they should take regarding children?s learning?What differences and similarities can be identified in the teachers' perceptions?To carry out this study, I used a qualitative research method.

This is the era of the personal brand : En studie om betydelsen av det personliga varumärket i professionella sammanhang i dagens samhälle

Authors: Phia Bergdahl & Karin TydénTitle: This is the era of the personal brand ? a study about the role of a personal brand in a professional context in modern societyLevel: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 54Background In pursuit of being unique and stand out, it has become fashionable to market yourself as a personal brand. According to some experts on the subject, this has become a necessity for survival in the tough competition about the jobs and the customers. With Internet and social media as a natural element in our society, we also have to relate to these channels when it comes to communicating ourselves.Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the role of the personal brand in a professional context in modern society and to explore Internet involvement in communicating the brand.TheoriesWe have used Bauman?s theory of ?consumer society?, how we live in a society where we are both the consumers and the goods consumed. We have also used Castells?s theory of "network society" and how its growth is changing our culture.

Meditation och konflikthantering

Can meditation aid in a situation of conflict? This paper answers that question.The reason I chose to examine this topic is due to own positive experiences that convinced me of the link between meditation and conflict resolution. I wish to bring more light on this topic and to faciliate further research within the area.Through analyzing material on meditation, meditation and emotion and emotion and conflict, I find here that some of the effects of meditation has a positive effect on our emotions and also that we can work through meditation to learn about the way we act on our emotions and also how we can learn to act to our advantage. I also show how emotions play a vital role in conflicts between individuals and groups and that it is most urgent that we use what means we have to work conflict to our best use. I believe that conflict has it?s place in society and that good things can come from it, but that we can work with the conflict so that it does not escalate out of proportion.

Produktplacering i videospel och dess påverkan på spelarnas attityd, återkallelse samt uppmärksamhet gentemot varumärken.

The gaming market is growing and the number of people, men and women, who play computer games, is also increasing every day. In addition, computer games are also interactive media which leads to the fact that product placement in computer games attracts and is used more frequently by marketers. It is therefore important for marketers and game developers to understand how product placement in computer games affects players' attention and attitude towards the brand or product that is product placed. We therefore examine how product placement in computer games affects players' recall of and attitude towards the brand. The aim is to help companies and game developers to see the effect of product placement in computer games on players and thus product place more efficiently.

Christiania - Under ytan finns en annan verklighet

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to examine how the population living in Christiania considers their residential area in relation to the surrounding society, and why you as an individual choose to live there. We have used the qualitative method and we have performed interviews with a total of six persons. We have used Tönnies two notions regarding gemeinschaft and gesellschaft, and Goffmans theory about stigma. We choose these theories because we thought that they were most relevant for our study. Our question at issue is: Why does a person seek to live in an alternative society, with different norms in comparison to the majority society? Through our interview persons we learned their stories and their opinions considering their residential area and we concluded that Christiania differs from the remaining society in several ways.

Vad bestämmer den ljudnivå live-ljudteknikern väljer att ha och är den för stark?

Detta är ett arbete som genom observationer och intervjuer av live-ljudtekniker utröner om varför de väljer den ljudnivå de har på sina konserter och om dessa ljudnivåer kan vara skadliga för deras hörsel. Med hjälp av en mediator (ljudtrycksmätare) har ljudnivåer mätts upp och de värden som har använts till arbetet är max ljudtryck och medel-ljudtryck. Intervjuerna har gjorts för att ta reda på hur teknikerna väljer sin ljudnivå och mätningarna har gjorts för att kolla om nivån är skadlig. Arbetet visar att på två av fem uppmätta konserter var ljudnivån för stark. En lista över saker som påverkar valet av volym har gjorts.

Sjukhusbibliotekarier i fokus En fenomenografisk undersökning av sjukhusbibliotekariers uppfattningar av yrkesrollen i arbetet med barn och ungdomar

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate hospital librarians understanding of their professional role in working with children. Two different aspects of the professional role were focused on; professional knowledge and ethics. The following research questions were posed: - How do hospital librarians experience their professional role in working with children and young people? - What is regarded as professional knowledge content for hospital librarians in working with children and young people? - How do hospital librarians view ethical aspects in working with children and young people? The issues have been addressed through qualitative interviews with seven hospital librarians. We have used phenomenography which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology.

Att bli respektabel som tonårsmor - En kvalitativ studie av tonårsmödrar på Island

The purpose of this study is to examine how teenage mother in Iceland, who lives in the capital Reykjavík, perceive their situation. The research questions are:How do teenage mother`s perceive that their lives have changed since they became mothers?Perceive teenage mother some sorts of shame, and if so, in what way?What is the process of teenage mothers to be respected?Qualitative semi structured interviews with 5 girls in the aged of 18-20, is used for analysis in this study. The girls have in common that they have had their child when they were between 15 and 19 years old. The interview were recorded on tape and then it was transcribed.

Playplus : Utveckling av produktkoncept för aktivitets- och inlärningsmotiverad lek

In a society where adults set the conditions for children?s play and generate modern and at times technically advanced products, fundamental characteristics like simplicity, opportunities for motor skills training and learning tend to be neglected. Owing to this, the Linköping-based company Time In wants to introduce a new multifunctional product, which differs from other products in shape and function and lives up to the often overlooked, basic characteristics in a toy.With Time In as the assigner, the purpose of this master thesis has been to use simple means to produce a "learning by playing" concept. Since Time In sells toys and products suitable for children in nurseries and preschools, the development of the products has therefore included a study of nursery and preschool environments.The thesis has been carried out within the Product Design subject area at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University. Concept development has been done in three phases: the Preparation phase, the Design phase and the Presentation phase.

Gated communities : The american dream - den svenska mardrömmen?

This is an essay about gated communities and their impact on society. The key questions of my essay are: why people choose to live in gated communities; how the city is impacted by gated communities and what the difference concerning the reasons and impact of gated communities in Florida and Sweden is, and what this difference might depend on. I am using postmodern urbanism as a starting point, and I look closer on Edward J. Soja?s theories about the postmodern metropolis.

Stadsrum för barn : en skolgård som mötesplats

In my opinion, the city is a place fit as much for children as for grown-ups. I have noticed, however, that this is not a view shared by everyone. Does not the urban space belong as much to children as to other people? Yes, of course. Today and in the future most people will live and grow to be adults in cities. I would even take it as far as to say that without children, there will be no real city.

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