

5076 Uppsatser om Live action role playing - Sida 16 av 339

Franskt ledarskap i företag i Sverige : En kulturkrock?

The most recent couple of years the boundaries of the world have been erased and we have come to live in a more global environment. It has been even more evident since the European Union has got a more prominent role in the society. It appears as obvious for most of us that we live in a changeable time and that a new, global perspective has been developed. Companies have to focus on the effect globalization and differences in culture have, to be competitive in the market today. Because of that business managers more often can come to work in other countries than their country of origin, it becomes interesting whether these managers adapt their management style or if they continue to work the same way as they did in their native country.This thesis aims to investigate if business managers with a foreign background bring along their national culture when managing a company in Sweden.

Bemötande : En observationsstudie om hur flickor och pojkar bemöts i förskoleåldern

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

Pedagogernas inställning till surfplattor : Surfplattan som verktyg för lärande inom förskolan

We live in a society where the technology has an enormous role in our lives. The average age of using digital tools among Swedish people is down to a very young age. In the recent period of time there has been much debate about tablets and their use in preschools. The aim of this study is to examine the preschool teachers experiences and perceptions of tablet use and how the implementation of the tablets benefits the school activities. What is central to this research is not how kids use the tablet, but how educators are using the tablet device as supplement for children?s development.

Med Varumärket som konkurrensmedel i Kina : En studie om svenska företags varumärke på den kinesiska konsumentmarknaden

This paper examines the function of narrative discourse in television talk shows. Basing our analysis on five episodes of the Swedish talk show Skavlan, we illustrate how narratives are initiated and elaborated by the participants of the show. The analysis shows that the institutional roles are challanged and that the roles vary between the host ant the guests. The analysis also shows that when guests introduce and elaborate stories they use the same discursive actions and resources as the host. When participants enter an actvie role in their storytelling the hos takes a more restrained role in which he lets the the conversation evolve spontaneously.

Illusion och verklighet : Metaforer och motivkretsar i Stig Dagermans pjäs Den dödsdömde och novellerna ?Den dödsdömde? och ?Mannen från Milesia?

The aim of this study is to examine metaphors and what may be perceived as motif-circuits in Stig Dagerman?s play Den dödsdömde (The Man Condemned to Death) and the two short stories ?Den dödsdömde? (The Man Condemned to Death) and ?Mannen från Milesia? (The Man from Milesia). My intention is to discuss a single theme and identity-marks that unites all three works, using Paul Ricoeur?s The Rule of Metaphor (La mêtaphore vive) as well as the ?thematic critique? of Jean-Pierre Richard.What is metaphor for Ricoeur is for Richard themes (theme): an organizing principle, a sort of schedule around which a world is constituted. Hence, I find similarities between the motif-circuits, Ricoeur?s metaphor-theory and Richards?s themes.

REX DVD : Om framställningar av kung David spelande på stränginstrument i bilder från tidigmedeltida manuskript

The purpose of this work was to investigate the early medieval view of the Bilical king David through the analysis of ten illuminations found in early medieval manuscripts in which he is depicted playing string instruments. First, a description of medieval manuscripts and king David and string instruments was presented, second, an analysis and a discussion of images as source material and an interpretation of the mythic and symbolic significance that is based on ideas presented by Paul Ricoeurs and Roland Barthes of the ten illuminations followed. The results showed that king David often was portrayed as a musical king, a dancer and a prophet that incarnated wisdom and justice; that king David served as a role-model for the Western regents, and that he was portrayed in an idealised and estethically appealing manner..

Co-opetition - Rollkonflikter i gränsöverskridande arbetskontexter

This thesis revolves around co-opetition and boundary spanning activities with IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) as research case. The main objective is to through qualitative interviews and a passive observation of email conversations explore how the participants of IETF experience and is affected by a double membership where they sometimes are cooperating with their competitors. Theories states that boundary spanning activities can create role conflicts for these participants when different role-senders, IETF and the employer, send incompatible expectations. We also believe that this can have a negative impact on discussions and the standard development process, which is why we are conducting the passive observations mentioned above.The result shows that the environment of co-opetition is a contributing factor to role-conflicts. These conflicts appear when participants are forced to choose between the role as an employee and the role as an IETF participant.

Tjejgrupp - stärkande eller problematiskt kollektiv? : En analys av erfarenheter och minnen från feministiska tjejgrupper

This essay investigates the results of participation by teenage girls in feminist groups, the so called girl groups. These groups are descendants of the awareness-raising groups of the 1970?s feminist movement. The essay assumes the relevance of theories of heteronormativity and performativity, as well as theories surrounding two different ways to organize girl groups. It is done either through the Pippi-feminism, named after strong independent book character Pippi Longstocking, or through the collective empowerment feminism.

En finansiell transaktionsskatt - lösningen på finanssektorns dilemma?

Interaction is an important part of children?s development. The school is a main arena in which children learn to interact, mainly through their playing. This study aims at investigating the role of interaction in a leisure school didactic setting. The aim of the study is to gain a better understanding for how the pupils develop though use of social interaction.

Politikerrollen - en självständig individualist eller en väljarbunden folktribun

In this essay, the aim is to study the role the politicians play in relation to the people they represent. This is manly a theoretically study, which focus is on the theories behind the way we choose to identify the role of politicians. We ascribe different underlying values to the role of politicians and as a result from these different values a conflict can arise. Two central terms in my discussion are the way the politicians represent people's values and meanings combined to the possibilities for the people to hold the politicians responsible. Depending on which ethic values you put to the role, you have different views about how the politicians should act.

Identifiering av slöserier på Lundbergs Plåt AB

Lundbergs Plåt AB is a small company situated in Jönköping. Their main task is to process different kinds of steel such as stainless steel. Lately, they have shown an interest in Lean production.On the basis of the situation mentioned above, we developed the purpose to find and decrease the non value-added wastes in the production at Lundbergs Plåt AB. Out of this, we also developed and answered two questions: Which wastes can be found with help from a value stream mapping (VSM)? In what way can these wastes be reduced and how can these reductions contribute to an improved production? VSM is the method used to find the non value-added wastes.

En del av spelet : En studie av fotbollsdomarnas tillvaro i Gästrikland

There is a clear difference between the way football players and leaders regard the role of the referee, compared to the way the refereeing body looks at it. The refereeing body regard themselves as fundamental for the existence of the sport, while the other mentioned parties merely see them as functional justice makers. This view places the referees outside the field of football. This establishes a football culture, which is conflicted when it comes to the role of the referees on the field. The conflict comes to its edge in youth football, where the referees are under severe pressure.

Ansvar och vinst ? en kritisk diskursanalys av Corporate Social Responsibility som fenomen

Large corporations have come to play a central role in today?s society. By analyzing how corporations describe their work with Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, my aim is to review how they view and relate to this role. CSR means that a corporation voluntarily takes a civic responsibility beyond that which is required by law. This can be in order to promote human rights, basic workers rights and a better environment, as well as fighting corruption.In order to get at the role played by CSR, I have studied texts dealing with the subject, which have been published on the internet by the five largest Swedish corporations.

Yrke: Operaproducent : En studie av operaproducentens roll och betydelse i Sverige 2008

ABSTRACTSofie Haag: Yrke: Operaproducent. En studie av operaproducentens roll och betydelse Sverige 2008. Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för musikvetenskap, 2009.The aim of this essay is to provide a better understanding of the role of the Swedish opera producer (often called "production manager") and the opera organisation in which he/she works. Very little has been written about this role, in Sweden as well as internationally. To fill this apparent gap, this study presents the results of inteviews with representatives of ten of Swedens´opera organisations, as well as three case studies.

Skolmognad utifrån förskollärares perspektiv

Preschool belongs to Lpo-94. School readiness can interprets in different kind of aspects, then you can not found any goals to reach in Lpo- 94 for the pre-school, which preschool teachers can relay to. There are comprehensive goals for the nine-year school in Lpo- 94, about which knowledge the student should have for the fifth grade. Purpose of the studie is to examine preschool teachers understanding of the phenomenon school readiness. Qualitative interviews by preschool teachers in south and middle of Sweden has been carried out and a hermeneutic analyse has been used for a deeper understanding of pre-school teachers interprets of school readiness.

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